aka senshi (senshi@IHUG.COM.AU)
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 17:01:30 +1100
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (Win95; I) Message-ID: <36FB22BA.FDF24E1A@ihug.com.au> Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 17:01:30 +1100 From: "Chou or CC (aka senshi)" <senshi@IHUG.COM.AU> Subject: Re: Question about #sakurataisen
Jose Barragán wrote:
> >Maybe this is just my own foolishness, but every time
> >I've tried to "join #sakurataisen on DALnet" as so
> >many banners on sakura sites have petitioned me to do,
> >there hasn't been anyone there. However, I usually do
> >see a topic set by someone else and the message that
> >the channel is being run by chansrv. Or at least I
> >used to, but now that's not even happening anymore.
> >Did #sakurataisen die a long time ago (i.e., did
> >people stop going there) before I was aware despite
> >the aforementioned banners (one of which I noticed on
> >the newly redesigned <http://sakura.bored.org/>), am I
> >just coming on at the wrong times, or is there another
> >reason altogether? Please keep in mind that I have
> >had little experience with irc.
> >
> The problem with #sakurataisen is that only three people on this ML frequent
> it. Me, Danny Ruiz, and Chou. I'm usually on at night, starting at around
> 9 PM (PST, I think). If Danny's online (which he usually is), he comes onto
> #sakurataisen too and we talk for a bit. I wasn't online yesterday, because
> I was at the movies, but I'll be online tonight.
> Anyways, I hope to see you there (and any other Sakura Taisen ML
> people...come on, guys (and gals), IRC is really easy to use, and you can
> pick up mIRC (shareware program) at www.downloads.com).^_^
Problem is now I can't make it at the right times too! ~_~ (Damn those 9-6 uni
days). I still try to get on once in a while during the weekends at around 3-4
pm here in Sydney (which I think it's about the late night time in the states).
Just a thought, how about someone just posted up if they are going to go on or
just have some kind of chat session organised before going on? That way maybe
we could get a few more people on.