Paul J Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 17:24:50 -0500
X-Sender: X-Sender: paulchi@ Message-ID: <l03130301b341531b9ae4@[]> Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 17:24:50 -0500 From: Paul J Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU> Subject: Re: #sakurataisen troll, ST DVD
Thankfully, Cipriano Rodriguez unsubscribed from the list a while ago,
so I doubt that he will see these messages, unless he is particularly
motivated and looks through the archives. I don't think he'll be back, but
if he returns and continues to act inappropriately, I'll do my best to keep
his spam from flooding your inboxes.
As for strange, crazy people in #sakurataisen... that may just have
been a result of the infamous IRC session that José talked about before.
Usually the conversation centers around anime and video games, and people
are quite sane, so there's nothing to fear. If someone does harass you on
IRC, you can always /ignore them. (from
Eventually, you may wish some day not to see messages from a specific user
on your screen. This may happen when someone is dumping large amounts of
garbage, or if someone is harassing you. The proper response to such a
behavior is to IGNORE that person. IGNORE is a very powerful command, and
can be used in many ways. However the basic usage of this tool is the
/IGNORE [<nickname>|</IGNORE [<nickname>|<user@host> [[-]<message type>]]
Suppresses output from the given people from your screen. IGNORE can be
set by nickname or by specifying a set by nickname or by specifying a userid@hostname format. Wildcards may
be used in all formats. Output that can be ignored includes MSGs,
NOTICEs, PUBLIC messages, INVITEs, ALL or NONE. Preceding a type with a
"-" indicates removal of ignoring of that type of message.
*** Ignoring ALL messages from *@CHESHIRE.OXY.EDU
*** Ignorance list:
*** * removed from ignorance list
That way, you won't see any of that person's messages.
By the way, is a good place to start if you
want to get on IRC but don't know anything.
Now, just so this doesn't turn into the #sakurataisen ML, how about
some talk about the DVD review? ^_^;
What sounded interesting was the "nice menu artwork". Could it be
something like the LIPS menus we see in the games? That'd be really neat;
another nod to ST fans. I'm also glad to hear that the video quality was
good. I guess some people don't like DVDs because of the "compression", so
it was a relief to hear that ST didn't suffer. I sure hope that the
Japanese DVD release will somehow make it easier for ADV to release on DVD
as well. I really want to hear the dub voice actors as well as the original
voice acting, and DVD would be the cheapest way to have both.
I read the other review that was on, and it mentioned
that the price for the Region 0 disc was about US$40. How is that possible?
If it has all the episodes on it, and the Region 2 disc is 9800 yen...? And
it's going for $115 on It could be pirated, I suppose, but
the author seemed to have good reason not to think so.
Maybe someone has mentioned it and I forgot, but does anybody on the
list have the DVD and want to share their thoughts about it?