Paul J Chi (paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:45:16 -0500
X-Sender: X-Sender: paulchi@ Message-ID: <l03130300b34692ff211d@[]> Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:45:16 -0500 From: Paul J Chi <paulchi@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU> Subject: Re: ST minigames
>Paul J Chi wrote:
>> I remembered that Iris's game in ST2 is very, very fun. You move Iris from
>> stand to stand in a bazaar-type area, while dodging other people who mill
>> around. The fun is in the dodging, just like in a shooting game.
>> It's very fun that is, if you have a Saturn mouse. My high score so far
>> is 1950 with the mouse, and with the control pad... ugh. It's almost
>> unplayable. ^_^;
>Um, is that a typo? I've gotten 6000 with no mouse. :)
Hmm, I must be missing out on something. ^_^;
I'm playing the in-game version of Iris's minigame, not the Long-Day
version after you beat the game. 50 Points per target, game length 60
seconds (I think). I haven't beaten ST2 yet, so I don't know if the
Long-Day version is different, but they usually are. Come to think of it,
the Long-Day versions are usually harder. :(
But anyway, if 6000 points equals 120 targets, and considering that my
best rate so far is 1.54sec/target, if you can hit 120 targets in less than
180 seconds while using a control pad, allow me to bow down to your mad
skillz. ^_^
But if you're hitting 120 targets in 60 seconds or less, that just
doesn't sound right. That's 2 targets per second, and I'm sure that the
maximum rate is more like 1 target per second. New targets just don't
appear that quickly. Otherwise, Iris would start a new "sugoi sugoi" or
"abushirai"(?) when you hit the next target while she's still in the middle
of saying it for the previous target. And when you touch the procession
that marches across the screen, you only get points for it about once per
second, even if you are in constant contact. Is there maybe another way to
score points besides touching the flashing booths or the procession?
>I particularly like Orihime's and Sakura's too. That goofy look
>Sakura makes when you miss is too funny. Out of all the different
>ST titles released I like the minigames in ST2 the best.
I haven't seen Orihime's yet, unfortunately. I hear that it's a piano
game? I did find Sakura's game, and I thought it was fun, too. I better
finish ST2 quickly so I can get the Long-Day mode, eh? ^_^
Speaking of minigames in other ST titles, I played Kouran's minigame in
Steam Radio Show (I'm not even close to finishing SRS, either. ^_^;) Is it
really just as simple as waiting for the right parts to make a Koubu? The
skill involved (the timing of the claw) just seems a bit too simple. Am I
missing out on something here as well, or is it just a bland minigame? ^_^;