terrence huey (thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU)
Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:51:02 -0700
X-Sender: ez073369@dogbert.ucdavis.edu Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.10.9904241147380.11188-100000@dogbert.ucdavis.edu> Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:51:02 -0700 From: terrence huey <thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU> Subject: Re: Hanagumi Columns on eBay
> >Aw, but the fight is over; I already have Columns and a 2VCD set at
> >my house now... didn't cost me too much, really, especially
> >considering the rareness of Columns... I was looking forward to a
> >dogfight, too.
> If you don't mind, could you shed some light on
> why the auction ended early? There was some
> discussion on that on #sakurataisen and we're
> curious to know how that happened
Not just early but it ended up being a 3 day auction instead of a 7 day...
that's like half the allotted time. You ever wonder why you got that game
less than I paid for a blasted anime soundtrack? No need to flaunt your
auction win. The rest of us never had a chance. The second time I loaded
up that page, the auction had already ended prematurely.