Wilson MacGyver (macgyver@CYLATECH.COM)
Sun, 9 May 1999 22:12:35 -0400
Message-ID: <199905100212.WAA09090@armitage.cylatech.com> Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 22:12:35 -0400 From: Wilson MacGyver <macgyver@CYLATECH.COM> Subject: Re: ST PC version quick notes> > Are we comparing the graphics to the standard Saturn hookups or the S-video > ones? If they are better than the S-video ones, then I really need to see > this... I'm using standard Saturn hookup (composite). Though I think the computer output will beat the S-video as well. ST1 on Saturn was 320x200, where as ST1 on PC is 640x480. > >> The "dating simulation" part of the game is really, really crisp- I don't > >> remember the graphics being that sharp on the Saturn (will have to check). > >> Maybe it's just the difference between a TV screen and a monitor. Either > >> way, it looks incredible. > > > >I found the graphics to be sharp primary because of computer monitor. > > > > >