terrence huey (thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU)
Sat, 4 Sep 1999 11:49:35 -0700
X-Sender: ez073369@runner.ucdavis.edu Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.10.9909041122250.10995-100000@runner.ucdavis.edu> Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 11:49:35 -0700 From: terrence huey <thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU> Subject: Re: Compromise of StandardsGrr... once again, people are misunderstanding what I'm saying. > On the contrary, I think it is the driving force behind any argument you > make regarding translations. That is why I stuck in my SuperS game example. I'm not talking about Japanese vs American or even Japanese vs English. What I am talking about is fandom. > You were the one who said that if you could > translate games for the DC, you'd leave the game intact, in Japanese, and > just make it playable on US DCs, and you did not say that jokingly. Face > it, Terrence, you're a total otaku. :P *laugh* I still think that would be an awesome idea, so nya nya. Besides, my personal preference for Sakura Taisen would be for it to be Japanese language and Japanese text. I learned a lot of Japanese that way. If you can't recognize the kanji for "Ryoukai!" by now, you probably never payed attention. But yeah, I said that. I'm guilty ^_^ > No one said that on this ML. And I must object to your saying this is an > 'American' attitude. That's just racism on your part, it seems. I don't > see what a person's attitude has to do with their nationality. First of all, I see this attitude on this mailing list... on many newsgroups... and among the general public(ie friends). This ML: I say the fact it's in english is besides the point I'm arguing about. Others on this ML say that it IS entirely the point. I'm talking about the fact that people forgive all the changes just for the fact that it's in English, and I'm saying they should push for a higher standard. They want it in English? Fine. But just because it's in English doesn't mean they support it. Do I support all Japanese games? Far from it. I avoid the crap. So why shouldn't you? The NG: Look at any reply to ZFP. You guys may hate him. I even disagree with him on many points. But anti-ZFPers are so blind that they don't see the truth in some of his statements. I'm sick of all the anti-ZFPers who keep firing back with "At least they brought it out." as if that means anything. I haven't played much of PSX Lunar and what I have played seemed ok. But I'm just saying this attitude crops up again. Maybe ZFP really does have problems with the translations. HEck, even you Jose, think that Luna's VA sucks. But somehow the fact that it's in English makes it all good. Somehow the fact that someone out there has money to spend on a license and turn it into Lunar:SSS(the vic version) is cool. You say it's not about the attitude, Jose, and I say it is. Video game companies do make mistakes whether they admit it or not. They do things that gamers may not like. But they're only human, and in Vic's case, he doesn't care about what the gamers like. He cares about making the game what he likes. So my complaint isn't against the game companies, although partly, it's the public's tolerance to game companies. Second, yes, I keep saying it's an "American" attitude, but since I live in America, I can name tons of examples of American companies doing this, American society accepting that. And perhaps the reason I keep saying "American" is because I can. Only americans who bash americans don't have to worry about being racist, ne? > >"The dubbing of Lunar wasn't that great, but it's good for an English > >'dub'. Not that good as 'acting', only 'dubbing' ". It's the same > > Uh...this makes no sense to me whatsoever. I don't think anyone who buys WD > says that. Need I point you to rec.games.video.sony, around umm... May? When the game came out, that's all that was talked about on the newsgroup. > original. I don't even know why you _care_, Terrence, since you're so > anti-translation, you only own imports, blah blah blah. Look dude... 99% of the time, I will buy the import. And if I find something domestic worth owning, heck, I might get them both. (I'm still thinking about Lunar). But I'm not talking about preferences here. I PREFER Japanese language be it subbed or raw. Others of you may PREFER subbed or dubbed, as long as it's in English. That's not what I am addressing. What I am addressing is the tolerance to crap. Do I have to spell this out in every single post I make? > A lot of people would say WD's version is better because of the humor they > add to what would otherwise be dull conversations with villagers and such. *chuckle* and a lot of people think WD's version is worse. You can't use that argument against me... > WTF do you want me to do, simply _not_ be able to enjoy/buy a game > because I don't like some small changes that were made? Why yes I do. It's the power of the public. You keep buying crap, they keep making crap. (Sailormoon SuperS) > This has nothing to do with translating games and is just a baaaad > analogy... No, YOU just don't get it. I'm not talking about translations. I'm talking about fandom. It's not an analogy. It's a perfect example. SuperS= crap. But, Sailormoon = mega-fandom. Mega-fandom buys SuperS. SuperS's continue to be made. Why? Because crap sells. Crap sells because people are throwing away their standards. "Oh who cares if the game sucks. It's sailormoon!" Do you understand what I'm getting at now? I don't care if it's in Nihongo, English, Espanol, Deutsch, or Piglatin. If a game sucks, a game sucks. If you're a SM fan, show your fanness by NOT supporting crap like SuperS. If you're a Spiderman fan, show your fanness by NOT supporting crap that Acclaim puts out. And consequently, with regards to changes in script, in the gameplay, etc, why should we then overlook all the flaws in this? If a game is made crappy having gone through the localization process, why are you buying it? It is because you like the game that you should abstain from supporting companies who do this. > So let's all buy the Japanese versions even though there's an English > version out!! Let's buy the version we can't understand, because even if we > can't understand the dialogue at all, it's better than reading a few lines > of dialogue that have been changed from the original! Whoo hoo! I'll address this in josh's post. -T