terrence huey (thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU)
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 17:15:08 -0800
X-Sender: ez073369@logan.ucdavis.edu Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.10.9911051714370.29157-100000@logan.ucdavis.edu> Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 17:15:08 -0800 From: terrence huey <thuey@UCDAVIS.EDU> Subject: Re: Debug mode> Soletta, Orihime, what's the difference? They're both her names...... and > they're not exactly first and last names either. eh? isn't it "Soletta" her family name? Her mother's name is Soletta Katarina(IIRC).