Sakura Wars DVD annoyances

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Albert Lunde (Albert-Lunde@NWU.EDU)
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 23:09:21 -0600

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Message-ID:  <v04210100b4651555cd1c@[]>
Date:         Fri, 26 Nov 1999 23:09:21 -0600
From: Albert Lunde <Albert-Lunde@NWU.EDU>
Subject:      Sakura Wars DVD annoyances

I just got the ADV "Sakura Wars", US release DVD of the OAVs. I had some considerable difficulty in watching it. It's hard to say how much is the fault of the DVD, and how much the fault of what I was watching it on: an early (pre-iMac) Power Mac G3/300 with DVD-ROM + Apple DVD Player Software. Initially, it wouldn't even let me select the option to "Play Feature" and left me stuck in the menus. I upgraded the Apple DVD Player software from 1.0 to 1.1, and I was able to play it almost normally: but at several spots in the playback, it froze and skip to something later. I missed several scenes this way, some of which I found by going thru the scene selection menus and some which I can only infer the existence of from the elapsed time. It would be ironic if I have to get the VHS tapes just to see the whole story... --- Albert Lunde

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