Sakura Wars: Episode Two
The Name of the Enemy is Hive of Darkness

Story Outline

This is Kohran's episode. In the beginning of the episode Kohran has just been transferred from the Hanayashiki branch of the Floral Assault Group to the Hanagumi. Oogami meets Kohran and shows her around. Lots of chances to please Kohran in this episode.

Depending on Oogami's action, you can choose to play 2 mini-games in this episode, one with Kohran and one with Sumire.

The next day on stage Sakura is at it again and this time brings the whole stage down with her ^_^; While Oogami is repairing the stage he injures his finger and Ayame appears and helps Oogami relieve the pain in a very unique way ^_^ Sakura sees this and gets real jealous ^_^

LIPS Choices

Here's a list of LIPS that occur in this episode (approximately in order of appearance). Both the Japanese choices and the translations are shown, plus the effect of the response on the confidence index of Hanagumi members (+ means increase by one, - means decrease by one, @ means no change)

LIPS #1: After waking up, Oogami meets Sumire (could be others depending on confidence levels) and she tells Oogami that Kohran is coming. Oogami says: (choices differ for different characters, for Iris, the corresponding responses are: 1 @ 2 @ (no answer) Iris -)
何て名前の人? What person has such name? @
どんな人? What kind of person is she? @
かわいい人? Is she cute? ?
(no answer) . Sumire -
LIPS #2: Kohran arrives somewhat out of shape ^_^; Oogami says:
大丈夫ですか? Are you alright? Kohran +
そのボロバイクは? That garbage bike? Kohran -
(no answer) . @
LIPS #3: Kohran introduces herself and says she need to go to the director's office to see Yoneda. Oogami says:
では,案内しましょう. well then, I'll be your guide Kohran +
自分は仕事中ですので…… I have matters to attend to... @
(no answer) . ?

Oogami is free to roam about at this point, either with Kohran (1st choice of LIPS #3) or by himself. If by himself he'll meet Kohran on the way. The following may occur in different order, and may be absent depending on the choice in LIPS #3:

  • Theater Shop: If Oogami buys photo of Kohran (one on the left), Kohran +
  • 2nd Floor Terrace: Iris points out that Oogami is taking Kohran the wrong way! Kohran -
  • LIPS #4: In cafeteria, Kohran asks Oogami what he thinks of the war with the Hive of Darkness. Oogami says:
    たいしたことはなかったよ. it's no big deal Kohran @
    ちょっと苦戦したかな? it's a rather tough battle @
    (no answer) . @
  • LIPS #5: In business office, Kohran meets Kasumi and Yuri, has following choices only if you chose answer 2 in LIPS #3
    ? ? Kohran +
    ? ? @
    ? ? @
    (no answer) . @
  • Eventually Oogami and Kohran will end up in front of Yoneda's office

    LIPS #6: In front of Yoneda's office, meets Sakura in stage costume. Cannot look at her shoulder 3 times (or else Sakura -). If looking at costume or speaking to her, Sakura will ask what Oogami thinks of her costume. Oogami says:
    よく似合ってるよ. This fits you very well! Sakura +
    けっこう大胆だね. Nice and revealing @
    ふだんの服のほうがいいなあ. it's better than ordinary clothing Sakura -, Kohran -
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #6: After Sakura left, Kohran will ask Oogami what Sakura and Oogami's relationship is. Oogami says:
    仲はいいよ. good relationship @
    ……普通かな? ... so so @
    あまり良くないんだ. not very good Kohran -
    (no answer) . Kohran +
    LIPS #7: Kohran asks Oogami whether he minds her calling him "Oogami-san" (Oogami-han in Kohran accent ^_^) instead of the more formal address, Oogami says:
    ああ,いいとも. sure I don't mind, that's fine Kohran +
    ……いやだなあ. ...I don't mind @
    「お兄ちゃん」がいいなあ. you can call me "Dear Brother" (! ^_^) Kohran +
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #8: After talking to Yoneda, outside of Kohran's room (has this choice only if you chose answer 2 in LIPS #3)
    ? ? @
    ? ? @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #9: Kohran and Oogami meet Maria, who says it's nice for Oogami to show Kohran around. Oogami says:
    隊長として,当然だよ. As leader of the Hanagumi, I'm glad to do this of course Maria +, Kohran +
    男として,当然だよ. As a gentleman, I'm glad to do this of course Kohran +
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #10: After Kohran left, Oogami meets Iris (or Sumire if Oogami met Iris in LIPS #1). Iris asks how Oogami is getting along with Kohran, Oogami says: (dialog seems to differ for Iris and Sumire, but result seems the same)
    ああ,仲良くなったよ. we're getting along fine! Iris (or Sumire) +
    まだまだ,かな. guess we still need to work on it some more @
    全然ダメだね. it's hopeless! @
    (no answer) . @

    After this Oogami will go to the business office to see what "cover" he's going to assume. Much to his disappointment, he's given the rather tedious and unrewarding task of filing theater ticket receipts ^_^ After a hard day's work, he returns to his room ready to go to bed when...

    LIPS #11: Kohran knocks on Oogami's door, Oogami answers:
    はーい,開いてるよ. yes, please come in @
    大神なら留守ですよー. Oogami isn't here (?) Kohran -, skip to next day?
    (no answer) . @, skip to next day
    LIPS #12: Kohran comes into Oogami's room...
    忙しくて観られなかったよ. I was too busy to see it @, to LIPS #14
    み,観たよ. I haven't seen it yet @
    紅蘭,きれいだったよ. Kohran, it's very pretty Kohran +
    (no answer) . @, to LIPS #14
    LIPS #13: ?
    ? ? Kohran -, goto LIPS #15
    ? ? Kohran +
    ? ? Kohran -, goto LIPS #15
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #14: Kohran asks whether Oogami would like to join her a bit later, Oogami says:
    ……特にないけど. ... not particularly @
    疲れたから寝るよ. I'm very tired and want to sleep Kohran -
    紅蘭の部屋に行きたいな. I will go to your room Kohran +
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #15: After Kohran left, Oogami decides to:
    まだ起きている. get up @, go outside
    もう寝る. sleep again Kohran - if you promised to go to her room in LIPS #14, otherwise @, goto next day

    If Oogami decides to get up, he'll be roaming freely. Before he goes go Kohran's room, he can visit at most two other places. Interesting places to visit include:

  • LIPS #16: Meets a moody Maria on the terrace looking out the window, Oogami says:
    見まわり中なんだ. What do you see in the surroundings? Maria +
    マリアこそどうしたんだ? What's the matter Maria? @
    (no answer) . @
  • LIPS #17: Meets Iris in her room, if you point at Iris' pajama or speak with her, she'll ask how Oogami thinks of the pajama. Oogami says:
    よく似合ってるよ. it fits you very nicely Iris +
    変わったデザインだね. it's a different design Iris -
    ネグリジェのほうがいいな. it's better than negligee Iris +
    (no answer) . @
  • At this point Oogami should go to Kohran's room. Kohran will be happy that Oogami doesn't arrive late (Kohran +), otherwise if you choose to go to more than two places before going to Kohran's room, Kohran -. In Kohran's room, if you point at Kohran's hair, Kohran +.

    LIPS #18: In Kohran's room, Kohran tells Oogami that the reason she asked him here is to play the "floral card game" (hanafuda). Oogami says:
    よーし,やろうやろう! Yes, let's play! @, play mini-game, afterwards Kohran +, skip LIPS #19
    ルールを教えてよ. Please teach me the rules @, play mini-game, afterwards Kohran +, skip LIPS #19
    気が進まないなあ. My mood hasn't improved @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #19:
    ? ? Kohran +, go directly to underground storage
    ? ? Kohran -
    (no answer) . Kohran -

    Oogami is again in free-roam mode, can go to the following places: (doesn't have to be in order, though it may be better to meet Sumire last)

  • outside Sumire's room, Sumire will say she's going to her daily lesson/routine.
  • Maria's room: see Maria's pajama ^_^
  • stage: see Sakura practicing hard for her role the next day.
  • in the underground storage room:
    LIPS #20: Meets Kohran, who's most eager to show Oogami the koubu she designed. Oogami does:
    黙って話を聞く. listen quietly to Kohran Kohran +
    見まわりにもどる. return to roaming about @
    紅蘭のことを聞く. ask Kohran about herself @
    (nothing) . Kohran -
  • in the war room (underground), meets Maria. Should choose both actions (first is to ask about the progress of the war, and the second is to ask about the Hanagumi members), Maria + for each.
  • in the training room (underground), meets Sumire...
  • LIPS #21: if Oogami points at Sumire's swimsuit, Sumire will ask what Oogami has in mind. Oogami replies:
    ? ? Sumire -
    ? ? Sumire +
    ? ? Sumire +
    (no answer) . Sumire -
    LIPS #22: If Oogami speaks to Sumire, Sumire will ask whether Oogami would like to swim, Oogami says:
    見まわりがあるから…… I prefer to roam about @
    いいよ,泳ごう! Great, let's swim! Sumire +
    ……俺,泳げないんだ. ... I can't swim @, but Sumire ++ later?
    (no answer) . Sumire -
    LIPS #23: Sumire falls into water and seems to be drowning, Oogami shouts:
    待ってろ,今いく! Hang on, I'm coming! @, play mini-game, Sumire + if won
    人を呼んでくるからな! Somebody call for help! @, play mini-game, Sumire + if won
    (no answer) . @, no mini-game
    LIPS #24: Back in training room, after "rescuing" Sumire, Oogami says:
    大丈夫か? Are you alright? @, skip to LIPS #26
    気をつけろ,ばかっ! You should be careful, that was foolish! Sumire +
    (no answer) . Sumire +, goto LIPS #26
    LIPS #25: Sumire asks whether Oogami will walk her to her room, Oogami says:
    いいとも. yes of course Sumire +
    見まわりがあるんだ…… I think I'll continue roaming about @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #26: After this, Sumire goes to take a bath and there's an unusually long time-limit for Oogami to decide whether to go in and peek ^_^
    更衣室に入る. go in and peek Sumire -, skip to next day
    (no action) no peeking i.e. Sumire +
    LIPS #27: outside of Sumire's room, Sumire invites Oogami to come in, Oogami says:
    じゃあ,遠慮なく…… but of course! @
    ごめん,見まわり中なんだ. sorry, but I'll go roaming about now @, skip LIPS #28
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #28: Sakura appears and is a bit suspicious about Oogami and Sumire being together outside her room so late at night. She asks what they're doing and Sumire teases her that it's a private matter between her and Oogami (implying there's something going on). Oogami says:
    あわてる. I'm confused! Sumire sees that Oogami is embarrassed, so she apologizes and explains to Sakura that there's nothing going on, whereupon Sumire +, Sakura +. After that Sakura left and Oogami goes into Sumire's room, Sumire +
    ごまかす. that's a lie! Sakura -, goes into Sumire's room, Sumire +
    本当の事を話す. that's true Sumire -, Sakura -
    (no answer) . @, but both angry

    The Next Day

    LIPS #29: Oogami goes to stage to see the show in progress with Maria and Sakura in "Ai yueni". Like her usual self, Sakura trips and brings down the curtain with her, which in turn brings everything else down ^_^. Afterwards Sumire and Sakura get into a heated argument and Kohran and Iris ask Oogami to intervene. Oogami says:
    すみれをとめる. Stop it Sumire! Sumire -
    さくらをとめる. Stop it Sakura! Sakura -
    (no answer) . Iris +, Kohran +
    LIPS #30: At this point the whole stage collapsed. Sumire gets more agitated and asks whether Oogami will fix things. Oogami says:
    わかった.やってやるよ. Alright, I'll do it Sakura +, Maria +, Iris +, Sumire +, goto LIPS #31
    何で俺がそんなこと…… Why should I do such a thing?... Sumire -, Kohran +
    (no answer) . @

    Oogami is in free-roam mode (assuming you didn't choose answer 1 in LIPS#30). Can go to kitchen to meet Sakura (Sakura @), and go to stage to meet Kohran (Kohran +), not much else interesting.

    LIPS #31: While Oogami is fixing things on stage, Sakura comes and asks whether Oogami needs help. Oogami says:
    手伝ってもらおう. yes I can use some help @
    一人でやるから,いいよ. I can do this by myself Sakura - (?), skip LIPS #32
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #32:
    ? ? @
    ? ? Sakura +
    ? ? ?

    At this point, Sakura runs off (Oogami's surprised since he thought Sakura is here to help him fix things ^_^). Oogami continues working but confuses his index finger for a nail ^_^ While he's agonizing over his finger Ayame appears and gives Oogami's finger a unique treament ^_^ After Ayame left, Oogami is still love-struck when he feels someone pinching his back. Turns out it's Sakura who saw what happened and is jealous ^_^, thus Sakura - and she left. After this, Oogami finds a bento (lunch box) with delicious food inside, which Sakura had made for him, and which is the reason she ran off in the first place...

    LIPS #33: (no time limit) Oogami decides to:
    部屋に帰る. go back to his room go to 3rd day
    さくらの部屋に行く. go to Sakura's room goto LIPS#34
    作業をつづける. continue to work go to third day
    LIPS #34: Outside of Sakura's room, Oogami knocks on Sakura's door. Sakura asks who it is, Oogami says:
    ファンです.サインください. I'm your fan, please autograph for me! Sakura - (?), goto 3rd day
    大神だけど…… it's Oogami... Sakura @, Oogami goes into her room
    (no answer) . goto 3rd day
    LIPS #35: Inside Sakura's room: (tips: don't point at the bed twice, or else Sakura will kick you out and Sakura - ^_^) if speaking with Sakura:
    ? ? Sakura +
    ? ? @
    ? ? Sakura - or @
    (no answer) . @

    The 3rd Day

    Battle siren sounds...

    LIPS #36: In the war room, just before battle, Oogami says:
    帝国華撃団,出撃せよ! Imperial Floral Assault Group, Attack! everybody + (maybe except Sakura if Oogami didn't visit her room after the Ayame incident)
    紅蘭,がんばれよ! Kohran, try your best! Kohran + I suppose
    (no answer) . ?
    LIPS #37: In the midst of battle, Kohran will ask Oogami what's the best strategy for her unit, Oogami says:
    最前線にでろ to the frontline Kohran -
    後方で遠距離攻撃だ stay back and use long-distance attack Kohran +
    後ろで見ていろ watch the rear ?
    (no answer) . ?

    Mini-game Strategy

  • Kohran's card game: In this game it's essential to go through the practice sessions. You need to identify the important cards which will give you bonus points when matched. Then during the game you should try to match and fetch those cards first.
  • Sumire's mini-game: To win this game, you need to get to Sumire before the time runs out. Try not to steer too hard around the mines, it may be easier to go relatively straight and suffer a few hits than to waste time steering around the mines. And of course you have to hit the C-button real fast to keep Oogami moving ^_^

  • Battle Strategy

    Due to the very uneven terrain in Shiba Park (where the battle in this episode takes place), you need to plan your moves so that your koubu units can go up the terrains without hindrance (for example, you can't go up to the hill top on the right side because the height difference there is more than one step). And remmeber to watch out for those 4 cannons! Try not to place any unit in their line-of-sight, which may be tricky since 3 of them are side by side and it's difficult to bypass all of them in one step. It's possible to detroy some of the cannons using Kohran's (or Maria's) attack before going up the hill, or else try to place your koubu at a spot just outside of the cannons' range and nearest to the spot you want to go, this way you may be able to clear the cannons in the next move. If you do take damage from the cannons, don't forget to use the steam vent on the hilltop to recharge your health points!

    To win this battle, you have to destroy all the lesser goons first (remember to kill those who can shoot from a distance first). After that the boss mecha unit will appear on the hill top and you'll find it almost impossible to defeat. Don't try too hard, because that boss is only a mirage of the real one! The real boss will appear a bit later at the foot of the hill, so it may be wise to leave behind some of your team members there in the beginning so you don't need to rush them back later. One sure-kill attack from each team member should be enough to defeat the real boss. You may also want to try the combine-attack with Kohran.

    It seems that it's also possible to win the battle by attacking and destroying the tower at the top of the hill, but I haven't tried it.

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