Sakura Wars: Episode Three
Am I Fit to be In Command !?

Story Outline

Episode 3 is Kanna and Maria's episode. At the beginning we see Setsuna (one of the bad guys in the Hive of Darkness) telling Tenkai that he has a plan to beat the Kagekidan, a plan involving Maria...

Back in the Imperial Theater, Maria is behaving rather oddly and everybody is concerned... Meanwhile Kanna makes her dramatic entrance during another stage accident (they sure do have lots of those don't they? ^_^;).

There are two battles in this episode, with the first one more like a mock battle (so don't spend too much time on it). Either Oogami or Sakura will be injured in this battle, depending on Oogami's decision...

After the battle, Maria becomes more moody (all thanks to Setsuna) and will run off to fight the bad guys alone. Needless to say, she's no match for the bad guys and so it's again up to the Hanagumi to save the day.

LIPS Choices

Here's a list of LIPS that occur in this episode (approximately in order of appearance). Both the Japanese choices and the translations are shown, plus the effect of the response on the confidence index of Hanagumi members (+ means increase by one, - means decrease by one, @ means no change)

In the lobby of the Imperial Theater, Yuri announces that the showing of "Cinderella" is over. Oogami is happy that the day's work is over and is about to take a walk when he met an absent-minded-looking Maria. Oogami says "Oi, Maria!" but she doesn't hear him, so Oogami says it louder and surprises Maria...

LIPS #1: Oogami asks Maria what's wrong, Maria asks Oogami whether he has nice dreams about his past, to which Oogami replies:
そうだな……よくみるよ. yes... quite often @
あんまり見ないなあ. not very often @
女の子の夢なら…… if they're dreams about girls... @
(no answer) . @
LIPS #2: After Maria ran off unexpectedly, Oogami met Kasumi who told him that Yuri had told her that Maria was rather absent-minded earlier on stage, and had made mistakes in her stage dialogs. Kasumi says it's hard to believe Maria would make such mistakes, to which Oogami replies:
どうしたんだろう…… I wonder what's wrong... @
何か心当たりある? would you happen to know something about it? @
だれでも失敗はあるよ. everyone makes mistakes @
(no answer) . @

At this point Oogami is in free-roam mode and can go to the following places (order may differ, though it's better to go to the stage last):

  • cafeteria: witnesses Kanna's amazing appetite ^_^
  • theater shop: can buy Maria's picture (the one on the right), or Sumire's (middle), or Sakura's (left). Can only buy one picture of each type, and can only buy one picture per episode.
  • terrace:
    LIPS #3: Meets Maria, Oogami decides to say:
    マリア…… Maria... Maria +
    (nothing) . @
  • saloon:
    LIPS #4: Meets Sumire, who asks Oogami why Cinderella's magic only lasts till midnight. Oogami says:
    話の都合だろう. I suppose it depends on the story Sumire -
    魔法とはそういうものさ. magic is like that Sumire +
    (no answer) . Sumire -
  • Maria's room. Knock on Maria's door, and she'll let Oogami in,
    LIPS #5: Inside Maria's room, if talk with Maria, she'll ask what the matter is. Oogami says that Maria doesn't seem like her usual self, to which Maria has no answer... Oogami goes on to say:
    わけを話してくれないかな? I wonder why you don't talk about what's bothering you Maria -
    いつでも相談に乗るから…… Please feel free to talk with me any time if you feel like it... Maria +
    ……いや,言わなくてもいい. ... it's ok Maria, you don't have to tell me anything Maria +
    (no answer) . Maria +
  • dressing room:
    LIPS #6: Meets Iris. Iris says she doesn't like the rain. Oogami says it's the tsuyu (rainy season), which Iris doesn't understand because they don't have it in France. Oogami explains:
    六月に降る雨のことだよ. it is the rain in June Iris +, says Oogami knows a lot of things and she wants to be his lover ^_^
    梅雨前線が停滞する現象さ. it is because the front of the tsuyu has stopped moving Iris -
    (no answer) . @
  • costume room:
    LIPS #7: Meets Sakura, who comments that she's very pleased with the Cinderella performance, but she's worried about something... Oogami says:
    あやめさんのことだろう? You're worried about Ayame I suppose? @
    マリアのことだろう? You're worried about Maria I suppose? @
    俺のことだろう? You're worried about me I suppose? Sakura -
    (no answer) . @
  • locker room (in basement):
    LIPS #8: Meets Kohran. Case 1: Oogami arrives early (i.e. has visited less than 5 places before)
    もう少し早く来ていれば…… @
    オイル塗ろうか. you need to apply the oil? @
    シャワーの時,メガネは? do you wear glasses during shower? @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #9: Meets Kohran. Case 2: If Oogami arrives late
    ? ? Kohran -
    ? ? Kohran +
    ? ? @
    (no answer) . @
  • Ayame's room: can choose to ask reports about: 1.the battle 2.the casualties 3.that's all for now. As always with the other-worldly Ayame, all choices give @ ^_^
  • Yoneda's office:
    LIPS #10: Just choose anything, it doesn't matter anyway ^_-
    マリアのことを話す. talk about Maria @
    黒之巣会のことを話す. talk about the Hive of Darkness @
    雑談をする. talk nonsense @
    (no answer) . @
  • business office: Chats with Yuri and Kasumi. Can choose to hear about 1.Maria's absent-mindedness and her lack of sleep in recent days (Yuri) 2.critic's rave about Cinderella (Kasumi)
  • Oogami goes to the stage, and the free roam mode ends...

    LIPS #11: Everybody gathers on stage to try and repair things broken because of you-know-who ^_^ All of a sudden a big piece of prop fell on Oogami, who barely manages to stop it from crushing him. Everybody's worried about Oogami, who says:
    余裕をかます. This is nothing, I can handle it Sumire -, Sakura +, Kohran +
    助けを呼ぶ. Please call for help! @
    (endure silently) . Sumire +, Sakura +, Kohran +
    LIPS #12: Iris wants to help Oogami, but Oogami can hold it no longer. Just before Oogami and Iris are going to be reduced by one dimension, Kanna appears and stops the big props effortlessly with one hand. Afterwards Kanna asks who Oogami is. Oogami answers:
    大神一郎です. I'm Oogami Ichirou @
    ……君は誰だ!? ... but who are you?! Kanna -
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #13: Everybody gathers at the saloon to chat (except Maria). Kanna challenges Oogami to a friendly combat, to which Oogami answers:
    どこへつきあうんだい? where you want to do it? @
    いいとも. Gladly! Kanna +
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #14, 15 and 16: Kanna and Oogami go to training room (in basement) for some friendly combat. Kanna will briefly instruct Oogami about karate. To get through the exercise unscathed, choose respectively 1,3,3 for the three LIPS choices. After which Kanna will appreciate Oogami's training in the naval academy and thus Kanna + (seems only need to be correct in the first two LIPS to get Kanna +) If you don't choose anything, Kanna -
    LIPS #17: After the exercise, Kanna will say she's hungry (!) and asks Oogami to join her in dinner. Oogami says:
    いただきます! Yes, let's eat! Kanna +
    何をつくるんだい? What are you going to cook? @
    いや,遠慮しとくよ. no, I'm on diet (?) Kanna -, goto LIPS #21
    (no answer) . @, goto LIPS #21
    LIPS #18: In cafeteria, Oogami:
    まだかい? more? @, goto LIPS #19
    (no answer) . @, goto LIPS #20
    LIPS #19:
    ? ? @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #20: (no time limit, multi-choices), Kanna + after this is done
    空手について教えてくれよ. Please teach me karate Kanna +
    ここに来たきっかけは? @
    ひさびさの帝劇はどうだい? you've been with the Imperial Theater for a long time? Kanna +
    LIPS #21: On his way back to his room, Oogami picks up a memento of Maria's from the floor. Maria sees this and thought Oogami took it. Oogami says he just stumbled on it, and says:
    キレイなロケットだね. it's a beautiful locket @
    中には何が入ってるんだい? what did you put inside? @
    お守りかい? is it a charm? @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #22: In the middle of the night, Maria has bad dream about his brother again. Suddenly siren sounds and everybody gathers at the war room. Maria arrives a bit late...
    カンナに声をかける. @
    マリアに声をかける. @
    (no answer) . @

    Thus the Kagekidan is off to battle in Tsukiji. For battle strategy, please refer to battle strategy section below.

    LIPS #23: During battle, Kanna will ask about her unit's strategic placement. Oogami says:
    後方から攻撃 stay back and attack from rear ?
    前線で切り込め attack from the frontline Kanna +
    とにかくメシを食え [doesn't make sense] ?
    (no answer) . ?
    LIPS #24: After any one of the Hanagumi members enters the area where Setsuna's mecha is, all Hanagumi members will gather there to confront Setsuna, when unexpectedly a child runs out from a house and stumbles right in front of Setsuna's mecha. At this point Oogami decides to:
    子供を助ける save the child @, Oogami will be injured, goto LIPS #25
    (do nothing) . @, Sakura will jump out to help the child instead, and she'll be injured, goto LIPS #31

    LIPS #25: Oogami awakes to find Tenkai staring at him, who says he has taken control of the Hanagumi and converted everybody to his side. He then orders the converted Kohran to brainwash Oogami... luckily it's only a dream, and Oogami awakes to find Sakura and others present. Oogami says:
    . Is the child alright? everybody + except Maria
    . Am I alright? @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #26: Sakura asks Oogami whether it still hurts. Oogami says:
    . I feel fine @
    . just a little pain... @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #27: [not too sure if this LIPS exists...]
    . Kohran +
    Kohran -
    (no answer) . @

    At this point Oogami will fall asleep after drinking the medicine concocted by Kohran. In the middle of the night, Oogami hears someone come into the room and put her hand over his forehead to check his temperature. He's still only half-conscious so he doesn't know who that is... The next morning Sakura visits Oogami and has a long talk with him (mainly about how great he is for saving the child etc etc ^_^). After Sakura left, Oogami falls asleep again (Kohran's medicine again ^_^). Later he hears the same footsteps he heard the night before, and awakes to find a surprised Maria...

    LIPS #28: Ooagmi thanks Maria for taking care of him, but Maria says Oogami shouldn't have risked his life for the child, but instead should have fought the enemy for the greater good. Oogami says:
    . You're wrong Maria -
    . ... surely this way Maria -
    (no answer) . @
    (no time limit) After Maria left, Oogami himself wonders...
    . ... Maria may be right Oogami + (just kidding ^_^)
    . I can never do that! @
    LIPS #29: Oogami wants to talk to Maria, but overhears Kanna and Maria arguing inside Maria's room. Kanna says that Oogami was right to save the child and Maria shouldn't blame him for that. After this Kanna opens the door... Oogami is surprised and decides:
    . to hide @
    (not to hide) . Kanna -
    LIPS #30: Because of Kohran's medicine, Oogami falls sleep again and has a bad dream about everybody questioning his fitness for command... He awakes to find himself in Ayame's room. Ayame saw Oogami was unsoncious so she brought him to her room. Ayame asks what's in Oogami's mind, Oogami replies:
    . Am I fit to be commander? @
    . I'm worried about Maria @
    . no, there's nothing @
    (no answer) . @
    skip LIPS #31 and 32

    LIPS #31: Sakura's injured because she jumped out to save the child. Oogami wants to visit Sakura and need to choose what flowers to use as gift:
    長持ちするサボテンにしよう. cactus, long-lasting Sakura +, because cactus stands for "hot passion" (??)
    和風に,菊の花束だな. bunch of chrysanthemum, Japanese style Sakura +
    バラの花束にしよう. bundle of roses Sakura +
    (choose nothing) . @
    LIPS #32: In front of Sakura's room, Oogami meets Maria who scolds him for not protecting his team members. After Maria left, Sakura heard Oogami and invites him in. Oogami says to a lovely and defenceless-looking Sakura: (darn, why do they always tempt us to send Sakura into harm's way? ^_^;)
    けがをさせて,すまなかった. I'm very sorry to have caused your injuries Sakura +
    けがは……大丈夫かい? are your injuries... OK? @
    マリアに,怒られたよ. Maria was mad at me @
    (no answer) . Sakura -

    Oogami is free to roam about. Can visit the following places: (seems what happens at some places depends on whether it was Oogami or Sakura who was injured during battle)

  • Library:
    LIPS #33: Oogami finds Kohran asleep on a desk. Oogami decides to:
    紅蘭を,部屋まで運ぶ. carry Kohran to bed @, goto LIPS #34
    声をかける. wake Kohran up Kohran +, skip LIPS #34
    そっと立ち去る. leave quietly @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #34: Oogami decides to carry Kohran to:
    . Kohran's room Kohran +
    . Oogami's room seen by Sakura, Sakura -
    (no answer) . @
  • Ayame's room: If Oogami was the one injured, Ayame will ask Oogami to go find Maria and talk to her. Otherwise Ayame will talk with Oogami (I think).
  • Stage:
    LIPS #35: Meets Sumire, who'd ask Oogami to massage her shoulders. Oogami obliged and:
    マリアのことを聞く. asks about Maria @
    すみれの機嫌をとる. trys to contain Sumire's temper (?) Sumire +
    (no answer) . Sumire +
  • Locker room (basement):
    LIPS #36: Oogami heard someone taking a shower, and realised that it's Kanna. Oogami decides to:
    部屋を出るぞ! get out of the room! @, skip LIPS #37
    体が勝手にシャワー室に…… follow his instinct and go into the shower room... @ goto LIPS #37
    (no answer) . @, skip LIPS #37
    LIPS #37: Oogami goes into shower room and is discovered
    ? ? Kanna -
    ? ? @
    (no answer) . @
  • Yoneda's office: Nothing happens if Oogami was the one injured. Otherwise:
    LIPS #38: Outside Yoneda's office, Oogami decides to:
    耳をすます. eavesdrop @
    中に入る. go in @
    立ち去る. leave @
    (no answer) . @
    LIPS #39: Inside Yoneda's office
    言い訳する. to translate Maria -
    謝る. to thank Maria -
    (no answer) . Maria -
    LIPS #40: Maria is angry and runs away
    追いかける. chase after Maria @
    米田と話す. talk with Yoneda @
    (no answer) . @
  • Lobby: Argue with Maria, who'd then run out the front door. Outside Oogami and Maria will witness the apparition of Setsuna, who'd reveal maria's secret past (happens only if Oogami was injured it seems). Afterwards:
    LIPS #41: Oogami asks Maria:
    あれは……いったい? what was that? @
    クワッサリー……って? Kuwassari... ? @
    (no answer) . @
  • After the incidence, Oogami is back in his room, when Kanna knocks urgently on his door telling him that Maria has taken her koubu and ran out to fight Setsuna herself. In the war room, Ayame finally reveals Maria's painful past in Russia... Then it's time for the second battle, after which you'll most probably end up with an overly-grateful Maria who would rise to the top in love index and gets everybody else jealous. Good Luck! ^_^

    Battle Strategy

    There are two battles in this episode:

  • Battle 1

    This is sort of like a mock battle, because it doesn't end with the defeat of the enemy. So unless you want to practice your battle skills, try not to waste too much time fighting the goons in this battle. To conclude this battle quickly, choose the path in the lower right, bypassing the concentration of enemy goons as much as you can (unless you want to fight them badly, perhaps so that you can use the "protect" mode to enhance the confidence level of certain Hanagumi member, which isn't a bad idea). As soon as any member of your team crosses the bridge and reaches the location where Setsuna's mecha is (upper right), the battle will basically be over (i.e. you don't have to kill all the enemies in this battle). The main point of this battle is Oogami's decision whether to save the child or not...

  • Battle 2 Part 1

    This is the main battle of the game, where your team has to rescue Maria. The object of part 1 of the battle is to reach ASAP Maria's koubu unit on the top right corner of the battle ground. Again, don't waste time trying to eliminate all enemy units, simply find the fastest route to Maria's unit. I found that the upper route seems fastest. Don't be scared by the six enemy units in a group, simply use Sakura's sure-kill attack to kill 3 of them at once, and then do away with the rest. No need to conserve sure-kill attacks in this part of the battle.

    Once any member of your team arrives at a spot adjacent to Maria's unit, you'll find that Maria's not inside but has left her locket on the ground. Setsuna will then announce that he has taken Maria hostage and that Oogami has to come alone in a boat if he wants to save her. Thus Oogami boards the boat and is brought to Setsuna. While Setsuna is having fun torturing Oogami, the Shougeimaru arrives with the other Hanagumi koubu units. Setsuna is surprised that they can find Oogami but it turns out every Hanagumi member has a tracking device on their uniforms (duh ^_^) Maria and Oogami get on their koubu units and thus begins part 2 of the battle:

  • Battle 2 Part 2

    The aim of this part of the battle is to destroy Setsuna's mecha unit. The tricky part is that Setsuna's unit moves around a lot, so you need to corner him first. I find it best to either trap his unit on one of the bridges or on the side-rail. Don't send all your team members across the bridge, leave at least one or two koubu units behind on the other side of the bridge so that they can block Setsuna's way in case he wants to cross over.

    One thing you'll notice is that Maria's confidence index increases by one after each move, regardless of what you do ^_^ This is out of her gratitude for Oogami and others to come and save her. So don't forget to use combine attack with Maria (seems it's also possible to use combine attack with Kanna, donno whether you can use it with both though). Once Setsuna's unit is cornered, it should be rather easy to finish him off. But be sure to watch for Setsuna's special attack. Try not to attack him if his special attack points are about to max out. Wait till all your team members are there, and then finish him off within one move so he has no chance to use his sure-kill attack.

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