Anime MPEG Audio Links
Pages with many MP2/MP3s
Pages with not as many MP2/MP3s
Pages that cycle MP3s
New MP3 links
Links to other Anime MPEG Audio Links
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The links here are sorted into four sections, of which their names should
be self-explanatory. Since I don't check all the links here frequently, some
sites may be in the incorrect section.
If there are any other sites that you would like to see listed here, please
use the form at the bottom of this page to submit the links.
This page has been put into neglect mode, and has not
been updated for a long time. You might find more broken links as time
goes by. Sorry about that. Page was last cleaned up 10 Feb 99 (got trimmed quite a bit.)
Best if used before June 99. Next update: not for a long time.
Pages with many MP2/MP3s
Animax's MP3
- MP3s from anime and J-pop
Chojin's Multimedia Chamber
- Anime and video game music reqested through e-mail
Fabio Inoue's Anime Page - MP3 Musics
- MP3 songs from anime and J-pop favourites
Ftp: IAC
- FTP site with 51 series for (100s of MP3s)
Fushigi Yuugi Media Archive
- Fushigi Yuugi MP3s, sounds, movies and the like
Kaldain's Anime Central
- Various Anime MP3's Like Macross Plus, Evangelion, Ranma and More
Karl's Sailor Moon Clips
- Tons of Sailor Moon songs, BGMs and sound clips
Michiru's Music Hall
- Even more Sailor Moon songs
Music Page
- Music data page of An Anime Addict's Anime Archive
My Anime MP3's Page
- MP3s from popular series such as Marmalade Boy, Eva and KOR
The Huge Anime Sounds Page
- Categorized into common and hard-to-find MP2/MP3s
Victor's Music Land
- Quite a few good MP3s and MP2s here
Pages with a modest number of MP2/MP3s
Amber Anime Archive
- Not really a music archive, but has MP2s and MP3s from several series
Anime's Music and Songs
- MP2 songs from Sailormoon and Assemble Insert
Anime Music Sampler
- Hmm, this page looks familiar...
Connie Bao's Anime/Manga Workbench
- A few MP3s from several series here
Ego's Domain Anime Music
- A small collection of songs in MP2 format
Goten's Anime Music Themes
- Music of DBZ, MKR, Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon
Jason's Sailor Moon Page
- Sailor Moon sounds
Magic Knight Rayearth
- The best of Rayearth homepage, with songs in MP2 and MP3
MoonPrince's Anime and Seiyuu mp3 Cafe
- Many titles available
Sailor Galaxia's Music Page
- More Sailormoon songs
Sharon Apple
- Sharon Apple vocals in MP3s
SirMars' MP3 Page
- Popular titles such as Sailormoon, Evangelion and Escaflowne
Pages that cycle MP2/MP3s
Anime MP3 Of The Month
- There are a couple of MP3s that get changed every month
Anime Music MP3 Monthly
- The song here is changed every month
Blue Dragon's Internet Cave of Japanese Anime MP3s
- New songs added every week
CyberCrystal's Weekly Anime MP3
- Another weekly Anime MP3 site. Music from various popular Anime titles. Some familiar songs, some not, but all good.
Godai's MP3s
- Updated weekly
Shadow System's Sakura Network
- Aside from a new song each week, this site also has a small permanent collection
The Anime Music and Review Stop
- New song once in a while. Has Ranma MP3s.
The Anime's MP3 Site
- Songs from series such as Ranma, Yohko and Bubblegum Crisis
New links on 10 Feb 99
Aesis Destiny
- Page with a growing mp3 archive
Entrance to Moon Revenge
- Sailormoon mp2/mp3 that are posted on webpage (or sent via e-mail) upon request's Huge Anime MP3 Archives
- A great anime mp3 page, has tons of series and accepts request. Updates mp3s daily
Nuku Nuku Chan's Web Page
- People request mp3s from the list by emailing. Post new requests every week
Dragonball music
- MP3 from serie Dragonball....Spanish/Japanese
- The Mobile Suit Gundam collection
Home for Infinite Losers
- Previously FlaaB's DBZ music cave. Correct link this time
Links to other Anime MPEG Audio Links
Anime Web Turnpike: Music and Movies
- Many links to anime sound, music and movie files. I get many new links from here

Submit a link
If you would like to edit the URL or description of an existing link append
"(change)" to the description.
If a kind soul would like to alert me to the presence of a outdated link, put
the title or URL in the URL box and "outdated" in the description box.
This form has been taken offline. Sorry for the inconvenience.