There are a lot of Rurouni Kenshin pages out there. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to surf the web for them anymore, but the links given here are pretty comprehensive pages and I'm sure they have extensive links to all of the other Kenshin pages out there. Sony's Rurouni Kenshin Page has video clips or used to have video clips of the preview segments of the TV episodes--at least the last time I checked. I think they also have information on the Kenshin movie, "Requiem for the Ishinshishi" which came out in Japan in December. Since they are the ones who put out Rurouni Kenshin, they also have information on all the merchandise, CDs, and many other things. Dave's Rurouni Kenshin Page is the very first page I found on Rurouni Kenshin way back in the day. I don't know if he's changed anything to it, but it did have information on the TV episodes, manga and the Playstation games for Kenshin, I think. Rurouni Kenshin is in Chinese but did have some very nice images worth seeing even if you don't have a chinese browser. Psycho Shonen Rurouni Kenshin Homepage, has sound files of the songs I think, plus video clips of the opening and ending sequences to the TV episodes the last time I checked, although of course, that was a while ago. Rurouni Kenshin has a very nice border background and is another very comprehensive page on the series. There are extensive profiles of all the characters in the series, plus a profile of the artist himself. I hope these pages fill in the gaps in mine, I know my page will never be as extensive as those given here. So I wish you well and if you happen to be up north, I hope you run into Soujirou in his wandering!