5. Characters by categories, their weapon names and stylish special attacks 
(Codes inside parenthesis are in EUC-JIS format)

Kings and Generals 

Character Special Attacks
Taishaku-ten (Äë¼áÅ·) Raikou-kourin "God of Thunder Descend" (Íë¸ø¹ßÎ×)
Koumoku-ten (×¢ÌÜÅ·) Masougeki "Demon Manipulation Strike" (ËâÁà·â), 
Hyakuki-jigoku "Hell of Hundred Hungers" (É´µ²ÃϹö)

Other Characters 

Character Special Arracks
Suiten-Varuna (¿åÅ·¡¦ÇÌαÆá) Sui-you-ken "Water Ghost Sword" (¿åÍÅ·õ)
Futen-Vaayu (É÷Å·¡¦ÇÌͳ) Fuu-rai-sen "Wind Thunder Fan of Flames" (É÷ÍëÀú)
Katen-Aguni (²ÐÅ·¡¦°¤Ï¥Æô) Ka-ha-tei "Fire Defeat King" (²ÐÇËÄë)

(These are the Koumoku-ten's subordinates.  There should be five, but two of them got killed the same page they were introduced ^_^, so no attacks names were mentioned.) 

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