Kimagure Orange Road

At a glance, Kimagure Orange Road (KOR) is a basic high-school romantic comedy. The romance and drama center around a love triangle. The main character, Kasuga has a few telekinetic powers which are often used for comedic effect. He is also quite indecisive. The other main characters are Madoka and Hikaru. Most of the time, Madoka acts like a tough girl who can do anything and Hikaru demonstrates extreme cheerfulness. The stories generally follow Kasuga in his relationship with Madoka and Hikaru.

Kasuga's telekinetic powers are often important for individual stories, but only occasionally factor directly into the larger plot. The overall plot doesn't travel too far from the standard love triangle recipe but it does have a few surprises. The stories are extremely well balanced, with a very nice blend of comedy, romance, and nostalgia. The series is bound together well; watching the TV series from the beginning is quite different from watching only what AnimEigo has released. I would suggest watching the TV series to almost anybody who has the chance. The OVAs stand alright on their own. The movie is an absolute must see for anybody who has completed the TV series, but I cannot judge how it seems to somebody new to KOR.

The 48 TV episodes have been fan-subbed, with a possible future laser disk release from AnimEigo. The 8 OVAs and final movie are available from AnimEigo.

Ben T Galehouse :

Other Sites:

A Whimsical Trip on Kimagure Orange Road
Kimagure Orange Road CD Guide
Kimagure Orange Road Manga Translations
Rob's SuperKOR Page
Ayukawa Madoka Shrine
Manami International Fan Club Homepage

Fan-Fiction Sites:

Kimagure Orange College
KOR - 'Something in Your Eyes'
HARD kOr Page
Kimagure Orange Road 2: Another Day
Fugawari Orange Street

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Last Updated: June 18, 1996