Ranma 1/2

Ranma 1/2 is a very interesting story about a young man and his father who study Kempo, a form of Martial Arts. Ranma's father and a man named Soun Tendo agree that Ranma and Tendo's daughter, Akane, should and will marry. However, the engagement is somewhat... complicated.

During a training mission, Ranma and his father visited the Cursed Springs. Each fell into a different spring. These springs are cursed in the fact that whoever falls into a spring turns into whatever drowned there. His father turned into a Panda. He turned into a girl. When hit with cold water, they change into their alternate forms. When hit with hot water, they change back into their original forms, a fact which offers more humor than almost any other anime show I've seen.

Out of 10, I give Ranma an 11. I have all of the series that's been put into the USA, and there are a LOT more to come. There are the TV Shows, the Movies, and the OAV's. Each one is great and VERY funny.

I highly recommend this to all Anime fans.

M.M : Dolphin1@cris.com

Other Links:

Jiji's Not-So-EZ Ranma Reference Guide
Rei's Ranma 1/2 Manga Summaries
Ranma CD Shrine
The Ukyou Image Shrine
Church of Ryouga Homepage

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Last Updated: June 8, 1996