Shoujo Kakumei Utena Extended

Season Two: The Ten'jou Utena Cycle

This book was completed on 10/11/98.

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Episodes 35-39: Deicide
Utena falls into despair- she knows now that the world she lives in is illusory, unreal, a myth, and that she's made no real progress... Juri and Miki pay dearly for learning the same truth. Finally, Anshi steps in once more to force Utena into a duel that will move her into her destined place- that of the Millenial Victor. But to survive, Utena must destroy the very thing she loves most...
The Cog's Teeth, Grinding (Season Opener)
Entangled Marionettes
Stripping the Threads
Intervention, For The Sake of Nostalgia
The Millenial Victor

Episodes 40-46: Diablo
Scorned by Akio, Kataki strikes back with a vengeance, transforming his younger brother into an agent of antithesis to Utena-as-Dios: Touga becomes the incarnate beast Diablo! Still in shock over Dios's demise, Utena is caught unprepared by this turn of events. Juri and Miki fall in love- Akio's role continues to transform itself. Utena submits herself to the Ends of the Earth, and Anshi sacrifices herself to contain Diablo ...
Prince of Darkness, Prince of Light
Debts to be Paid
Rebirth, Delayed but Welcome
The Serpent in the Garden
Genesis and Temptation
The Sin of Omissions

Episodes 47-53: Revolution
Utena faces Akio for the last time, and is destroyed for a purpose only Akio knows. Nanami faces Diablo; a reborn Utena calls Miki back to the fold. The Castle of Illusion breached, Utena counters by destroying and remaking the world.. but Diablo counters THAT by destroying half of it... thus setting the stage for the last and final battle- Revolution, where all the final secrets will be revealed...
Writing on the Wall
My Last Evolution
Prelude to the Return, Trailing Green
More than Halfway Home
For the Sake of Revolution...
Sweet Scented Paradise, for the Last Time
The Absolute Destined Apocalypse for The Two Of Us

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