As some of the regular readers of this page know, myself and several other RPers have spent the last ten months or so creating a complicated Utena collaborative fanfic which we called Shoujo Kakumei Utena Extended. This was our first collaborative effort, and we met with a fair degree of success. (And the difficult times weren't enough to stop us, either!). Part of Utena Extended revolved around a new group of Duellists of our design called the Shinsei, or, Duellists of Rebirth. Intimations were made in the story that the Shinsei were in fact ghosts of a previous Ootori Student Council. And now that SKU Extended is over, we felt like going back and looking at the Shinsei. So we are pleased to present you Shoujo Kakumei Kei, the story of the 888th Victor, Yamaguchi Kei... whose battle with the Ends of the Earth took place 112 years before Ten'jou Utena was born... This page was last updated 2/17/99.
Transference Practicing alone, Yamaguchi Kei is given a letter by a strange young woman, and drawn to a magic arena- where the bewildered girl is thrust headlong into a duel with the standing Victor of Ootori... and wins! But what will this mean for the Bride of the Rose?
Hammer Into Anvil
Questions and Shadow-Play
Drowning in the Garden Maze
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