Honey says oh my i am tired saiere ran me all around the park today maybe we should think about putting her in a day care center?Seji says nah she is just alittle reabunctious, honey says ok i guess you are right so you want to go see a movie tonight?seji says what about saiere?Honey says Natusko can babysit her and the rest of the gang can help i dont think they will mind.Seji sure what do you want to see? Honey says well i was thinking of happily everafter a cinderella story,Seji says thats not what i was thinkin i was thinkin of halloween h20.Honey ok we can compramise we go see both,Seji says i guess thats fair.Honey dials natusko’s phone number on the phone but noone is there then suddenly Tassagane no Prince appears right infront of Honey and seji he says i’ll babysit in a cheerful voice.Seji says thanks well we will give you 6 bucks a hour is that ok?Prince says yes thats fine,Honey gives him a little peck on the cheek and says thanks your a sweety.Honey says ok lets go seji he grabs there coats and they go,they first go see ever after a cinderlla story and the halloween h20 seji love halloween h20 but honey really got into the cinderella story.They leave the theater and go toward their car in the parkinlot when suddenly a huge monster attacks them claming to be sumo clone.Sumo clone jumped on all the cars in the parking lot and made them convertibles and then he tried to make honey into honey eggo waffles but honey screams honey flash!!! She changes into trampalene honey and reflects victoria’s biggest secret (joke) however she came right back down.Honey screamed honey flash again and turned into hurricane honey and rode her harley right through the middle of the huge monster she splits her but she came right back together.the sumo hussy says who the hell are you!!?Honey says sometimes i am a huge pink trampalene,sometimes i can be a mortorbike queen but the truth is HONEY FLASH!!!!!!!!She transforms into the lovely warrior cutey honey,Honey says i am the brave soldier of love cutey honey and on behalf of world peace i shall transform!!Sumo says oh goody lunch honey says rouge arrow flame througher!!!The arrow however doesnt work and honey is getting beaten to a pulp,she tries her boomerang but it misses.Seji jumps on the beast trying to buy honey some time,honey says time for the super change honey flash!!!!!!Honey transforms into Hyper honey and tries a new move honey dew love laser it gives honey the chance and she shouts honey virtual invitation!!!!!She makes the big V sign on her chest and she starts to dissolved,but there is something left a pink peice of metal honey takes it.Seji says way to go sweet heart!!!Honey transforms back into kisagi honey and seji and her go back to the house,Saiere comes running up and shouts mama papa.Honey says to prince panther claw is still alive and it left this Prince says oh no it can not be i thought these were dead.Honey says what was dead,prince says these are early creations by me when i was evil but they still think panther zora is still alive and they want to kill you Honey!!! TO BE CONTINUED..................................................................................