Honey says what!?Prince there leader is more powerful then panther zora you might need more help.Honey from who,prince says from these he holds out a hand full of ultimate jewels.Honey is stunned,prince says only you can make them your allys honey says i will try honey flash!she concentrates all of her power on these 6jewels it works they form into all different honeys laser honey,flammer honey,lovely honey,shocking honey,tornado honey and honey healer.Prince says welcome honey foresquad do you know what is happining they all say yes and prince says honey with your new power it will help you greatly good luck.Up in the skys of tokyo a dark castle is sitting on clouds looking down on the honey foresquad,the master says this should be interesting and calls for her servent cameleon claw.Calmeleon claw comes and says here i am reporting for duty, Sister Drill (the master) says prince zera has patrayed us make more warriors we will send a full scale attack on the honey foresquad.Cameleon claw says yes master i will start on it right away once zera and that other man leaves i will attack.Seji says oops i forget to stop by the hospital today to visit my mom i will be right back ok hun, honey says i want to go too.Seji says no you have to stay here with saiere,honey says ok i guess and saiere screams yipee!!!Meanwhile all the new honeys are observing saiere,saiere grabs thems all by the necks puts them in her dolly costumes and takes them to her room and has a tea party.Honey is surprised she goes looks for them in the basement meanwhile cameleon claw appears in saiere’s room.You new honey’s are mine, tornado says lets transform Tornado flash!!!!Love Flash!!!Flammer Flash!!Lazer Flash!!!Shocking Flash!!!!Healer Flash!!!We are the honey foresquad!!!Saiere runs up to her and says ya and me saiere you are in big trouble now misture!!Honey hears them and runs to saiere’s room HONEY FLASH!!!!I am the brave soldier of love cutey honey and on behalf of world peace i shall transform!Cameleon says you are no match for me she attacks flammer while shocker gets ready SHOCKER ELECTRONCIC MALFUNCTION!!!The lizard gets zapped but nothing honey tries her boomerang but she just blocks it,flammer ok my turn FLAMMER RAGING PHEONIX!!!It hit her but only caused a little dent still nothing.Honey says HONEY DEW NECTURE LASER!!!It actually stops her for a minute honey screams time for the super change and flashes into hyper honey.HONEY VIRTUAL INVITATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Honey makes a big v right in her chest and the monster changes into dust again but another pink peice is there so honey just takes it with her.They all power down and have the tea party with saiere and her dolls.Saiere says my chunkchunk would you care for some more tea?Every one starts to laugh and Seji finally comes home saying his mom is feeling better and her fever is going down,honey says that is great sweety.Meanwhile back at the castle in the sky sister drill is furious and calls for spring claw (the kind of spring that is like a slinky) and she says you are my new general spring claw dont let me down or you too will be defeated by honey and her friends.the end