
Konichiwa welcome to Sailor Frankie's CuteyHoneyFanclubPage!!!

Recently updated!!!!!!!!!! Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!If You like Cutey Honey and you think that this page is pretty cool you should join the sailor frankie Cutey Honey F fanclub.If you join you will get the membership card picture and a special email validating you into the club there will soon be a chat for meetings or something the whole thing is free so please join you will love it if you do!!!!!!!!!!!
If You want more information about the page then email me at or If you do join please give me about 1 to 2 weeks to send you the email thank you

Sincerly Sailor Frankie ~_^

Members for the fanclub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and their sites on cutey honey!!!

Misato Rei and Amii

Lets Go Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!