Saiere was originally one of the crystal's her dad had created after the lab's fire he thought that honey was the only gem left but he was very wrong.Panther Zora made her human and evil that is in charge of Sister jell tattoed Saiere's chest with a black rose tattoo.She was often good not evil only when her tattoo glowed she turned evil and that was normally when she became Misty Honey.She goes to the same academy as Honey and is also very popular and better then Honey at fencing!She is still very mysterious and normally doesnt help honey she only does if there is something in it for her.Saiere's boy friend is Prince Honey was shoked when she learned this.To transform Saiere shouts HONEY CRASH!!!!!!!!In her last episode misty becomes another person and turns into a monster that kills her father then Saiere transforms into misty honey and misty and he monster misty kill eachother.
As a result Honey and Saiere combine and honey becomes HYPERHONEY!!!!!!
MISTY HONEY'S POWERS and Special items!!!!!!!!!!!
Emerald ring:This is half of her transformation tool to become mistey honey she shouts Honey Crash or clash and becomes mistey honey.
Emerald leg band:This is Her second transformation tool she takes her ring near her leg band then shouts honey clash and becomes misty honey.
Misty boomerang:This is Misty Honey's boomerang she says honey boomerang and then throws it at the enemy as a decoy gor her finishing move.
Misty's sabere:This is Honey's best means of defense and her finishing move she shouts honey sexy dinamite and blows her enemy up to smitherens!!!!!!!!!