Legend of Galactic Heroes Episode Guide
[This list is translated from the list found on Satake-kun's LoGH page]
[If you find any incorrect translation below (lots!), please let me know. Thanks!]
[Thanks Reinhard-Siegfried for
suggestions about title translations!]
[Synopses for first season episodes from the LoGH Info Center]
First Series |
# | Translated Title | Original Title | Info |
1 | Into the Eternal Night | 永遠の夜の中で | synopsis |
2 | Battle at Astate | アスターテ会戦 | synopsis |
3 | Birth of the 13th Fleet | 第十三艦隊誕生 | synopsis |
4 | Empire's Afterglow | 帝国の残照 | synopsis |
5 | Riot on Kastrop | カストロプ動乱 | synopsis |
6 | The Knights of the Rose | 薔薇の騎士 | synopsis |
7 | Iserlohn Invasion! | イゼルローン攻略 | synopsis |
8 | The Ruthless Oberstein | 冷酷なる義眼 | synopsis |
9 | The Klopstock Incident | クロプシュトック事件 | synopsis |
10 | Jessica's Struggle | ジェシカの戦い | synopsis |
11 | An Actress Exits | 女優退場 | synopsis |
12 | Attack on the Empire | 帝国領侵攻 | synopsis |
13 | A Storm is Coming | 秋雨来たりならば… | synopsis |
14 | Frontier's Liberation | 辺境の解放 | synopsis |
15 | Battle at Starzone Amlitzer | アムリッツァ星域会戦 | synopsis |
16 | New Trend of the Times | 新たなる潮流 | synopsis |
17 | Before the Storm | 嵐の前 | synopsis |
18 | Lippshatd's Secret Agreement | リップシュタットの密約 | synopsis |
19 | Yang's Fleet Set Off | ヤン艦隊出動 | synopsis |
20 | Bloodshed in Space | 流血の宇宙 | synopsis |
21 | Battle at Starzone Doria, and... | ドーリア星域会戦、そして… | synopsis |
22 | Courage and Loyalty | 勇気と忠誠 | synopsis |
23 | Collapse of Goldenbaum | 黄金樹は倒れた | synopsis |
24 | Who Benefits From Victory | 誰がための勝利 | synopsis |
25 | Day Before Destiny | 運命の前日 | synopsis |
26 | Farewell, Distant Light | さらば、遠き日 | synopsis |
Second Series |
# | Translated Title | Original Title | Info |
27 | First Battle | 初陣 | . |
28 | Portraits | 肖像 | . |
29 | One Narrow Thread | 細い一本の糸 | . |
30 | Lost Things | 失われたもの | . |
31 | Inquiry | 査問会 | . |
32 | War without Weapons | 武器なき戦い | . |
33 | Fortress vs. Fortress | 要塞対要塞 | . |
34 | The Return | 帰還 | . |
35 | Determination and Ambition | 決意と野心と | . |
36 | Thunder | 雷鳴 | . |
37 | Abduction of the Young Emperor | 幼帝誘拐 | . |
38 | The Arrow is Released (?) | 矢は放たれた | . |
39 | Departure of One | ひとつの旅立ち | . |
40 | Julian's Journey; Humanity's Journey | ユリアンの旅・人類の旅 | . |
41 | The Battle Named "Twilight of the Gods" | 作戦名『神々の黄昏』 | . |
42 | Invitation to a Requiem | 鎮魂曲の招待 | . |
43 | Sounding of ?-Horns | ギャラルホルンは鳴った | . |
44 | Occupation of Phezzan | フェザーン占領 | . |
45 | Arrival of the Cold Wave | 寒波到る | . |
46 | The Ark Fleet of Admiral Yang | ヤン提督の方舟隊 | . |
47 | Search for a Universe of Freedom | 自由の宇宙を求めて | . |
48 | Two-Headed Snake ~ Battle of "Rantemario" (?) | 双頭の蛇〜ランテマリオの会戦 | . |
49 | The Darkness Deepens | 闇が深くなるのは | . |
50 | Consecutive Battles | 連戦 | . |
51 | Death Match of Vermillion 1 | バーミリオンの死闘(前編) | . |
52 | Death Match of Vermillion 2 | バーミリオンの死闘(後編) | . |
53 | Emergency Turn | 急転 | . |
54 | Long Live the Emperor! | 皇帝ばんざい! | . |
Third Series |
# | Translated Title | Original Title | Info |
55 | After the Ceremony the Curtain Rises Again... | 儀式から再び幕は上がり… | . |
56 | To the Earth | 地球へ | . |
57 | "Kyunmeru" Incident | キュンメル事件 | . |
58 | Visitor | 訪問者 | . |
59 | Past, Present, Future | 過去と現実と未来と | . |
60 | To Capture the Magician | 魔術師捕らわる | . |
61 | Invitation to Opera | 歌劇への招待 | . |
62 | Bleeding Stage of Blood (Cascade) | 血の流血階段(カスケード) | . |
63 | Sacred Ground | 聖地 | . |
64 | The End of Vacation | 休暇は終わりぬ | . |
65 | To Run From Every Flag | すべての旗に背いて | . |
66 | Lowering of the Golden Lion Flag | 黄金獅子旗の下に | . |
67 | "Twilight of the Gods" Once Again | ”神々の黄昏”ふたたび | . |
68 | El Facile | エル・ファシルへ | . |
69 | Battle to Regain Iserlohn | イゼルローン再奪取作戦 | . |
70 | Homecoming of the Enchanted (?) Children | 蕩児たちの帰宅 | . |
71 | Battle at "Maru Adetta" Starfield 1 | マル・アデッタ星域の会戦(前編) | . |
72 | Battle at "Maru Adetta" Starfield 2 | マル・アデッタ星域の会戦(後編) | . |
73 | Imperial Edict of the Winter Rose Garden | 冬ばら園の勅令 | . |
74 | Distant Destination | 前途遼遠 | . |
75 | Thundering | 雷動 | . |
76 | Before the Festival | 祭りの前 | . |
77 | To the Windy Corridor | 風は回廊へ | . |
78 | Storm of Spring | 春の嵐 | . |
79 | Battle of the Corridor: Ever-winning, no defeat | 回廊の戦い、常勝と不敗と | . |
80 | Battle of the Corridor: Kaleidoscope | 回廊の戦い、万華鏡 | . |
81 | Battle of the Corridor: End of the Grand Expedition | 回廊の戦い、大遠征の終幕 | . |
82 | The Magician doesn't Return | 魔術師、還らず | . |
83 | After the Festival | 祭りの後 | . |
84 | Disappointing Victory | 失意の凱旋 | . |
85 | Moving the Capital | 遷都令 | . |
86 | New Government of August | 八月の新政府 | . |
Fourth Series |
# | Translated Title | Original Title | Info |
87 | Premonition of Storm | 嵐の予感 | . |
88 | In the Distant Region | 辺境にて | . |
89 | A Rose at Summer's End | 夏の終わりのバラ | . |
90 | Rumbling | 鳴動 | . |
91 | Burgeoning | 発芽 | . |
92 | Incidence at Uruvashii | ウルヴァシー事件 | . |
93 | In the Name of Pride | 矜持にかけて | . |
94 | Rebellion is a Hero's Privilege | 反乱は英雄の特権 | . |
95 | Simultaneous Strike of The Two Great Ones | 双璧相撃つ | . |
96 | Surviving the Sword... | 剣に生き… | . |
97 | Fallen by the Sword | 剣に倒れ | . |
98 | The Final Requiem | 終わりなき鎮魂歌 | . |
99 | Running Start Toward the Future | 未来への助走 | . |
100 | Long Live the Empress! | 皇后ばんざい!(ホーフ・カイザーリン) | . |
101 | Invitation to Rebellion | 動乱への誘い | . |
102 | Challenge to Arms | 敢えて武器を手に | . |
103 | Cosmic Mosaic | コズミック・モザイク | . |
104 | Peace by way of Bloodshed | 平和へ、流血経由 | . |
105 | Planet of Confusion | 混迷の惑星 | . |
106 | Burning Down of the House of Holly Oak | 柊館 炎上 | . |
107 | Deep Crimson Path of Stars | 深紅の星路 | . |
108 | The Young Princess Desires Blood | 美姫は血を欲す | . |
109 | The Golden Lion Flag Lost Its Lustre | 黄金獅子旗に光なし | . |
110 | To See the Dream Through to the End | 夢、見果てたり | . |