Ming's Ph.D.-related Physics

"We start out from equations which do not make sense. We apply certain prescriptions to their solutions and end up with a power series of which we do not know that it makes sense. The first few terms of this series, however, give the best predictions we know."

- R.Jost on Quantum Field Theory

"... I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics."

- Richard Feynman

"Anyone who is not shocked by quantum mechanics hasn't understood it."

- Niels Bohr

"Here's to the Crazy Ones,
the Misfits, the Rebels,
the Troublemakers,
the round pegs in the square holes,
the ones who see things differently.

They're not fond of rules,
and they have no respect for the status quo.

You can praise them,
disagree with them,
quote them,
disbelieve them,
glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do
is ignore them...

Because they change things.

They push the human race forward.

And while some may see them as the Crazy Ones,
we see Genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
are the ones who do."

- Apple TV commercial

"Genius does what it must, and Talent does what it can."

- Owen Meredith

Research Interest

  • Ex-Officially :
  • Hydrodynamical modelling of relativistic heavy ion collisions
  • Quark-gluon plasma/QCD phase transition signals
  • Unofficially :
  • Quantum theory as a physical theory of Becoming, a crucial aspect of Nature often neglected by physicists. Philosophers like Bergson and Whitehead had good grasp of the overall problem of Becoming, but lacked the technical details needed to formulate a physical theory out of it. Wheeler (perhaps also Stapp and Haag) is probably the only physicist who came close to understanding the importance of Becoming through his thesis of observer-participancy. If properly formulated in physical terms, Becoming may well hold the key to understanding quantum theory and the structure of space-time...
  • Any and all crackpot theories
  • My Résumé

  • Electronic Publications

    Equation of State, Radial Flow and Freeze-out in High-Energy Heavy Ion Collisions (with Prof. E.V. Shuryak)

    Preprint HEP-PH/9709264

    Phys.Rev.C 57, 1891 (1998)

  • Abstract
  • Postscript
  • Source
  • Other formats
  • References
  • Cited by...
  • Also cited by...

  • Dilepton/Photon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions and the QCD Phase Transition (with Prof. E.V. Shuryak)

    Preprint HEP-PH/9608299, SUNY-NTG-96-16

    Phys.Rev.C 56, 453 (1997)

  • Abstract
  • Postscript
  • Source
  • Other formats
  • References
  • Cited by...
  • Also cited by...

  • Hydrodynamics near the QCD Phase Transition : Looking for the Longest-Lived Fireball (with Prof. E.V. Shuryak)

    Preprint HEP-PH/9412360, SUNY-NTG-94-59

    Phys.Rev.Lett. 75, 4003 (1995)

  • Abstract, Postscript, TeX file, Figures.
  • References
  • Citation Search
  • Further Citation Search...
  • MPEG movie (223 kbyte) of 30.9 A GeV Au+Au collision (long-lived fireball)
  • MPEG movie (311 kbyte) of 129 A GeV Au+Au collision

  • [These VRML files need VRML browsers to work]

  • Pions emitted from fireball of 30.9 A GeV Au+Au collision*
  • Pions emitted from fireball of 129 A GeV Au+Au collision*
  • Particle freeze-out surface in 30.9 A GeV Au+Au collision**
  • Particle freeze-out surface in 129 A GeV Au+Au collision**
  • * Shown in 3 spatial dimensions, with the z-axis (collision axis) pointing out in initial view, the other two being x and y axes. Time of emission of pions are colorcoded: blue is 0 fm/c, green is 10 fm/c, red is 20 fm/c, and white is 30 fm/c, all measured from time of thermalization.
    ** Shown in 2+1 space-time (z,r,t), with t-axis pointing out in initial view, z-axis (collision axis) pointing right and r-axis pointing up. Freeze-out temperature is 140 MeV.

    Physical Publications

    Heavy-quark triangle diagram contributions to Z boson production in hadron collisions (with Prof.R.J.Gonsalves & J.Pawlowski)

    Phys.Rev.D 46,4930 (1992)


    Scaling function for free-electron-laser gain including alternating-gradient focusing (with L.H.Yu, D.Li & S.Krinsky)

    Phys.Rev.E 51,813 (1995)

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