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Shonen Sunday Briefs (continued)

by Mitsuda Takuya

Overview: Honda Goro, from his early years in grade school, has been striving to become a professional baseball player like his deceased father. Now, in Kaidou high school, he is facing new challenges.
  This issue: Goro has returned after a half year away in baseball training. He returns in time to find out that he has a new sibling. His adoptive mother gives birth to a baby girl they name Chiharu. Goro spends the rest of summer break hanging out and playing catch with his little brother. He goes back for the second phase of training, and he and the other players are shocked to learn that the new director is a woman.

by Fujita Kazuhiro

Overview: Masaru is a grade school boy who is the heir to a vast fortune. Shirogane, a French woman who controls a powerful puppet, is his bodyguard. Far away, their friend Narumi is becoming embroiled in an ancient battle against evil living puppets.
  This issue: In a confrontation, the queen faces off with her impostor mannequin, but Ellie has gained strength. She shrugs off accusations that she was herself a lifeless mannequin; she has awakened and is now human within her own heart. It is the impostor, meanwhile, who cannot awaken and cannot change, which makes it inherently inhuman. Ellie prepares to take a last stand against her deadly foe, but Narumi arrives in time to save her from a noble death.

by Sakata Nobuhiro and Banjou Daichi

Overview: Dandoh is an earnest young boy who has found a calling in golf. With his friend Yuka and Kouhei, he uses sincerity and determination as his guides for becoming a pro-golfer.
  This issue: Dandoh is still up against Akano Takuya, his friend and mentor. Takuya is facing an impossible shot—he must send the ball through a small hole in a wooden wall#151;but he slips into a state of concentration where all that exists is the goal, the ball, and himself; no sound, no crowd, no obstacles. He realizes he has slipped into Dandoh's world. He easily makes the shot, and a smiling Dandoh congratulates him. The battle is still on ...

by Anzai Nobuyuki

Overview: Recca is a fire-wielding high school freshman ninja. He and his friends, who are aligned with the four elements, are up against a new evil ...
  This issue: Mori has turned into the terrible deadly powerful undying ugly demonic evil monster thing he'd been wanting to turn into. But upon the scene arrives Kurei, Recca's arch-nemesis and half-brother. Kurei denies having come to help Recca (though he's glad to see Raiha again). There's a bit of conversation, catching up, super-deformedness and other comic relief, but then it's back to focusing on the grim battle at hand ...

by Aoyama Goushou

Overview: Grade-school boy Conan is secretly the high school detective Kudou Shinichi, made younger against his will by a strange organization (which thinks he is dead). Now, he and his girlfriend Ran help solve homicides.
  This issue: Shinichi has, at least for now, been returned to full teenager-hood by Haibara's experimental medicine. With Haibara and the professor's help, they somehow manage to convince Ran that Conan was not Shinichi after all—even though she had pretty much figured it out. Shinichi meets with Ran at an expensive restaurant to talk with her, but their private conversation is interrupted by the discovery of a murder. Shinichi can't sit still under the circumstances, so Ran sends him off with a grin ...

Shonen Sunday ©1999 Shogakugan
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