Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) |
Related Media |
|| Miramax trailer | Japanese trailers ||
Official Trailer for the Miramax English version
We give thanks to Miramax for their permission to make this trailer available to the public, and of course Harry Knowles, Robogeek, Moriarty, and FreeRide of Ain't It Cool News for making this possible.
This site is mentioned on Ain't It Cool News in Robogeek's headline article "AICN Brings You The World Premiere of Miramax's PRINCESS MONONOKE Trailer in conjunction with Nausicaa.Net!!!" Please let them know what you think about this special feature by posting to their Talk Back section.
Read what other people have said about the trailers.
It's not too late, though! You can still tell us what you think about the trailer and we will compile your messages and let Miramax know about it! Prefix the subject of your message with "To Miramax" so that we know you want them to read it. Please also tell us which city and state/province/country you live in. Miramax might be able to use that information to decide whether or not to bring the film to your city! Note that your messages "To Miramax" will be posted here on Nausicaa.net for anyone to read (unless they contain offensive language, of course), and we will ask Miramax to read them, too.
TROUBLE DOWNLOADING? To avoid swamping our FTP server, downloads of the trailers will be limited to 50 simultaneous connections at all times. Please use our mirror sites if you can't download the trailer from here. Thank you.
Nausicaa.net, in conjunction with Ain't It Cool News and other mirror sites, is hosting online the official Miramax trailer for the English-language theatrical release of Princess Mononoke. |
QuickTime 2
(Cinepak) Version at 160x120 pixels resolution |
QuickTime 4
(Sorenson) Version at 160x120 pixels resolution |
Mirror sites also hosting the official trailer for the Miramax English version
Megami.net has kindly agreed to mirror the Cinepak version (QuickTime 2) and Sorenson version (QuickTime 4) trailers there. |
TCP.COM has kindly agreed to mirror the Cinepak version (QuickTime 2) and Sorenson version (QuickTime 4) trailers there. |
Penguin Studios has kindly offered to mirror the Cinepak version (QuickTime 2) and Sorenson version (QuickTime 4) trailers there. |
Magma Communcations, Ltd. has kindly offered to mirror the Cinepak version (QuickTime 2) and Sorenson version (QuickTime 4) trailers there. Our first Canadian mirror! |
Animanga.NU, a Swedish anime site, has kindly offered to mirror the Cinepak version (QuickTime 2) and Sorenson version (QuickTime 4) trailers there. |
Trailers for the original Japanese version