The Me FAQ


All right, so this isn't really a FAQ, but since I've been getting quite a few messages about my home page, and various things, I thought I'd put a little pointers for people to look at before they send me a mail.  This isn't really a response to anybody's actions in particular, but read it to find out how to keep me happy and keep yourself happy, as well.

1. I am not affiliated with any of the series on this page. 

You'd be surprised how many people have mailed me, asking for information, asking for images, asking for videos, asking for me to put Captain Tsubasa back on the air.  I am not God.

2. Copying videos is extremely hard for me.
I will do it, though, if you ask real nice and give me the time I need.  You see, I can only copy tapes at home, and I live at college, so...I only have two days a week to copy videos.  Also, if you really want a copy of one of my tapes, I will expect a trade, or at least money for postage.  I've tried to be generous before, but I just haven't got any bloody money! *_*
3. If I don't answer your mail right away, please be patient!
I am notoriously slow at answering mail.  This is for various reasons.  I will try to improve.  But please be patient.  I don't delete messages until I answer them.
4.  I am not really Tsubasa Ozora.
I don't think I make any effort at all to hide my identity.  But there have been problems, so...I am not Tsubasa Ozora.  I am not a soccer-crazed Japanese boy.   I am a 20-year-old American female who doesn't even know the rules to soccer, which is what makes me so strange...

5. What you see on this page is what you get.

If I had more information or images, they would be up on my page right now.  Doing manga summaries takes up time that I should be using to translate my Japanese homework.   I actually get graded on that. As for images, it's okay to suggest that I put a few pictures of so and so on my page, but I can't send out pictures to individuals.  I just don't have the time or the scanner access for that.

If I think of any more things to put on this page, I will.  No, I am not angry.   I just want to get some things cleared up, so I can do my schoolwork with a clear conscience.  This home page is my hobby. Anime is also my hobby.  I'd like to keep it a hobby, and not a job.
