Card Captor Sakura
Clow Zero
by Kittyhawk Sakura

Prologue: Premonition

The Dream of CerberusCerberus found himself flying in blackness.

<Must be a dream.>

He flew in every direction searching for something, anything.

<Hope it's the "pancake dream".>

Ah, yes. The "pancake dream." The one where he goes downstairs (or down a hall, or down a street; it really didn't matter) and finds Sakura making him mountains of pancakes. Mmmmmm... She is SO good at making pancakes...

But there were no pancakes, no Sakura. Just NOTHING. He was starting to get a little annoyed...

Then a light appeared behind him. Cerberus spun around and saw the silhouette of a young woman. A long braid fell down her back. A translucent dress clung to her. And, she had WINGS. Her wings seemed to engulf the darkness.

<Who're you?> asked Cerberus.

She didn't answer.

<Who are you?>

Still, she didn't answer. She merely raised her hand and a book fell into it.


<Why do ya have the Clow?>

She started to speak:

"The Clow... its destiny..."


Light shot out of the Clow and it made high pitched noises. The Clow Cards flew out of the book and stood beside the young woman. Cerberus stared at them. They were the Clow Cards in their transformed state, but somehow, they were different. They seemed more...vicious... They seemed to laugh at him.

Cerberus tried to transform, but it was impossible. Moving was useless, though he struggled to stop the young woman.

Finally, he yelled, <STOP IT!!>

The young woman looked at him. She just looked at him with sad eyes.

"The Clow... its at hand..."

Suddenly, the Clow floated from her hand, and with one last scream, it exploded. The light from the blast engulfed Cerberus, the Clow Cards, and the young woman. Then, there was blackness again...


Cerberus awoke. He was on a pillow in a brightly colored room. It was still dark outside. The soft moonlight poured through the window and made everything look peaceful. It also fell on the head of a golden-orange-haired girl. Sakura.

He put his head down, trying to go back to sleep. Try as he may, the dream, no, nightmare kept resonating in his head. What did it mean? What did SHE mean?

He finally gave up on sleep and decided to find out the significance of the nightmare. He jumped of the bed and went to the bookcase. He pulled out the Clow. He turned back the gilded cover, and let the Clow Cards out. They surrounded him.

"In front."

The Clow Cards obeyed and lined up in front of the little critter. Cerberus touched three of the cards. They turned over and he studied them.

"It can't be..."

He divined again, turning over three cards. Same outcome.

"That miss...was she telling the truth?"

OOOhhhh! A premonition! How exciting! ^_^ I think this is the FIRST Card Captor Sakura fanfic ever. (Maybe 'cause I love the series so much.) This story has been buzzing in my head for months now ("Write me! Write me!"). It's not really following the Card Captor Sakura series faithfully because the series is still running. I guess this fanfic follows a story in which the series ended with the defeat of Yue. Hope all of you will enjoy it! (It'll have lots of illustrations too!)

Kittyhawk Sakura (
September 11, 1998

Oh yeah, the BLURB.

Card Captor Sakura, Manga: ©CLAMP/Kodansha; Anime: ©CLAMP/Kodansha/NHK/NEP21. All pictures, ©Kittyhawk. This fanfiction is made because of my love of CLAMP's work. Please do not use anything on this page unless you ask Kittyhawk for permission. Thank you and goodnight.

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