Card Captor Sakura
Clow Zero
by Kittyhawk Sakura

Chapter 2: Ghost?! I Hate Ghosts!!l

Sakura jumped into the air. She saw her target: white, spherical, and coming at her at full-force. She raised her hand and swatted it. Smack! It hit the ground hard.


"Game, Kinomoto's team!"

"Wow, that was a great spike," said Naoko.

"Yeah! You're too good at volleyball, Sakura-chan!" yelled Chiharu.

Everyone laughed. Sakura loved sports, and she was good at all of them. That was in her favor, too. Back in her Card Captor days, she needed to be quick and strong. Nowadays, she didn't need those traits except for sports.

The coach call to the class, "Okay, since Kinomoto's team won, you know what that means."

Chiharu's team groaned. Sakura knew that the losing team always cleaned up. "Chiharu-chan, do you need help?"

"No, we'll get it, but next time," Chiharu pointed at Sakura, "you'll be the ones cleaning up! For the first time ever! Ahahahahahaha!!"

Chiharu walked off laughing. A big sweatdrop formed on Sakura's head. Chiharu had always been competitive. The thought of winning kept her happy. I guess that's okay, thought Sakura.

Sakura walked into the girls' locker room. She was the only one in there. The rest of her team had already left. She opened her locker and pulled out her shampoo and soap. She walked to the showers.

Shhhhhhhhhh... the sound of the showers.

"Hello?" asked Sakura.

No answer.

Sakura walked into the shower room.


Somebody forgot to turn off the showers, thought Sakura. She stepped forward. The showers turned off by themselves. Sakura paled.

What just happened?

The Ghost and SakuraWith that single thought, Sakura's mind went into panic mode. G-Ghost? N-No can't be, can't be, thought Sakura as she slowly backed up. She feared ghosts above all else. Her knees gave out with fear, and she fell to the ground. She struggled to get up. Then, it appeared.

The steam collected above her. It formed itself into a shapely woman with a long braid and WINGS. Wings that surrounded the room. Sakura got up and spun around in a single motion and ran. The "ghost-woman" caught up with her and wrapped her arms around Sakura's neck. Sakura struggled to get her off, but the more she struggled, the ghost-woman tightened her grip. Finally, the ghost-woman grabbed Sakura's shoulders from the front and looked her straight in the eye. The ghost-woman smiled and then slammed Sakura against the wall.

Sakura slid down the wall dazed. She touched her head. The touch resonated pain throughout her skull. Why... why is this woman doing this? The ghost-woman approached Sakura and stood over her smiling. Everything went fuzzy for Sakura as she felt her head spinning, and then there was NOTHING...

Bright light. Piercing light. It burned her eyes. It burned all the way to the back of her mind, branding a vision. An image of a woman. A woman made of mist with a long braid and WINGS. She was beautiful, but her aura eminated pure evil. But there was something else about her... Her face... So familiar, yet so different... The ghost-woman approached her and...

Sakura screamed.

"It's okay! It's okay now, Sakura-chan!"

Sakura looked around. She was in the nurse's office. She closed her eyes and touched her head. Ow. Her head throbbed underneath the bandages. It wasn't a dream she thought. Sakura got up and looked around again. Her friends were there. Chiharu, Shaolan, and Tomoyo, who was holding her hand.


"Sakura-chan, you should lie down! Your injury is serious."

Chiharu asked, "What happened?"

Sakura looked down. How could she explain it to them? It sounded a little far fetched. No, she thought, it wouldn't even be worth explaining. "I...I don't know," she said slowly.

The nurse came in and said, "Kinomoto-san, you don't have a concussion, but you do have a nasty bump on your head. I'm ordering you to go home. Daidouji-san, please escort her home."

Tomoyo nodded, "Yes, sensei. Slowly now, Sakura-chan."

Sakura got up. Chiharu and the nurse told her to get well soon and to take care. Sakura kept telling them she was okay. She looked back at Shaolan. Shaolan gave her the infamous you-know-what-happened-so-why-don't-you-just-tell-me look. Sakura wanted to tell him, but it was best not to while the nurse and Chiharu were there.


Tomoyo acted like a mother hen on the ride back home. Tomoyo felt that Sakura didn't need to walk, though Sakura protested and said she could. On top of that, Tomoyo asked Sakura every five seconds if she was okay. (Daijoubu?!)

"I'm fine!" said Sakura.

"You are not okay, Sakura-chan! You have a bad bump on your head," said Tomoyo franticaly.

Sakura sighed, "I've done worse."

Tomoyo looked Sakura straight in the eye. "What happened to you? Did someone..." She didn't finish that sentence. The thought of anyone attacking her beloved Sakura-chan was too horrible to think about.

Sakura shut her eyes. "It was a ghost..."

Tomoyo said startled, "A...ghost? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. It was a female ghost with...oooohhh..."

Sakura slumped over. Tomoyo immediately moved to the seat next to Sakura and held her up. "Sakura-chan?! Are you okay?"

Sakura didn't answer.


Tomoyo felt Sakura's pulse. Sakura was okay, just sleeping. Tomoyo was relieved.

The car door opened. "Tomoyo-sama, we are here."

Tomoyo said to her driver, "Please help me take Sakura-chan to her room."

"Yes, ma'am."

Tomoyo and the driver carried Sakura to her room and laid her on the bed. Tomoyo motioned for the driver to leave. As soon as the driver left the room, Sakura woke up with glazed eyes. She tried to get up and mumbled, "Oh... I got to get up... Yukito-san...he invited me to..."

"Hush now, Sakura-chan. I'm sure he'll understand that you need your sleep," said Tomoyo.

The door opened, and Tomoyo saw that it was Kero-chan. She motioned for him to wait in the hall. He nodded and closed the door. Tomoyo changed Sakura into her pajamas and pulled the covers over her. Tomoyo stroked Sakura's hair and said, "Good night, my beloved Sakura-chan."

Kero-chan immediately started asking questions about his Card Captor as soon as Tomoyo came out of the room. "What happened to Sakura? Who or what did this?!"

Tomoyo hesitated, "Sakura-chan...said it was a ghost."

Kero-chan looked perplexed. "A ghost?!" he asked. "What kinda ghost?"

"She said it was a female ghost. That is all she told me."

"Hmph! That ghost-miss is gonna get it for hurtin' my..."

"Sakura-san? Sakura-san, are you home?"

Kero-chan dashed into Sakura's room. Tomoyo went downstairs to see who it was. It was Sakura's father.

"Tomoyo-san, what are you doing here?" asked Kinomoto-san.

"Oh, Kinomoto-san, I brought Sakura-chan home. She was injured today at school."

"What?! Is she okay?"

"She is sleeping right now."

"Thank you very much for bringing her home, Tomoyo-san."

"My pleasure," said Tomoyo as she walked out the door. I hope she will be alright, she thought. That ghost, or whatever it was, injured Sakura badly.

"Oh Sakura-chan," she murmured.

"How is she? Did she tell you who did this to her?"

Tomoyo was startled as she saw a figure emerging from the shadows. It was a young man dressed in Chinese robes, carrying a sword. Shaolan.


Shaolan was ticked off. Tomoyo had told him what Sakura had told her (as little as there was). Shaolan didn't believe in ghosts, but someone had hurt Sakura. He decided to return to the school as soon as night fell. He wanted to find this ghost and beat it to a pulp. Nobody could hurt Sak--

"I'm going to title this A Rival's Love!! It's a tale about two rivals, but when one is injured, the other lays down his grudge and professes his secret love for his beautiful rival by defeating her attacker. Action! Drama! Romance!"

Shaolan blushed. "TOMOYO!! You should be taking this more seriously!!"

"Oh, ho!!" exclaimed Tomoyo, "so I did get the title dead on! Sakura-chan will be so happy to see this!"

Shaolan growled, "Just put the freakin' camera away.." (Well, that's close to what he said, but a bit toned down for the kiddies. ^_^;;)

"Yes, I know I should be more serious, but when it comes to cameras, I tend to lose it!"

Bingo, thought Shaolan. He turned his attention again to finding the ghost. "So, where did it occur?" he asked.

"In the girls' locker room."


"Yes, it occured after P. E."

"Thank the gods it's night time," said Shaolan as he approached the doors to the locker room.


"Oh, no, it's locked," said Tomoyo.

"No problem," he said as he reached into his robes. He pulled out a piece of paper with writing on it. He chanted as he held it in front of his face. When it started to glow, he placed it on the doorknob.


"Sugoi..." muttered an amazed Tomoyo.

"Simple parlor trick," shrugged Shaolan.

It was dark in the locker room, save the emergency light that was flickering. Tomoyo was about to turn on the lights when Shaolan stopped her. "Don't move," he whispered.

Shaolan peered into the darkness. He immediately scolded himself. Hmph, I'm starting to think like everyone else. Humans tend to look for things when they should feel instead. Shaolan closed his eyes and concentrated. Two humans. That was Tomoyo and him. Bits and pieces of aura of humans who had been there. One was especially strong. A pink and white one. Sakura's aura.

Shaolan immediately lost concentration after recognizing the source. Dammit, Shaolan, he thought, keep your mind on the task, not her. He regained it, and suddenly felt something. Not alive, not dead. Just there.

The sound of the showers broke his concentration. "What are the showers doing on?" asked Shaolan.

"I don't know," said Tomoyo. She started to approach the shower room.

That's where it is! screamed Shaolan's senses. "Wait! Stop!!"

The showers once again turned themselves off, and the mist gathered. Shaolan wasn't going to wait for whatever it was to form. Fighting something unknown in close quarters is never a good idea, especially if others are there. He grabbed Tomoyo and ran.

"Where are we going?!" yelled Tomoyo.




Shaolan struggled to get up. That was hard. How the hell did it do that? Tomoyo was standing there asking him if he was okay. "Just run!!" he yelled.

He spun around. Nothing. Great, he thought, it might be a ghost. Only you, Sakura, could meet up with the world's only ghost. He got up and started out again, when it suddenly appeared before him.

A beautiful woman made of mist with a long braid, bangs that framed her face, and wings. Shaolan stared at her face. Oh gods... he thought. The ghost-woman smiled and kicked at him. He dodged and fled outside. Tomoyo was waiting for him with her camera.

"I thought I told you to RUN!!"

"What is that thing?" she asked.

"Nevermind that, just RUN!! Get out of here!!"

Tomoyo reluctantly agreed. Shaolan was relieved she did; normal people didn't need to be involved. The ghost-woman started to steep out of the doors' cracks. Shaolan got in a fighting stance. It formed itself again and grinned menacingly at him. Shaolan couldn't take it anymore. "How dare you use her face!!" he yelled as he lunged at it.

It artfully dodged the blow, but it didn't counterattack. It just started floating off. Where the hell is it going, thought Shaolan. Then he recognized the direction the ghost-woman was taking. "That...that's the way to Sakura's house! It's after Sakura again!"

Shaolan chased after the ghost-woman. He wasn't going to let it finish the job...


"I wonder where Sakura-chan is?"

"I'm sure she's coming, Yuki," growled Touya. She would come alright and ruin a perfect evening alone with Yukito.

Yukito looked concerned. "She's never late for anything."

Yeah, thought Touya, anything involving you. Touya hardly had any time with Yukito, but whenever he did, Sakura or the short kid would ruin it somehow. He sighed. Maybe he'd finally have some time alone with Yukito tonight.

"Well, we can't let dinner get cold! We'll just warm up Sakura-chan's when she gets here."

Touya fell over. Yes, his friend was as much as a bottomless pit as he was clueless. "Yuki, Sakura's thirty minutes late. If she was coming, she would have been here by now," said Touya.

"Oh, she promised she'd come...Ow!" exclaimed Yukito.

"What happened?"

"Ah bunfed myfelf," said Yukito as he held his fingers in his mouth.

Touya said, "Let me see."

Yukito reached out his hand. Touya looked at his friend's slender fingers. "Yep, they're burnt. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Touya touched Yukito's cheek. "That's good..."

Touya moved his lips closer to Yukito's and...


Touya shielded Yukito from the falling glass. What the hell broke the window? He looked down to see a kid in Chinese clothes covered in glass. He turned the kid over. That short kid from Sakura's class. What was he doing here? And with a SWORD?!

"Oh dear, is he okay?" asked Yukito.

Touya grimmaced. Something always spoiled the mood. He glared down at Shaolan again, but then his anger subsided a moment. Shaolan was not in good shape, especially his arm, which was bloodsoaked. The kid's eyes were blinking in and out of consciousness. This was serious...

Okay!! We got some action going on here!! ^_^ Thanks to Kawaii-chan for cheering me on to do more chapters. (I was going to do them anyway, but she really brightened my day with her very "energetic" letter. ^_^) As you can see, I've opted to explore Touya's and Yukito's friendship. ^_^;; (As well as other relationships. Let's see...whom does Tomoyo and Shaolan like? Hmmmm...) I gotta say just one more thing before I head back to the real world (you know, "the place where you have to do stuff other people want you to do"), Shaolan kicks butt!! I mean it! He is such a great character to write about! Having said that, see ya next time!

Kittyhawk Sakura (
October 12, 1998

Oh yeah, the BLURB.

Card Captor Sakura, Manga: ©CLAMP/Kodansha; Anime: ©CLAMP/Kodansha/NHK/NEP21. All pictures, ©Kittyhawk. This fanfiction is made because of my love of CLAMP's work. Please do not use anything on this page unless you ask Kittyhawk for permission. Thank you and goodnight.

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