Card Captor Sakura
Clow Zero
by Kittyhawk Sakura

Chapter 3: Every Time You Think Your Work Is Done...

Shaolan felt like the world was spinning. He ached all over, especially his arm. And to top it all off, going through a window didn't help either. He struggled to get up. Ow...he thought, remind me never to help Sakura ever again. He looked around. Everything was fuzzy, but he could make out two figures. Two men. He focused on one of them. Blonde hair, gold eyes, glasses, kinda gangly...looks familiar. Waitaminute! Yukito-san!!


"Are you alright, Shaolan-kun?" asked Yukito.

Shaolan blushed. "Um, yes...I am..." What luck to fall through this window!! he thought. ^_^ Hey, wait...I don't have time for this! I gotta save Sakura!!

"What the hell do you think you're doing coming through my window? And what's up with that sword?!"

Shaolan turned to see a very angry dark-haired guy. Dammit, he thought, it's Sakura's brother. It's really time to get out of here. He got up (ow, ow, ow), bowed, and said, "I'm very sorry for breaking your window, but I got to go now." And with that, he ran out the door.

Touya and Yukito stared at the door dumbfounded. Finally the silence was broken by Touya saying, "I'm going to follow him. He's up to no good..."


Cerberus watched Sakura as she slept. She had been tossing and turning all night. He felt really bad that he couldn't do anything for her right now. He flew over to the Clow. To help her, Cerberus needed either Sakura or Yue to chant the magic words to transform him, but Sakura couldn't get up. And forget about Yue. He'd have to risk getting seen by Yukito to get that damn person to wake up. Sigh...

Sakura started to mumble in her sleep. Cerberus went over to her side. She murmured, "...The ghost-woman...made of mist...stop..."

Poor girl, he thought, she's havin' a nightmare. He was about to wake her to save her from her dreams when suddenly she said, "...She has...a long braid...and wings...that surround me..."

Cerberus was taken aback. A woman with a long braid and wings that surround?! The miss in the dream! Maybe it was true...!


Slash. Cut. Parry.

Cerberus looked out the window. He saw a young man dressed in Chinese garb hop over the fence. It was that Descendant of Clow Reed's Mother, Shaolan Li. Cerberus looked at him closer. What happened to him? He shouted out the window, "Hey! What are ya doin'?"

"Cerberus!!" yelled Shaolan. "Is Sakura up there?"


"Keep her up there and come help me!!"

"Do what?!"

The back door to the house opened. "What's going on out here?"

Damn, thought Cerberus. It's Sakura's dad. It wasn't a good idea to let him see Shaolan in that shape. Cerberus rushed downstairs as fast as he could.

"Is that you, Li-kun?" called Kinomoto-san.

Cerberus looked out a window as he flew by. He saw Shaolan was trying to hide as best as he could. Cerberus knew he had to get rid of Kinomoto-san.

Cerberus stopped right behind Kinomoto-san. He drew a circle with his paw and chanted. A twelve-sided star with a sun and moon appeared in the center of the circle. Kinomoto-san was about to turn around, but it was too late. The seal hit the back of his head, and he fell over.

"What did you do to him?!" yelled Shaolan as he rushed towards the door.

"He's asleep," Cerberus merely said.

"Huh?" said Shaolan as he looked down. Sure enough, Kinomoto-san was snoring.

Cerberus closed the door behind him. "What the hell do ya think yer doin'?!"

"I've been asked that a lot tonight... Is Sakura safe?" said Shaolan.

"Yeah, why?"

"There's a woman after her. A ghost-woman to be exact."

"Does she have wings?"

"Yeah, why?" asked Shaolan.

"Because I think I know how my dream ties in with this." sighed Cerberus.

"What do you..." Shaolan began to say, but he was cut off by a big gust of wind. Cerberus and Shaolan turned to see the ghost-woman grinning at them. Cerberus stared at its face. His face fell in shock. It can't be...he thought...


Sakura woke up. She had been having a nightmare. That woman... But it wasn't the vision that had woke her, it was the noise outside. She looked out the window. It was Kero-chan and Shaolan...fighting the ghost-woman?! Sakura started to shake and back away from the window. N-No, not a ghost...she thought. I-I can't fight a...ghost...


I can't think that way.

Sakura got up. She couldn't stand by and let Kero-chan and Shaolan get hurt. She would never forgive herself. She would fight it.

Sakura grabbed her key and the Clow and leaped out of the window. She landed softly between Shaolan and the ghost-woman.

"Sakura?!" said a confused Kero-chan.

Sakura smiled at Shaolan and Kero-chan, and then she turned to the ghost-woman and yelled, "I am a Card Captor! I don't give up!"

"Sakura, you don't need to fight!" yelled Shaolan.

"Neither do you," she said as she pointed to his injuries.

The ghost-woman flew straight at Sakura. Sakura anticipated the move and pulled her key out.

<The Key that hides forces of darkness! Show your true shape to me! I, Sakura, command you under the contract!


The key transformed into a staff as tall as her. It was pink with a ring on the top with a star in the center and wings to the sides. Sakura pulled out a Clow Card and threw it in front of her. She struck it with the staff.


WINDY obeyed its mistress and came forth from the Card. WINDY flew straight at the approaching ghost-woman and proceeded to rip apart. The ghost-woman after a minute of struggling finally disappated.

"No, Sakura!" yelled Kero-chan. "WINDY's not gonna do it!"

Kero-chan was right. As soon as WINDY returned to Card-form, the ghost-woman pulled itself back together. Sakura could tell it was really ticked off now. It lifted some large stones and hurled them at Sakura. Sakura rolled across the ground dodging them. The ghost-woman divebombed Sakura, knocking her over. Sakura's head began to throb again. She touched it, and felt something wet. Oh gods, she thought, please don't be... She looked at her hand. Water. The ghost-woman was pure mist. Interesting...

Sakura looked up to see that the ghost-woman had turned its attention to fighting Shaolan and Kero-chan again. It turned its hand into a sickle and swung at Shaolan. "AAAaaaahhhh!!" screamed Shaolan as blood flew from his arm. The ghost-woman had successfully opened the wound on his arm again. Sakura screamed at it, "Leave him alone!!"

The ghost-woman stared at Sakura a moment and then looked at Shaolan again. It grinned ear to ear. It moved right towards Shaolan but didn't attack, and Shaolan didn't move. The ghost-woman's lips started to move, but there was no sound. Sakura wondered what it was doing...

Shaolan's eyes went dull as he fell into the arms of the ghost-woman. He started to mumble. Sakura couldn't believe the word that came out of his mouth:


Sakura? she thought. Why...? Then it hit her. The ghost-woman looked exactly like her. That was what was so familiar about it! The ghost-woman wrapped her arms around Shaolan. But why was he so entranced...? Sakura shook it off. She had to get Shaolan out of the ghost-woman's arms so that she could finish it off.

"Kero-chan!" she yelled. "Cover your eyes!"

<Card created by Clow. Lend your powers to my Key. Transfer your magic powers residing in you to the Key, and lend me your powers!>


Piercing rays surrounded Sakura. The ghost-woman was blinded and dropped Shaolan. Now to finish the job.


EARTHY flew headlong at the ghost-woman. The ghost-woman gained her sight back in time to see it coming and dodged, but EARTHY circled it. The earth mixed with the mist causing the ghost-woman to become clay.

"Ye-es!" yelled Kero-chan. "You did it!!"

Shaolan got up and shook his head. "Wh-What happened?" "Are you alright, Shaolan-kun? You looked like you were out of it for a moment," said Sakura as she stared directly into his eyes. Shaolan looked down and blushed. "Ummm... I...You see...."

Sakura sighed. She wasn't going to get an answer right now. She turned to look at the ghost-woman who was struggling to move.

"Why did you do these things? And why did you take my image?" Sakura said angrily as she stood over it.

The ghost-woman slowly move its head. Sakura could see the difficulty it was having with the mud body. It glared at Sakura. Sakura started to hear an echoing voice in her head.

<Card Captor, you have bested me. Congratulations.>

"Answer me! Who are you?"

<I am merely a servant, and I take any appearance I want. I do as my master commands me to do.>

"He told you to attack us?! Who is he?"

<Oh, I can't tell you who he is. That would be insubordination. And my orders were not to attack you, it was just the method I took to achieve my goal.>

"Your goal?" questioned Shaolan.

The ghost-woman's face cracked as it smiled. <Oh yes. I wanted to weaken you who protect the Clow so my job would be much easier.> And with that the ghost-woman lunged at the Clow in Sakura's hands. It latched on as tightly as it could. Sakura struggled to pull the Clow away. "Let go!"

<Hmph. Stupid Card Captor. You have no idea of what you are against.>

The Clow began to glow. Sakura let it go as it started to burn her hand. It flew straight up into the air. Shaolan and Kero-chan tried getting near it, but it was hopeless, they could not get near the searing heat. Bright lights began to eminate from inside the gilded book.

"What's going on?!" yelled Shaolan.

Then the cover to the Clow flew open letting the Cards escape. They turned into orbs of light and shot off like meteors in all directions. The Clow Cards were loose in the world again.

<Say goodbye to your precious Cards.> gloated the ghost-woman.

Sakura paled. "No...No, no, no, NOOOOO!!! Come back!" she screamed as she waved her staff in the air trying to at least catch one Clow Card.

Sakura glared at the ghost-woman. "Why the hell did you do that? Is this your stupid task?! Answer me!"

The ghost-woman looked down a minute and then looked up with a stoic face. She said slowly,

<The Clow...its destiny is at hand...>

And with that, it crumbled into a million pieces. Along with Sakura's control.


Shaolan watched as Sakura slowly began to lose it. She fell to the ground, crying. She started pounding the mound of earth that was left of the ghost-woman and screaming obscenities at it. Finally, she crumpled over and started sobbing. Shaolan couldn't stand to see her this way. He walked over to her, knelt down, and took her into his arms. She didn't even seem to notice. Sakura just continued to cry.

"Wh-Why d-did this happen? This isn't happening...this isn't happening..." Sakura kept muttering to herself.

Shaolan continued to cradle her in his arms until she finally quieted down. When she stopped sobbing, Shaolan held her shoulders and said, "Sakura, this isn't the end of the world. The Clow Cards tend to take any chance they can to escape."

She rubbed her eyes. "B-But, I failed. I failed at being a Card Captor. I-I had a chance to stop her, but I was too weak..."

Cerberus floated over and said, "No, you aren't..."

Shaolan reinforced what Cerberus said. "Weak, Sakura? C'mon! You single-handedly captured all nineteen Cards! Not many magicians can do that! This is nothing to someone of your power!"

"M-My power?" said Sakura disbelieving.

Shaolan blushed and said, "I have to admit, Sakura. You're the strongest power I've ever met."

"Yep! Why'd you think I picked you?" said Cerberus.

Shaolan began to see Sakura was starting to brighten up again. Good. He never liked it when Sakura cried. Sakura stared at Shaolan for a minute and then grinned as much as her face could contain. She hugged him and said, "You're right! It's not the end! I can get them back! Twice as fast, if you help me!"

Shaolan turned beet red. Sakura was squeezing him so hard, he didn't know if it was because she was hugging him or if he couldn't breath. Either way, he was still glad that Sakura had pulled out of it.

Sakura jumped up and yelled, "I am Card Captor Sakura Kinomoto! I swore to capture to the Clow Cards, and I will do it again!!"

<That's all I wanted to hear.>


Sakura turned around to see a beautiful glowing woman. Sakura whispered, "LIGHT... You came back? Why?"

LIGHT laughed. It smiled and said, <I am different from the rest of the Clow Cards, Card Captor Sakura. I have a special bond with you.> It pointed to Sakura's chest.

That's right, thought Sakura, she was inside me. LIGHT had emerged when Sakura fought DARK. "Then you'll help me?" asked Sakura.

<Of course! Just say the magic words.> giggled LIGHT.

Sakura smiled. "Yes!"

<Return to the shape you were meant to be in!>

<<Clow Card!!>>

The staff released ribbons of light that engulfed LIGHT and turned it into a glowing card. The Clow Card LIGHT floated into Sakura's hands.

<I was in your heart always. You will succeed.>

She held it close to her. She whispered, "I know. I will succeed. Thank you, LIGHT, Kero-chan, Shaolan-kun..."


Touya ran up to the house. No lights were on in it, yet there had been a weird light show in its direction. Electrical problems? Probably not, because he had never seen anything like that before.

He stepped inside. "Hello?" he called.


This is too weird, thought Touya as he walked through the darkness. Then he heard voices coming from the backyard. Someone is here. He walked towards the back door, and then... Touya hopped around trying to regain his balance. He had nearly tripped over something big. He looked back at it.


Kinomoto-san groggily got up. "Touya, what're you doin' here," said Kinomoto-san in a sleepy voice.

"Dad, what happened?"

Kinomoto-san shook his head. "I-I don't know. I heard Li-kun in the back and then..."

Shaolan decides to high-tail it out of there...Li. That damn short kid. He was behind all this.

Touya went to the door and opened it with great force. He was shocked at what he saw. Sakura was sitting on the ground in her pajamas with a strange staff and golden book. That stuffed animal she always had with her was perched on her shoulder. (Wasn't she a little too old to be playing with dolls?) And finally, that short kid Shaolan was standing next to Sakura. He was injured, wearing those weird clothes, and had that sword. Time to kill.

Touya stormed out the door. "What the hell is going on out here?! Sakura?!"

Cerberus froze. Sakura opened her mouth and tried to speak, but nothing came forth. Shaolan got nervous and started to back away. (Oookay, time to get out here...)

Touya shot Shaolan a glance. It was obviously his fault. Shaolan turned to Sakura and said, "Well, it's been nice seeing you, Sakura! I'll see you in class tomorrow!" And with that, he ran off.

Touya chased after him at full-force. No way was that kid getting away so easily...


Fujitaka watched his son chase after Shaolan. What was this all about? He turned to Sakura, who was getting up, and asked, "What are you doing out here? Are you feeling better, Sakura-san?"

Sakura picked up a stuffed animal with wings and sighed, "I'm fine, oto-san. Shaolan-kun just wanted to see if I was okay."

"He looked like he was in bad condition."

"After tonight, I wouldn't doubt it . Good night, oto-san," said Sakura as she walked into the house.

Fujitaka stood there completely confused.

"Good night, Sakura-san."

Note to reader: This is my stuffed Tails doll (you know, from Sonic the Hedgehog) talking to me. I don't know why exactly I did this "interview."

Tails: Heeelloo!!
Kittyhawk: Ah! You scared me, Tails-chan! What are you doing here?
Tails: Oh, I'm here to bug you! ^_^
Kittyhawk: Well, go away. I gotta lot to do. Shoo!
Tails: That's really nice. Hey, what are you writing?
Kittyhawk: A Card Captor Sakura fanfic. How do you like it?
Tails: <read read read>'s good...
Kittyhawk: Tell me the truth!
Tails: Are you really going to have Touya and Yukito going out together?
Kittyhawk: Yep.
Tails: Exactly why are you doing this?
Kittyhawk: I want to 'cause they make such a cute couple! ^_^
Tails: Ohmigods...
Kittyhawk: : Oh c'mon! How could I resist?!
Tails: O-kay... So, who's this guy who sent the ghost-woman?
Kittyhawk: Can't tell you yet!
Tails: You're mean! Tell me, K-hawk!
Kittyhawk: Just wait. Good things come if you wait! ^_^
Tails: Yeah, yeah... (Meanie...)

Kittyhawk Sakura (
November 1, 1998

Oh yeah, the BLURB.

Card Captor Sakura, Manga: ©CLAMP/Kodansha; Anime: ©CLAMP/Kodansha/NHK/NEP21. All pictures, ©Kittyhawk. This fanfiction is made because of my love of CLAMP's work. Please do not use anything on this page unless you ask Kittyhawk for permission. Thank you and goodnight.

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