©1998 Art & Story Carlos "Abai" D. Cheung. Any reproduction, exhibition, in any media needs permission from the author.

Welcome to my first online manga! SwordCerers. This page is always under construction, so please be patient and don´t worry about updates. This page will be always updated so stick around and enjoy this website that I made with effort so you can have fun here. You are always welcome!

Bienvenidos a mi primer manga en internet! SwordCerers. Esta pagina siemre esta en construccion, asi que tengan paciencia y no se preocupen por actualizaciones. Esta pagina siempre sera actualizada asi que disfruta esta pagina que he hecho con mucha paciencia para que te divertas aqui. Siempre seran bienvenidos.

If you have any comments, suggestions, please send me an email at Abai @ Geocities.com

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