This site is under heavy construction, due to the fact that Lina Inverse used her Dragon Slave HERE!!!

Welcome to my little shrine dedicated to Lina Inverse and The Slayers! Here you will find information about one of my favorite anime characters. This page will be always updated, so stick around and enjoy my little shrine, that I made with effort so you can have fun here. You are always welcome!

Bienvenidos a mi pequeño "altar" dedicado a "Lina Inverse & The Slayers"! Aqui encontraras informacion sobre una de mis personajes favoritos de anime. Esta pagina siempre es actualizada, asi que mira alrededor y disfruta de mi pequeño "altar", que hice con esfuerzo para que te diviertas aqui. Siempre seran bienvenidos!

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This Slayers Ring site owned by Charlie D. Cheung.
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