Disclaimer and Other Legalese

----- I do not wish to infring on the rights of the people who made or marketed Ronin Warriors or Yoroiden Samurai Troopers.  This includes but not limited to: Graz Entertainment, Sunrise Animation Inc.,  Playmates Toys, CBS, Sony, Nagoya Television, and Ocean.  I do not wish to infring on the rights of voice actors, artists, producers, creators, or anyone else.

This site is a dedication to the great show that is Yoroiden Samurai Troopers / Ronin Warriors.

  1. Some images were found on the web and presumed to be free for all.
  2. Most images were captured or scanned by myself.
  3. All people who contributed to this site are thanked in the Special Thanks section.
  4. Many images were modified or created by myself.
  5. Some images were contributed to this site by other people.
  6. Movies, sounds, mp3s, and images are not meant to infring on anyone's copyrights.
  7. I make absolutely no money off of this page.  In fact it costs me a good deal of money to do all of this.
  8. The only reason I make this site is to promote a great show, increase its popularity, and to provide a resourse to fans across the world.
  9. All fanfics and fanart are copyright to their creator.

Last but not least:

Mailbox ----- Want to mail me?? Sure you do.  Send me pictures, comments, ideas, suggestions, anything that could help these pages.  Heck just mail me and tell me that you like the site.  Send all mail to: valex37@ix.netcom.com