E-Mail FAQ
----- Welcome to the email FAQ.
Over my years of writing this page I have gotten many, many emails,
most of which asked the same questions. And here are the answers.
Here I will try to answer all the most popular questions that I recieve
in email. I made this section to remove the some of the burdon of answering
everyone's questions as well as a way for you to get answers to questions
before emailing me.
----- Please, please read over
my site before emailing me a question. Especially all the sections
under "The Series" because they hold a wealth of information about the show.
Technical Questions
I am having problems downloading some files.
File does not work.
Will you unzip the movies and mp3s?
Why are some movies down and when will they be back up?
How did you make the movies, images, sounds, ect?
Questions About The Show
What time and channel is Ronin Warriors on?
What is the proper spelling of the names of the
I have heard about nudity in the show. Is that
What does Kayura look like?
Merchandise Questions
Where can I get copies of the episodes or OAVs?
Where can I get cells, CDs, posters, etc?
Do you have any tapes, OAVs, action figures, CDs, posters
etc. for sale?
Miscellaneous Questions
Can you send me movies, images, sounds, ect?
What does ???? mean?
I want to help you out.
Can I request movies, sounds, images to be made?
When will my request be answered?
How can I link your site?
Can I send in fan-fiction, fanart, etc. for you to put up?
Can I use your pictures / sounds / movies / fanfics for my
1. Technical Problems...
(1.1) I
am having problems downloading some files.
----- There is really nothing I can do about this.
Specifically this question addreses those people who are able to start
downloading but suffer from time outs. My only advice to you is to try
downloading at a less busy time of day or switch to a better ISP. This
problems is most definately on your end, not mine.
File does not work?
----- There are two types of file errors
you may encounter when browsing this site. The first is a 'server does not
exist' error. This is not serius. Just try back later. If the file is consistanly
not found then let me know. The other kind of error is a 'file not found'
this is bad. Let me know immediately.
Will you unzip the movies and mp3s?
----- All the movies and mp3s are zipped. That
means you have to unzip them first before you can view them. I zipped
them with WinZip. If you are having problems unzipping them get
an updated versian of WinZip. Some AOL users have problems downloading them.
Get a real browser like IE 4+ or Netscape 4+. I can not unzip
the files because I need to conserve space so don't ask. I will
not email you unzipped or zipped files either. Some Mac users say they have
problems unzipping the files. There is nothing I can do about that.
(1.4) Why
are some movies are down? When will they be back up?
----- I know some are down. This is because
simplenet decided to take away their 'unlimited' policy. I am trying
to find a new home for them and I will get them back up as soon as possible.
(1.5) How
did you make the movies, sounds, images? How did you get the episodes, OAVs,
----- I have a video capture card for my computer
which allows me to capture all the video and images. I use my sound
card to capture sounds. I tapes the episodes when they were airing
on Sci-Fi channel. I got the OAVs from a friend. I got all my
action figures from friends. Check out my special
thanks page to see who contributed what.
(1.6) Format
of Images?
----- I only have jpgs and gifs. Because
those are the only kind that display on browsers.
2. Questions about the show..
(2.1) What
time and channel is Ronin Warriors on?
----- I regret to say that it has been over 10
years since it aired in Japan, over 2 years since its US airing on FOX networks,
and over 1 year since its US airing on Sci-Fi channel. Basically its
been canceled for a while. If you would like information about how
to bring the show back to US television then check out
Rescue Our Ronins!
(2.2) What
are the proper spellings of the characters names?
----- Only a few characters names have an offical
spelling (meaning they appeared in the title of an episode). These are: Talpa,
Ryo, Saranbo, Saber Strike, Anubis, White Blaze, Sun Deveil, and Kayura.
(2.3) I
have heard about nudity in the show. Is that correct?
----- It is indeed correct. In episode 30
(Talpa Turns the Tide) you can see Kayura nude as she changes from her warrior
outfit to her kimono. I'll try and put a movie up of this scene eventually.
(2.4) What
does Kayura look like?
----- I had to post this question because I am
still seeing people put up pictures of Nadia saying she is Lady Kayura. In
case you are wondering who Nadia is, she is a character from OAV #2. She
never even appeared in the TV series. The image on the side of this
FAQ is of Kayura. Just so we don't get any more confusion I present
these two links:
Kayura Pictures
Nadia Pictures
3. Merchandise Questions
(3.1) Where
can I get tapes of Ronin Warriors? Of the OAVs?
----- Check out the RW/YST
Merchandise section. I have compiled all the information I have
about getting tapes and other merchandise there.
(3.2) Where
can I get Ronin Warriors posters? toys? etc?
----- Once again I refer you to the
RW/YST Merchandise section. Also check anime
stores, anime conventions, and other places. I have seen the Ronin
Warriors action figures sold at Kay-Bee, and heard roumers of them being
at Wal-mart as well.
(3.3) Do
you have Action Figures, Tapes, Merchandise, OAVs, etc. for
----- None of my action figures or merchandise
is for sale. Ronin Warriors or Otherwise. Sorry. I cannot
make copies of tapes or oavs. Check out the RW
/ YST Merchandise area for further information about getting stuff.
4. Miscellaneous Questions..
(4.1) Can
you send me movies, images, mp3s, sounds, etc?
----- I do not have the time to send people these
things. I have put everything I have in the
download area. Please look there for them.
If any of them do not work, please tell me and I will check them and
fix them. If you have any requests please tell me and I will add them
as soon as I can. I will send images provided that you have a VERY
good reason for requesting them.
(4.2) What
does ???? mean?
----- Check the
glossary. If it isn't there ask me and I'll
add it.
(4.3) I
want to help you out!
----- Check the Help This
Site section for ways that you can help me out.
(4.4) Can
I request movies, sounds, etc. from you?
----- I am not currently taking requests for movies,
sounds, or images.
(4.5) When
will my request be answered?
----- I lost all of the requests when I purged
my old email. So most likely nevery. Sorry about that.
(4.6) How
can I link your site?
----- Just add a link. No need to bother
putting up a banner or asking me permission first. Just link the site.
(4.7) Can
I send in fan-fiction, fanart, ect. for you to put up?
----- Sure you can send in anything. Read
the submission guidelines first. I will put
up submissions whenever I have time. If you reall want yours up, just
email me a lot and tell me to do it.
(4.8) Can
I use your pictures / sounds / movies / fanfics for my site?
----- Ok read this section carefully. You may
use any images you like for your site EXCEPT the ones that I have personally
edited. This means you can use anything found in the image
archive but nothing that you may find on the rest of the site. You may
use up to 10 wav sounds from my site without asking permission. You
may NOT, I repeat NOT, use any movies or mp3s from my site without permission.
You may post my fanfics on your site. If you use anything from
me you must put a link to this site http://members.xoom.com/darkwarlords/
and give me (SkyHammer or Alexander Vandell) credit for them.