Help This Site

----- Where the heck should this site go in 1999???  That question is the new focus of this section.  Here is where I encourage you, the surfer, to help me out.  So please read over this page and see how you can help.  

The first Annual CONTEST!!

----- The site has taken a distinct turn from just being about the Dark Warlords to about the show in general.  This means that the site needs a new name.  I am terrible at thinking up names so I am asking everyone who is even mildly creative to send me a new name for the site.  Just e-mail me with the name (or names) you thought up and your name or handle.  The winner gets a mention in my special thanks section and the honor of having re-named the site. (That is about the best I can do considering my annual income is all of nothing.)

Suggestion Box

----- Here is a list of what I'm planning to add to the site.  Please send any suggestions for other things my way.  I really need suggestions.  This is your big chance to have an affect on where this site goes.  

What Still Has to be Done:

  1. Add OAV 3 images.
  2. Redo layout of sound archive.
  3. Add mp3s and lyrics for the rest of the CDs.
  4. OAV character write ups.
  5. Add episode synopsis.
  6. Add character names from other countries.
  7. Add more fanfics (mine and others).
  8. Finish the brief episode synopsis.
  9. Make a section about the 3 treasures.
  10. Make an animated gif section.
  11. Add more humor.
  12. Redo layout of Misc, Character Info, and Humor sections.
  13. Add sound and movie run time.
  14. More custom graphics.
  15. Add more movies.

Various Other Things You Can Do To Help This Site


  1. This one is very simple.  Bookmark the site, and come back every week or two to see the new updates.
  2. Email me.  Tell me what you like, what you don't like.
  3. Tell others about my site.
  4. Report broken links or images to me so that I can fix them.
  5. Stop by my IRC channel, #roninwarriors on port 6667 (or use the Java Chat Room) and talk to me.
  6. Talk to me on ICQ or IM.
  7. Make suggestions.
  8. Read my fanfic.
  9. Tell me about errors, please don't tell me about spelling errors.  I'll run my pages though a spell checker whenever I get the time.
  10. Submit fanfics, or fanart to me.
  11. Make requests for movies or images or the like.
  12. Layout suggestions are always appreciated.
  13. Simplest of all, don't email me with stupid questions :)
  14. Make still more suggestions!  I am always on the look out for ideas for new sections.


  1. Send me copies of any instrumental versians of YST CDs (especially Kimi or Kaze) that might exist.  Especially Kimi.
  2. Send me first series information on the Ronin Warriors Action figures.
  3. Send me copies of Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Japanese Ronin Warriors).
  4. Send me copies of Ronin Warriors in any language other than english.
  5. Take it upon yourself to redo any graphics for me and make them ultra cool.  Just ask me ahead of time about what you want to redo.
  6. Send me information on the Yoroiden Samurai Troopers Toys.
  7. Send me scans or color copies of the YST Artbooks.
  8. Send me donations.  Believe it or not this site costs money.  And it costs money to keep back ups of all those multimedia files I put up.  So I'm begging anyone with a few bucks to spare to help me out and send a donation.  Email me for more information.

Mailbox ----- Want to mail me?? Sure you do.  Send me pictures, comments, ideas, suggestions, anything that could help these pages.  Heck just mail me and tell me that you like the site.  Send all mail to: