Ronin Warriors / Yoroiden Samurai Troopers Merchandise

----- Many people have asked me where they can go to acquire Ronin Warriors / Yoroiden Samurai Troopers goods.  Such things as the OAVs, Posters, Cells, CDs, etc.  So I have compiled a list of them for you here.  If any of these links do not sell RW / YST Merchandise please tell me.  Also if you have any good links to places that Merchandise can be found please tell me. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of anime providers so any and all help is appreciated.

IMPORTANT:  I am not affiliated with any of the companies here.  I make no garuntee of their honesty or the quality of their products.  Any deals worked out are between you and them.  I only compiled the list of links.  
----- If you order from any of these companies please tell them that you found their site from mine (and give them the URL).  It will help promote my site.


Products You Can Find There

Mako's Distro ----- OAVs (all 3), look under unsubbed tapes.
Anime Frontier ----- CDs, and Laser Disks.
The UCI Anime Store ----- CDs.
Nichibei Anime Club ----- Cells, and Laser Disks. ----- Cells.
Anime Pavillion ----- CDs.
Digital Disks LLC ----- CDs.
ANIMEted Characters ----- T-shirts.
Anime Lane ----- Cells.

----- Other good sources of YST items are anime conventions and anime stores.  Conventions are the best places to look for things because dealers from all over will be there.  If you are lucky enough to have a good anime store near you they might also have some stuff.

Ronin Warriors Tape Distributers!
----- Okay here is the deal.  I can't make tapes but the people below claim they can so email them and not me.  Once again I do not have any affiliation with these people.  Any deals worked out between you and them is between you.  This is just up as a service for all the people who want tapes. - Has most of the Ronin Warriors series from american cable and will be willing to copy them for a fair price. - He has all 39 episodes (Sci-Fi airing) on tape and is willing ot copy them.  He charges $25 US for all 39 episodes. - Has all 39 episodes (Fox/UPN airing) on tape and is willing to copy them for $70 US (shipping included).

Tape Distributers Needed!
 If you are willing to copy Ronin Warriors tapes for fans please send me your email address.  I will add you to a list here and those people who want tapes can email you for them.  Whatever prices, trades, or other deals are worked out are between you and them.  I'm just listing emails.  There are a lot of people out there wanting tapes so this can be a good way to make some money.  Please charge fair prices.

Personal Sales, Auctions, and Trades!
----- This is where people who have Ronin Warriors / Yoroiden Samurai Troopers stuff can announce sales, auctions, or trades of their stuff.  Just send me your email and a bit about what you have and I'll add you.  Once again I do not have any affiliation with these people.  Any deals worked out between you and them is between you.  This is just up as a service for all the people who want merchandise.

Vanessa - She is a French YST fan and has been collecting stuff since '92.  She has a good deal of duplicate items and is interested in selling them or trading them with other fans. She has mostly ramicards, posters, shitajiki, pencases, videocases, and other cool stuff. She does NOT have tapes for sale.

Mailbox ----- Want to mail me?? Sure you do.  Send me pictures, comments, ideas, suggestions, anything that could help these pages.  Heck just mail me and tell me that you like the site.  Send all mail to: