Previous Updates
----- This is just a little
section where I shall keep a record of all the previus updates that I have
done to the site. This list has the date the site was first made and
then keeps a record of all the updates starting on 1-1-98 and proceeding
1-1-98 (it was a very big update)
Updated links page.
Updated special thanks page.
Spell checked the sound archive.
Updated the gloasary.
Was informed that the link color was hard to see so I changed it.
Made a few images into jpgs for faster loading.
Updated the Dark War Character Guide.
All movies now work.
Updated problems and solutions section for action figures.
Updated inforamation and working pictures on all the action figures.
Updated voice actors pages.
Minor Modifications on many pages.
Updated the IRC chat page.
Updated Survey Results.
Modified the survey page a bit.
Checked over image, sound, and movie archives and fixed all borken or bad
Updated the Basic Plot section.Fanfic archive is now up.
Far Art archive is now up.
Dark War part 15 is now up.
Won 3 new awards, Glowy's, Destined for Immortality, and the Saiyan Award
of Supremacy.
Kimi and Best Friends have been put into mp3 format and added to the music
and soundtracks section. (thats 20 mp3's to download to your heart's content)
Added a Help This Site section.
Added a chat on instant messanger section.
Added a Chat on ICQ section.
The non java script page is back and working.
5 New Movies:,,,, and
have been added.
Began a major revision in sight layout.
Added 3 new movies.
Added and updated a lot of stuff I can't remember off hand.
Redid layout of guestbook page.
Improved the layout of all the area's under "The Series".
Made a lot of minor modifications to various areas.
Added the OAV Guide (under the Series).
Added a section devoted to the real places in japan that are seen in Ronin
Warriors (under The Series).
Added new fanfics by Destonus.
Added a new fanfic by Ian "Anubis" Schroen.
Layout of Survey Page.
Layout of everything under "Public Forum."
I emailed simplenet about the connection problems. So now its
up to them to fix it.
Updated the layout of the main page (yet again).
Added page featuring how to get RW/ YST Merchandise (under Public Forum).
Added page featuring how to Support Ronin Warriors (under Public Forum).
Added a Java Chat Room (under Public Forum) which connects directly to
#roninwarriors on sandnet.
Added a Ronin Warriors Mailing List (under Public Forum).
Added new fanfics from Destonus
Dark War 16 has been added!!!
Added more fanfics by Destonus.
"Quake with Fear" wav works, I checked it.
Updated Dark War character guide.
Added a section to help people get copies of Ronin Warroirs tapes under the
merchandise section of Public Forum."
Added an email FAQ (please read before emailing me).
Fixed the fan art by Grantos. (it works now).
Added a Site Map.
Movded Disclaimer to its own page.
Edited layout of index page a bit.
The images, sounds, movies, and mp3s are down until further notice. Please
do not email me about it.
Merchandise page updated.
Minor Modifications to some pages.
Updated E-Mail FAQ.
Java chat room updated.
Merchandise section updated.
Sounds are up again.
Merchandise section updated.
Resque Our Ronins section updated.
Links section updated.
Charaters section updated.
Some minor layout changed made.
Updated IRC chat page.
Special Thanks section updated.
Images are up.
Improved layout of image archive.
Glossary updated.
About? section upated.
Special Thanks section updated.
99 more images added to image archive.
Added an anime I own list under About?
Lots of layout modifications.
35 movies put back up.
The Site has moved to Xoom.
Email FAQ updated.
Dark War 17 is up!
Dark War Character Guide updated.
Layout Modifications.
Merchandise Section Updated.
Action Figures section updated.
About? section updated.
More of Destonus' fanfics added.
4 more movies added.
Fixed some strange HTML error in Dark War 17.
Worked on the layout of the music and soundtracks section.
Added 29 MP3s.
Put 10 mp3s back up.
Put 2 movies back up.
Continued to work on the layout of the music and soundtrack section.
16 new mp3s from GRH added.
Updated links page.
Fixed some bad links.
Spent a lot of time trying to tell people where my new page was.
Added another movie.
Added 8 more fanfics by Destonus.
Added 17 new mp3s from SRH.
Added 20 new mp3s from Kikoute Densetsu.
Updated the e-mail FAQ.
Added 19 new mp3s from Hana.
Image archive went down, its back up now.
Some sounds went down, they are back up now.
11 new mp3s from Tori added.
1-1-99 (it was a very big update)
Started the contest to rename the site.
Made the picture of the ancient with the nine kanji around him. Asked for
suggestions on where to put it.
Spell checked OAV Guide.
Added Message OAV synopsis for all 5 parts.
Added a Psycho Fan Mail section under Miscellaneous.
Modified e-mail FAQ.
Added 13 new mp3s from Kaze.
Added 6 new mp3s from Suiko Den and a summary of it.
Link section overhauled and new links added.
Added an image of Jason Gray Stanford (Kento's voice actor) to the voice
actor section.
Lyrics for the CDs I currently have up added in download area.
Made minor modifications.
Redid the Help This Site section.
Added a you know you watch too much ronin warriors when section under humor.
I fixed the email address of mikecool (a tape distributer) in the
merchandise section.
Special Thanks section updated.
Updated merchandise section.
Updated IRC page.
Dropped the java script / non java script stuff. Just one index page
Updated About? section and the anime I own list.
Spell checked Suiko Den summary.
----- Want to mail me?? Sure you do. Send
me pictures, comments, ideas, suggestions, anything that could help these
pages. Heck just mail me and tell me that you like the site. Send
all mail to: |