This is a very rare anime; in fact it's one of the earliest anime movies made, dating from 1959, if I have identified it correctly! I think it's "The Adventures of Little Samurai", directed by Taiji Yabushita. In the story, the young hero, who has some magical powers, battles against a bad witch. It's directed for the most part in an epic style, and as can be seen from the illustrations it looks more like a woodblock print than a modern anime. As though uneasy with this, the animators have inserted some slightly sinister fantasy toy animals, presumably to make it look like an animation for children. |
I looked at one episode of this while I was recording it. It seems to be a fantasy inspired by "Don Quixote" rather than any attempt to be an adaptation of it. The episode I saw features a girl, the Don himself, and a lot of rather modern-looking gadgets from what I remember. Has nothing in particular to recommend it. Title |
Another "magical girl" anime. It doesn't have anything in particular to recommend it, and was presumably intended for younger girls.Credits Group Magic English name: Flower Magic-using Mary Bell Japanese name: Hana no Mahou Tsukai Marybell Japanese name: Dates: February 3, 1992-January 18, 1993 |
ALL MY FRIENDS (=Alle Meine Freunde)
About a boy who lives on a farm in the southern USA, and later is sent to live in Boston, where he is initally rather over-awed by his surroundings. Boston street
The well-known series, adapted for screening in the US, and also appearing on European TV from time to time.