Shoujo Homepage List

Shoujo Homepage Listing

The following are shoujo homepages collected at random from the Shoujo mailing list & elsewhere. Many will contain interesting info. The site creators would like to hear from you: drop by and leave them a feedback message!

Please e-mail me with any additions, corrections, reviews, complaints etc.

Matt Thorn's Homepage - valuable reference for magazines in Japanese & in translation, academic articles, etc. Matt is an authority on Shoujo matters. Also some useful shoujo links. The Shoujo Manga Home Page
New address
"Many very indepth essays written on Shoujo manga and anime. This person knows a hell of a lot about the Shoujo scene!" [Sam Allison]

Hitoshi Doi's anime page
"Lots of information on various series." [Sam Allison]

Vince's Anime and Manga Page Contains several links, but two of the most important ones are to the Shoujo Anime List, and to the Minami Ozaki Fan Page and Gallery ( - Vincent B. Ho.


Miyuki Anime Network:
I am handling the Miyuki Anime Network homepage and hope you can link it up as Miyuki Anime Network at Miyuki. It is an upcoming website featuring lots of things for animation. I hope you enjoy this site.

"Lady Andromeda"
Anime Lyrics Encyclopedia.
See also her other pages & links:

Zahara Medina: Home page, shoujo magazine "Amie" etc.

Earthian Home PageThis server is supported by JCA. Earthian. (Japanese page)

Psycho Psycho Bishonen News: Zetsu Ai & Bronze.

Mimi's Manga Shelf
Contains pages for several shoujo manga titles, including Seimaden , Count Cain series, Facade, and Ohtoayokasjikinan, and also scripts and synopsis for Rg Veda.

Anime club homepage (inc. song lyrics etc) Mach 3 Radio Station
"Contains the lyrics to many anime series including Shoujo ones." [Sam Allison]

Hiroyuki Hironaga's page (Mustard Boy/Okonomi Studio) of the most useful Shoujo sites: includes essential anime/manga list.

Wadakun's page:
Wadakun's house:


THE Shoujo Anime/Manga List by Vince Ho.
"Large list of Shoujo titles, all alphabetically listed, most have been classified into one of the genres. Also try the same URL with different numbers (ie. shoujolist2.html)for better descriptions." [Sam Allison]
-There seem to be a lot of susanooh & susanooh/ URLs- [G.C.]

ML archive: (shoujo, Ranma, & other lists)

Anime link page:


Please Save My Earth website:


Crystal S Poon: Shoujo dojinshi page (artwork) Afforest
"Homepage of the Afforest Shoujo Doujinshi group. VERY professional looking page with some amazing artwork!" (Sam Allison]

Thomas Wang:
Do they both work ????


David Simmons (Rose of Versailles)

Rebecca Hwa:


Slowstep homepage:

Includes recommendation list: Spitz

Homepages by Japanese artists: Ama no Utage : Artists' Asylum
"Some excellent Shoujo style art from a number of Japanese artists." [Sam Allison]

Japanese artist- SAEGUSA Jun (f) Saegusa

Mostly shoujo manga reviews: TT Wang
"Reviews of Shoujo (and Shonen) manga. About fifteen Shoujo titles mentioned." [Sam Allison]

Kierestelli & Vince Website
"Links to a few Shoujo sites (on Vince's section)." [Sam Allison]

Zyuranger homepage: Zyuranger

Homepage by Tuxedo Thai Tuxedo Thai

{G. Cowie 23.11.96}