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Betterman Night 9
Title: Aqua
On Air: May 27, 1999

Reported on Dec. 9th, 1999


 Yanagi and Asami are communicating over the phone. Asami tells to him that Betterman always appeared when Hinoki and Keita were in danger. Asami believes that Betterman is familiar with Keita and Hinoki. Yanagi feels something strange, and leaves from the telephone. Asami says, "Something is wrong, Yangi?" However, Yanagi does not replies.

 Akamatsu and others are looking for the capsules in the cargo ship. They are worried about Yanagi since he disappeared in the cargo ship. Sakura searches Yanagi with using of her special ability, and she says, "We should not be worried about him. He is just tired."
 Keita romps around to see the ships. On the other hand, Akamatsu Industry's employee are trying to communicate with the ship, however, nobody answers against the communication. Akamatsu says, "All crews were disappeared. What a mystery."
 Asami comes to the ship with a helicopter. Keita is waiting for Asami on the deck. Hinoki and Kaede with Tyran are also waiting for her. This time, Akamatsu ordered the mission to Hinoki and Kaede with Tyran.

 Hinoki and Kaede with Tyran are researching the cargo ship. Kaede finds the capsules with using her special ability. The capsules were hidden behind the wall of the cargo ship. Akamatsu sighs that his employee Heichin is supposed to be in one of the capsules
 Keita realized that Sakura is not sitting on the special healing chair she usually sits on. Keita asks to her, "Are you OK not to sit on the chair?". When Sakura is about saying something, the ship start sinking. Akamatsu tells to them calm down because Tyran can work even in the water. However, Hinoki screams since a monster comes into the ship with sea water.

 Keita and Sakura ride into Kakuseijin. Akamatsu tries to stop them, but they do not accept. Kakuseijin gets into the sea. Sakura is also Dual Kind, but she could not be head Diver since she is physically weak.
 The sneak like monster makes the ship sunk. Kakuseijin beats the monster, but more monsters come out. Keita is in danger. Then, Betterman Lamia comes, and eats a seed. Betterman Lamia transforms into Betterman Aqua. Betterman Aqua saves Keita. While Betterman Aqua beats the monsters, Keita and Sakura with Kakuseijin are looking for Tyran with Hinoki and Kaede.
 Asami gets one of the dead bodies of the monster. Asami is amazed since the monster organized with several types of creatures.
 Betterman Aqua breathes the blood of the monsters, and breaths out blue liquid instead. Sakura says, it is Psycho Blood. The blue liquid kills the monsters. Asami and others feel relief at the monsters death. But next moment. Because a large quantity of the dead monsters come out on the surface of the sea.
 Keita finds Hinoki in the cockpit of Tyran. Hinoki is in the Linker Gel (the special type of energy of Nuro noid Tyran.) Keita is wondering that Linker Gel is looks like something.


On Air date May27,1999

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