Godai experiences a bit of bad luck (not any more than usual, I would say) because of a broken chopstick. And because of that, he believes that it was his fault that Kyoko hurt her ankle. Mitaka competes against Godai to help her while she's resting in bed for the next few days. Becomes evident that Mitaka has one talent that Godai doesn't have. -- Tarigan

Godai - What?! You gave her taiyaki and takoyaki??!!
Akemi - Yeah, she ate it all.
Yotsuya - And you gave her ramen?
Ichinose - Before all that, Mitaka coach's cooking.....
Akemi - All she has do to is to say no.
Godai - Under that circumstance, she ate all that much bad ramen and smiled...
Akemi - That's what makes her great.

Episode sixteen script