This is version 1 of the...

  ee      ee       e. .eeee.$ $      ee                      e       ee
  7$..eee.$$        $$P''d$P        d$"                   $$$$$$$    $$
  .>$$P""7$$$b.         d$P ..     d$"                      dP    ee $$
 d$$$b   d$$^$$b eed$$$$$$$$$$P   d$"..      $$$$$$$$$$$$  dPd$P  $$ $$
d$P 7$. d$'  '$$     d$P"''      dPd$$$$.    """""""""""" d$vP'   $$ $$
$$   7$dP    .$P    $$'         d$vP" "$$b                `dP dP  $$ $$
7$b .d$$    d$P     7$b        d$$P    "$$vd$             $P,d$.     $$
 7$$$P   7$$P"       '7$$$$$   $$P      "$$$"             'd$P"$   "$$P

(Maison Ikkoku)
================= BIG LIST OF CHARACTERS AND NAMES ====================

| I. Credits |

Original List from the MI Guide v.8 by Glenn Tarigan 
Rewritten by Wei-Hwa Huang 

Comments from:
    John Jones
    Doug Eckhart
    Bob Carragher
    Sue Shambaugh
    Hikaru Itou
    Thomas Mattman
    Kenny Tou

| II. General Information |

(1) This document should be read in a monospaced font, such as Monaco, Ohlfs,
 or Courier.

(2) Some of the data presented here are based on a combination of facts gleaned
from both the anime and the manga.  We have attempted to explicity mention the
differences, but we may not have caught all of them.

(3) For each character, the following information is given in this order:
  (NAM) The name in romaji, followed by a VERY short description.
      [Surname in all capitals; given name in lower case.]
  (JIS) The name in JIS.
  (ASC) An ASCII representation of the new parts in the name:
        [i.e., if a surname has been shown already, it is not shown.]
      A pronunciation breakdown of the kanji. 
      A character by character translation of the kanji.
      An attempted translation of the name.
       [Note that these translations may or may not be what the
        writers intended in the first place, and may not be precise.]
  (COM) Commentary (if any) on the name.
  (NFO) First appearance and name establishment in the manga and anime
        Seiyuu (Voice actor) in the anime
        Birth year (if known)
        Zodiacal sign (in the Japanese/Chinese zodiac).
          [These last two items are based on the manga timing.]
  (ADR) How the characters is addressed by other characters.
  (PHY) A physical description of the character.  [I mention hair a lot;
    it's the most distinguishing characteristic -- all the hair color is based
    on the anime, though.]
  (WHO) A description of the character.
  (DSC) Miscellaneous discussion of the character.
(4) If the name is a surname shared by more than one character, the surname is
  discussed first.
(5) The characters are ordered in terms of numerology, relative importance, and
  appearance.  See the numerology section in the MI Guide for more info.

(6) A few sections are unfinished, mostly some kanji and katakana names.
  I'll get there when I have time.


| III. Table of Contents |

I. Credits
II. General Information
III. Table of Contents
IV: Telling it by the Numbers
        Kyouko (nee CHIGUSA) -- manager of Ikkoku-kan
        Souichirou-san -- Kyoko's dog
        Souichirou - Kyoko's (dead) husband.
        Ikuko - Kyoko's niece
        Grandfather OTONASHI - landlord of Ikkoku-kan
        Sister-in-law of Kyoko - lives in the same house as the Grandpa
        Grandmother Otonashi - wife of Grandpa
        Hanae - Middle-aged woman and member of the loon squad.
        Kentarou - Hanae's son
        Mr. ICHINOSE - father
    2. NIKAIDOU                                       
        Nozomu - resident of room 2
        Mrs. NIKAIDOU
    3. MITAKA
        Shun - Godai's rival of love.
        Makkenrou - Mitaka's dog
        Mr. & Mrs. MITAKA - Shun's parents
        MITAKA's Uncle - pushed Shun into a relationship with Asuna
        Shun's younger sister
    4. YOTSUYA
    5. GODAI
        Yuusaku - the protagonist in room 5.
        Haruka - Yuhsaku and Kyoko's baby girl.
         Yukari - Yuhsaku's grandma.
        Mr & Ms GODAI - Yuhsaku's parents
        Akira - Yuhsaku's cousin
        Akira's father and Akira's boyfriend
        Shouichi? (or Seiichi, Masaichi, Masakasu) - Yusaku's brother-in-law
        Masutaa - owner/bartender of Chachamaru.  Marries Akemi.
    7. NANAO
        Kozue - Godai's second most important girlfriend
        Yousuke - Kozue's younger brother
        Mr & Ms NANAO - live together with their two kids
    8. YAGAMI
        Ibuki - A student who wooed Godai.
        Mr & Mrs YAGAMI - Mr.Yagami is chief of personnel at Mitsutomo
    9. KUJOU
        Asuna - Omiai opposite of Mitaka.
        Mei and Moe - Asuna's twin daughters?
        Asuna's dogs
        Mr & Ms KUJOU - live in a mansion with Asuna
        Kimida-san - The chauffeur.
    1000. CHIGUSA
        Ritsuko - Kyouko's mother.
        Mr. CHIGUSA - Kyoko's father
V: Other Groups
    1. Puppet Club
        SAOTOME - a big guy. The club president.
        KUROKI Sayuko - organizer
        KAMISAKA - frontline actress
        KOIZUMI - frontline actress
    2. The Girl's Highschool:
        KAMIOGI-sensei - home-room teacher
        Etsuko - friend of Yagami
        Asami - friend of Yagami
        Atsuko - friend of Yagami
    3. Shiinomi Daycare:
        Enchou (Principal)
        Three unnamed assistants,
        Kyoko-chan - a little girl at the Shiinomi nursery
    4. Bunny Cabaret and relations:
        IIOKA - one of the chiefs who looked over Godai
        Kasumi - A hostess of the Cabaret.
        Hanako - Kasumi's daughter
        Tarou - Kasumi's son
        Akemi - a large Cabaret bunny
    5. Tokeizaka Merchants: (I still can't tell which one is which)
    6. Yukari-baachan's Reunion friends: (ditto)
VI: Other Individuals
    SAKAMOTO - Godai's best friend
    Kyouko - Sakamoto's cat
    KOBAYASHI - One of Godai's classmates 
    Ayako -- Godai's "roommate"
    The yakuza -- Godai's "roommate"
    MITSUKOSHI Zenzaburou - 
    Hiroshi - Akemi's one-time lover
    Hakuishi Eriko -- Jun's classmate
    Ooguchi Konatsu -- Godai's traveling companion
    Hirosuke - son of the man who was interviewed at Wakaba Daycare
                in episode 93 (v15,5)
VII: Unnamed Individuals


| IV: Telling it by the Numbers |

(JIS) $B2;L5!!!Z$*$H$J$7![(J
            $$P                  b
   eeeeeeeee$$eeeeee$$e         ,$$P
       `b        $be           ,$$eeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
        $b       $P           dP $$  $$  $$  $$
 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeedeeeee$$e    "   $$  $$  $$  $$
      $eeeeeeeeeee$$e            $$  $$  $$  $$
      $$          $$             $$  $$  $$  $$  
      $$eeeeeeeeee$$        eeeee$$ee$$ee$$ee$$ee$$e
      $$          $$             ,   ,.   ..   ..
      $$eeeeeeeeee$$          ,d$   d$    $b   "$b.
      $$          $$         $$P    $$    $$     $$
           OTO                        NASHI
          sound                nothing, zero, -less
            Literal translation: silence.
       True meaning: gentle, obedient, quiet.
    The "nashi" contributes as "zero" in the numerology.
    Sylvain-san: "Otonashi-san" sounds like "Miss Gentle" if you
                  don't see the kanji."
    If you twist the pronunciation of Otonashi a little, you end up with
     "otto nashi" = "no husband" -- not an unappropriate pun for Kyoko-san.
(NFO) Anime: ep1
    Manga: v1,1
(NAM) OTONASHI Kyouko (nee CHIGUSA) -- manager of Ikkoku-kan
    Variant spelling: Kyoko
(JIS) $B2;L56A;R!!!Z$*$H$J$7$-$g$&$3![!!!J5l@+!!@iAp!K(J
    ,$$e  $eeee$e $eee$$e      eeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
  `eP ,   $eeee$  $$  $$                    ,$$$
   `b $$P $eeee$  $$ eP                   ,d$P"
   .dP ,  $   b   $$  `b,              b eP"
 `$$b"$$P $ dee$b $$   $$              $$
  ,edP" "$$P"  `" $$ "$$P   eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
 "" eeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee                 $$
        7b      dP                     $$
 eeeeeeeedeeeeeebeeeee$$e              $$
      eeeeeeeeeeeeee                   $$
      $$eeeeeeeeee$$                   $$
      $$eeeeeeeeee$$                "7$$P
      ""          ""
           KYOU                        KO
  resound, echo, affect    child (female name suffix)
  Combined with her (married) name, Kyoko's name is an oxymoron -- for
    how can one have an echo without sound?
(NFO) Anime: ep1
    Manga: v1,1
    Seiyuu: Shimamoto Sumi ($BEgK\?\H~(J), [Nausicaa in "Nausicaa of the Valley
      of the Wind"]
    Born: 1960
    Zodiac sign: Rat
(ADR) "Kanrinin-san" by members of Ikkoku-kan, Kozue, Sakamoto, and Yagami
      "Kyoko-san" by Godai, Mitaka, and some others
      "Otonashi-san" by Mitaka and some others
      "Chigusa-san" by Kamiogi-sensei by mistake (once),
                   and by Souichirou and others when she was in high school
      "Chigusa-kun" by Souichiro when she was in high school
      "Obasama" <aunt> by Ikuko
      "Kyouko" by her parents
      "Sempai" <older graduate> by Yagami Ibuki (sometimes)
(PHY) Female, pretty, with long hair that is usually let down (normal), braided
in two braids tied up (formal), or in a ponytail (working).  (Actually, she has
at least three distinct ponytail styles.)  Her hair is colored somewhat
inconsistently in the manga (usually a shade of black, though), and is a deep
purplish-blue in the anime.  Her eyes are a lighter/greyer shade of her hair.

(WHO) Kyoko is one of the two main protagonists in the story.  In the first
episode/chapter, she takes on the difficult task of kanrinin (manager) at
Ikkoku-kan, and moves into the kanrinin's room (room "0").  In a later episode,
it is revealed that she is a young widow.  Nevertheless, she has two suitors
for most of the series: Godai Yusaku and Mitaka Shun.
    In the words of Godai, "She gets jealous easily, she's impatient, she cries
easily, and she gets angry easily.  But, her smile gives me the greatest
possible happiness..."

 Doug Eckhart says (94.06.04): [ in reference to a line of dialogue from
   v7c5 in which Kozue addressed Kyoko as "kanrinin-san" ]
    I'm somewhat confused.  In this line, Kozue calls Kyoko "Kanrinin-san".  I
    was just curious as to why she would not refer to her as "Kyoko-san" or 
    "Otonashi-san", since she is not really Kozue's Kanrinin.  Sakamoto does
    it too, on occasion.  I suppose the obvious answer is that Godai always
    calls her "kanrinin-san" so they do the same thing to keep things
    consistant [sic].... I guess it could also be because that is Kyoko's
    profession, etc.  Anyway, I was just curious.
 Bob Carragher replies:
    I'm not sure that Godai ever introduced Kyoko to Kozue as anything besides 
    Ikkoku-kan's "kanrinin."  He might have said "Kyoko," but I find that
    highly unlikely.  So that doesn't really give Kozue anything else to call
    Kyoko by.
        But the other answer is that you usually call someone by the name you
    first used (or set of names you first used) unless a radical change takes
    place (e.g. the person changes jobs; your relationship with that person 
    changes). At least, this was the basic answer given by my sensei when I 
    asked her whether a person who addresses a second person, "sempai," could 
    ever see the situation reversed.
        (The short answer was, "no.")
 Wei-Hwa Huang adds:
    It's not uncommon for managers to be called "kanrinin-san" by people who
    aren't tenants.  Since managers/kanrinins are supposed to manage the
    building and not the tenants, you can't really say Kyoko is "Godai's
    Kanrinin" or that she isn't "Kozue's Kanrinin," since it doesn't make
    sense.  The title is profession-based, not relation-based as most Japanese
    addresses are.  As a more common example, teachers are often called
    "sensei" by people who are not their students.
(NAM) Souichirou-san -- Kyoko's dog
(JIS) $BAZ0lO:$5$s!!!Z$=$&$$$A$m$&$5$s![(J
(ASC) Same as Souichirou (see below) + san (polite honorific)
(NFO) Anime: Episode 1
    Manga: v1,1
    Seiyuu: Chiba Shigeru ($B@iMUHK(J) [see entry under Yotsuya]
    Once named "Shiro" ("Whitey") by Souichirou.
(ADR) "Souichiro-san" by pretty much everybody.
(WHO) Kyoko's dog. Breed: Samoyed.
(NAM) OTONASHI Souichirou - Kyoko's (dead) husband.
    Variant spellings: Souichiro, Soichiro
(JIS) $B2;L5AZ0lO:!!!Z$*$H$J$7$=$&$$$A$m![(J
    b   eep    b                                              $$P     b     db
   $$" $$     $$P                                        $eee$$ee$$e $$""""$$P
  ,$$ee$$ee$e$$eeeeeee$$e                                $$      $$  $$   ,$P
 ,$'   $$  ,dP d$  d$ $$                                 $$eeeeee$$  $$   $P
 '     $$  "  d$' d$  $$                         e       $$      $$  $$  dP
 eeeeed$$P" ,dP',dP  ,$$    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$$e     $$eeeeee$$  $$   $b
  $P"  $$  dP',dP'  ,$$P                                 $$      ""  $$   '$$.
       $$     "   `"$$P                                  $$    b     $$    '$$
    ,$  eee `be    e.                                    $$     $b   $$     $$
   d$'  $$   `$$   `$$b                                  $$ ,eedP$b  $$  eed$$
  $$P   $$        $b `$$b                              `$$$P"    $$  $$    `P
        `$$$$$$$$$$P   ""                               P            $$

           SOU                      ICHI                         ROU
           all                       one               man (male name suffix)           
                       Translation: "The only husband"
(NFO) Shown only through flashbacks and pictures.  Face never shown.
    Seiyuu: Tanaka Hideyuki ($BEDCf=(9,(J) [Aban in "Dragonquest," Rayearth in
        "Magic Knight Rayearth"]
    Born: 1950
    Died: 1980
    Zodiac sign: Tiger
(ADR) "Souichiro-san"
      "Otonashi-sensei" by Kyoko and her classmates when in high-school
(WHO) While working as a substitute geology teacher at Kyoko's high school, he
met a student called Chigusa Kyoko, who fell in love with him and eventually
married him.  He died before the story starts (the cause of death was never
revealed to the viewers/readers).
    He seems to be a somewhat nervous man who doesn't know how to express his
feelings easily.
(NAM) OTONASHI Ikuko - Kyoko's niece
(JIS) $B2;L50j;R!!!Z$*$H$J$7$$$/$3![(J
      $$        $eeeee$$e      eeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
 eeeee$$eeee$$e $$   ,$$                    ,$$$
     $$         $$   $$                   ,d$P"
    d$P         $$  d$                 b eP"
    $$eeeee$$e  $$ d<                  $$
   d$$     $$   $$  $b      eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
 ,dP$$eeeee$$   $$   $$.               $$
    $$     $$   $$    $$               $$
    $$eeeee$$   $$    $$               $$
    $$     $$   $$   ,$$               $$
    $$     $$   $$ ""$$P               $$
    $$  ""$$P   $$                  "7$$P

           IKU                        KO
fragrant, culturally advanced  child (female name suffix)
(NFO) Anime: ep1 (flashback), ep6 (actual/name established)
      Manga: v1,7
      Seiyuu: Shoh Mayumi ($BAq??M3H~(J), [Hitomi in "Appleseed," Chichi in
(ADR) "Ikuko-chan" by everyone
(PHY) Transitioning from junior high to senior high during the course of the
manga, Ikuko has always had hair down to her neck, with a simple part on the
left side of her head.  Ikuko's hair color is light brown.  Young and cute,
contrasting with Kyoko's prettiness.
(WHO) Ikuko was accompanying Grandfather Otonashi to Ikkoku-kan when she met
Godai for the first time.  She immediately took a liking to him and convinced
her family to hire Godai as an English tutor.  Nothing really came of it; Godai
stopped when she graduated junior high.  Ichinose Kentarou had a crush on her
for a while.
(NAM) Grandfather OTONASHI - landlord of Ikkoku-kan
(JIS) [Credited as "Old Man Otonashi":] $B2;L5O7?M(J
(NFO) Anime: ep1 (flashback), ep6 (actual)
      Manga: v1,7
      Seiyuu: Enji Yanaji? ($B\GLxFs(J) [Rerere's uncle in "Tensai Bakabon"?]
(ADR) "Otousan" <honorable father> by Kyoko and Godai
      "Otousama" <very honorable father> by Kyoko
      "Ojiichan" <grandpa> by Ikuko
(PHY) Old man with round glasses, white hair, and a white moustache.
(WHO) Landlord of Ikkoku-kan.  Looks stern, but is actually very kindly.  He
seems to have affection for both Kyoko and Godai, even allowing them to live in
the apartment after their marriage.
(NAM) Sister-in-law of Kyoko - lives in the same house as the Grandpa
(NFO) Anime: ep1 (flashback), ep7 (actual)
      Manga: v1,8
      Seiyuu: Mine Atsuko ($BJv$"$D;R(J)
(PHY) A somewhat plump woman.  Looks a lot like Ikuko.
(WHO) Mother of Ikuko.  Probably not blood-related to Souichirou.
(NAM) Grandmother Otonashi - wife of Grandpa
(NFO) Manga: v8,3 (photograph)
(WHO) Souichirou's mother.  Now deceased.
(JIS) $B0l$N@%!!!Z$$$A$N$;![(J
                                                        `be    $$P   eeeeee$$e
                                     ,eeeeee,             $P   $$       $P
                                  ed$P"`$e  `"be,          eeee$$ee$e $e$ee$$e
                                d$P    ,$$     `$b    `b    $ee$$ee$  $$   $$
                      e       ,$P     ,$$       `$b    $$ d $  $$  $  $$eee$$
 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$$e    ,$'     ,$P         $$       $ $  $$  $  $$   $$ 
                             $C     ,$P          $$      dP $ee$$ee$  $$eee$$
                             $b    e$P          ,$$      $  " ,$$  "  $$   $$
                             `$b d$P           ,$$'   ed$$   ,$$$`b   $$eee$$
                              `$$P           ,d$P      `$$  ,$P$$ $$   e   e
                                          edP"'         $$ e"  $$     d$P  `$b
                                                        `$$    $$   edP"    `$
         ICHI                          NO                         SE
          one                  (denotes posession)     shallows, shoal, rapids
                    Translation: First rapids (or shallows, etc.)   
  This name is "one" in the numerology.
  ??? wrote:
    Ichinose sounds a lot like "Itchy Nosy."  A beautiful unintentional pun if
    I ever saw one.
  Sue Shambaugh writes: 
    A small contribution to the names analysis... Yes, Ichinose is a place in 
    Tokyo; like Yotsuya, I believe it is a subway stop!  :-)  Look on any good 
    subway map of the Tokyo metro area.
  Wei-Hwa Huang confirms:
    Yes, it's there.  Although it seems like the subway stop is usually written
    with a katakana "no" (the "no" in the name is hiragana).
(NFO) Anime: ep2??
    Manga: v1,5
(NAM) ICHINOSE Hanae - Middle-aged woman and member of the loon squad.
(JIS) $B0l$N@%2V;^!!!Z$$$A$N$;$O$J$(![(J
        $$P   $$P             $$P        $$P
        $$    $$              $$         $$
eeeeeeee$$eeee$$eeeee$$e  eeee$$ee$$ eeee$$eeee$$e
        $$    $$              $$         $$
      $be    eee    e        d$$b   eeeee$$eee$$b
     d$$     $$    d$$P      $$$ `$b  e      ,$$
    d$$      $$  d$P"       $P$$  `"  `b    ,$$'
   d$$$      $$dP"         d$ $$       $b   $$'
,dP" $$      $$           dP  $$        $bd$"
     $$      $$       b       $$        d$$e
     $$      $$,      $b      $$     ,d$P  `$$beee
     $$      `$$$$$$$$$P      $$  edP"       `"$$

           HANA                        E
          flower                     branch
    The name befits a much more beautiful woman; Godai spit out his beer when
he heard the name.
(NFO) Anime: ep1; Named: ep48
    Manga: v1,1; Named: v7,2
    Seiyuu: Aoki Kazuyo ($B@DLZOBBe(J), [Jimsy in "Future Boy Conan," Jyaian's
        mother in "Doraemon"]
(ADR) "Ichinose-san" by almost everybody
      "Obasan" <middle-aged woman> by Godai and a few others occasionally
      "Hanae" by her husband
(PHY) A short (half as tall as Mitaka!) and squat woman.  Has dark brown hair
tied back in a small bun.  Has a very wide and toothy grin.
(WHO) A gossip-monger who lives in room 1 of Ikkoku-kan with her husband and
son.  She drinks often, and is quite often seen drunk dancing with Japanese
fans.  Along with Yotsuya and Akemi, she comprises part of the "loon squad"
that makes fun of Godai all the time.
(NAM) ICHINOSE Kentarou - Hanae's son
    Variant spelling: Kentaro
 $eeeeeee$$e eeeeee$$b               $$P                   $$P     b     db
 $$   $      '$.  d$P                $$                $eee$$ee$$e $$""""$$P
 $$"""""""$   '$ d$P                 $$                $$      $$  $$   ,$P
 $$eeeeeee$    d$$b       eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e     $$eeeeee$$  $$   $P
 $$   $      dP"  `$$$P              $$                $$      $$  $$  dP
 $$"""""""" `"      `P              d$`b               $$eeeeee$$  $$   $b
    $$""""""""""$$                 ,$$ `b              $$      ""  $$   '$$.
    $$""""""""""$$                ,$$   `b.            $$    b     $$    '$$
    $$""""""""""$$               ,$$     `$b.          $$     $b   $$     $$
    $$eeeeeeeeee$$              d$P  `b   `$$b.        $$ ,eedP$b  $$  eed$$
    ,d$$b     eeee,          ,d$P     $$    `$$$be   `$$$P"    $$  $$    `P
eedP"""          `"$$     edP"        `P      `$P     P            $$

         KEN                        TA                          ROU
  wise, intelligent               large                man (male name suffix)
                           "Tarou" is a common name given to first-born sons.
(NFO) Anime: ep1; Names: ep2??
    Manga: v1,1; Named: v1,2
    Seiyuu: Sakamoto Chika ($B:dK\@i2F(J) [Mei in "My Neighbor Totoro," Ashibe in
        "Shonen Ashibe," Shun in "Koko wa Greenwood"]
(ADR) "Kentaro-kun" by almost everybody
      "Ken-chan" by Otonashi Ikuko
(PHY) A young boy who (supposedly) grows up to high school throughout the
course of the series.  Looks a bit like his mother.
(WHO) Kentarou is often embarrassed by his mother, often when she gets drunk. 
He claims in one episode that only he and Kyoko seem to be normal in the entire
place.  Unlike the manga, the animators of the series decided to keep him in
the story for the latter half, but forgot to age him!
(NAM) Mr. ICHINOSE - father
(JIS) [Credited as:] $B0l$N@%;a(J
(NFO) Anime: ep28
    Manga: v7,2
    Seiyuu: Yada Minoru? ($BLpEDL-(J) 
(PHY) Just as tall as his wife, a sparsely haired man with very small eyes.
(WHO) Since he leaves for work early, he is almost never seen by the tenants of
    Ikkoku-kan.  He has semi-major roles in two episodes.
(NAM) NIKAIDOU                                       
    Alternate spelling: Nikaido                            
(JIS) $BFs3,F2!!!Z$K$+$$$I$&![(J
                             e     ee  eep   eep                  eep   e
    eeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e       $$"""7$$P $$    $$  d          7be.  $$    $$P
                             $$   $$P  $$eee $$,d$$P      d   $$  $$   $P
                             $$  d$    $$    $$P         d$eeeeeee$$ee$eeeee$$e
                             $$ dP     $$,ed $$   $b    d$P                ,$P
                             $$ `$b 7$$$P"'  7$$$$$P    ""   $$""""""""$$  "
                             $$  `$b P    $be                $$        $$
                             $$   $$  $eee$$eee$$e           $$eeeeeeee$$
                             $$  ,$$  $$       $$                 $$
                             $$ "$$P  $$eeeeeee$$         eeeeeeee$$eeeee$$e
 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e    $$       $$       $$                 $$
                             $$       $$eeeeeee$$      eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
                             ""       ""       ""
           NI                          KAI                       DOU
          two                  step, story (buildings)       temple, hall     

         Possible translations: two-storied shrine, second-floor hall
(COM) This name is "two" in the numerology.
(NFO) Manga: v8,5
(NAM) NIKAIDOU Nozomu - resident of room 2
(JIS) $BFs3,F2K>!!!Z$K$+$$$I$&$N$>$`![(J
       $$P     $eeeee$$e
 eeeeee$$ee$$e $$    $$
    $$         $$eeee$$
    $$         $$    $$
    $$         $$eeee$$
    $$        d$     $$
    `$$$$$$$ dP   eee$$
            "       ""

    to desire, to see
(COM) His name seems somewhat appropriate; he is constantly trying to peep into
the people on the second floor; specifically Yotsuya.
(NFO) Anime: Final Movie
    Manga: v8,5
    Seiyuu: ???
(ADR) "Nozo-chan" by his mother 
    "Nikaido-san" by almost everyone else
    "Nikaido-kun" by Yotsuya after they started hating each other
(PHY) A boyish face with curly hair.  Smokes a lot.
(WHO) Only appeared in the manga version and the final movie.  A college
student moving away from home, he landed in Ikkoku-kan because of a mixup with
an apartment building named Ritsukoku-kan.  He decided to live in Ikkoku-kan
despite his mother's wishes.  Upon arriving, he received the traditional
welcome from the loon squad.  Although seemingly taking the jibes in stride, he
secretly plotted against Yotsuya.  This soon escalated into a full war between
Yotsuya and Nikaido, with Godai's room as the main battleground.  An
insensitive blabbermouth who says the wrong things at the wrong times, he's
also quite clueless about what's going on around him.
    He moves home after graduation.
(NFO) Manga: v8,5
(PHY) A lot like Nozomu, with large round glasses and smaller eyes.
(WHO) An apparently overprotective mother.
(JIS) $B;0Bk!!!Z$_$?$+![(J
  eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e       $beeeeeeee$$eeeeeee$$e
                             $$  ,$be  d$eeee$eeee
                             $$ d$$P ,d$eeee$eeeee
                             $$" $$  " $eeee$eeeee
                             $$  $$  e $eeee$eeeee
    eeeeeeeeeeeee$$e         $$   eee$$eeeeeee
                             $$   $eeeeeeeeee$
                             $P   $eeeeeeeeee$
                            d$    $eeeeeeeeeeeee
                            $P  d $eeeeeeeeeeeeee$e
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e   dP edP  $b  $b  $b ed$$
                              `P    P   P   P  `P
           MI                         TAKA
         three                       hawk(s)
  This name is "three" in the numerology.
  Mitaka is the name of a high class district in Tokyo and also its
    corresponding subway stop.
  Sue Shambaugh says:
    It might interest you to know that there is an animation studio
    in Mitaka...!
(NAM) MITAKA Shun - Godai's rival of love.
(JIS) $B;0Bk=X!!!Z$_$?$+$7$e$s![(J
$eee$$e eeeeed$$$P""""
$$  $$  ,,  `b,   ,$$P
$$  $$   `$e  $$  $P
$$ee$$ $ee$$eeeeee$ee$$e
$$  $$d$ b        eee P
$$  $$   $$e$$    $$ 
$$ee$$ ,$P ,$" $ee$$e$e
$$  $$dPe ,$$  $  $$
$$  $$   `$$ ee$ee$$ee$e
$$ee$$  ,$"       $$
$$  "" dP         $$
     `"           ""
 wink, blink, twinkle
(COM) The symbolism of the name is obvious.  There is a theory that Mitaka was
    meant to live in room 3 of Ikkoku-kan, but Ikkoku-kan was a bit too
    lower-class for our tennis coach.
(NFO) Anime: ep9; Named: ep56?
    Manga: v1,10; Names: v10,6
    Seiyuu: Kamiya Akira ($B?@C+L@(J) [Babel II in "Babel II," Kenshiro in
        "Hokuto no Ken" ("Fist of the North Star")]
    Born: 1955
    Zodiac sign: Sheep
(ADR) "Shun" by family members
    "Mitaka-san" by everyone else
(PHY) Handsome, with slightly curled hair, and a winsome, twnkling smile. 
Strong chin.  His hair color is bluish grey.                     
(WHO) Mitaka is the coach who seems to have every advantage over Godai, except
for the important one: Kyoko's love.  Still, he comes very close, and it is
only an unfortunate sequence of chance events that puts him out of the picture. 
Although polite and likable, he shows that he can be quite forceful when he
wants to.
    Lives alone on the sixth floor of a "mansion" in a highrise, until he moves
into a single-home with Asuna after marriage. (See the Residences section in
the MI Guide for more info about his apartment building.)
    He has an intense fear of dogs from a childhood incident, which he finally
conquers in episode 71 (volume 12, chapter 1 in the manga).
    In 1988 he has two children, and one more is on the way; see KUJOU Asuna.
(NAM) Makkenrou - Mitaka's dog
    Variant spellings: McEnroe, MacKenroe, MacEnroe, McKenroe
(JIS) $B%^%C%1%s%m!<(J
(ASC) Katakana
                .,eee                                ,$$             
 7beeeeeeed$$P"""""7$$b                             ,$$P             
  `7$P""'         d$$P                            ,d$$eeeeeeed$$$$$b 
                ,d$P                            ,d$P  """"7$b        
              ,d$P          b.   7b,    $be    dP'          $$       
        7be ,dP'            `$b   $$   ,$$'                d$P       
         `7$$b               "$   `"  ,$$'                d$P        
           `7$$b                     ,$P                ,d$P         
             7$$                    d$P               ,d$P           
                                  ,dP               ,d$P             
                                 dP'              edP"    
         MA                       K                     KE

   7$$b.         ,d     7$beeeeed$$$$$$$$$b                           
    `7$$       ,dP'      $$              $$$                          
              ,dP'       7$.             $$'   b.                     
            ,d$P'         $$            d$P    7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b 
          ,d$P            $$            $$      `""                   
       ,ed$P              $$           d$'                            
 b. ,ed$$P                $$eeeeeeeeeee$$b                            
 `$$$$P                    $            ""                            
         N                       RO                      U

(COM) Named after the tennis player, no doubt.
(NFO) Anime: ep60??; Named: ep71??
    Manga: v11,2; Named: v12,1
    Seiyuu: ???
(PHY) A breed from the Spitz family.
(WHO) Has three children - see Salad under KUJOU
(NAM) Mr. & Mrs. MITAKA - Shun's parents
(NFO) Anime: ep81
    Manga: v12,12
    Seiyuu: ???
(ADR) "Otousan"/"Okaasan" ("Father"/"Mother") by Shun
    "Mitaka-san" by others
(PHY) Both have graying hair and wrinkles, but otherwise look a lot like their
son.  Their teeth sparkle too.
(WHO) Extremely reasonable parents who are proud of their son and trust him
implicitly.  They seem to get along well is everybody.
(NAM) MITAKA's Uncle - pushed Shun into a relationship with Asuna
(JIS) $B;0Bk$N=GIc(J
(NFO) Anime: ep57??
    Manga: v10,6
    Seiyuu: Mugihito ("Barley Man") ($BG~?M(J) [Fuhrer in "Dragon Knight,"
        Mendou's father in "Urusei Yatsura"]
(ADR) Addressed as: "Ojisan" <Uncle> by Shun
    "Mitaka-san" by others
(PHY) A lot like Mr. Mitaka, but with a narrower face.
(WHO) He pushed Shun into the omiai that led to his marriage.  Probably the
most forceful person in the entire series.
(NAM) Shun's younger sister
(NFO) Anime: ep30 (mentioned); ep34 (photo)
    Manga: v4,7 (mentioned); v6,5 (photo)
(PHY) Pretty.  Her teeth shine too.
(WHO) Never actually appeared in the story.  Kyoko helped Mitaka with her
wedding in one story, and her photo was in Mitaka's apartment in another story.
(JIS) $B;MC+!!!Z$h$D$d![(J
  $eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e          d$$P    `"be.
  $$    $$   $$     $$          d$P        `$$b
  $$    $$   $$     $$       ,d$P    d$$     `7P
  $$    $$   $$     $$      ""      d$P `b.
  $$   ,$$   $$     $$            d$P    `$b.
  $$   $$'   $$     $$         ,d$P        `$be.
  $$  d$P    `$$$$$$$$      ,edP"            `$$$$P
  $$ dP             $$     ""    $$eeeeeeee$$   `"
  $$"'              $$           $$        $$
  $$                $$           $$        $$
  $$eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$           $$eeeeeeee$$
  $$                $$           $$        $$
           YO                        TSUYA
          four                     valley(s)
    "Yotsuya" is the family-name; he has no known given-name.
    In the anime version he did pass off several names:
      Episode 36: written as Kennosuke, but pronounced as Gorobe:
        "They call me honest Goro-chan."
        (Note: a kanji name can have two or more pronunciations:
           1) what you'd expect, based on the pronunciation
                            of the infdividual characters
           2) something totally unrelated and unexpected)
      Episode 44: written as Kamekichi, but pronounced as Tsuruii
      Episode 44: written as Fuji, but pronounced as Kawada-cho
      Episode 50: written as Kikuchiyo, but pronounced as Tamezou:
                       "I'm known as Tame-san the kind-hearted"
      Episode 65: "My real name is Chandler Yotsuya,
                       but you can call me Phillip Yotsuya-maro"
    Hikaru Itou says:
        YOTSUYA is a place in Tokyo, and it is famous for the kabuki play 
        "YOTSUYA KAIDAN" (Kaidan = ghost story), which helps explain the
        "fluid" and mysterious nature of Yotsuya. He appears and disappears at 
        will. He might be a ghost after all. A hentai ghost.
    Wei-Hwa notes:
        The place name in Tokyo is usually written with a hiragana TSU between
        the two characters.  It is also a subway stop.
    Refer to Appendix B in the MI Guide for a synopsis of "Yotsuya Kaidan."
(NFO) Anime: ep1
    Manga: v1,1
    Seiyuu: Chiba Shigeru ($B@iMUHK(J) [Megane in "Urusei Yatsura," Dai-Amon in
        "Bastard!", Sasuke in "Ranma 1/2"]  Also does the voice of Souichirou
        the dog.
(ADR) "Yotsuya-san" by everyone
(PHY) Looks good in both traditional kimono and western suit.  Has thick
eyebrows, small narrow eyes, and mouth that seems always closed (at least in
the manga).  Has short black hair.
(WHO) Nicknamed "Fushigi Ojisan" ("Unbelievable Uncle") by the anime creators,
a mystery man who lives in room 4 of Ikkoku-kan.  According to Godai in v8,6:
"Profession: Unknown.  Age: Unknown.  Hobbies: Peeping at people."
    Apparently, three generations of his family have, at one time or another,
lived in Ikkoku-kan (according to the anime version).
(JIS) $B8^Be!!!Z$4$@$$![(J
                                  e      eep
   eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e           $$P    $$  `be
          $$                     d$P     $$    $$
         ,$$                    d$P      $$      
         d$P                   d$$ eeeeee$$eeeeee$$e
    eeeee$$eeeeee$$e          dP$$       $$
         $$      $$         ,"  $$       $$
        ,$$      $$             $$       "$b
        d$P      $$             $$        "$b
        $$'      $$             $$         "$b    e
        $$       $$             $$          "$$b. $
 eeeeeee$$eeeeeee$$eee$$e       $$            "$$$$$
                                $$               $$
           GO                          DAI
          five                     generations
(NFO) Anime: ep1
    Manga: v1,1
This name is "five" in the numerology.
Thomas Mattman says:
    I just saw this in another list [see the quoted text below]. It's a bit far
fetched but maybe another kind of pun for Godai's name. Does anyone know if the
kanji are the same?

----begin quote----
The tiers of another five-tiered stone pagoda from the Kamakura Era are said to
represent *Mikyou no Godai Shisou*--*chirin, suirin, karin, fuurin, and
kuurin*. I was going to go with: "the five elements of esoteric
Buddhism--Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Air" Maybe there are more precise terms
for "Elements" and the elements themselves?

Answer: GODAI is also sometimes called the "Five Greats" ... but looking at the
-rin suffixes, it might even be OK to put the "Five Rings" (a la Musashi); but
there's nothing wrong with Five Elements, unless you specifically want to
distinguish it from Gogyou etc.
    Kuu is often put as Void or Emptiness, but this is a slightly different
meaning from that within the Godai; its meaning there (before Buddhism, in the
Sankhya etc.) would be closer to Space or Ether.
    The five elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and space (sky) in esoteric
Buddhism are the physical manifestation or garbhadhatu.  The Gorin are the five
evolvers which give rise to all phenomena.  Their phonetic embryos
[J.shushi=seeds] are those of the Five Dhyani Buddhas (cf. previous posts) or
Buddhas of the Five Directions.  The five elements are symbolized as follows:
earth=square, water=circle, fire=triangle, wind=half-moon, and space=a
combination of the other four.  Earth is yellow; water is white; fire=red;
wind=black; and space=azure (for the heavens).
----end quote----
(NAM) GODAI Yuusaku - the protagonist in room 5.
    Alternate spellings: Yuhsaku, Yusaku
(JIS) $B8^BeM5:n!!!Z$4$@$$$f$&$5$/![(J
     eep      e                   e     e
     $$      ,$$P  `ee,           $$P   $$P
     $$      $P      `$e         d$P   d$P       
 eeee$$e$$e "  ,$$.   ""        d$P   d$"$$eeeee$$e
      ,$$      $$ $.           d$$   d$  $$
     ,$P  $e  d$   $b.        d"$$  dP   $$
   ,d$$  eP  dP     `$$be   ,"  $$ "     $$eeee$$e
 edP $$Yee ,"         ""        $$       $$
     $$  $$  $$eeeee$$"         $$       $$
     $$      $$     $$          $$       $$eeeee$$e
     $$      $$     $$          $$       $$
     $$      $$     $$          $$       $$
     $$      $$"""""$$          $$       $$

            YUU                       SAKU
     surplus (prosperity?)            make
  Sylvain-san writes:
    Godai's given name means "The one who makes prosperity", which is very
    funny considering Godai is always out of cash.
  Wei-Hwa replies:
    According to what I can find out, YUU does not mean "prosperity," but just 
    means "surplus." It is only when used in conjunction with words that mean 
    "wealth" that it can be said to definitely mean "prosperity."  Also, "saku" 
    is the noun form.  A good argument can be made that says the name means 
    "too much work," which is not a bad description of Godai.
(NFO) Anime: ep1; Named: ep5
    Manga: v1,1; Named: v1,6
    Seiyuu: Futamata Issei ($BFsKt0l@.(J) [Chibi in "Urusei Yatsura"]
    Born: 1962
    Zodiac sign: Tiger
    Blood type: A
(ADR) "Godai-kun" by Mitaka, loon squad, Iioka, and employees of
        Shiinomi daycare
    "Godai-san" by Kyoko, Kozue and Nikaido
    "Godai-sensei" by Yagami and other students
    "Yuusaku-san" by Yagami once (Godai shivered with fear)
    "Oniichan" (big brother) by Kentaro and Ikuko
    "Yuhsaku" by family members
    "Yuh-chan" by Akira and family friends
    "Buchou" by the Cabaret Bunnies and their children
        ("Bucho" means means Department Head, in which Yusaku is the Head of
        Health and Welfare Department.)
(PHY) As the protagonist, Godai goes through the most changes.  In the anime,
he has brown, slightly curled hair, and looks young and somewhat attractive. 
In the early manga, he has bushy eyebrows and looks like a lech.  In the later
manga, he looks mature and somewhat depressed.
(WHO) A ronin at the beginning of the series, he gets into college, joins the
puppet club, graduates, and eventually passes through nursing school to become
a nurse.  Throughout the series, many women are attracted to him, the most
notable being Kyoko, Kozue, and Yagami.
    Lives in room 5 of Ikkoku-kan until the end of the series, when he marries
Kyoko and moves into her room. His daughter, Haruka, is born in 1988.
    During his stint as a student teacher, he taught Japanese literature.
  From Kenny Toh:
    Godai did teach English for a while, but only to Ikuko, and if I'm not
mistaken, only at the middle-school level.  A couple of times in the manga,
reference is made to Godai's reluctance to teach English at the high-school
level, e.g. he stopped tutoring Ikuko once she got into high school.
(NAM) GODAI Haruka - Yuhsaku and Kyoko's baby girl.
(JIS) $B8^Be=U9a!!!Z$4$@$$$O$k$+![(J
           $$P                            ,eed$$b
   eeeeeeee$$eeeeeee$$e       ,,eeeeeed$$P"""'
          d$P                          $$
    eeeeee$$eeeeeee$$e      eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
         $$    $,                   e$P$$ `be.
 eeeeeee$$eeeeee$eeeee$$e        ,d$$P $$   `$bee.
       $P        `$b.         ed$P"    $$     `$$$$P
     d$P$$""""""$$`$$b.     ""   $$""""""""""$$  `P
   d$P  $$      $$  `$$$P        $$          $$
 ""     $$""""""$$    `P         $$""""""""""$$
        $$      $$               $$          $$
        $$""""""$$               $$""""""""""$$
           HARU                        KA
   Spring (the season)             fragrance
(NFO) Anime: ep96
    Manga: v15,10
(WHO) Godai and Kyoko's (first) daughter.  Born in 1988.
(NAM) GODAI Yukari - Yuhsaku's grandma.
(JIS) $B8^Be$f$+$j!!!Z$4$@$$$f$+$j![(J
(ASC) Hiragana:
         ,eee.                                      $b
 7b.    dP' `$b                `$b                  `$  ,dP"7$b.
  $$   dP,edP^$""7be.           $$P                 ,$ ,$'   `$$.
  $$   $dP'   $b  `7$b          $'..     eq.        $$,$'     `$$
 d$' ,d$'     $$    7$b  e  ,ed$$P""7be    7$b      $$$'       $$
 $$ ,$^$.     $$     $$  7$$P d$'     $     `$$.    $$'        $$
 $$ $' `$.    $$    d$P      ,$"      $      $$$    $$         $$
 7$dP   `$.  $$   ,d$P      ,$$      d$   ""7$$P    `P        d$P
  $$     `7be$$ed$$P       ,$$      ,$P                      ,$$
   7       ,$P"""         ,$$      ,$$                      ,$$'
          ,$P            d$$   7bed$$                     ,d$P
         dP'             ""      $$P                    edP"
         YU                      KA                        RI
(COM) Relatively common name.  Could mean almost anything.
(NFO) Anime: ep5; Named: ???
    Manga: v1,6; Named: v6,3
    Seiyuu: Kyouda Hisako ($B5~ED>0;R(J) [Various old woman roles, e.g.
        "Nausicaa," "Tonde Buurin," "Fushigi Yuugi"]
(ADR) "Baachan" <grandma> by Godai Yusaku and his parents
    "Yukari-san" by her ex-classmates
    "Obaachan" <grandma> by others
(PHY) Very short old lady (needs help to reach the phone).
(WHO) She cares about Yusaku a lot, although she doesn't seem to show it a lot. 
While she was in Tokyo, she tried to interfere in Yusaku's love life, with no
real lasting success.  Supposedly, she was a lot like Kyoko in her youth.
    Her savings are stored at The Fifth Bank, which she loans to Yusaku for his
wedding in the penultimate episode.
(NAM) Mr & Ms GODAI - Yuhsaku's parents
(NFO) Anime: ep20
    Manga: v3,2
    Seiyuu: Father - Nishimura Tomomichi ($B@>B<CNF;(J) [Principal in "Urusei
            Yatsura," Shibaraku in "Wataru"]
        Mother - Azai? Sumiko? ($B@u0f=J;R(J)
(WHO) Godai's parents don't seem that supportive; actually, they seem to take
Godai for granted a lot.
(NAM) GODAI Akira - Yuhsaku's cousin
(JIS) $B8^Be>=!!!Z$4$@$$$"$-$i![(J
        $$        $$
        $$        $$
        ""        ""
   $eeeeee$$e   $eeeeee$$e
   $$     $$    $$     $$
   $$eeeee$$    $$eeeee$$
   $$     $$    $$     $$
   $$eeeee$$    $$eeeee$$
   ""     ""    ""     ""   
(NFO) Manga: v7,5
(ADR) "Akira" by Godai
(PHY) Looks a lot like a mature Kozue, with a large round ponytail to her side.
(WHO) Visited Godai in the hospital when he had a broken leg, which turned out
to be a plot to elope with her boyfriend.  Only appeared in the manga version.
(NAM) Akira's father and Akira's boyfriend
(NFO) Manga: v7,6
(WHO) Two supporting characters in the Akira subplot.  Manga only.
(NAM) Shouichi? (or Seiichi, Masaichi, Masakasu) - Yusaku's brother-in-law
(JIS) $B@50l(J

      eee    $$
      $$     $$                                  e
      $$     $$eeee$$e      eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$$e
      $$     $$
      $$     $$
      $$     $$
      $$     $$
(NFO) Manga: v9,1
(WHO) Married Yusaku's older sister.  Yusaku's father promises the family
restaurant to him when he retires, much to Yusaku's disappointment (he was
hoping for a job there).  Only appeared in the manga version.
(JIS) $BO;K\LZ!!!Z$m$C$]$s$.![(J
           eep                        eep                        eep          
           $$                         $$                         $$           
           $$                         $$                         $$           
eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e   eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e   eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
                                    $$$$ $                     $$$$ $
                                  ,$$ $$  $.                  $$ $$  $.
       $be     q.                ,$$  $$   $b                $$  $$  `$.
      ,$$       `b.             d$P   $$    $$b             $$   $$   `$b
     ,$$          $b         ,d$P     $$     `$$bee       d$P    $$    `$$b
    d$P            $$b     edP"  eeeee$$eeeee  `$$     ,d$P      $$      `$$$P
  ,dP               $$b               $$              ""         $$        `P
edP                  $$               $$                         $$
                                      $$                         $$
        ROP (ROKU)                 PON (HON)                   GI (KI)
           six                  origin, main                 tree, wood
    This name is "six" in the numerology.
    "Roppongi" is an irregular pronunciation of the kanji, hence the shortening
    of "roku" (six) to "ro" with a small tsu after it to indicate that the next
    consonant sound is to be lengthened, and the "pon" pronunciation of a word
    usually pronounced "hon."  The irregularity is due to it being a name, of
    course.  It could mean "six original trees," but Akemi's name was
    probably not chosen for the literal meaning...
       Roppongi is a popular entertainment district in Tokyo, where the 
    nightclubs and bars are very plentiful.  It is also the name at the subway
    stop.  In fact, Yukari and her friends go there in v6,3.
(NFO) Anime: ???
    Manga: v15,10?!
(JIS) $BO;K\LZ<kH~!!!Z$m$C$]$s$.$"$1$_![(J
      b    $$P                   e,      b
      $$P  $$                     7$e    ,$$P
     d$$eee$$eeeee$$e        eeeeee$$eeee$eeee$$e
   ,d$P    $$                         $$
  dP"      $$                 eeeeeeee$$eeeee$$e
eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e              $$
       ,$$ $$ `b             eeeeeeeee$$eeeeee$$e
      ,$$  $$  `b.                   eee
     d$P   $$   `$b.       eeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeeee$$e
  ,d$P     $$     `$$bee           ,d$P `b.
edP"       $$       `$$          ,d$P     `$be
           $$                ,ed$P"         `$$$$$P
           ""              """                 `""
          AKE                         MI
red, scarlet, vermilion       beautiful, pretty
(COM) Akemi is not an uncommon name in Japan.
(NFO) Anime: ep1
    Manga: v1,1
    Seiyuu: Mita Yuuko ($B;0ED$f$&;R(J) [Benten in "Urusei Yatsura,"
        Akuma-kun in "Akuma-kun"]
(ADR) "Akemi-chan" by Master of Chachamaru
    "Akemi-san" by everyone else
(PHY) Sexy beauty with red hair.  Doesn't have much shame when wearing clothes
at home.
(WHO) Works as a hostess at ChaChaMaru. Lives in room 6 of Ikkoku-kan until she
marries Master of ChaChaMaru and moves into the 2nd floor of that bar.  Along
with Ichinose and Yotsuya, forms the "loon squad" that pesters Godai throughout
the series.
    She claims to be 18 in v12,5 to a customer at the Cabaret Bunny.
    People have a tendency to take her jokes seriously, since she doesn't know
how to feign humor very well.  This has created trouble for Godai more than
(NAM) Masutaa - owner/bartender of Chachamaru.  Marries Akemi.
    Alternate spelling: Master
(JIS) $B%^%9%?!<(J
(ASC) Katakana:                                                                
             .,eee             .ee           7$b                       
7beeeeeed$$P""""7$$b  7beeed$$P"7$$b         d$$beed$$b                   
 `7$P""'       d$$P     """    ,$$P        ,$$P """  $$P                
             ,d$P             ,$$P       ,d$P      ,$$P  b.                
           ,d$P              ,$$'      ,d$P 7$b.  d$$'    7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b 
     7be ,dP'              ,d$$'      ""     `$$ d$P      `""         
      `7$$b              ,d$P  `be.            ,$$P                    
        `7$$b          ,d$P      `$$b        ,d$P                     
          7$$       ,edP"          `$$b    ,d$P                     
                 edP"                ""  ,d$P                     
       MA                 SU                   TA               A
(COM) This is the word for someone who owns a bar, or is the bartender.
(NFO) Anime: ep2
    Manga: v1,3
    Seiyuu: Wakamoto Norio ($B<cK\5,IW(J) [Kagato in "Tenchi Muyo," Cell in
        "Dragonball Z"]
(ADR) "Master" by everyone
(PHY) Long droopy face with a very small mustache.  Black hair.
(WHO) Sometimes he's the one sane person at Chachamaru.  Often gives helpful
    He eventually marries Akemi near the end.
(JIS) $B<7Hx!!!Z$J$J$*![(J
        $$P                    $eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
        $$                     $$               $$
        $$           db        $$eeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$
        $$    ,,,eedP"""       $$          ,ee  ""
     ,,,$$eedP"""              $$  eeeee$$"""""
 eeedP""$$                     $$       $$
        $$                     $$ eeeeee$$eeee$$e
        $$                    d$"       $$
        $$          $         $$ eeeeeee$$eeeee$$e
        $$,         $b       d$         $$         b
        `$$$$$$$$$$$$P      dP          $$         $b

          NANA                          O
         seven                       tail(s)
  This name is "seven" in the numerology.
  The kanji breakdown in Version 8 was incorrect.
(NFO) Anime: ep12
    Manga: v2,5
(NAM) NANAO Kozue - Godai's second most important girlfriend
(JIS) $B<7Hx$3$:$(!!!Z$J$J$*$3$:$(![(J
(ASC) Hiragana 
                                      ee,       qq 
                                       `$$b  qq  $$            `be
      `beeee.                           $$    $$                 `$$
         `"">$$$$$         ee.  ,eeeeeee$$eeeeeeee    
         edP""              `$$P"""     $     `""""        q,   eee$b
                                  .d"""$$,                  $$P"" d$P
                                  $'   '$$                      d$P
                                  $,    $$                    ,$P
   dP                             '$beed$$                   d$
   $                               `"'e$                   d$Pbe.
   `be.                              d$                  d$$   `$.
     `"$$$$$$$$$$$$$               .dP                  $$P     `$........
                                  "P                             `$$$$$$$$
            KO                        ZU                       E
    Possible meanings: tree-top; twig; small stream.
(NFO) Anime: ep10; Named: ep12
    Manga: v2,5
    Seiyuu: Tominaga Miina ($BIY1J$_!<$J(J) [Izumi Noa in "Patlabor,"
        Rastel in "Nausicaa"]
(ADR) "Kozue-chan" by Godai
    "Kozue-san" by Kyoko and others
(PHY) Starts out very cute, and matures as the series gets older.  Her hair is
brown and short.  Has very large eyes.  (Looked much cuter in the anime.)
(WHO) Godai's official "girlfriend," who latches on to him in episode 17 and
then never seems to let him go.  Godai never seems to be able to confess that
he doesn't love her until the very end, and even they she remains blissfully
ignorant about for whom Godai's true affections lie.
(NAM) NANAO Yousuke - Kozue's younger brother
(JIS) $B<7HxMU2p!!!Z$J$J$*$h$&$9$1![(J
         $$P   $$P
  eeeeeee$$eeee$$eeee$$e              ,$$.
         $$    $$                    ,$$ `b.
      eep""eep ""eep                d$P   `$b.
 eeeee$$eee$$eeee$$eee$$e         d$P       `$b.
      $$   $$    $$            ,d$P           `$$$$P
      $$   $$eeee$$         edP"   $$P     $$P
      $$eeeeeeeeeeee$$e            $$      $$
            $$                     $$      $$
  eeeeeeeee$$$$eeeeeeeee           $$      $$
       ,d$P $$  `be.              e$"      $$
   ,ed$P"   $$    `e$$bee        e$"       $$
 """        $$        `"      ee""         $$

           YOU                        SUKE
         foliage             come between, mediate
  Bob Carragher says:
    The first kanji means "leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear," and I 
    believe is a counter for flat things. The second kanji means "jammed in, 
    shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with."
        However, I couldn't find these two together in my dictionary.  "You" is 
    the on-yomi (Chinese reading) for the first kanji, "kai" is the normal 
    on-yomi for the second.  "Youkai" can also mean "ghost, apparition, 
    phantom, specter, solution" (the last one being a different set of kanji). 
    I'd guess Takahashi is making a pun here.  ("Suke" seems to be a common 
    reading for the last kanji when used in names.)
  Wei-Hwa Huang adds:
    I claim that the "youkai" pun is too farfetched.  The "You" fits very well
    with a older sister names "Kozue," and not only is "suke" a common male
    name ending, it also means to come between, which is what Takahashi might
    have planned for him to do to Godai and Kozue if the story was developing
    in that direction.
(NFO) Anime: ep24
    Manga: v3,8
    Seiyuu: Hayashibara Megumi ($BNS86$a$0$_(J) [Onna-Ranma in "Ranma 1/2,"
        Amano Ai in "Video Girl Ai"]  She also did several other voices in
        MI, where she made her seiyuu debut.
(ADR) "Yousuke" by Kozue
(WHO) Pretty generic brat who's curious about his sister's boyfriend.
(NAM) Mr & Ms NANAO - live together with their two kids
(NFO) Anime: ep24
    Manga: v3,8
    Seiyuu: Father - Naya Rokurou ($BG<C+O;O:(J) [Enchou in "Crayon Shin-chan,"
            Professor X in "X-Men"]
        Mother - Tsuboi Akiko? ($BDZ0f>O;R(J) [Nadia in "Gundam F91"]
(WHO) Kindly looking, but Godai has a few nightmares about them.
(JIS) $BH,?@!!!Z$d$,$_![(J
                                eep         eep
                                $$          $$
        b    "Yb                $$          $$
        $$P    $            eeee$$e$$e $eeee$$eee$$e
        $$     $b                 ,$$  $$   $$   $$
        $$     `$                ,$$   $$   $$   $$
       ,$P      $b              ,$$    $$eee$$eee$$
       $$       `$,            ,$$q    $$   $$   $$
      ,$P        `$,         ,dP$$ `$b $$   $$   $$
      $$          $$,       ""  $$  `P $$eee$$eee$$
     d$            $$b          $$     $$   $$   $$
   ,dP              $$$be       $$          $$
 edP                 `$P        $$          $$
                                $$          $$
            YA                         GAMI
           eight                      god(s)
    The second part of the name is appropriate since the number 8 figures
importantly in religion. In Shinto there were 8 gods who existed before the
creators of Japan were born; 8 female demons chased Izanagi when he escaped
from the underworld; 800 gods waited outside Amano Iwato to encourage Amaterasu
to come out; the mirror that was used to bring out Amaterasu was 8 hands high;
Susanoo slew an 8-headed dragon [MYTH75]. Furthermore, Buddhism emphasizes an
eight-fold path to goodness.
    But what does all this have to do with MI?  I dunno.
(NFO) Anime: ep53
    Manga: v9,3
(NAM) YAGAMI Ibuki - A student who wooed Godai.
(JIS) $BH,?@$$$V$-!!!Z$d$,$_$$$V$-![(J
(ASC) Hiragana:
                                    "e                        "$e
   `b                                "$e       ee        e     "$ee$$"
    $b           `"b,                  $$   ee  $$        "$$$"""$e
    $$             `$b               e"      $$                   $eee$$"
    $$              `$b             e"                    "eeeeee"""e
    $$    d          `$             "e                      ""      "$e
    $$   d$           $$             "$eeeeeee                eeeee   $$e
     $$ d$          "$$$          ee"""$     """$e         e""     """"$$
     `$$$             ""   $  ee$"     $$     ee$$$       $
      `$$                   $$$"   eeee$$       ""        "$ee
                             "       """                    ""$$$$$$$
            I                         BU                       KI

  This name is "eight" in the numerology.
  Bob Carragher says:
    The only match I got for "ibuki" was a 2-kanji personal name.  The first 
    kanji meant "Italy, that one" while the second meant "blow, breathe, puff, 
    emit, smoke."
        You should probably take all these guesses with a grain of salt.  
    Takahashi-san loves to make puns out of names, so who know what she really 
    meant with these.  (Probably just throwaway names, since they were only 
    given in kana; however, I'm surprised Yagami's name wasn't rendered in
    kanji, since she was, for a little while, a major pawn.  B-)
  Wei-Hwa Huang adds:
    After I did some research on my own, I figured out what happened to Bob
    Carragher.  The name he found was (in JIS) $B0K?a(J, composed of two kanji
    pronounced "i" and "buki.
        "I" indeed means "that one,"...but only in Ancient Chinese!  And yes, 
    it does mean "Italy"...because it's a abbreviation of "Itarii," which is a 
    set of kanji adopted in the Edo period when Kanji were used for foreign 
    words instead of katakana.  It's also the "source" kanji for the katakana 
    "i," as students of Japanese will note from the left-hand side.  And "BUKI" 
    does indeed mean "breathe, puff, emit, smoke."  It's not uncommon to see 
    this Kanji in names.  So, why did Takahashi choose this name?
        Simple.  Mount Ibuki is a mountain west of the town Ogaki, in 
    Nishi-Mino district, Gifu Prefecture, Japan.  It's 1377 meters high and 
    somewhat known for its flora. It's only a few kilometers from Nigata, where 
    Rumiko Takahashi lives.  I wonder if there's a Yagami train station is near 
        Lesson: Overinterpreting kanji can get you confused.  In any case, it's
    not uncommon for a name to be in hiragana only.  BTW, there are a few other
    personal names also pronounced Ibuki.
(NFO) Anime: ep53; Named: ep71?
    Manga: v9,3; Named: v9,10
    Seiyuu: Fuchizaki Yuriko ($B^<:j$f$j;R(J) [Megumi in "Aa Megamisama!," Young
        Musashi in "Musashi no Ken"]
    Blood type: AB
(ADR) "Ibuki" by parents
    "Yagami-san" by everyone else
    "Yagami" by Godai when irritated
(PHY) Young and active girl.  Brown hair tied in two tails down either side of
her head.  In the Final Movie and the epilogue, her hair is permed to a wavy
(WHO) Yagami fell in love with Godai much the same way Kyoko fell in love with
Souichirou.  The differences is that Godai already loves someone, and so Yagami
is much more forceful in her pursuits.  Yagami actually ends up helping Godai
by forcing Kyoko to come to terms with her feelings.
    She lives with her parents, but spent quite a few days and nights at
(NAM) Mr & Mrs YAGAMI - Mr.Yagami is chief of personnel at Mitsutomo
(NFO) Anime: ep71
    Manga: v9,10
    Seiyuu: Father - Kanemoto Shingo ($B7sK\?78c(J)
        Mother - Mukadono Asami ($B8~EB$"$+$_(J)
(ADR) "Papa"/"Mama" by Ibuki
    "Yagami-buchou" by Godai and other subordinates.
(PHY) Mrs. Yagami looks a lot like Ritsuko Chigusa with smoother lines.  Mr.
Yagami is a large, stern man with grey hair and square glasses.
(WHO) Since Godai was looking for a job, Yagami was his best chance of getting
connections.  A sequence of chaotic events happened, involving Yagami's parents
in two story arcs.
    Alternate: Kujo
(JIS) $B6e>r!!!Z$/$8$g$&![(J
        $$P                       ,d$$eeeee$$e
        $$                      ,d$`b.   d$$P
        $$                   ,edP"   `ee$P"                             
eeeeeeee$$eeeee$$e          ""    ,ed$P `$bee..
        $$     $$           ,.eedP"        `"$$$$$P
        $$     $$          ""         $$"      `""
       ,$$     $$          eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
       $$'     $$                 d$$ $$ `b.
      d$P      $$     b         ,d$P  $$  `$b.
     d$P       $$     $       ,d$P    $$    `$$eeee
   ,dP         $$.   ,$$   edP"       $$      ""$$
edP"           `$$$$$$$P              $$

          KU                         JOU
         nine                clause, line, stripe
      Translations: "nine items, nine passages"
  This name is "nine" in the numerology.
    The sound KUJOU also means grievance, complaint, and KUJO means 
    extermination, destruction, which is very funny considering the feeble 
    nature of miss KUJOU. It also refers to the movie KUJO (starring a mad 
    St.Bernard) (note from Hikaru Itou, a friend on the net).
    Hmm...I think this is "Cujo," the book by Stephen King which was later made
    into a movie.  I think that part is just a coincidence.
  Quincy S. Huoh (94.05.25):
    You all know who Kujou Asuna is...the rich shy daughter of an old noble 
    family who everyone's favorite tennis coach, Mitaka, ends up marrying. The 
    Kujou family is a real one.
        The family descended from the Fujiwara clan, from Fujiwara Michiie 
    (1192-1252) in particular.  The Kujou family was imperial nobility, or 
    kuge.  This nobility was distinct from the daimyo, or military nobility, 
    and had precedent over their military counterparts at Court.
        The family was one of five from which the empress and the Kwampaku were 
    traditionally chosen.  The Kwampaku, from 882 to 1868, was the highest 
    dignity at the Imperial Court.  All powerful, he represented the emperor 
    and took his place at times during certain occasions.  He served as an 
    intermediary between the emperor and the numerous officials of the Court. 
    Originally called the Azukari-mousu.
        Kujou Norizane (1210-1235), son of Michiie, became Kwampaku in his 
    father's place in 1231.  He also became Regent of the Empire (Sesshou) upon 
    the succession of Shijou-tennou in 1233.
        Kujou Sukezane (1669-1729) himself the son of a Kwampaku, became one    
    and Daijou-daijin(Prime Minister and President of the Supreme Council) as 
    well. He was also a distinguished painter.
        Before World War II's occupation when MacArthur abolished all nobility, 
    the Kujou family held the title of Marquis.  For those of you unfamiliar 
    with noble titles, from low to high...
    Naturally the Japanese didn't originally have these titles, they were 
    conferred after the Westernization and Restoration in the mid-late 1800's. 
    Modelled after the British, I believe.
        At any rate, you can see that the Kujou family was a fairly old one in 
    an important position with some interesting ancestors.

    Reference material:
       "A Historical and Geographical Dictionary of Japan"
       by E. Papinot, publisher Charles Tuttle Inc.
(NFO) Anime: ep56
    Manga: v10,6
(NAM) KUJOU Asuna - Omiai opposite of Mitaka.
(JIS) $B6e>rL@F|:Z!!!Z$/$8$g$&$"$9$J![(J
                                                              $$P   $$P
            $eeeeeee$$e       $eeeeeeeeeeeee$$e       eeeeeeee$$eeee$$eeee$$e 
$eeeeee$$e  $$      $$        $$            $$                ""  ...eee
$$     $$   $$      $$        $$            $$           eeeeed$$P"""""""        
$$     $$   $$eeeeee$$        $$            $$              ee   "b    $ee
$$eeeee$$   $$      $$        $$            $$              `$b   $$ ,e$P
$$     $$   $$      $$        $$eeeeeeeeeeee$$               `"      "             
$$     $$   $$eeeeee$$        $$            $$        eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeee$$e    
$$eeeee$$   $$      $$        $$            $$                d$P$$ `b.        
$$     ""   $$      $$        $$            $$             ,d$$P $$   "$ee
          ,$$       $$        $$            $$         ,ee$""    $$     "$$$$"
        ,d$P       ,$$        $$eeeeeeeeeeee$$        ""         $$        ""
      edP"       `"$$P        $$            $$                   $$
                        ASU                                      NA
           (compound phrase) tomorrow                       vegetable(s)
(NFO) Anime: ep56??
    Manga: v10,6
    Seiyuu: Tsuru Hiromi ($BDa$R$m$_(J) [Buruma in "Dragonball," Ukyo in "Ranma
        1/2," Reiko in "GS Mikami"]
    Born: 1963
    Zodiac sign: Hare
(ADR) "Asuna" by her parents, and later Mitaka
    "Ojousan" <mistress> by Kimida-san (the chauffeur)
    "Asuna-san" by everyone else
(PHY) Shy and timid.  Her hair is cut very straight and refined.
(WHO) Asuna was Mitaka's omiai, and eventually married him.  She keeps six dogs
as pets at home, and comes from a very rich family.
    In 1988 she has twin daughters with Mitaka, and a second pregnancy is on
the way.
(NAM) Mei and Moe - Asuna's twin daughters. (These are the names that appear on
    each baby's bibs in one panel of the manga.  On the other hand, I may have
    been misled-- maybe the words on their bibs are mere decoration and aren't 
    their names.)
(NFO) Anime: ep96
    Manga: v15,10
Asuna's dogs:  All the dogs names are written in katakana, which we won't
    reproduce in JIS or ASCII.
(1) Salad - Pomeranian who got heavily involved in the plot. (v10,7)
             Romaji version: sarada
             Addressed as: `Salad-chan' by Asuna
(1abc) Sugar, Ginger, Pepper - Salad's children with McEnroe.
             Named in final movie by Mitaka
             Asuna proposed names in v14,1 of the manga:
                kuruton (Crouton), pati (Patty), pikurusu (Pickles)
(2) Pot-au-feu - Harlequin Great Dane. (v10,8)
             Romaji version: potofu
(3) Foie Gras - Brown Spitz. (v10,8)
             Romaji version: foa gura
(4) Terrine - long-eared with brown & white coloring. Cocker Spaniel. (v10,8)
             Romaji version: teriinu
(5) Stroganoff - St Bernard. (v12,2)
             Romaji version: sutoroganofu
               (with yomigana sentobaanaado)
(6) unnamed - Dobermann Pinscher.
    These are all food related names:
        Pot-au-feu is a boiled dinner of meat and vegetables.
        Foie Gras is liver (esp. of goose) usually in the form of a pate.
        Terrine is a dish used for cooking casserole.
           All three of the above names are from French.
        Stroganoff is an adjective for cooking in which the main
         ingredient (ex. beef) is sliced thinly and cooked in a sauce of
         consomme, sour cream, mustard, onions and condiments.
        Spitz is the name of an entire family; the Pomeranian (Salad, McEnroe) 
         and the Samoyed (Souichirou-san) breeds are part of the Spitz family.
(NAM) Mr & Ms KUJOU - live in a mansion with Asuna
(NFO) Anime: ep57??
    Manga: Mother: v10,6
        Father: v12,2
    Seiyuu: Father - Kameyama Sukekiyo ($B55;3=u@6(J) [Kidokoro Hayato in "Creamy
            Mami," Anri in "Laputa"]
        Mother - Takashima Gara ($B9bEg2mMe(J) [Saori in "City Hunter," Nina in
            "Crying Freeman"]
(NAM) Kimida-san - The chauffeur.
(JIS) $B7/ED(J
         $$      $$        $eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
         $$      $$        $$       $$       $$
eeeeeeeee$$eeeeee$$ee$$e   $$       $$       $$
         $$      $$        $$       $$       $$
         $$      $$        $$       $$       $$
   eeeeee$$eeeeee$$        $$eeeeeee$$eeeeeee$$
       d$$'                $$       $$       $$
     ,d$$eeeeeeeeee$$e     $$       $$       $$
   ,d$P$$          $$      $$       $$       $$
 ,d$P  $$          $$      $$       $$       $$
""'    $$          $$      $$eeeeeee$$eeeeeee$$
       $$eeeeeeeeee$$      $$                $$
       ""          ""
         KIMI                       DA
         lord                   rice field
(COM) Common name.  Probably not symbolic of much.  
(WHO) Got involved with the subplot that led to the marriage.
The Kujous probably have a few maids and other servants.
(JIS) $B@iAp!!!Z$A$0$5![(J
                ,.ee                $$P   $$P
       ,.eeeeed$$$P""        eeeeeee$$eeee$$eeee$$e
   eeeeedP"`$$                      $$    $$     
            $$                  $eeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
            $$                  $$            $$
 eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e       $$eeeeeeeeeeee$$
            $$                  $$            $$
            $$                  $$eeeeeeeeeeee$$
            $$                  ""     $$     ""
            $$              eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e  
            $$                         $$             
            $$                         $$             

           CHI                        GUSA
       thousand(s)                  grass(es)
(COM) This name is "1000" in the numerology.
(NFO) Anime: ep17?
    Manga: v2,10
(NAM) CHIGUSA Ritsuko - Kyouko's mother.
(JIS) $B@iApN';R!!!Z$A$0$5$j$D$3![(J
     ,$be     $$"              eeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
    ,$$" eeeee$$eeee$$e                     ,$$$
  ,d$P        $$    $$                    ,d$P"
 dP' ,$ eeeeee$$eeee$$e$e              b eP"
    ,$$P      $$    $$                 $$
   ,$$   eeeee$$eeee$$      eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
 ,dP$$        $$                       $$
 "  $$  eeeeee$$eeee$$e                $$
    $$        $$                       $$
    $$ eeeeeee$$eeeeee$$e              $$
    $$        $$                       $$
    $$        $$                    "7$$P

           RITSU                       KO
            law            child (female name ending)
(NFO) Anime: ep22; Named: ???
    Manga: v3,5; Named: v8,2
    Seiyuu: Matsushima Minori ($B>>Eg$_$N$j(J) [Candy in "Candy Candy," 
        Dororo in "Dororo"]
(ADR) "Okaasan" (mother) by Kyoko, Godai, and Mitaka
    "Ritsuko" by Mr. Chigusa
(PHY) Brown wavy short hair.  Very angular features at first, but they smoothen
out towards the end as the character design changes.  She has a nasty frown.
(WHO) A schemer, but becomes more pleasant towards the end of the series.  Her
goal is to get Kyoko remarried so that she can be happy again.  She doesn't
even realize that Godai is a contender until very near the end.
(NAM) Mr. CHIGUSA - Kyoko's father
(NFO) Anime: ep22
    Manga: v3,5
    Seiyuu: Tomita Kosei ($BIYED9L@8(J) [Chief Ootsuka in "Ironman 28," Watson in
        "Sherlock Hound"]
    According to v13c2 p31,4, His birthday is in September.
(ADR) "Anata" by Ritsuko
    "Otousan" (father) by Kyoko, Godai, and Mitaka
(PHY) A bit short, with wispy black hair.  His sunglasses and trenchcoat let
people mistake him for a pervert easily.
(WHO) Throughout the series, he just wants Kyoko to come home and live with
him, since (as we find out) he can't bear to see her hurt as much as she was
when she lost Souichirou-san.

| V: Other Groups |

Puppet Club (in the anime, the University is named as "Sanryuu Daigaku")
(NAM) SAOTOME - a big guy. The club president.
(JIS) $BAa25=w!!!Z$5$*$H$a![(J
     $eeeeeeeeeeeee$$e                                         $$P
     $$            $$       eeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e                 ,$$
     $$            $$                   d$$P                  $$'
     $$eeeeeeeeeeee$$                 d$$P            eeeeeeee$$eeeeeeeeee$$e
     $$            $$               d$$P                    ,$$'     $$
     $$            $$             d$$P                     ,$$'     d$P
     $$eeeeeeeeeeee$$           d$$P                      ,$$'     ,$$
     ""     $$     ""         d$$P                       ,$$ee    ,$$
            $$               $$P                 d       $$   """e$<.
 eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e    $$                 .$             d$P ""7$$b.
            $$               $$be.            ,d$$         .eedP"       7$$b
            $$                ""7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P"     eeedP""             7$$
            SA                      OTO                        ME
          early                                 maiden
    His name is never given in the manga; this is a fabrication of the anime 
(NFO) Anime: ep13; Named: ep13??
    Manga: v2,6
    Seiyuu: Oodake Hiroshi ($BBgC]9((J) [Niku-chan in "Dr. Slump Arale-chan"]
(ADR) "Buchou" <chief> by everyone
(PHY) A very large and burly man.
(WHO) In the manga, he eventually proposes to Kuroki, who accepts.  In the
anime, Kuroki and Saotome do not appear after the puppet club.  He works at a
(NAM) KUROKI Sayuko - organizer
(JIS) $B9uLZ>.Lk;R!!!Z$/$m$-$5$f$3![(J
   $eeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e                eep          
   $$      $$      $$                 $$           
   $$      $$      $$                 $$     
   $$""""""$$""""""$$      eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e 
   $$      $$      $$               $$$$ $
   $$eeeeee$$eeeeee$$              $$ $$  $.
   ""      $$      ""             $$  $$  `$.
  eeeeeeeee$$eeeeee$$e           $$   $$   `$b
           $$                  d$P    $$    `$$b
eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e    ,d$P      $$      `$$$P
   ,e   e.   e.    e.      ""         $$        `P
 ,d$    `$b  `$$b  `$$b               $$
$$P      $$   `$$    `$$              $$

          KURO                        KI
         black                    tree, wood

           $$P                       $$P                eeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
           $$             eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e                   ,$$$
           $$                   e     e                            ,d$P"
     b     $$   e.             ,$$P   $$P                       b eP"
     $$P   $$   `7b.          ,$$    d$$eeee$$e                 $$
    d$P    $$     `$b        ,$$    ,$Pq.  ,$$       eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
   d$P     $$      `7$b    ,dP$$   ,$P  $ ,$$                   $$
  d$P      $$        7$b  dP' $$ ,dP 7b. ,$$                    $$
 dP        $$         $$      $$ "'   7$e$P                     $$
"          $$                 $$     ,d$^$be.                   $$
           $$                 $$   ,d$P   7$$$$beee             $$
        `7$$P                 $$ edP"        "7$$'           "7$$P
          SA                          YO                        KO
         small                       night          child (female name suffix)
(COM) Yes, "Blackwood" is a Japanese name too!
(NFO) Anime: ep13; Named: ep13
    Manga: v2,6
        TV: Shimazu Saeko ($BEgDE:c;R(J) [Madoka in "Kimagure Orange Road,"
            Kodachi in "Ranma 1/2," Shinobu in "Urusei Yatsura"]
        Final Movie: Sakakibara Yoshiko ($B:g86$h$7;R(J) [Karla/Lelia in "Record
            of Lodoss War," Kushana in "Nausicaa"]
(ADR) "Kuroki-san" by everyone
(PHY) Black, shoulder-length hair that runs down to her shoulders.  Looks
elegant and mysterious.  Has a deadpan expression.
(WHO) In the manga, she works at Shiinomi daycare and was the one who
introduced Godai to the temporary job.  Later on, she marries the puppet club
(NAM) KAMISAKA - frontline actress
(JIS) $B?@:d!!!Z$+$_$5$+![(J
     $$P         $$P          $$P    $eeeeeeeeee$$e
     $$          $$           $$     $$
 eeee$$e$$e $eeee$$eee$$e     $$     $$
       ,$$  $$   $$   $$   eee$$e$$e $$eeeeeee$$e
      ,$$   $$   $$   $$      $$     $$ $     $$
     ,$$    $$eee$$eee$$      $$     $$ 7b   d$P
    ,$$q    $$   $$   $$      $$     $$  $. ,$$
  ,dP$$ `$b $$   $$   $$      $$ ,ee,$$  `$v$$'
 ""  $$  `P $$eee$$eee$$   eed$$P"' $$    >$$
     $$     $$   $$   $$   `$P"    d$   ,d$"$$b
     $$          $$              ,dP  ,d$"   `$$bee
     $$          $$             ''  edP"       `$$
          KAMI                        SAKA
           god                    slope, hill
               "god of the hill"
(NFO) Anime: ep13
    Manga: v2,6
    Seiyuu??: Takamori Yoshino ($B9b?95HLn(J) [Nadia in "Nadia"]
(ADR) "Kamisaka-san"
(NAM) KOIZUMI - frontline actress
(COM) Her name was not mentioned in the manga.
(ADR) "Kamisaka-san"
 GODAI Yuhsaku
The Girl's Highschool:
(NAM) KAMIOGI-sensei - home-room teacher
(JIS) $B>e2.@h@8!!!Z$+$_$*$.$;$s$;$$![(J
          $$P                      $$P   $$P
          $$               eeeeeeee$$eeee$$eeeee$$e
          $$                       $$    $$
          $$                q.   $be     eep
          $$                 7b.d$P      $$    b
          $$eeeeee$$e        ,d$$'    $  $$   ,$$P
          $$               edP" $$. ,d$  $$   $P
          $$                  ,$P$$ $$' ,$7b "
          $$                ,d$P $$     $$ 7b
          $$               dP"   $$    d$   7$b
          $$                    d$P  ,dP     7$$bee
eeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeeee$$e     "7$$P edP'        7$$

         KAMI                        OGI
        upper                    reed, rush
(NFO) Anime: ep53
    Manga: v9,3
    Seiyuu: Sawada Toshiko ($BBtEDIR;R(J) [Athena in "Appleseed"]
(PHY) A stern-looking woman with square-rimmed glasses.
(WHO) She helped Godai when he taught.  She was also Kyoko's teacher.
(NAM) Mariko
(JIS) $B%^%j;R(J
(NFO) Manga: v9,3
(WHO) Shy friend of Yagami who immediately had a crush on Godai.  She appeared
in the manga only.
Note: Except for Mariko and Yagami Ibuki, no other names were mentioned in the
manga, where Yagami had an "entourage" of these three friends:
(NAM) Etsuko - friend of Yagami
(JIS) $B1Y;R!!!Z$($D$3![(J
(NFO) Seiyuu: Miyuki Sanae ($B?<@c$5$J$((J) [Doris from "Ochame no Futago"]
(NAM) Asami - friend of Yagami
(JIS) $BKcH~!!!Z$"$5$_![(J
(NFO) Seiyuu: Tarako ($B#T#A#R#A#K#O(J) [Taruuto from "Magical Taruuto-kun,"
    Maruko from "Chibi Maruko-chan"]
(NAM) Atsuko - friend of Yagami
(JIS) $BFX;R!!!Z$"$D$3![(J
      $$P      $ee        
eeeeee$$eee$$e $$            eeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
              d$P                         ,$$$
   eeeeeeee   $$eeeee$$e                ,d$P"
   $$    $$  ,$     $$               b eP"
   $$eeee$$ ,$^b   d$P               $$
            "  $   $$     eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
 eeeeeeeeee    $. d$'                $$     
      edP""    `$ $P                 $$   
eeeeee$$""""    >$<                  $$     
 $P"  $$       ,$^$b                 $$        
      $$     ,dP   $$bee             $$     
   "7$$P  edP"'     7$$           `7$$P     
         ATSU                        KO
     $B!!(J kindly             child (female name suffix)
(NFO) Seiyuu: Hayashibara Megumi ($BNS86$a$0$_(J) See "NANAO Yousuke"
  YAGAMI Ibuki
  OTONASHI (nee CHIGUSA) Kyoko (alumna)
  GODAI Yusaku (ex-teacher)
Shiinomi Daycare:
(NAM) Enchou (Principal)
(NFO) Anime: ???
    Manga: v12,3
    Seiyuu: Tatsuta Naoki ($BN6EDD><y(J) [Hatta in "Kimagure Orange Road,"
        Oolong in "Dragonball"]
(PHY) A balding man with round glasses.
(WHO) Very helpful in getting Godai a nursery job.  Accidentally breaks his
Three unnamed assistants,
  one with a ponytail,
  one with glasses,
  and one with long hair
One of these was voiced by Hayashibara Megumi.
(NAM) Kyoko-chan - a little girl at the Shiinomi nursery
      nickname - `Kyon-Kyon'
    GODAI Yusaku
    KUROKI Sayuko (Manga only)
Bunny Cabaret and relations:
(NAM) IIOKA - one of the chiefs who looked over Godai
(JIS) $BHS2,!!!Z$$$$$*$+![(J
(NFO) Anime: v78?; Named: ???
    Manga: v12,5
    Seiyuu: Tomiyama Kei ($BIY;37I(J) [Kodai Susumu in "Space Cruiser Yamato,"
        Michael in "What's Michael?"]
(PHY) A grey-haired slanty man with a small mustache.
(WHO) Sakamoto's sempai, he works at the Cabaret Bunny.  In the manga, he gave
Godai a job.  In the anime, Godai and Sakamoto ended up indentured to him for
freeloading.  Gives not-so-accurate woman advice to Godai.
(NAM) Kasumi - A hostess of the Cabaret.
(JIS) $B$+$9$_(J
(ASC) Hiragana:
       `$b                            `"$$b              e.   ,eeee
        $$P                             $$                7$$P"  $$$
        $'..     eq.        ee.  ,eeeeeee$$eeeeeeee             ,$$P
 e  ,ed$$P""7be    7$b       `$$P"""     $     `""""           ,$P     "b
 7$$P d$'     $     `$$.           .d""7$$,                   ,$P      ,$$
     ,$"      $      $$$          $'   '$$               ,.ee$$eeeee. d$P
    ,$$      d$   ""7$$P          $,    $$             edP",$P    """7$$b
   ,$$      ,$P                   '$beed$$            dP ,d$P       ,$$P"$$b
  ,$$      ,$$                      `"'e$             $ d$P        ,$$    ""
 d$$   7bed$$                          d$             7$P         ,$P
 ""      $$P                         .dP                          "
           KA                           SU                      MI
  Like many female names, it's all written in hiragana.  The meaning is "mist."
(NFO) Anime: ep81
    Manga: v12,12
    Seiyuu: Komiya Kazue ($B>.5\OB;^(J) [Ran in "Urusei Yatsura"]
(WHO) A Cabaret bunny who ran off with a customer and left her two kids with
(NAM) Hanako - Kasumi's daughter
(JIS) $B2V;R(J
        $$P   $$P             eeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e
        $$    $$                           ,$$$
eeeeeeee$$eeee$$eeeee$$e                 ,d$P"
        $$    $$                      b eP"
      $be    eee    e                 $$
     d$$     $$    d$$P    eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
    d$$      $$  d$P"                 $$
   d$$$      $$dP"                    $$
,dP" $$      $$                       $$
     $$      $$       b               $$
     $$      $$,      $b              $$
     $$      `$$$$$$$$$P           "7$$P

          HANA                        KO
         flower            child (female name ending)
(NFO) Anime: ep81
    Manga: v12,12
(NAM) Tarou - Kasumi's son
    Variant spelling: Taro
(JIS) $BB@O:(J

           $$P                   $$P     b     db
           $$                $eee$$ee$$e $$""""$$P
           $$                $$      $$  $$   ,$P
eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e     $$eeeeee$$  $$   $P
           $$                $$      $$  $$  dP
          d$`b               $$eeeeee$$  $$   $b
         ,$$ `b              $$      ""  $$   '$$.
        ,$$   `b.            $$    b     $$    '$$
       ,$$     `$b.          $$     $b   $$     $$
      d$P  `b   `$$b.        $$ ,eedP$b  $$  eed$$
   ,d$P     $$    `$$$be   `$$$P"    $$  $$    `P
edP"        `P      `$P     P            $$

           TA                         ROU
          large             man (male name suffix)
(COM) Hanako and Tarou are like "Mary" and "John"; they're the most generic
Japanese names there are.
(NFO) Anime: ep81
    Manga: v12,12
    Seiyuu: Hayashibara Megumi ($BNS86$a$0$_(J) See "NANAO Yousuke"
(ADR) "Taro-kun"
(NAM) Akemi - a large Cabaret bunny
(JIS) $B%"%1%_(J
(ASC) Katakana:
(NFO) Anime: ep78?
    Manga: v12,5
(WHO) A slight confusion between her and Akemi ROPPONGI occurs.
  GODAI Yuhsaku
  SAKAMOTO (for a short time in the anime only)
Tokeizaka Merchants: (I still can't tell which one is which)
     Hasegawa    (C.H.Yung says it should be "Toshizo", instead)
Only named in the anime.
Yukari-baachan's Reunion friends: (I still can't tell which one is which)
Manga v6,3

| VI: Other Individuals |

(NAM) SAKAMOTO - Godai's best friend
(JIS) $B:dK\!!!Z$5$+$b$H![(J
   $$P    $eeeeeeeeee$$e              eep
   $$     $$                          $$             
   $$     $$                          $$              
eee$$e$$e $$eeeeeee$$e     eeeeeeeeeee$$eeeeeeee$$e
   $$     $$ $     $$               $$$$ $         
   $$     $$ 7b   d$P             ,$$ $$  $.       
   $$     $$  $. ,$$             ,$$  $$   $b      
   $$ ,ee,$$  `$v$$'            d$P   $$    $$b    
eed$$P"' $$    >$$           ,d$P     $$     `$$bee  
`$P"    d$   ,d$"$$b       edP"  eeeee$$eeeee  `$$ 
      ,dP  ,d$"   `$$bee              $$           
     ''  edP"       `$$               $$ 
          SAKA                       MOTO
          hill                      origin
                "base of the hill"
(COM) Pretty common name.  Even one of the voice actors has this name.  I
suppose that's why it's humorous that Kyoko keeps on forgetting it.
(NFO) Anime: ep3; named: ep8??
    Manga: v1,4; named: v2,8
    Seiyuu: Furukawa Toshio ($B8E@nEP;VIW(J) [Freeman from "Crying Freeman,"
        Ataru from "Urusei Yatsura"]
(ADR) "Sakamoto" by Godai
      "Sakamoto-san" by everyone else
(PHY) A curly-haired youth with freckles.  Not very handsome.
(WHO) Godai's best friend.  Godai sometimes stays at his apartment.
(NAM) Kyouko - Sakamoto's cat
      (has the same kanji as those in Otonashi Kyoko's name)
      Alternate spelling: Kyoko
(NFO) Anime: episode 21;
    Manga: v3,4;
(ADR) "Kyoko" or sometimes "Kyoko-chan"
(WHO) Apparently Kyoko grows up later in the series.  In the manga,
 she even seems to have kittens.
(NAM) KOBAYASHI - One of Godai's classmates 
(JIS) $B>.NS!!!Z$3$P$d$7![(J
             $$P                  $$P       $$P
             $$                   $$        $$
             $$              eeeee$$ee$$eeee$$eeee$$e
       b     $$   e.              $$        $$
       $$P   $$   `7b.           $$$b.    ,$$$$.
      d$P    $$     `$b         d$$$ 7$b ,$P$$ $.
     d$P     $$      `7$b      ,$'$$  "",$P $$ 7$b
    d$P      $$        7$b    ,$P $$   ,$P  $$  7$$be
   dP        $$         $$   dP   $$ ,dP    $$   7$$
  "          $$                   $$ "      $$
             $$                   $$        $$
          `7$$P                   $$        $$
             KO                 BAYASHI (HAYASHI)
            small                 forest, grove
(COM) Yet another common throwaway name.
 Should be known to die-hard Star Trek fans.
(NFO) Anime: ???
    Manga: v1,4; named: v4,11
(PHY) Wears glasses; slim.
(WHO) He hangs around with Godai and Sakamoto from time to time.  In the manga,
Godai stayed at his apartment once.
In the manga, Godai has another classmate named Okawa that he calls to try to
stay at in v4,11.
(NAM) Ayako -- Godai's "roommate"
(JIS) $B:L;R!!!Z$"$d$3![(J
(NFO) Anime: ep30
    Manga: v4,8
    Seiyuu: Sakakibara Yoshiko (see KUROKI Sayuko)
(PHY) Long-haired woman.  Seems to have a lot of makeup.
(WHO) Married to the unnamed Yakuza, they freeloaded in Godai's "new apartment"
before Godai gave up and returned to Ikkoku-kan.
(NAM) The yakuza -- Godai's "roommate"
(JIS) $B%d%/%6(J
(NAM) MITSUKOSHI Zenzaburou - 
(JIS) $B;01[A1;0O:!!!Z$_$D$3$7$<$s$6$V$m$&![(J
                                eep        eep q.
  eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e          $$         $$  `$$
                            eeee$$ee$e b   $$   ..
                                $$     $$""$$""""""
                           eeeee$$eee$e$$  $$   $be
                                $$     $$  7$b ,$P
    eeeeeeeeeeeee$$e         $b $$ee$o $$   $$v$P
                             $$ $$     $$ .  >$< d
                             $$ $$  eed$$P",d$^$.$
                             $^b$$   $"  ,d$P  7$$b
                            d$  7$bee.  ""       ""
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee$$e   ,$     ""7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
         MI(TSU)                      KOSHI
          three                    cross over 

(COM) Mitsukoshi is the name of a successful department store. One of its
stores can be found in Nihonbashi, Tokyo.
    Mitsukoshi is the name of a Tokyo subway stop as well.
(NFO) Anime: ep50
    Seiyuu: Horiuchi Kenyuu ($BKY>!G7M4(J)
(ADR) "Mitsukoshi-san"
(WHO) Mysterious middle-aged man who lived in room 3 for a couple episodes. 
Did not appear in the manga.
(NAM) Hiroshi - Akemi's one-time lover
(JIS) $B%R%m%7(J
(ASC) Katakana:
      HI                            RO                     SHI
                             (all in katakana)
(COM)  Very common male name.  Could mean almost anything.
(NFO) Anime: ep36
    Manga: mentioned in v5,4; never appeared
    Seiyuu: ???
(WHO) Man who two-timed Akemi.  The anime story dwelled on Akemi dumping
Hiroshi, while the manga story dwelled on how Kyoko and Godai reacted to
Akemi kissing them.
(NAM) Jun-chan 
(JIS) $B%8%e%s(J
(ASC) Katakana
(NFO) Manga: v6,2
(PHY) An outspoken tomboyish girl.  Ideal partner for Sakamoto.
(WHO) Sakamoto's partner in the "Freshmen welcome party" manga chapter.  Manga
(NAM) Hakuishi Eriko -- Jun's classmate
(JIS) $BGr@P6^;R!!!Z$O$/$$$7$($j$3![(J
(NFO) Manga: v6,2
(PHY) A very young, attractive girl.
(WHO) Godai's partner in the "Freshmen welcome party" manga chapter.  Manga
only.  Eriko got Godai into an embarrasing situation in front of a love hotel.
(NAM) Ooguchi Konatsu -- Godai's traveling companion
(JIS) $BBg8}>.2F!!!Z$*$*$0$A$3$J$D![(J
(COM) Her surname is very appropriate; the girl just never stops talking!
(NFO) Manga: v6,8
(PHY) A light-haired bespectacled woman who turns out to be very pretty when
she's not wearing her big round glasses.
(WHO) Godai met her while he was hiking in Hokkaidou during the summer.  She's
apparently trying to train herself to not be a big chatterbox, and Godai was
helping her towards that goal.
(NAM) Hirosuke - son of the man who was interviewed at Wakaba Daycare
                in episode 93 (v15,5)
(JIS) $B%R%m%9%1(J
(ASC) Katakana:
ee                                                .ee         ,$$
 7$$p                                    7beeed$$P"7$$b      ,$$P
  $$             7$beeeeed$$$$$$$$$b       """    ,$$P     ,d$$eeeeeeed$$$$$b
  $$eeeeed$$$$b   $$              $$$            ,$$P    ,d$P  """"7$b
  $$ """          7$.             $$'           ,$$'    dP'          $$
  $$               $$            d$P          ,d$$'                 d$P
  $$               $$            $$         ,d$P  `be.             d$P
  $$               $$           d$'       ,d$P      `$$b         ,d$P
  7$$bo.      .oo  $$eeeeeeeeeee$$b    ,edP"          `$$b     ,d$P
    "7$$$$$$$$$P"   $            "" edP"                ""   ,d$P
       HI                RO                    SU                   KE
                               (all katakana)
    Maybe the kanji for "doctor, command, esteem, win acclaim," along with the 
    "suke" from "Yousuke."  Or "peaceful, calm, peace, easy" with "help," 
    (another 2-kanji name).                      -- Carragher
    I'm guessing it's just another throwaway name and shouldn't mean 

| VII: Unnamed Individuals |

     Three kids - One girl, two boys. They appear several times in the
                  series (but by far not nearly as frequently as
                  Ushiko-san and Umao-san of KOR).
                  Apparently they're little versions of Ataru, Shinobu,
                  and Megane (three of the characters from Urusei Yatsura).
                  Also, apparently one of these kids is Megumi Hayashibara's
                  debut seiyuu role.
     Two neighbors (women) - These members of the tennis club know Kyoko
                  and Ichinose. The one who wears glasses appears more
                  frequently (in the anime) than the other.
Wei-Hwa Huang,,
Caught Porfiry, Raskolnikov sung his swan Sonia when he went Dounia to Siberia.