MI Timeline

Date           Event
35             Kyoko Chigusa Born
37             Yusaku Godai Born
41 Spring      Kyoko Chigusa enters primary school
52 04.10       Souichiro Otonashi (Age 27) begins teaching in all
               girl high school (Geology)
54 Fall        Kyoko Chigusa and Souichiro Otonashi marry
55 Spring      Souichiro Otonashi pass away
   10.         Kyoko Otonashi becomes the manager of Ikkoku-kan
               First encounter with Yusaku Godai (Ronin)
56 02.         Kyoko accompanies Godai to entrance exam for
               second-rated private college.
               During publication of qualified applicants, Godai
               disappears for a week.
               Godai accepted by the last private college
               (Education Major)
   06.         Godai shouts "I like Kyoko-san" after getting
               drunk in a party.
   07.         Kyoko enters tennis club.
               Encounter coach Mitaka.
               In Cha-Cha-Maru, Godai and Mitaka declare rivalry
               for Kyoko.
   09.         Mitaka invites Kyoko to concert before Godai had
               the chance to invite Kyoko to movie.
               Godai's first date with Gozue Nanao.
               Godai enters puppet club.
               Installation of pink telephone in Ikkoku-kan.
   10.         First anniversary celebration of installation of
               Kyoko as Ikkoku-kan's manager.
   11.         Kyoko injures herself during a tennis game.
   12.25       Kyoko weaves mufflers for friends as Christmas
   12.31       Godai and Kyoko watch RED-WHITE (singing
               Go to temple to offer first prayer of the year
               together two years in the row.
57 01.13       Godai returns to Tokyo.
   01.31       Skate at Fujisu Hiland (Godai, Mitaka, Kyoko,
               Ikuko, Ms. Ichinose, and Kentalo)
   02.         After final exams, Godai takes care of Sakamoto's
               pet cat "Kyoko" for a week.
   03. (Early) Kyoko's mother falsely announces Kyoko's will quit
               Ikkoku-kan's manager position and removes all
               Kyoko's belongings from Ikkoku-kan to force Kyoko to
               She fails.
   03.28       Kyoko's father visits Ikkoku-kan.
               At the same time, Kyoko's mother's attempt to
               trick Ms. Ichinose fails.
   04.11       On her way home from prayer at Souichiro's tomb,
               Kyoko argues with her parents.
               Godai visits Nanao family.

Date           Event
   05.         Competition at tennis club (Godai and Kyoko vs.
               Mitaka and Ichinose)
               Kyoko refuses to be Mitaka's "professional"
               partner. (Refused Mitaka's proposal for marrage)
   07.         Ikuko studies in Godai's room the day before final
               exam (Ikkoku-kan Room 5)
   09.         Godai mistakes Mitaka's younger sister's marriage
               as Kyoko's and moves out of Ikkoku-kan.
               Godai moves into Galaxy Hotel, second floor,
               room 1.
               Unable to evict previous residents.
   11.         Godai caught cold while away from Ikkoku-kan.
               Cold worsens, in bed for ten days.
   12.24       Christmas party at Cha-Cha-Maru.
               Godai gives Kyoko a star from a christmas tree for
58.01          Godai and Kyoko go to temple to offer first prayer
               of the year.
               Drunken Akemi kiss Godai and Kyoko.
               Next day Kyoko falls while replacing light bulb,
               kisses Godai for the first time (by Accident)
   02.14       Kozue gives Godai valentine's day present.
   03.         Mitaka speaks to Kozue.
               Kyoko purchase dresser.
               Kyoko try-on old student uniform, party ensues.
   05.         Sunday, Cha-Cha-Maru team (Ikkoku-kan & Mitaka) vs.
               Store Owner team in base ball.
   06.         Godai's grand mother (Yukari) comes to Tokyo for
               school reunion.
               Go to disco.
   08.         Drunken Sakamoto leaves kiss mark on Godai.
               Next day at pool Kyoko misunderstands and bites
               Godai brags to his friends about bite mark.
   09.         Grandma Yukari arranges for Godai a date with
   10.         Grandma Yukari return home.
               Party at train station.
               Mr. Ichinose lost his job.
               Goes to employement center everyday.
   12.         Godai breaks his left leg after helping Kyoko from
               falling off roof.
               Godai enters hospital.
   12.24       Godai's cousin (Shou) comes to hospital to take
               care of Godai.
               Godai breaks his left leg again during run away
               attempt of Shou and her boy friend.
               Complete healing takes one month.
59.01.         To compete with Godai, Mitaka breaks his leg in
               sking, move to Godai's neighboring bed.

Date           Event
   02.         Godai and Mitaka release from Hospital.
               Godai passes final exams.
   03.         Otonashi family celebrate Ikuko's admission to all
               girl high school.
   04.         Kyoko sorts her feelings four years after
               Souichiro's death.
               Aikidokibo* (Age 18) moves into Ikkoku-kan room 2.
   08.         Godai gives Kyoko a ring from Kyoko's sister in
   09.         Godai goes to Kyoko's old high school for CO-OP.
   09.17       Godai's first encounter with Ibuki Yagami, class
               represenative of level 2 class 4.
               Yagami left heart mark on Godai's shirt.
   09.28       Physical Education Ceremony. The day before,
               Yagami confront Godai in physical education
               equipment room.
   10.01       Last day of CO-OP.

   12.25       Godai and Kyoko participate in Christmas puppet
               show at childcare center.
60.01.         Godai, Mitaka, Yagami, Kozue, and Kyoko go to
               temple to offer first prayer of the year.
               Kozue decides to accept a job in a bank.
   01. (Late)  Godai misses interview at Sandachi* after having
               to escort a pregnant woman who goes into labor to
               The woman gives birth to a boy.
               Next day Yagami moves into Ikkoku-kan.
               Graduation exams begin for Godai.
   02.         Through Yagami's father's recommendation, Godai
               hired at
               Ibuki returns home.
   03.         Day before Godai's graduation ceremony,
   04.         Godai finds job at Shiino Childcare Center.
               Mitak meets Asuna Kujo.
   07.         Godai misunderstands when Mitaka holds Kyoko
               because of "dog"phobia.
   07.27       Kyoko goes on vacation at Kanazawa to sort out her
               Godai follows her.
   10.         Godai forced into becomming Yagami's home tutor.
               (One Month)
   10.11       Yagami with help of Yotani, suceed in frequent
               visits to Ikkoku-kan.
61.01.         During first prayer of the year, Mitaka confirms
               his overcoming of "dog"phobia.
   02.         Godai losts his job at childcare center due to
   03.         Through Sakamoto, Godai finds job at Cabaret Bunny
               in Shinjuku, to attract customers.
   04.         Godai place in charge of childcare at Bunny.

Date           Event
   05.         Asuna enters tennis club to pursue Mitaka.
               Godai helps a Bunny Hostess with her two children.
   06.         Mitaka forces a meeting with Kyoko.
   07.         Drunken Mitaka kiss Asuna. Asuna's pet dog Salad-chan
               spend a night in Mitaka's apartment.
   08.         Mitaka mistaken Salad-chan's pregnancy as Asuna's,
               decides to marry Asuna. They get engaged.
   09.         Kozue's coworker propose to Kozue.
   09.25-09.26 Godai takes baby sitter qualification exam.
   09.28       Kyoko misunderstands discussion of marriage
               between Godai and Kozue, leaves Ikkoku-kan and
               returns to Chigusa home.
               Six days after Kyoko left, Godai installed as
               temperary manager.
   10.09       Godai goes to love hotel to pay hotel bill for
               Kozue confronts Godai and Akemi as they leave
               love hotel.
               Next day, Kozue accepts marriage proposal from her
   10.11       Godai and Kyoko go to a love hotel.
               Godai officially breaks off relation with Kozue.
               Several days later Kyoko sleeps with Godai in
               manager's room at Ikkoku-kan.
   10.31       Godai passes baby sitter qualification exam, but
               does not propose to Kyoko (yet).
   11.11       Godai takes job at Shiino Childcare Center, but
               still does not propose to Kyoko.
   12.         Godai proposes to Kyoko.
62.04.         Godai marries Kyoko. After marriage ceremony attend
               another party at Cha-Cha-Maru.
63.            After Kozue Nanao got married, she moves to Nagoya
               Mitaka and Asuna have twin daughters, and is
               expecting their third child.
               Ibuki Yagami still cannot forget Godai, and does
               not have a boyfriend. She attends all girl college.
               Akemi Roppongi marries owner of Cha-Cha-Maru.
               After graduating from college, Akidokibo* returns
               to his home town Ibala Jo and works as a 9-to-5.
63.02.06       Movie "Maison Ikkoku" and "Urusei Yatsura" shown in
               movie theaters.
   spring      Yusaku Godai and Kyoko Godai's first daughter --
               Haruka born.

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