What's new?

Things to do.


o www.ml.org is down permanently, so have to change all references to ikkoku.home.ml.org


o Because server.berkeley.edu is closing down at the end of May had to move site to other account. o New URL is now http://ikkoku.home.ml.org/


o Updated lyrics o Added new image gallery icons.


o Added some more graphics to character pages. o Found a way to add a text counter using server side includes. For more information check out: Server Side includes


o Made multimedia page look nicer o Added image to resources page.


o Added third rotating image to main page.


o Added new graphic to main page, which is randomized. The randomization of the images and quotes on the page is a simple javascript. All it does is come up with a random variable off the date, and then calls up the corresponding image and quote. The quotes are in an array, so it is easy to maintain. o Added image maps to gallery page. Image maps are made using MapThis! program.


o Added Midi Jukebox. I only programmed it for netscape 3.0 or higher because IE doesn't recognize some javascript commands and throws an error. So I added some code so that it won't even give an option for the jukebox in any browser that doesn't work with the jukebox. The jukebox is basically two frames, and the top changes depending on which midi file was played. o Added links to movies from multimedia page. o Changed thumbnails. All the images are now reorganized. Will add the imagemap to them eventually.


o Added Midis to multi page. Will create a 'jukebox' to easily play them.


o Added the old sites to the history page. =) I think it's interesting to see the evolution of this site. o Added thumbnail images of all the MI images I have. Eventually, will figure out a scheme to display the images. o Changed format of the characters page. Will have separate pages for each character.


o Added banners and menu bar at the top of each page. Menu bars are basically javascript programs. I had to put the script on every single page unfortunately (making it a bit more difficult to maintain) because netscape was having problems with src files and tables. Also since IE 3.0 doesn't support external javascript files. o Added navbar to the bottom of the page to link back to main. o Fonts used in banners at the top of the page is Arial Narrow, Size 10.


Currently, the new site organization: Main Characters Different character pages Episodes Guide to MI FAQ Timeline Multimedia Lyrics Music Box Gallery Different pages display thumbnails for all pictures Resources FTP Site Mailing List Feedback Guestbook