Furi Kuri, also known as FLCL, is the latest Studio Gainax production. The first episode of this anime (animation) was released on April, 26th of 2000 and it will be comercialized as a six-episodes OVA (Original Animation Video) production in the most popular formats: DVD and VHS. The manga (comic), based on the anime, will be serialized in three volumes (the first one is on sale now) and Gainax has planned to make a movie too (trailers will appear in the official Gainax website during the first months of the next year). NEWS: 2000.10.25 Furi Kuri #4 is out! In Napster, Scour Exchange, etc. you can find the entire Original Soundtrack of Furi Kuri in mp3. Check it out before Lars Ulrich comes and get you! ^_^
2000.10.23 Spanish version is now online. The story section is finished (by the moment). If you find any grammatical errors, please tell me because my english is very poor. A new video (from the third OAV) was added in media. OAV 4 release date corrected. In info, was added the e-mail address of Fukkatsu International, a fansub who is subbing FLCL in english and spanish. 2000.10.20 FLCL.com.ar was mentioned in the argentinian magazine NUKE. 2000.10.2 I've put the second track of the pillows's Ride On Shooting Star album in mp3, it's called Skeleton Liar. You can download it from the multimedia section. This site has been added to Anipike.com. 2000.9.16 After a lot of problems with my domain's dns, FLCL.com.ar finally has been activated! Now you can e-mail me to kanchi@flcl.com.ar 2000.9.9 FLCL.com.ar has born, here you'll find all the information related with Gainax's Furi Kuri (aka FLCL). I hope all of you enjoy my website. |