Marmalade Boy Volume 5, Chapter 5 pages 153-188 Written and illustrated by Yoshizumi Wataru Translation & editing by : Craig Nishida Additional translation by : Paul Hirose Yutaka Sasagawa Additional editing by: Chris Rijk Jeanne Hedge Last revision : 02-16-97 Comments? Corrections? Suggestions? Please send them to: --------------------------------------------------- p 153 1 [View of a spacious park. People sit on the grass or walk about.] Miki: [off] Ahhhh, feels good! a---- KIMOchi ii! It's finally turned into yo--yaku KOUEN de hinata bokko dekiru the season where we can finally in-park can-bask-in-the-sun bask in the sun at the park, huh? KISETSU ni natta ne---- became-the-season (rhet) 2 [Yuu lies on his back on the grass, head resting back on his hands, smiling at the sky. Miki sits beside him, also smiling.] 3 [Yuu glances over at her left wrist.] Yuu: Ohh? are 4 [Filler art. Miki winks.] --------------------------------------------------- p 154 1 [He picks up her hand to look at it closely.] Yuu: ___________ This bracelet... kono buresuretto It's the one I gave you? ore ga ageta yatsu? I (S) gave thing Miki: Uh-huh. un Miki: I wear it every day. chanto MAINICHI tsukete-ru yo properly every-day am-putting-on/wearing 2 Yuu: [smiling] I see. sokka 3 [Miki smiles back.] 4 [Another view of the park.] Yuu: [off] Ah. a _____ I'd better get to work now. ore sorosoro baito Ikanakya------ I now/soon part-time-job must-go Miki: [off] Huh?! e_ 5 Miki: Tutoring Suzu-chan again?! mata suzu-chan no katekyo--!? again 's tutor Miki FX: pu---- Yuu: That's right, but... sou da kedo... ____ What are you getting angry nani mukurete n da yo for? what get-angry (explan) caption under panel 5: = a tutor katekyo = KATEIKYOUSHI 6 [Yuu's pov of Miki, who looks back with concern.] Miki: Because... datte... She asked for you through MIWA-san o TSUUjite YUU o Miwa-san, didn't she? through-Miwa (O) SHIMEI shite-kita n desho went-and-nominated (rhet) Maybe it's that Suzu-chan suzu-chan te YUU no koto SUki na likes you... (T) about-Yuu liking no ka mo... (nom) perhaps 7 [Yuu looks up at the sky, recalling...] Yuu: Ahh. aa I was told before that she kono mae DAISUki tte Iwareta really likes me. before-this like-a-lot was-said-that Miki: [sweating] WHAT!?! e_!? --------------------------------------------------- p 155 1 Yuu: There's no deep FUKAi IMI ja ne-- yo significance. deep/profound meaning is-not ______ She's a child. ano KO kodomo da mon that-girl child is reason Yuu: She said she likes kire-- na mon ga SUki na n da beautiful things. beautiful-things (S) liking (explan) tte sa (quote) It seems that she's taken a nanka ore no KAO ga KI ni Itte-ru mitai fancy to my face. some my-face (S) is-pleasing seems 2 [View pulls up and back.] Yuu: ______ _________ I stack up the same as a furiru no wanpi--su to ka frilly one-piece dress, or frill 's one-piece and-such a crystal accessory. ______ ___________ garasu no akusesari-- to ka glass 's accessory and-such to DOURETSU da yo the-same-rank-as am She'll probably be tired of sono uchi MIakiru daro looking at me before long. before-long poss-be-tired-of-looking-at Miki: I wonder if that's true... so-- ka naa... like-that I-wonder 3 Yuu: [off] That's right... sou da tte When I talked about you omae no koto HANAshitara she wanted to meet you... about-you when-speak Aitagatte-ta shi was-wanting-(3rd- and-besides person)-to-meet Miki: [blankly] Huh? e 4 [Yuu smiles and pats Miki's head.] Yuu: _ya_ And so there isn't anything da kara NETA(MU) ku koto to be jealous of at all. and-so = be-jealous thing nante ZENZEN nai the-likes-of -at-all there-isn't kara that's-why ___ So behave yourself and wait o-uchi de otonashiku MAtte-nasai at home for me. at-home quietly be-waiting Yuu: 'Kay?! na_! Yuu FX: ___ ___ pon pon 5 [Miki looks up at his hand on her head, frowning.] narration: Grr! mo--_ narration: He's treating me like a KODOMO atsukai shitee... child... child treating --------------------------------------------------- p 156 1 [Yuu smiles.] narration: But... ----demo 2 Miki: [smiling] Okay! ...un! narration: ...actually, that... honto wa sore ga actually that (S) narration: ...makes me a little chotto ureshii happy... a-bit happy 3 [Yuu starts counting on the fingers of one hand.] Yuu: Still, I earned quite a bit sore ni shite-mo kono HARU YASUmi wa this spring break, didn't I. still/for-all-that this-spring-break (T) kekkou KASEida yo na-- quite worked/earned-money (rhet) I did my usual part-time KOUREI no FURUGI-YA job at the secondhand usual secondhand-clothes-store clothes store, and appeared _____ in the commercial, and... baito mo shita shi part-time-job too did and-besides #CM# ni mo DEta shi... in-commercial too appeared and-besides I was a tutor, too. ato KATEIKYOUSHI daro the-rest/more tutor poss-be Yuu: If it's this much, I won't kono BUN nara NATSUYASUmi ni be going as far as to see this-amount if-it-is in-summer-break Gaudi of Barcelona this __________ _____ summer break... wa baruserona no gaudi... (contrast) Barcelona 's Gaudi to made wa ikanai kedo (quote) up-to (contrast) not-go but ...but it looks like I can KITA KYUUSHUU no ISOZAKI ARATA at least go see Isozaki Northern-Kyuushuu 's Arata of Kitakyuushuu. kurai wa MI ni extent (contrast) to-see Ike -sou da na go look-as-if (rhet) 4 [Realization strikes Miki.] Miki: Ahh... a... Could it be that the trips moshi ka shite TOKIDOKI hitori de you take by yourself every it-is-possible sometimes by-oneself now and then.... RYOKOU suru no wa traveling/making-a-trip (T) Miki: Were they so you could look KENCHIKU BUTSU MIru no ga at architecture? architecture seeing (S) MOKUTEKI datta no? objective was caption under panel 4: In the city of Kitakyuushuu, KITA KYUUSHUU-SHI ni wa, there are a number of in-the-city-of-Northern-Kyuushuu (contrast) buildings that were designed by the architect, Mr. Arata KENCHIKU-KA no ISOZAKI ARATA-SHI no Isozaki. architect 's Mr. 's SEKKEI shita KEN-BUTSU ga designed/planned building (S) ikutsu ka aru no desu. some-number-of there-are (explan) 5 Yuu: Uh-huh... ...un --------------------------------------------------- p 157 1 Yuu: I started taking an interest KENCHIKU ni KYOUMI o MOtta in architecture because I in-architecture an-interest (O) possessed wanted to get a little closer to Miwa Yoshimitsu, kikkake wa CHICHI OYA da to OMOtte-ta who I thought was my a-start (T) father is was-thinking-that father... MIWA YOSHIMITSU ni SUKOshi demo to-Miwa-Yoshimitsu even-a-little CHIKAzukitakatta kara------ na wanted-to-get-near that's-why is n da kedo (explan) but But now, I think I really IMA de wa honto ni SHOURAI do want to proceed in that now/at-present really the-future direction in the future. sou iu HOUMEN ni SUSUmitai in-that-kind-of-direction want-to-advance to OMOtte-ru am-thinking-that Yuu: I discovered something yaritai koto ga MItsukatta n da I want to do, so the want-to-do thing (S) discovered (explan) misunderstanding wasn't a waste of time. kara GOKAI mo that's-why a-misunderstanding too ____ muda ja nakatta yo na a-waste-(of-time) was-not (rhet) And I got to know SATOSHI-san to mo SHIriaeta Satoshi-san, too... with-Satoshi too was-able-to-get- acquainted-(with) shi... and-besides 2 [Miki smiles with fondness over at Yuu, off-panel.] Miki: Uh-huh. That's true. un... sou da ne Miki: That was nice, huh, Yuu... yokatta ne YUU... 3 [An idea strikes her.] 4 Miki: ____ Say, Yuu, is it okay if I nee RYOKOU atashi mo issho ni Itcha dame? go on the trip with you, say trip I too together must-not-go too? 5 [Yuu's view of a beaming Miki, her hands clasped.] Yuu: [off] EH!?! e_!? Miki: C'mo-o-on. i-- jan I'll go out with you on your KENCHIKU BUTSU meguri wa chanto architecture tours without architecture tour (T) properly being a bother, so... tsukiau kara sa go-out-with that's-why Miki: While we're there, we'll tsuide ni KANKOU MEISHO de visit the famous sights and along-the-way at-famous-places-to-sightsee eat delicious things, and... ASOnde oishi-- mon TAbete... visit-(and) delicious-things eat-(and) Oh. If there's a hot a ONSEN ga attara spring, that would be hot-spring (S) if-there-is super . SAIKOU awesome/super/bitchin' --------------------------------------------------- p 158 1 Miki: [off] 'Kay?! I'm sure it'd be ne_! kitto TANOshi-- yo fun . (rhet) surely fun Yuu: [off] Ohh...sure, it could be ...iya sorya TANOshi-- darou kedo fun, but... sure fun poss-be but 2 Yuu: Do you understand the ...omae IMI wakatte significance of what you're you significance understand-(and) saying? Itte-ru? are-saying That it's a "trip for 2-RI de RYOKOU tte koto wa sa... two"... by-2-people a-trip (quote) (nom) In other words... tsumari... 3 [Miki looks back, blankly.] 4 [Realization socks her and she throws a hand to her open mouth.] Miki FX: bo_ Miki: AH...! a_... Miki: N-- No, I... ya ya da atashi That's not what I mea... sonna tsumori ja......... like-that intent 5 [Miki spins away from Yuu, both her hands clapped to her burning cheeks. Yuu looks away, too, eyes contracted to dots.] Miki: (Ohhhh God! What'll I do?) (hie----_ dou shiyo) Miki FX: kaaaaa Miki: _____ (I said something awful!) (nanka sugoi koto Itchatta something dreadful-thing said-(finality) yo----_) Miki: (I was feeling like it was (tsui KYONEN no KAZOKU RYOKOU no just something like last merely last-year 's family-trip (nom) year's family trip... ____ ) nori de...) feel-like be-(and) 6 Yuu: [off] Do you really want to go honto ni issho ni Iku? with me? really together go --------------------------------------------------- p 159 1 [Miki turns to look at Yuu.] 2 Miki FX: ka--~~ 3 [Still blushing, she looks aside.] Miki: I-- i Miki: I'd like to go... Ikitai... 4 [Yuu beams.] 5 [Miki is surprised to find her head being patted again.] Yuu FX: pon Yuu: OK! #OK#! I'll take you along. tsurete-tte-yaru yo take-(you)-along 6 [Filler art. Yuu stands smiling in formal wear.] --------------------------------------------------- p 160 1 [Yuu stands to leave, backpack slung over a shoulder. Miki looks up at him, wide-eyed.] Yuu: _____ Then, I'm off to work. ja ore baito Iku yo then I part-time-job go I have to earn enough for 2-RI BUN no RYOHI both our traveling costs! 2-people shares/portion 's traveling- expenses shikkari KASEgane-- to na! if-not-work-hard (rhet) 2 [Her pov of him as he smiles and heads off.] Yuu: See ya! ja na! 3 [Miki stares at him off-panel, blankly.] 4 narration: A trip for two with Yuu... YUU to 2-RI de RYOKOU... with-Yuu by-2-people a-trip narration: For two... 2-RI de... narration: For just the two of us... 2-RI kkiri de... 5 [Miki's face flushes and she smiles like the cat who ate the canary.] Miki FX: nimaa~~~~ 6 [Her eyes contract to dots as something occurs to her.] --------------------------------------------------- p 161 1 narration: Ohh? Yuu, just now... ...are YUU ima narration: Wasn't he saying something "2-RI BUN no RYOHI" about "both our traveling 2-people portions 's traveling-expenses costs"? to ka Itte-nakatta? or-such wasn't-saying Miki: (I can't let that happen. (so-- yu-- wake ni wa ikanai yo like-that can't-very-well I have to come up with my JIBUN no bun wa JIBUN de DAsanakya) own share.) self 's share (T) by-self must-produce 2 [Miki sweats.] narration: But, I... demo atashi narration: ...don't have any savings CHOKIN nante ZENZEN... at all. savings the-likes-of -at-all 3 [Tight view of her hand, clenched into a fist.] Miki fist FX: gu_ Miki: (A-a-all right!) (yo--shi!) 4 [Standing, Miki pumps both fists and glares up at the sky.] Miki: _____ (I'll work part-time, too!) (atashi mo baito suru_!) I too work-part-time Miki: (For the sake of our trip (2-RI kkiri no RYOKOU no tame ni) alone together...) just-2-people 's trip for-the-sake-of Miki: (...I'll earn money!!) (o-KANE kasegu_!!) money earn 5 [Filler art. Suzu-chan smiles and waves in her school uniform.] --------------------------------------------------- p 162 1 [Isolated shot of a sign over a door in a hallway.] sign: Year 3, Class B 3-NEN #B#-GUMI 2 [Meiko brushes her tresses back off her shoulder.] Meiko: Just when I think I entered konaida NYUUGAKU shita school not long ago... not-long-ago entered-a-school to OMOttara when-think-that It's our final school year mou SAIKOU GAKUNEN ka... already, huh... already highest school-year huh Meiko: Somehow, it seems that our na--nka KOUKOU SEIKATSU nante days in high school will somehow high-school existence the-likes-of be over all too soon... atto iu ma ni in-an-instant/all-too-soon Owatchai-sou ne seems-over-(finality) (rhet) 3 [She notices that Miki is seated at her desk, engrossed in a magazine. Curious, Meiko looks over at it.] Meiko: ? ? Miki. What are you reading? MIKI NANI YOnde-ru no? what are-reading (?) Miki: _____ A magazine listing part- baito JOUHOU -SHI time jobs. part-time-job report magazine Meiko: _____ Working part-time? baito suru no? Why so suddenly...? doushite KYUU ni... why all-of-a-sudden 4 Miki: Yeah. Actually... un ...JITSU wa ne 5 [Blushing a bit, Miki starts smiling like the canary-filled cat again.] Miki: Eh heh! e he_ Miki FX: heraa 6 [Her face flushes a deep shade and her face dissolves into laughter. Meiko frowns and sweats.] Miki: Eh heh heh hehhh. e he he hee Miki FX: dere dere dere Meiko: ?! !? Meiko FX: zo_ 7 [Beaming, a female classmate enters the classroom, holding up something in her hand.] pigtailed girl: Heyyy, look! ne-- ne-- MIte--_ --------------------------------------------------- p 163 1 [Tight shot of the held object. It's the crown-shaped bottle of perfume that Suzu-chan and cross-dressing Yuu were hawking on TV.] dramatic FX: jan! pig-tailed girl: I bought i-i-it. KAtchattaa bought-(finality) Shiseido's Crown . 2 [Three female classmates rush over.] girls: Kyaa! kyaa_ girl 1: Ahhhh! How nice! a----_ ii na----_ girl 2: Let me see, let me see. MIsete MIsete girl 3: Wahhh. So cute! wa-- kawai--_ 3 [Ginta and 2 other guys stand and watch from their vantage point near the windows. Ginta looks on a little blankly as the other two guys smile at the girls, off-panel.] boy 1: Oh! I know what that is. a_ sore SHItte-ru! ! that am-knowing _____ It's that thing on Sakuma SAKUMA suzu no #CM# no yatsu daro Suzu's commercial, right? 's commercial 's thing poss-is boy 2: Cu-u-ute, isn't she. ka_wai-- yo na-- suzu-chan Suzu-chan. cute (rhet) 4 Ginta: [off] _ That girl. I wonder if sonna ni ii ka naa ano KO she's that great. that-much good I-wonder that-girl boy 2: [off] Ehhhh?! e----_ What are you saying, NANI Itte n da yo GINTA Ginta? what saying (explan) Watch the "Crown" commercial "#CROWN#" no #CM# MIte-miro yo and see! 's commercial watch-and-see She's aw-w-wfully cu-u-ute!! sugge-- kawai-- zoo awfully cute !! Ginta: [off] Nah. If it's that iya sono #CM# nara SHItte-ru commercial you're talking that-commercial if-it-is am-knowing about, then I know it, but... kedo sa but 5 Ginta: [smiling] ...if anything, the tall ore wa dotchi ka tte-- to issho ni woman who appears with her I (T) if-anything/rather together is more to my liking... DEte-ru SE no TAKAi ONNA no HITO is-appearing height 's tall woman no HOU ga KONOmi... 's more-to-liking --------------------------------------------------- p 164 1 FX: [off] gon_ 2 [Ginta hangs over the windowsill, a large lump formed on his head. An irritated Yuu stands over him, vein popping. The rest of the class watches and sweats from behind.] Yuu: Sorry... wari-- na My hand slipped. TE ga subetta hand (S) slipped 3 [Clutching his injured head, Ginta yells and glares into the face of Yuu. Yuu matches him glare for glare.] Ginta: _ WHAT ARE YOU DOING, NANI sun da yo MATSUURAa!! MATSUURA-A-A?!! what do (explan) Yuu: I said my hand slipped, TE ga subetta_ tsutte n daro! didn't I?! hand (S) slipped! saying-that (rhet) _ You butthead, it's because teme-- ga KISHOKU WARIi koto you said something you-(vulgar) (S) feel-disgusted thing disgusting. Idiot. ____ Iu kara da baka say that's-why is idiot 4 [Yuu whirls away, in a huff. Ginta's eyes contract to dots and a few hairs sproing loose.] Yuu: fun_ narration: [surrounding Ginta] Because of such harsh amari no iigusa ni words... -so-much 's in-one's-words/excuse narration: ...his eyes are dots. ME ga TEN eyes (S) dots 5 [Ginta looks angry again.] Ginta FX: mukka--~~~~ Ginta: Wha-- na 6 Ginta: [off] What's with that guy!?! nan na n da yo aitsu_!? what is (explan) that-guy ____ He whacks me on the head nagutta UE ni baka YObawari!? and, on top of that, calls struck furthermore idiot call me an idiot?! Stop funning around! zaken na yo_ ! What did I do?! ore ga NANI shita tte n da!? I (S) what did (quote) (explan) boy 1: [off] Now, now, Ginta. Calm down. ma maa GINTA ochitsuite boy 2: [off] _____ Strangely, Matsuura is in a MATSUURA myo-- ni kigen WARUi na... bad mood, huh... [Barely able to contain themselves, Miki and Meiko clamp fists to their mouths and tremble with suppressed laughter.] narration box with arrows pointing at Miki and Meiko: People who know the JIJOU o SHIru HITOBITO circumstances. circumstances (O) know people Miki/Meiko: pu pu pu_ --------------------------------------------------- p 165 1 [Outside, Miki lets loose her laughter.] Miki: Ahhhh, that was so-o-o a---- okkashikattaa! funny! Miki smile FX: kyara_ 2 [View pulls back. Yuu, Miki and Meiko head off school grounds.] Miki: But I feel a little sorry demo arya chotto GINTA ga for Ginta about that. but that a-bit (S) kawaiso-- da yo-- is-pitiable Meiko: Really. honto ____ Not knowing the reason for wake wakannai wa yo nee that. reason not-understand (rhet) are ja with-that 3 [Miki's pov. Looking vexed, Yuu squints at us.] Yuu: ____ Why is it that Akizuki knows ...nande AKIZUKI ni wa wake the reason? why to-Akizuki (contrast) reason wakatte n da yo understanding (explan) Miki-i-i. MIKI~~~~ Yuu: Jeez. ttaku mou Yuu: You blabbed it, huh, you shaberyagatta na teme-- jerk. chatter-(contempt) (rhet) you-(vulgar) 4 [Miki and Meiko beam merrily, though Miki also sweats.] Miki: _____ Sorry, but it's because I gomen datte a-- yu-- #CM# didn't think it would be sorry but that-kind-of-commercial that kind of commercial. da to wa OMOwanakatta kara sa is not-thought-that that's-why I told Meiko at the time SHUTSUEN ga KImatta you decided to perform in one's-performance (S) decided it... JITEN de MEIKO ni wa at-point-in-time to-Meiko (contrast) Itchatte-te... am-telling-(finality)-(and) Meiko: Sorry, Matsuura-kun. gomen ne MATSUURA-kun I'll never tell anyone. ZETTAI DARE ni mo Iwanai wa yo absoluteness to-anyone not-tell Yuu: [off] I certainly hope so... sou NEGAitai ne like-that want-to-pray/wish (rhet) --------------------------------------------------- p 166 1 [From behind, Miwa rests his hand on Yuu's shoulder, and leans over to speak into his ear. Yuu looks surprised.] Miwa hand FX: pito_ Miwa: ____ Yuuko-chan. YUUKO-chan I saw your *com*mer*cial* #CM# MI - ta - yo . commercial saw 2 [Face flushed and looking incensed, Yuu spins away and glares back at the now-laughing Miwa.] Yuu: !! !! Yuu FX: ba_ Miwa: I mean... iya---- Your beauty was dazzling, mabayui hodo no UTSUKUshisa datta nee huh. dazzling extent 's beauty was (rhet) I fell in love. horechatta yo ore 3 Miki/Meiko: (He appeared again...) (mata DEta...) again appeared 4 [Pumping a fist, Yuu glares into Miwa's face.] Yuu: SATOSHI-SA... SATOSHI-sa... Miwa: I hear that the agreement's NAMAE wa DAsanai YAKUSOKU ni that names won't be given name (T) not-utter into-agreement out? natte-ru n da tte? is-turning (explan) (quote) That's such a waste. sorya mottaine-- yo that a-waste 5 Miwa: [merrily] __________ I'll become your manager, ore ga mane--ja-- ni natte-yaru kara sa so... I (S) become-manager-(for-you) that's-why ...while we're at it, why kono sai ano HOUKOU de don't I promote you that on-this-occasion in-that-direction way in the entertainment world? GEINOUKAI ni UriDAseba? in-the-entertainment-world if-market/promote Miwa: ha_ ha_ ha_ Miwa: I'm sure you'll have a flood kitto RUIJI no IRAI ga SATTOU... of similar requests... surely like/similar request (S) pour-in --------------------------------------------------- p 167 1 [Yuu grows strangely quiet.] Yuu: ......... ......... 2 [Miwa loses the merriment and sweats, eyes contracting to dots.] Miwa: H-- a Miwa: Huh? are 3 [Sweating a smile, Miwa beams over Yuu's shoulder.] Miwa: __ __ C'mon, you've gone deadpan. ya da na MUHYOUJOU ni natchatte~~ c'mon becoming-expressionless-(finality) Could it be you've really moshi ka shite HONKI de OKOtta...? gotten mad...? perhaps seriously got-mad Yuu: [vein popping] ......... ......... 4 Miwa: [off] O-of course, I'm joking, jo JOUDAN ni kimatte n daro-- y'know. joke naturally (rhet) I'm sorry. WARUkatta yo Cheer up again, Yuu-u-u. KIGEN naose yo YUU~~~~ recover-good-humor [Miki and Meiko watch and smile.] Miki: kusu Meiko: kusu kusu 5 [Up rushes Suzu-chan, dressed in her school uniform.] Suzu: Oniichan! Yuu-sensei! oniichan YUU-SENSEI! --------------------------------------------------- p 168 1 [Surrounded by menacing giant mutant 9- to 12-petaled flowers found only in shoujo manga, our angelic Suzu-chan smiles sweetly and waves a greeting.] 2 [Suzu-chan's view of a smiling Miwa and a surprised Yuu.] Miwa: Suzu! suzu! 3 [Miki and Meiko are likewise surprised. Miki sweats.] 4 [View pulls up and back. Suzu-chan rushes over to where the guys are. Miki and Meiko are standing a bit off to one side and take in the scene.] Suzu: Yuu-sensei, today is the day YUU-SENSEI KYOU KIte-kureru HI desho you come, right? today come-(for-me) day poss-be I came for you . Suzu: _____ Your school's close by. gakko CHIKAi mon school close-by reason Miki: (Sakuma Suzu!) (SAKUMA suzu) Miki: (Wowww. The real thing...! (uwaa HONMONO...!) ) --------------------------------------------------- p 169 1 [Miki's view of the smiling Suzu-chan.] Miki: [off] (Slender! Long legs! Tiny (HOSOi! ASHI NAGAi! KAO chitcha----i!) face!) slender long-legs face teeny-weeny Suzu: To think oniichan's with oni--chan mo issho da nante you, too... Lucky! . _______ rakki-- lucky 2 [Miki and Meiko are both wide-eyed as they stare back at us. Miki blushes, too.] Miki: (Sh-- (ka She's too cu-u-ute!!) kawai -sugiru yoo------!!) cute overly 3 [In an inset, Suzu looks back at us in realization. This is Miki's pov.] 4 Suzu: [smiling] Ahh... ......a Miki-san! You're Miki-san, MIKI-san! MIKI-san desho!? right?! Suzu: Kyaaaa. I'm so happy! kya---- ureshii! I've wanted to meet you. Aitakatta n desu atashi wanted-to-meet (explan) I 5 [Miki smiles tentatively.] Miki: Ah. Umm. a eto --------------------------------------------------- p 170 1 [As Miki smiles in embarrassment at the greeting, Suzu races past her to smile raptly at a surprised Meiko. Hearts bubble out of Suzu. ^_^] Miki: How do you d-- HAJIme mashi... Suzu FX: sa_ Suzu: Just as I thought. OMOtta toori thought as _____ An incredibly beautiful suggoi kirei na hito--!! person!! awfully-beautiful person 2 [Miki's eyes contract to dots.] 3 [Sweating, Meiko tries to correct the bubbly Suzu.] Meiko: No. Uhh. I'm... iya ano atashi wa... Suzu: kya_ kya_ Suzu: _______ Perfect for Yuu-sensei! YUU-SENSEI ni pittari! to-Yuu exactly A handsome man and a BINAN BIJO! beautiful woman! handsome-man beautiful-woman An amazing ma-a-atch ! amazing match 4 [Beaming, Miwa claps a hand on Meiko's shoulder and pulls her to his side. Meiko's face is a picture of blank surprise.] Miwa: a ha ha Miwa: You're mistaken, Suzu. chigau yo suzu This person is Akizuki kono HITO wa AKIZUKI MEIKO-san Meiko-san. this-person (T) Miwa: My intended girlfriend in CHIKAi SHOURAI ore no KANOJO ni naru the near future! the-near-future become-my-girlfriend YOTEI! expectation/anticipation 5 Meiko: [glaring] ......... ......... Miwa: [smiling and sweating] It's okay. i-- jan Let it be said. iwasero yo Just this much. kono kurai 6 [Miwa's hand enters the panel, which shows a wide-eyed Miki staring back.] Miwa: This is Yuu's girlfriend. kotchi ga YUU no KANOJO this-way (S) 's girlfriend Koishikawa Miki-san! KOISHIKAWA MIKI-san! --------------------------------------------------- p 171 1 [Suzu's face falls.] Suzu: .........! .........! I see... so-- na n daa... Suzu FX: gakkari 2 [Miki's eyes contract to dots.] 3 [A rock lands on Miki's head. She looks pale and sweaty. Beside her, Meiko smiles at the bowing Suzu-chan.] Miki: _____ (Somehow... It seemed like (...nanka ima suzu-chan no bakku ni "disheartened" was written somehow now at-back-of-Suzu behind Suzu-chan just now.) "gakkari" to ka KAite-atta yo-- na) disheartened or-such was-written seem rock on Miki's head FX: go----n Suzu: _______ I'm sorry. I was jumping gomennasai HAYAtochiri shite to conclusions. sorry jump-to-conclusion Meiko: Oh, no. ie ie Suzu FX: pekori 4 [Beaming brightly, Suzu brings forth a camera.] Suzu: Excuse me! ano! Is it okay if I take minasan no SHASHIN totte-mo i-- everyone's picture? everybody 's picture even-if-take okay desu kaa? be (?) Suzu FX: pa_ 5 [Filler art. SD-Miki smiles, one forefinger resting on her cheek.] --------------------------------------------------- p 172 1 Yuu: ______ A camera... kamera... Is that something you always itsu-mo MOchiARUite n no? carry around? always carrying-about Suzu: [beaming] Yup! un! So when I find something I KI ni Itta mono MItsuketa toki like, I can take pictures things-that-I-like discovered time of it right away. sugu TOttokero yo-- ni immediately can-take-pic- so-as-to (for-future-sake) Miwa: [smiling] It's Suzu's hobby... suzu no SHUMI na n da yo na-- 's hobby is (explan) (rhet) 2 Suzu: Then... ja I'm taking pictures! TOrimasu yo! [Suzu is a blur as she takes pictures of the four from various vantage points. Miwa smiles and flashes a "V", but the others are in a daze.] camera FX: _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ kasha kasha kasha kasha kasha_ 3 [Suzu smiles and waves back as she, Yuu and Miwa head off.] Miwa: 'Bye! jaa na! Suzu: Thank you very much! doumo arigatou! See you later... sore ja mata... 4 [Miki and Meiko's pov as Yuu, Suzu and Miwa walk away.] 5 [Meiko and Miki remain standing in a daze.] --------------------------------------------------- p 173 1 Meiko: [sweating] A somewhat unusual girl, nanka KAwatta KO datta wa nee... wasn't she... somewhat unusual-girl was (rhet) 2 [The two girls walk home.] Meiko: But there doesn't really demo BETSU ni MATSUURA-kun no seem to be a reason to think but particularly 's that she's a candidate to be Matsuura-kun's sweetheart, KOIBITO SHIGAN tte hm. candidate-for-sweetheart (T) wake ja nasasou ne doesn't-seem-to-be-a-reason (rhet) Isn't that great, Miki. yokatta ja nai MIKI was-good Miki: Uh-huh. un 3 [Profile of a smiling Miki.] narration: Just as Yuu was saying, YUU no Itte-ta toori ano KO she simply likes looking at 's was-saying as that-girl "beautiful people." "kirei na HITO" o MIru no ga beautiful-person (O) seeing (S) SUki na dake na n da liking only is (explan) narration: I'm a little relieved... chotto ANSHIN... 4 [Profile of a glum and frowning Miki.} narration: But that she was demo gakkari sarechatta no disheartened was a bit of but was-disheartened-(finality) (nom) a shock. ______ wa chotto shokku (T) a-bit shock narration: Maybe I don't look that atashi sonna ni YUU ni NIAtte-nai good with Yuu. I that-much to-Yuu not-matching ka na-- I-wonder 5 [Meiko stops and peers about her surroundings. Miki stops to look back at her.] Meiko: It's around here, but... kono atari na n da in-this-neighborhood is (explan) kedo naa but (rhet) A shop that sells delicious ZASSHI ni NOtte-ta oishii sweets that was mentioned in-magazine was-reporting delicious in a magazine. KANMI-YA-san sweet-shop-(hon) Oh...?! ...ara_ sign: __________ _ Patisserie E... patisuri-- e... --------------------------------------------------- p 174 1 [Miki and Meiko stand outside a new ice cream store. A sign, in English, reads, "Bobson's--Fine Blended Ice Cream".] 2 [A view of the sign that rests higher up on the building.] 3 [The two girls stare. Miki smiles and a heart appears over her head.] Meiko: ____________ There was an ice cream konna toko ni aisukuri--mu - shop in a place like this... in-place-like-this ice-cream ______ shoppu ga atta n da... shop (S) there-was (explan) Miki: Wowww. uwaa Cute store! kawaii o-MISE! 4 [Miki's attention is caught by a sign posted in the window.] Meiko: Really. honto ne Shall we give up on the KANMI-YA-san yamete koko ni sweets shop and go here? sweets-shop quit-(and) to-here shiyokka? = shall-do-(?) 5 [Isolated shot of the sign.] sign: ________ RECRUITING FOR PART-TIME arubaito BOSHUU WORK part-time-job recruiting Time: JIKAN: JIKYUU: Hourly wages: 6 [Smiling, Miki has an idea.] --------------------------------------------------- p 175 1 [Night falls over the Koishikawa-Matsuura residence.] 2 [Miki knocks on a door.] door FX: ___ ___ kon kon Miki: Yuu! YUU! Can I come in? haitte-mo ii? 3 [Yuu is sitting on his bed, looking through a CD booklet. He turns and looks at us. The pov is that of the door's.] Yuu: Sure. i-- yo 4 [Miki beams and stands in her ice cream store uniform, hands on her hips. The uniform consists of bowtie, patterned long-sleeve shirt, somewhat short skirt, and a tiny apron. Oh, and a visor-cap on her head.] Miki: TA-DAHHH . ja--n Well? How do I look?! doo NIAu_? 5 [Yuu looks blankly.] 6 Yuu: [off] _____ What's with that outfit...? NANI sono kakko... what that-appearance Miki: [off] ____________ ______ _____ I decided to work at an aisukuri--mu - shoppu de baito suru ice cream shop. at-ice-cream-shop work-part-time koto ni shita n da decided-to (explan) This is their uniform! kore ga sono SEIFUKU! this (S) that-uniform --------------------------------------------------- p 176 1 Miki: [off] Cute, isn't it. KAWAIi desho I like it! kore KI ni Itte-ru n da! this am-pleased-with (explan) Yuu: [wide-eyed] Sure, but... i-- kedo... ________ Isn't the skirt a bit short? chotto suka--to MIJIKAkunai ka? a-bit skirt not-short 2 [Miki stops to stare down at her uniform.] Miki: Huh? Really? e soo? ______ ___ It's not as short as my tenisu uea hodo ja nai shi tennis outfit, and I wasn't tennis-outfit extent is-not and-besides that concerned, but... BETSU ni KI ni naranakatta kedo in-particular wasn't-concerned but I wonder if it's weird... HEN ka naa... strange I-wonder 3 [Miki loses the smile and sweats.] Miki FX: shun 4 [In an inset, Yuu smiles.] Yuu: pu_ 5 [View pulls back. Yuu sits on the edge of his bed, smiling at Miki who stands before him.] Yuu: It's not weird. HEN ja nai yo It's cute. KAWAIi yo Miki: Really?! honto!? 6 [He motions for her to come to him.] Yuu: Come, come. oide oide 7 [Miki grows wide-eyed.] 8 [He points down to the small section of the edge of the bed that's in front of him.] Miki: [blankly] Sit down...? There? ...suwaru no? soko ni? 9 [Looking a bit flustered, she sits. Yuu smiles.] Miki FX: chokon --------------------------------------------------- p 177 1 [He clasps his arms around her and rests his cheeks against the back of her head.] Yuu: Caught you. tsukamaeta Yuu FX: kyu_ 2 [She holds onto one of his arms...] Miki: Grrrr... mo----... Spoiled brat... AMAenbo... 3 [...and smiles.] --------------------------------------------------- p 178 1 [Isolated shot of the Bobson's sign.] 2 [Miki, decked in her store uniform, smiles.] Miki: _ Thank you-u-u! arigatou gozaimashitaa! 3 [The woman manager of the store smiles from behind the ice cream counter. She wears glasses and the same kind of uniform as Miki. From this view we see that Miki has come out around the counter to thank the unseen customer as he/she leaves the store.] manager: Yes, that's it. That's the sou sou sono CHOUSHI way. that's-the-way You have the spirit, GENKI ga atte nakanaka ii wa yo so that's very good, spirit (S) have-(and) very-good Koishikawa-san. KOISHIKAWA-san Miki: Ah ha. Really? a ha so-- desu kaa? 4 manager: Oh, that's right. a sou da ___________ Please take off your buresuretto wa hazushitoite ne bracelet... bracelet (T) take-off-(for- (rhet) future-sake) ___________ Accessories are disapproved akusesari-- FUKA da kara of. accessory disapproved is that's-why 5 [Miki touches her bracelet.] Miki: Oh. Yes. I'm sorry. a hai gomennasai caption below panels 4-5: Based on information SHUZAI KYOURYOKU: obtained in cooperation be-based-on cooperation with Hobson's Ice Cream, _________ ____________ Nishi-Azabu store. hobusonzu aisukuri--mu NISHIAZABU-TEN Hobson's ice-cream store 6 [She places it in a pocket in her little apron.] Miki: _______ (I'll put it in my pocket.) (poketto ni Iretoko) in-pocket put-in Miki FX: goso manager: [off] Welcome! irasshaimase --------------------------------------------------- p 179 1 [Miki's view of a smiling Suzu-chan, dressed in school uniform. Miki's face is drawn on her speech bubble. She's surprised in a dazed sort of way.] Miki: [off] Oh?! are_ Suzu-chan! suzu-chan! Suzu: Hello. konnichi wa 2 [Pov shifts to a view looking over Suzu's shoulder. Miki smiles from behind the counter.]] Suzu: I saw you from outside, SOTO kara MIKI-san ga MIeta Miki-san... from-outside (S) caught-sight-of kara... that's-why _____ Is this a part-time job? baito desu ka? part-time-job is (?) Miki: Uh-huh. Starting today. un KYOU kara na no from-today is 3 [Isolated view of the bilingual (English/Japanese) Bobson's menu.] Suzu: [off] I come here sometimes. TOKIDOKI KUru n desu yo koko sometimes come (explan) here It's on my way from school. TSUUGAKU RO da kara attend-school path is that's-why Miki: [off] I see... Please drop by! sokka-- yoroshiku ne! 4 Miki: [off] What shall it be? NANI ni suru? to-what make I'm treating you. ogottageru yo [Miki's view of Suzu, who smiles brightly.] Suzu: Wow. Thank you very much. waa doumo arigatou 5 [Suzu smiles and waves back as she heads for the door with her double-scoop ice cream cone. Sugar cone... Good choice! ^_^] Miki: [off] Thank you! arigatou gozaimashita! Please come again, okay? mata KIte ne-- again come-(please) (rhet) doors FX: ______ ga----.. --------------------------------------------------- p 180 1 [The manager stands beside Miki and the two smile.] manager: ______ That girl just now was the IMA no KO moderu no SAKUMA suzu desho model, Sakuma Suzu, right? now 's girl model 's poss-be You know her. SHIriAi na n daa acquaintance is (explan) manager: Ama-a-azing! sugo--i Miki: Huh? Well... e-- chotto... 2 [Suzu stops outside to look back.] 3 [Suzu's view of Miki, inside talking to the manager.] narration: In that way, she seems sore nari ni kawai rashii kedo cute... in-that-way seems-cute but narration: ...but she isn't "kirei" ja nai wa yo ne "beautiful"... beautiful is-not (rhet) 4 [View of Suzu's feet as she walks off.] narration: I wonder why Yuu-sensei YUU-SENSEI wa doushite ano HITO o chose her... (T) why that-person (O) ERAnda no ka naa... chose I-wonder Suzu: (I'm sure it's that she has (kitto sugoku SEIKAKU ga ii a very nice personality...) surely awfully personality (S) nice no ne) (nom) (rhet) Suzu: ____ She treated me to ice aisu ogotte-kureta shi cream... ice-(cream) treated-(me) and-besides 5 [Suzu digs into her coat pocket.] Suzu FX: goso 6 [View over Suzu-chan's shoulder at three photos she holds. We can only see the top one. In it, Yuu stands beside Meiko. Looking back, it's a cropped photo taken of Miki-Yuu-Meiko-Miwa back in panel 172-2.] caption with arrow pointing at picture: Since it pleases her, she KI ni Itte-ru no de mochiaruite-iru carries it around. ---> is-pleased-with since is-carrying-about --------------------------------------------------- p 181 1 [A white panel.] narration: Oniichan and Meiko-san are oniichan to MEIKO-san wa BIKEI a beautiful couple... and (T) beautiful-form DOUSHI da kedo comrades are but But they don't quite imaichi NIAtte-nai shi match... lack-something are-not-matching and-besides narration: It's because of oniichan's oniichan no KAMIGATA no sei da wa... hairdo... 's hairdo 's fault is He should cut it! KIreba ii no ni if-cut okay even-though narration: Sure enough, the couple of yappari YUU-SENSEI to MEIKO-san no Yuu-sensei and Meiko-san is after-all and 's visually the nicest, but... _______ _______ kappuru ga bijuaru-TEKI ni ichiban couple (S) visually number-one _____ naisu na n da kedo na-- nice is (explan) but (rhet) 2 [Philosophical beyond her years, Suzu ponders... Oh, and giant roses cloud up the background and loom over Her Suzu-ness again... ^_^;;] Suzu: Life... YO no NAKA tte the-world/life/the-times (quote) ...doesn't go as it should, umaku ikanai mono nee... does it... go-wrong/be-unsuccessful reason (rhet) 3 [Tight shot of the cartons of ice cream inside the counter display.] manager: [off] ___________ ______ The chocolate chip is chokore--to chippu ga mou nai gone already... chocolate-chip (S) already not-have wa ne (rhet) I have to get more. HOJUU shinakucha must-replenish 4 [Smiling, Miki turns and heads off.] Miki: Then I'll go and get it. ja tottekimasu ne then go-and-fetch (rhet) --------------------------------------------------- p 182 1 [Tight shot of the latch on the door of the walk-in freezer. A little sign is attached above the door latch. The door is ajar.] sign: When entering the storeroom, KURA NAI ni HAIru SAI ni wa make sure it's safe before in-storehouse come-in on-the-occasion entering. ANZEN o TASHIkamete HAIru koto safety (O) make-sure-(and) come-in (nom) 2 [Miki stands inside, looking thru the shelves holding cylindrical cartons of ice cream. The shelves run along all the walls of the freezer with the highest shelves being up above her head level.] Miki: Let's see. e--to ___________ ______ Chocolate chip... chokore--to chippu... 3 [Her view of the section of shelf holding the ice cream she seeks.] label: ___________ ______ Chocolate chip chokore--to chippu Miki: Oh, there it is. There it a atta atta is. 4 [She drags a low stepladder over in front of the shelf.] ladder FX: _____ gatan 5 [As she's about to step on the ladder, she has a thought.] flashback thought: ________ (Isn't the skirt short?) (suka--to MIJIKAkunai ka?) skirt not-short (?) 6 [Filler art. Tiny drawing of a smiling Miki's face.] --------------------------------------------------- p 183 1 [Looking back over her shoulder, she studies her skirt.] Miki: (......... (......... Maybe it's a little cho--tto abunai ka na...) risky...) a-bit dangerous I-wonder Miki: When I climb the stepladder. KYATATSU ni noboru to on-stepladder when-climb 2 [She steps on a rung.] Miki: (Oh well, that's okay.) (ma i-- ya) Miki: (Besides, no one's (do--se DARE-mo MIte-nai shi) watching...) anyway anybody isn't-watching and-besides 3 [She reaches up and lifts a carton.] Miki: yoishotto sign: _____ ______ Chocolate chip choko chippu 4 [Someone's foot appears around the edge of the door as it creaks open. The person wears pants, so it's not the manager.] door FX: __ ki... 5 [Miki turns to look.] --------------------------------------------------- p 184 1 [It's a guy. Looks to be about her age. This is Miki's pov as he looks up at her.] 2 [Eerie! A giant exclamation mark appears between them. ^_^ View has pulled back to show Miki staring back over her shoulder, down at this guy who's looking up at her.] --------------------------------------------------- p 185 1 [While holding the carton in one hand, she reaches down with her other hand to make sure he's not looking up her skirt. Miki's face flushes.] Miki: OH NO... ya... Miki FX: ba_! 2 [Her right foot slips off the ladder.] Miki foot FX: _____ gakun 3 [And she falls over, backwards, body turning.] Miki FX: guraa... Miki: KYAAA! kyaaa 4 [The guy rushes forward, concern on his face.] 5 FX: __________ gusha gatta----n dota gon! --------------------------------------------------- p 186 1 [Grimacing, Miki opens one eye.] Miki: Oww... ttaa... 2 [View pulls back to show she's landed in the lap of the guy, who sits back, slumped against the wall. Miki looks up and back into his face.] Miki FX: gyo_ 3 [She leaps to her feet, face flushed and horror on her face.] Miki FX: ba_ Miki: I-- go_ I'm sorry!! gomennasai!! Miki: Are you all right? DAIJOUBU desu ka Are you hurt?! kega wa_... 4 [The guy drops his gaze, and reaches back to touch the back of his head.] Miki: [off] Did you hit your head?! ATAMA uttari to ka_ head hit-(or) or-such --------------------------------------------------- p 187 1 [Isolated view of the ice cream stacked on the shelves.] Kei: [off] I'm fine. ore wa HEIKI da yo What about you...? sotchi koso... that-way indeed Miki: [off] I'm not hurt at all. atashi wa ZENZEN I (T) -at-all Are you really all right? honto ni DAIJOUBU desu ka? really all-right are (?) It just felt like I landed atashi OMOikkiri SHITAjiki ni hard on you... I just-a-thought to-cardboard shichatte... make-(finality) is for "below" and for, I dunno, "layer" or "spread"? is something you put underneath something else. I think often seen as "pencil mat" or something when you put a piece of paper on top of a piece of plastic before you draw. Basically, she's saying I really used you forcefully as a landing pad.> 2 [From down below, the manager shouts up the stairs.] manager: Koishikawa-san! KOISHIKAWA-san! Is something wrong? douka shita no? manager: Some terrible noise... nanka sugoi OTO ga... something terrible sound (S) 3 [Miki turns towards the voice off-panel.] Miki: Ah! No! a_ hai! I'm coming now. IMA ikimasu 4 [She picks up the carton and heads out the door. She looks back as she goes.] Miki: Bye. sore ja I'm really sorry!! honto ni gomennasai!! 5 [The guy looks toward the door, off-panel.] Miki footsteps FX: [off] ____ ____ ____ bata bata bata... --------------------------------------------------- p 188 1 [Something down below catches his eye.] 2 [Lying on the wood floor is the bracelet that Yuu gave Miki.] 3 [He picks it up and looks off-panel towards the door.] --------------------------------------------------- -------------------End of Chapter------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Scorecard: Miki <---> Yuu Satoshi (Miwa) ^ | | | | v Suzu Meiko ---> Natchan Murai Rumi <---> Youji ^ ^ ^ | | | v v v Ginta ---> Arimi Jin <---> Chiyako ^ | | Tsutomu (Rokutanda) ---------------------------------------------------