Marmalade Boy Volume 7, Chapter 2 pages 39-69 Written and illustrated by Yoshizumi Wataru Translation & editing by : Craig Nishida Additional translation by : Paul Hirose Last revision : 97-10-11 Comments? Corrections? Suggestions? Please send them to: --------------------------------------------------- p 39 1 [View of a darkened street.] Miki: Wow. It's pitch-dark... uwa-- makkura... 2 [Miki checks her watch.] Miki: It still isn't that late, mada sonna ni OSOkunai no ni but the sun is setting so still that-much not-late even-though early... HI ga Ochiru no HAYAku natta sun (S) set/fall (nom) early became na-- (rhet) 3 [We look around the figure of a stranger who watches Miki as she walks home.] 4 [Closeup of the stranger, a young bearded guy wearing dark glasses.] 5 [Filler art. Yuu and Miki side-by-side and laughing. Yuu pours from a sake bottle into Miki's cup.] caption: Spiced sake #OTOSO# --------------------------------------------------- p 40 1 [Miki becomes aware that she is being followed. Over her shoulder we see that the stranger is tailing her down the narrow and dark neighborhood streets.] Miki: (Huh...?) (...are?) 2 [Sweating, she glances over her shoulder.] Miki: (Maybe it's just my (KI no sei ka na) imagination.) imagination I-wonder Miki FX: chira Miki: (Someone's following...) (DARE-ka tsuite-kuru...) somebody follow 3 man FX: ni_ 4 [View from the side. The stranger trails Miki by 3 strides. Miki continues to walk, sweating.] Miki: ......... ......... 5 [With a look of determination, she speeds up her pace. The stranger is a bit startled.] Miki footstep FX: ta ta ta ta ta (quick pace) (HAYA ASHI) --------------------------------------------------- p 41 1 [With a grimace, Miki looks over her shoulder to see that the strange guy is keeping pace.] narration: Geh!! He's following me ge_!! yappari tsuite-kuru after all! ! after-all follow man footstep FX: ta_ ta_ ta_ narration: A pervert!! CHIKAN!! 2 [View from behind her as Miki starts running full-tilt.] narration: Oh no! I'm sca-a-ared!! ya da kowai yo------!! Miki FX: dasshu 3 [She shuts the front door behind her.] door FX: _____ batan! 4 [She leans back against the closed door, in exhaustion.] Miki: Whew... I'm saved. haa... TASUkatta Miki: I was so scared... kowakattaa... 5 [Something in front of her, off-panel, has her perplexed.] Miki: Ah! ha_ --------------------------------------------------- p 42 1 [Her view of identical cute twin toddler girls.] twin girls FX: ji------ 2 [Miki's eyes goggle.] Miki: (Wha--) (na) Miki: (What's with these girls!?!) (nani kono KO-tachi_!?) what these-girls ! 3 [Her eyes find another reason to goggle as that strange guy comes in through the front door behind her.] man: Whew! Found my way at last! ha----_ yatto tadoritsuita! ! at-last find-one's-way door FX: _____ gacha Miki FX: gyo_ 4 [Her eyes whirl as she turns to face him. Behind her, the two girls light up.] Miki: Y-you... Even into a anata HITO n chi no NAKA made~~~ someone's home... twin girls: ____ Papa! papa! 5 [The strange guy bends down to meet the embrace of the twins.] twin 1: Welcome ba-a-ack. man: Mm. I'm home. n tadaima --------------------------------------------------- p 43 1 [Chiyako comes on the scene.] Chiyako: Eisaku! You're late. EISAKU! OSOkatta wa ne Oh, were you with ara MIKI-chan mo issho datta no? Miki-chan, too? too together were 2 [Chiyako's pov. Sweating slightly, Miki turns towards Chiyako.] Miki: Chiyako-san... ...CHIYAKO-san Then, this person can't ja masaka kono HITO---- possibly be... then impossible this-person 3 [Standing beside Eisaku, Chiyako smiles. Eisaku removes his dark glasses.] Chiyako: My kid brother. WATASHI no OTOUTO Beginning today, he'll be KYOU kara shibaraku uchi ni staying with us for a from-today for-a-while in-home while, so take care of him, 'kay. TOmaru kara yoroshiku ne stay that's-why in-care (rhet) Eisaku: I'm Namiki Eisaku. NAMIKI EISAKU desu And my daughters, Maho and sore ni MUSUME no MAHO to MAYU Mayu. moreover daughter (nom) and Nice to meet you, Miki-chan. yoroshiku MIKI-chan 4 [Still sweating, Miki forces a wide smile.] Miki: S-sure... ha haa... 5 [Filler art. Miki dresses cutely in a flower-patterned kimono, a ribbon in her hair.] --------------------------------------------------- p 44 1 Chiyako: It's been 18 years. 18-NEN buri na no yo When he was a graduate EISAKU ttara DAIGAKU INSEI no TOKI student, Eisaku studied in I-tell-you graduate-student 's time Germany and settled down ______ there... doitsu ni RYUUGAKU shita in-Germany studied-abroad mama itsuichatte unchanged-state settle-down-(and) Chiyako: ______ Just like that, he became sono mama doitsu no DAIGAKU a professor at a German that-unchanged-state Germany 's university university, and so he didn't come home at all. no KYOUJU ni nanka 's into-professor somewhat natchatte ZENZEN turn-(finality)-(and) -at-all KAEtte-konai n da mono not-go-and-come-home is-the-reason 2 [A view from the living room ceiling. On one couch around the coffee table sit Eisaku and the twins. Rumi and Youji sit on another. Chiyako sits on the 3rd.] Youji: What's your area of study? SENKOU wa nan dai? specialty (T) what is Eisaku: It's ethnology. MINZOKU GAKU desu Youji: ______ I hear you're married to a go-KEKKON wa doitsu no kata to? German woman? marriage (T) German lady (quote) Eisaku: Yeah. Five years ago. ee 5-NEN MAE ni She's a linguist who's KANOJO wa NIHONGO o KENKYUU shite-ru studying Japanese. she (T) Japanese (O) is-studying GENGOGAKU-SHA na n desu linguist is (explan) ____ ____ __________ And so Maho and Mayu are da kara maho mo mayu mo bairingaru also bilingual. and-so and too bilingual desu is 3 [Yuu sits at the dining room table, turning in his chair to watch the conversation. Miki stands nearby.] Eisaku: [off] There were a few times when KONKAI no you ni GAKKAI I'd return home because of like-this-time an-academy the Academy, like this time. no tame ni KIKOKU suru koto wa for-the-sake-of return-home (nom) (T) NANDO-ka atta n desu yo a-few-times there-were (explan) __________ But my schedule was always demo itsu-mo sukeju--ru ga kitsukute tight, and I didn't have but always schedule (S) tight-(and) time to see my family and friends... KAZOKU ya YUUJIN ni Au JIKAN wa family and friends see/meet time (T) nakute... not-have-(and) Miki: Are you meeting him for the YUU mo Au no hajimete? first time, too, Yuu? too meeting 1st-time Yuu: Yeah. Though I've heard un NAMAE wa kiite-ta kedo the name. name (T) was-hearing but 4 [A white panel.] Chiyako: [off] Are you going to be able to KONKAI wa yukkuri shite-ikeru no? take it easy this time? this-time (T) at-ease able-to-go-and-do Eisaku: [off] Yes. It's for around 2 ee 2-SHUUKAN kurai desu kedo weeks... 2-weeks about is but ...but I intend to make part KYUUKA -gatera of it a vacation and enjoy a-leave-of-absence/vacation partly-for Japan at leisure. nombiri NIHON o TANOshimu carefree Japan (O) take-pleasure-in/enjoy tsumori desu intend I also wanted to show Japan MAHO to MAYU ni mo ichido once to Maho and Mayu... to-Maho-and-Mayu too one-time NIHON o MIsetakatta shi... Japan (O) wanted-to-show and-besides --------------------------------------------------- p 45 1 [View of Youji and Rumi. Eisaku is in the foreground. All are smiling.] Youji: Please don't hesitate to NAN SHUUKAN demo ENRYO shinai de stay as long as you like, however-many-weeks don't-hesitate/hold-back and make yourself at home. yukkuri shite-iki na yo take-it-easy If there's something we can boku-tachi ni dekiru koto nara do for you, we'll do it. by-us can-do (nom) if-it-is NAN demo suru kara anything do that's-why Eisaku: Okay. Thanks. hai arigatou gozaimasu 2 [Yuu stands beside Miki.] Miki: I'm going back to my room ...atashi sorosoro HEYA ni MODOru ne now... I now/soon to-room return (rhet) I have homework... SHUKUDAI aru shi... homework have and-besides Yuu: Me, too. ore mo Eisaku?: [off] Oh. Is that so? ara sou? 3 Eisaku: Ah, Miki-chan. a MIKI-chan I scared you back there. sakki wa KOWAgarasechatte a-little-while-ago frightened-(finality) I'm sorry. gomen ne Eisaku: Well, good night. ja o-yasumi 4 [She sweats a bit.] Miki: Not at all... Good night... o-yasuminasai... 5 [As they walk away, Yuu stares wide-eyed at her. Miki sweats more and drops her gaze.] Yuu: What? Did something happen? nani? nanka atta no ka what something happened (?) Yuu: _____ Before I came home from ore ga baito kara KAEru mae ni work... I (S) from-work come-home before Miki: ...... ...... 6 [His face lights up.] Yuu: You mistook him for a CHIKAN to machigattaa? perve-e-ert? Yuu FX: bu_ Yuu: _____ You're such a dummy. bakka da na-- Why that, too...? nande mata... why again --------------------------------------------------- p 46 1 [View pulls back. They're out in the hall, and Miki is leaning back against her bedroom door. Yuu stands chuckling nearby.] Miki: ____ Because! An unshaven man datte! hige no ojisan ga trails after me at night. because unshaven/bearded man (S) YOMICHI de ato tsukete-kuru (walk)-at-night trail/follow-after n da mon is-the-reason Anyone would think that. DARE datte sou OMOu yo anyone like-that think Yuu FX: ku_ ku_ ku_ Yuu: So, what's the real story? de SHINSOU wa? and-so the-actual-fact (T) 2 Miki: I was told that after he HIRUGORO uchi ni TSUite FUTAGO o got here around noon and about-noon at-home reach-(and) twins (O) left the twins in our care, Eisaku-san went out on AZUketa ato EISAKU-san business alone. left-in-the-care-(of) after dake YOUJI de DEkaketa n da tte only on-business went-out (explan) (quote) On the way back, he got KAEriMICHI de MAYOtchatte lost, and when it was on-the-way-home lose-one's-way-(finality) getting dark I happened to pass by, so he followed TOHOU ni kurete-ru tokoro ni me. to-the-east is-growing-dark point-where atashi ga TOOrikakatta n de I (S) happened-to-pass-by since ato tsuketa tte wake followed-after (quote) reason 3 Yuu: He knew what you looked omae no KAO SHItte-ta no? like? your-face was-knowing Miki: [off] I heard that Chiyako-san CHIYAKO-san ga KAZOKU no SHASHIN had sent a family picture. (S) family-picture OKUtta koto aru n da tte had-sent (explan) (quote) Rather than my face, it KAO tte iu yori KAMIGATA to seems he knew me because face (that) than hairstyle and of my hairstyle and school uniform. SEIFUKU de wakatta mitai sailor-suit on-account-of knew seems But he said he didn't have demo KAKUSHOU wa nai any convincing proof, so he but convincing-proof (T) not-have didn't call out to me at the time, and decided to kara toriaezu KOE wa follow me. that's-why for-the-time-being voice (T) kakenai de tsuite-ku don't-call-out-(and) follow/shadow koto ni shita n da tte decided-to (explan) (quote) Yuu: Ah ha ha... a ha ha... I see... naruhodo ne-- 4 [Irritated, Miki turns her back on Yuu. Yuu is startled.] Miki: It's nothing to laugh about. WARAigoto ja nai yo mo-- Grr. _____ I was really scared! honto ni KOWAkatta n da kara! really was-scared (explan) that's-why Miki FX: pui_ 5 [He smiles softly.] Yuu: Sorry, my fault. gomen WARUkatta yo For laughing. WARAttari shite 6 [He rests his hand on her cheek and turns her face towards him. Miki looks up with wide eyes.] Yuu: Recover your good humor... kigen NAOse yo 'Kay? na --------------------------------------------------- p 47 1 [Eyes, closed, he kisses her.] Miki: Mmm... n... narration: ____ With just one kiss from YUU no kisu hitotsu de Yuu... 's kiss by-one narration: ...any sort of mood is kigen nanka ikura demo NAOtchau fixed. no-matter-what-kind-of-mood fix-(finality) narration: I'm so simple... atashi tte TANJUN... 2 [Still in the middle of a kiss, Miki's eyes open slightly. She looks at something off-panel.] 3 [The tiny twins stand together, staring wide-eyed.] Maho/Mayu FX: jii------... 4 [Yuu and Miki, still in embrace, are aghast.] Yuu/Miki FX: gikkuu --------------------------------------------------- p 48 1 [Yuu and Miki blush deeply. Miki forces a smile.] Yuu: When did they...! itsu no mani...! Miki: Y...Y'know... a_... ano ne What you saw just now is a IMA MIta koto wa minna ni wa secret from everyone, 'kay? now saw thing (T) to-everyone (contrast) A secret! naisho ne naisho! secret (rhet) secret 2 [Sweating and forcing happy grins, Yuu and Miki squat down in front of the watching twins.] Maho/Mayu: ______ A secret? naisho? Yuu: Right! so! ____ It's bad if you talk about hoka no HITO ni shabettara dame da yo it to others. to-other-people if-say no-good is It's a secret, 'kay?! HIMITSU ne!? Maho/Mayu: _______ A secret? Why? himitsu? doshite? Miki: No matter what! doshite-mo! 'Kay? Got it?! ne wakatta!? 3 [Maho and Mayu turn to look at each other, silently...] 4 [...and then turn to look back at us.] Maho/Mayu: koku... 5 [Yuu and Miki stand and let out sighs of relief.] Yuu/Miki FX: ___________ ho------.._ Maho: [off] The amusement park! yu--enchi! 6 [Yuu's and Miki's pov. The twins smile up at us.] Maho: Maho wants to go to the maho yu--enchi ikitai amusement park. amusement-park want-to-go Take me! tsurete-tte! Mayu: Mayu, too! mayu mo--! --------------------------------------------------- p 49 1 [Yuu's and Miki's eyes goggle as the exultant twins dance a little jig around them.] Maho: Yayyy yayyy! The amusement wa--i wa--i yu--enchi park! Mayu: The amusement park! Yayyy! yu--enchi wa--i 2 [Yuu and Miki sweat.] Maho: [off] Yayyy! wa--i Miki: ...... ...... You mean, a bribe? KUCHIDOme RYOU tte koto...? hush-money/bribe-money that-means Mayu: [off] Yayyy! wa--i 3 [View of the sign at the entrance to "Wonder Dog" amusement park.] 4 [Filler art. Miki in stylish and matched miniskirt and jacket, and white top, midriff bared.] --------------------------------------------------- p 50 1 [Panels 1-3 show Yuu's and Miki's pov of the manic twins. Here, they run off in one direction.] Maho: kyaa Maho ride tha-a-at! maho are noru--! Tha-a-at! are--! Mayu: kyaa Mayu, too-o-o! mayu mo----! sign: Entrance IRIGUCHI 2 [Here, they run off in another.] Mayu: Ride that one, too-o-o! atchi mo noru--! Maho: Hurry, hurry-y-y! hayaku hayaku--! kyaa 3 [Their radiant and happy faces fill the panel.] Maho: kyaa kyaa Mayu: That one ne-e-ext! tsugi wa atchi no--! kyaa 4 [Yuu has the posture of an old man, and his face is pale. Miki sweats and forces a pained smile.] Yuu: ______ The power of 3-year-olds OSOrubeshi 3-SAI JI no pawa--... is frightening... fearful/terrible 3-year child 's power I can't keep up... tsuite-iken... Yuu/Miki FX: yota... Miki: H-hey, let's rest for a bit. ne nee chotto KYUUkei shiyo a-bit shall-take-a-rest ____ I'll buy you ice cream. aisu KAtte-ageru kara sa ice-cream buy-(you)-(and) that's-why 5 [The twins dance another jig.] Maho/Mayu: _____ ______ ______ Yayyy! Ice cream! Ice wa--i aisu-- aisu-- cream! Miki/Yuu FX: ___ ho_... Yuu/Miki: (We can finally rest a bit.) (yatto SUKOshi wa YASUmeru) at-last a-bit (T) can-rest --------------------------------------------------- p 51 1 [Yuu and Miki, flanked by one twin each, sit on a bench under a tree. The twins lick on their ice cream cones.] Miki: It brings back memories, natsukashi-- naa... huh...? 2 Miki: The first time the two of HAJImete 2-RI de ASObi ni kita us went to play was here, first-time by-2-people came-to-play right? no koko datta desho (nom) here poss-was Remember? OBOete-ru? 3 Yuu: Yeah. aa _______ And then we ran into Arimi. de battari ARIMI ni Atta and-then unexpectedly met-Arimi n da yo na (explan) 4 [They grin at each other.] Miki: Yeah, that's right. so-- so-- ______ I wonder if Arimi-san is on ARIMI-san IMAGORO GINTA to de--to a date with Ginta around around-now date-with-Ginta now. ka naa I-wonder Yuu: Those guys might come here, aitsura mo koko ni KIte-tari shite na too. those-guys too to-here come-(or) Miki: Huh? No way... e-- masaka... 5 [Yuu and Miki are dumbfounded as Ginta and Arimi stroll by in front of them. The sweethearts are oblivious that they're being watched.] --------------------------------------------------- p 52 1 [Yuu's and Miki's pov as Ginta and Arimi walk away.] Yuu: [off] They really were here... ...honto ni ita... really was-here Miki: [off] Walking arm in arm... UDE nanka KUnja tte They're perfect sweethearts, sukkari KOIBITO DOUSHI hm. completely couple-of-sweethearts da ne are (rhet) 2 [Startling him, Miki clings to Yuu's arm.] Miki FX: gyu_ 3 [A white panel.] Yuu: [off] ____ Dummy. What are you baka nani TAIKOU shite competing with? dummy what rivaling/opposing/emulating n da yo (explan) Miki: [off] But... datte... 4 [Yuu looks at her off-panel with kind eyes.] 5 [She smiles up at him.] 6 [They move to kiss...] --------------------------------------------------- p 53 1 [...but they suddenly turn to look at the twins, faces deeply red.] Yuu/Miki FX: AH! ha_ Maho FX: ji------ Mayu FX: ji------ 2 [Miki forces a smile. Yuu drops his gaze. The twins exult at what Miki says.] Miki: ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ So, shall we go on to the ja sorosoro TSUGI no NOriMONO next ride now?! then now/soon next-ride iko kka! shall-go (?) Maho/Mayu: _____ _____ Yayyy! Yayyy! wa--i wa--i 3 [View of a large Ferris wheel.] 4 [Ginta and Arimi sit side-by-side, in one of the Ferris wheel compartments. Ginta looks distracted. Arimi notices this.] --------------------------------------------------- p 54 1 Arimi: What's the matter? dou shita no? Somehow, you seem depressed nan-da-ka KYOU GENKI nai today. for-some-reason today are-depressed mitai seem Arimi: Did something happen? nani-ka atta no? something happened 2 Ginta: ......... ......... 3 Ginta: It's about...Tsutomu. TSUTOMU...koto na n da about-Tsutomu is (explan) Arimi: Rokutanda? ROKUTANDA no? Ginta: Recently, I told him on kono mae DENWA de ZEMBU the phone... About us. recently/before-this on-phone all HANAshita n da ...ore-tachi no koto talked (explan) about-us And then he hung up the soshitara ikinari DENWA phone suddenly... and-so/then suddenly phone KIrarete... is-cut-off/hung-up After that, no matter how sono ato NANDO kakete-mo many times I call, he won't after-that no-matter-how-many-times-call answer. DEte-kurenai n da won't-answer-(me) (explan) 4 Ginta: Sure, he's mad at me... sorya ATAMA kuru yo naa... sure get-mad-at (rhet) I snatched away the girl aitsu ga zutto SUki datta whom he liked all along. that-guy (S) all-the-time liked ONNA no KO YOKODOri shita n da girl snatched-away (explan) kara that's-why Ginta: All I do is fight with him, aitsu to wa but...he's my cousin... with-that-guy (contrast) _____ _____ kenka bakkari shite-ru kedo ...itoko am-only-fighting but cousin da shi are and-besides And I know he's really not honto wa WARUi YATSU ja nai a bad person... really bad fellow is-not tte wakatte-ru (quote) am-understanding Despite that... na no ni ore... is even-though me ...I acted like a traitor... URAGIru you na mane shichatte... betray seem acted-(finality)-(and) ...and my conscience feels sugge-- KI ga togamete... very guilty... awfully feel-the-prick-of-conscience-(and) 5 Arimi: [wide-eyed] So... jaa Will you stop going out KARE ni WARUi kara atashi to with me because it's bad to-him bad that's-why with-me for him? tsukiau no yameru? stop-going-out --------------------------------------------------- p 55 1 [He finally turns to face her, looming over her with a forceful look. Arimi sweats.] Ginta: No!! ya da!! Anything but that. sore dake wa ya da that only (contrast) is-unpleasant Definitely not that. ZETTAI ya da absoluteness is-unpleasant Ginta: Even if I end up breaking TSUTOMU to ZEKKOU suru koto ni nattatte my ties with Tsutomu, I with-Tsutomu break-off even-if-turn-out won't stop going out with you, Suzuki-san!! SUZUKI-san to tsukiau no wa yamenai!! with-Suzuki going-out (T) not-quit 2 [She smiles, cutely.] Arimi: That's great. yokatta I'm relieved . ANSHIN shita Arimi: kusu 3 Ginta FX: kaa... 4 [View of the Ferris wheel.] Arimi: [off] Say. nee Why don't we try and go to IMA kara ROKUTANDA no toko Rokutanda's place now? from-now-on 's place Itte-minai? not-try-to-go Ginta: [off] Eh!?! e_!? Arimi: [off] If he won't take your calls, DENWA ni DEte-kurenai nara then all that's left is to on-phone if-not-coming-out-(for-you) see him and speak to him directly, right? CHOKUSETSU Atte HANAsu direct meet-(and) speak shika nai desho poss-only-have 'Kay? Let's go! ne Iko! 5 Arimi: [smiling] Let's talk to him and get chanto HANAshite him to forgive us. properly talk-(and) YURUshite-moraou yo shall-get-(him)-to-forgive 'Kay? ne? 6 [Ginta has a slightly troubled look.] Ginta: ......... ......... --------------------------------------------------- p 56 1 [The three meet in a park somewhere.] 2 [Tsutomu has a serious look on his face.] Tsutomu: What is it you wanna talk ...nan da yo HANASHI tte about? what is conversation (quote) Tsutomu: Since it's a long-awaited sekkaku no NICHIYOU na n da kara Sunday, wouldn't it be long-awaited-Sunday is (explan) that's-why just fine if you dated and ___ ______ enjoyed yourselves without ore ni kamawazu de--to demo shite giving a thought towards me? without-regard-to-me even-if-date-(and) TANOshinde-rya ii daro if-are-enjoying all-right poss-be 3 Ginta: Tsutomu...! TSUTOMU...! Then, is it okay if we go sore ja ore-tachi tsukiatte-mo ii out? we even-if-go-out all-right no ka (?) Ginta: Will you forgive us?! YURUshite-kureru no ka!? 4 Tsutomu: ......... ......... That I was attacking without ARIMI ga ikura MATSUURA o SUki demo losing heart no matter how (S) no-matter-how-much-like-Matsuura much Arimi liked Matsuura... ore ga megezu ni I (S) without-losing-heart ______ atakku shite-ta no wa was-attacking (nom) (T) ...was because I knew that MATSUURA ni wa sono KI ga nai Matsuura wasn't interested. by-Matsuura (contrast) not-interested-in-that tte wakatte-ta kara da was-knowing-that that's-why is Tsutomu: Your case is different from GINTA no BA-AI wa MATSUURA to wa Matsuura's, Ginta. 's case (T) with-Matsuura (contrast) CHIGAu different If it's true that you've o-TAGAi RYOU OMOi datte n nara each shared your feelings mutual both thought even (nom) if-it-is towards each other, then I should mind my own ore no DEru MAKU wa ne-- yo... business... (no)-business-of-mine (T) not-have --------------------------------------------------- p 57 1 [Ginta begins to smile.] Ginta: Tsutomu! TSUTOMU! Ginta: Then, we can also be friends sore ja kore kara mo o-TOMOdachi from now on... then hereafter too friend to shite... in-capacity-as 2 [Ginta's pov as Tsutomu glares back.] Tsutomu: That's impossible. sorya MURI da ne that impossible is (rhet) Going out together is up to omaera ga tsukiau no wa you guys, but saying that you-(plural) (S) going-out-with (T) you want it to stay the same with me as it always KATTE da ga ore to was is asking a bit too it's-up-to-you and/but with-me much! IMA made DOOri de itai as-up-to-now want-to-stay tte no wa chotto MUSHI ga YO-sugiru ze the-fact-that a-bit asking-too-much ! I may not look it, but I'm kore demo pretty hurt. believe-it-or-not/altho-may-not-look-like-it kekkou KIZUtsuite n da quite be-wounded/hurt (explan) Tsutomu: I'm not interested in ore wa ARIMI to TOMOdachi zukiai suru hanging out as friends with I (T) with-Arimi friends associating Arimi... KI wa ne-- shi not-interested and-besides _____ I won't think of you as a GINTA no koto wa mou itoko to wa cousin anymore, Ginta. about-Ginta (T) anymore cousin (define) OMOwane-- not-think 3 [Tsutomu's pov. Ginta and Arimi stare back blankly.] Tsutomu: [off] I don't want to see either omaera 2-RI tomo of your faces anymore, you-(plural) both-people either!! mou KAO mo MItakunee!! anymore face too not-want-to-see --------------------------------------------------- p 58 1 [A white panel.] Ginta: [off] Tsu...Tsutomu-u-u . Tsutomu: [off] For the time being! TOUBUN na! 2 [Ginta and Arimi look back blankly again.] 3 [Their pov as Tsutomu turns to walk away.] Tsutomu: Though I'll try to get narubeku HAYAku YURUshite-yaru myself to forgive you as as-quickly-as-possible forgive-you quickly as possible! yo-- ni suru kedo yo! trying-to but 'Cause I'm kindhearted! ore wa KI ga i-- kara na! I (T) heart/mind (S) good that's-why Tsutomu: But I don't know how many demo NANNEN... NAN ka GETSU years--how many months-- but how-many-years how-many-months it'll take! kakaru ka wakanne-- kara na! take (?) not-know that's-why Be prepared for it!! KAKUGO shitoke yo!! be-resolved/ready-(for-future-sake) 4 [Their pov as he walks away, waving without looking back.] Tsutomu: Well... n ja Bye!! abayo!! 5 [Ginta and Arimi smile.] Ginta: Tsutomu... TSUTOMU... --------------------------------------------------- p 59 1 [Exterior view of the school library.] 2 [Inside, in the stacks, Meiko stands, waiting.] 3 [Someone approaches her.] Miwa FX: ______ katsun... 4 [Meiko turns.] ===Sidebar=== FREE TALK (4): ___________ __________ For the GameBoy, the story ge--mubo--i wa, suto--ri-- ga kanari is pretty faithful to the GameBoy (T) story (S) pretty original, but for the Super Famicon, it differs GENSAKU ni CHUUJITSU desu ga, considerably. to-original-work faithfulness is but ________ su--fami wa daibu CHIGAimasu. Super-Famicon (T) considerably differ _____ It differs from the anime, anime to mo CHIGAu. too. with-anime too differ __________ _____ An original story with "mamare--do" no kyara de Marmalade characters that with-Marmalade's-characters differs from the original _____ work as well as the anime GENSAKU to mo anime to mo can be enjoyed. with-original-work and with-anime too _________ __________ CHIGAtta orijinaru na suto--ri-- ga differed original-story (S) TANOshimeru wake desu. can-enjoy case/reason is When I played it, the WATASHI ga yatta TOKI, ichiban strongest impression that I I (S) did time number-one was left with was the phone call from Kei to Miki... INSHOU ni NOKOtta no wa (^_^) to-impression remained (nom) (contrast) KEI kara MIKI e no DENWA... from-Kei to-Miki (nom) telephone (WARAI) smile Kei calls up Miki and says KEI ga MIKI ni #Tel# shite something like, "I like (S) to-Miki telephones-(and) you. Go out with me." "SUki da, tsukiatte-kure" to ka liking go-out-(with-me) and-such NANtoka Iu wake. somehow say reason And Miki says "What!?!" and de, MIKI ga "e_!?" to ka while she's at a loss what and-so (S) and-such to do, Kei suddenly says "Ah! Wrong number!" and Itte tomadotte-ru to hangs up the phone. say-(and) when-is-at-a-loss-(what-to-do) KEI ga ikinari "a_ machigaeta!" (S) suddenly ! made-mistake to Itte DENWA o say-that-(and) phone (O) KItchau no. hanging-up-(finality) Who in the world could Kei ittai KEI wa DARE ni have meant to confess his in-the-world (T) to-whom love to...? KOKUHAKU suru tsumori datta n daro-- ka... to-confess intended (rhet) Later on, he finally sono ATO KEKKYOKU MIKI ni mo confesses to Miki... after-that in-the-end to-Miki too KOKUHAKU suru shi. confess and-besides So, it's an enigma. (^_^) NAZO desu. (WARAI) puzzle/riddle is smile --------------------------------------------------- p 60 1 [It's Satoshi. He stands with hands in his pockets.] Miwa: It's the first time you've kimi no hou kara YObidashite-kureru called me... from-your-way calling-(me) nante HAJImete da na the-likes-of for-the-1st-time is (rhet) I'm so happy. ureshii yo 2 [He smiles softly.] Miwa: Though perhaps... tabun ...this could be the first SAISHO de SAIGO darou and the last time, hm... beginning is-(and) end poss-be kedo ne... but (rhet) 3 {Meiko looks a bit stricken.] Meiko: Miwa-san... ------MIWA-san 4 [View from the side. The two stand and stare at each other.] --------------------------------------------------- p 61 1 [A grey panel.] Miwa: [off] I heard from Yuu. YUU kara KIita yo from-Yuu heard You're marrying Namura. ------NAMURA to KEKKON suru tte with-Namura marry (quote) 2 [Miwa drops his gaze, but still smiles softly.] Miwa: It was because I wanted you kimi ni SOUSAKU o susumeta no to forget about your past to-you story (O) encouraged (nom) that I encouraged you to write a story, but... wa KAKO o fukkitte (contrast) the-past (O) forgetting-about hoshikatta kara na no ni wanted that's-why is even-though seems to have had the GYAKUKOUKA datta na... opposite effect... opposite-effect was (rhet) Miwa: I didn't think you were kimi ga konna ni TSUYOi HITO da such a strong person. you (S) this-much strong-person are to wa OMOwanakatta didn't-think-that I've fallen in love with hore NAOshita yo you all over again. fall-for did-over-again 3 [Meiko closes her eyes.] Meiko: I'm... ...atashi ...very grateful to you, MIWA-san ni wa totemo... Miwa-san. to-Miwa (contrast) immensely KANSHA shite-masu am-grateful Meiko: I really... honto ni Can't quite express it in KOTOBA de wa iitsukusenai words... in-words (contrast) inexpressible hodo------ extent 4 [Satoshi grows agitated...] Miwa: I don't want any gratitude! KANSHA nanka iranai! gratitude some not-want 5 [...and slams his fist against the bookshelf next to Meiko's head. Meiko shuts her eyes tightly.] Miwa fist FX: dan_! --------------------------------------------------- p 62 1 [He stares into her half-lidded eyes from a close distance, his fist still pressed against the bookshelf beside her head.] Miwa: No matter what... doushite-mo Miwa: won't be mine...?! ore no mono ni wa into-mine (contrast) natte-kurenai no ka...! not-become-(for-me) (nom) (?) 2 [Meiko shuts her eyes, tears pooling at the corners.] Meiko: ......... ......... I'm sorry... gomennasai... 3 [Satoshi stands straight, pulling a bit back, as Meiko buries her face in her hands.] --------------------------------------------------- p 63 1 Miwa: You're beautiful even when NAki KAO mo kirei da na you cry. crying-face too beautiful is (rhet) Miwa: _kao_ When I'm shown an sonna HYOUJOU expression like that... that-kind-of facial-expression MIserarecha is-shown-(T) It shakes my resolve to akirameru KESSHIN ga niburu ze... give you up...! give-up shaken-in-one's-resolution ! 2 [Meiko's expression turns angry. Satoshi smiles.] Meiko: !! !! Miwa: Just joking! nante JOUDAN! I'll give you up with good isagiyoku akirameru yo grace. with-good-grace give-up I came today with that KYOU wa sono tsumori de KIta n da intention. today (T) by-that-intent came (explan) kara that's-why 3 [With a serious look...] Miwa: I wish you happiness. SHIAWAse o INOtte-ru happiness (O) am-praying/wishing Miwa: Farewell. sayonara 4 [Meiko grows teary-eyed.] --------------------------------------------------- p 64 1 [View through the library window. Meiko watches as Satoshi walks away.] 2 [Night falls over the Koishikawa-Matsuura residence.] --------------------------------------------------- p 65 1 [Tight shot of the "Miki" sign hung on a doorknob.] 2 [Miki is crashed, face-down, on her bed. She's still dressed in the same clothes as she was wearing at the amusement park.] Miki FX: guttari Miki: Ooo... u------... I'm so-o-o tired. tsukaretaa ____ I can't do anymore. mo-- dame... 3 [She slowly pushes herself up. She looks unwell.] Miki: But I have to do my English demo EIGO no YOSHUU shinakucha homework. but must-prepare-English-lessons-(T) I'll definitely be called ashita ZETTAI ataru on tomorrow... tomorrow absoluteness make-a-hit shi... and-besides Miki FX: yoro_ 4 door FX: [off] ___ ___ kon kon 5 [Miki tiredly turns to look at the door.] 6 [Tight shot of smugly beaming twins. They hold a box.] Maho: Auntie bought us a toy. obachan ga omocha katte-kureta no (S) toy bought-(for-us) Let's play together. issho ni asobo-- together shall-play box: Marmalade Boy #Marmalade boy# ________ _____ Loveable, Heart-Throbbing KOI shite dokidoki hausu House being-in-love heart-throb house 7 [Miki sweats and turns pale.] --------------------------------------------------- p 66 1 narration: Wh... na ______ What power...! Miki: [off] I-I'm sorry. go gomen ne I'm a little tired and I atashi chotto tsukarechatte still have to do my English I a-bit get-tired-(finality)-(and) homework, too... EIGO no YOSHUU mo shinakya nannai have-to-prepare-English-lesson-too shi... and-besides You won't understand that, tte wakannai ka huh. not-understand-that (?) Maho/Mayu: [off] You can't play? asobenai no? Miki: [off] _____ Ah, yeah. I'm really a un honto gomen sorry. 2 [Their faces are pure innocence...] Maho: ...... Then... ...... jaa Mayu: Is it all right to tell chutchutte shite-ta koto everyone... were-kissing (nom) ...that you were kissing? minna ni yutte-moi? to-everyone okay-if-say 3 [Miki forces a smile, but she's sweating and looking very pale.] 4 [Still pretending to smile, she sits and plays with the twins, who have opened up the box and pulled out tiny dolls and furniture.] Miki: (Oh God... ...... (hi~~~~ ...... Save me, Yuu-u-u.) TASUkete YUU~~) Maho/Mayu: kya kya kya --------------------------------------------------- p 67 1 [Eisaku chats over a cup of coffee.] Eisaku: I'm really sorry about honto ni KYOU wa sumanakatta ne today... really today (T) was-sorry (rhet) _____ Making you totally keep an sukkari uchi no chibi-tachi ni eye over my little ones. entirely to-my-little-one-(and-assoc) tsukiawasechatte bring-(you)-face-to-face-(with) Eisaku: Miki-chan is playing with MIKI-chan nanka IMA mo them now, too. somewhat now too ASOnde-kurete-te is-playing-(for-me) 2 [View pulls back to show him seated at the dining table. Across from him sits Yuu.] Yuu: [smiling] Oh, no. It was okay. ya i-- n desu yo Yuu: (Though it's true I'm (honto wa TSUKAreta kedo) tired...) true got-tired but Eisaku: But if you're in 3rd-year demo KOU-3 nara high, you must be busy but 3rd-yr-high if-it-is studying for the entrance exams... JUKEN BENKYOU de ISOGAshii studying-for-entrance-exams busy darou ni... poss-be 3 [A blank panel.] Yuu: [off] Oh, we're attached to a uchi wa TOURYOU DAI no FUZOKU Touryou University, so we me/us (T) univ 's attached can go up the escalator system without having to na n de SHIKEN nashi de take exams. is since without-exam by _____________ esukare--ta-- SHIKI ni UE ni in-excalator-system to-upper Ikeru n desu can-go (explan) So long as you don't get yoppodo SEISEKI ga WARUkunai kagiri really bad marks you almost very not-get-bad-marks limitation always graduate to the department of your first hotondo DAIICHI SHIBOU no GAKU-BU ni choice... very-nearly to-first-choice-faculty SUSUmeru shi... promote and-besides Eisaku: [off] Ah, I see. aa sou ka 4 [Quietly but intently, Eisaku watches Yuu off-panel.] 5 [Yuu becomes aware of this.] 6 [A white panel.] Yuu: [off] What is it? nan desu ka? Eisaku: [off] Ah! No. I'm sorry. aa! iya gomen 7 Eisaku: [smiling] I'm overcome by deep nanka KANGAI -BUKAku tte nee emotion... somewhat deep-emotion intensely (T) When I think that the son of HATSUKOI no HITO no MUSUKO ga my first love has grown so first-love 's person 's son (S) big... konna ni OOkiku SODAtchatta this-much greatly grew-up-(finality) no ka to OMOu to... (nom) (?) when-think-that Eisaku: It's been years... NEN toru hazu da yo na-- years take ought-to (rhet) For me, too. ore mo Yuu: What do you mean, "first HATSUKOI tte love"? first-love (quote) With your real sister? JITSU no ANE ni? to-real-big-sister --------------------------------------------------- p 68 1 Eisaku: aa... iya _itoko_ She's really my cousin. honto wa JUUSHI na n da really older-female-cousin is (explan) Eisaku: When I was in junior high, boku wa CHUUGAKU no TOKI ni I lost my parents in an I (T) jr-high-school 's at-time accident... RYOUSHIN o JIKO de NAkushite parents (O) in-an-accident lose-(and) ne (rhet) And I was looked after at NAMIKI-KE ni... my uncle's the Namikis. OJI no IE ni hikitorareta n da yo at-uncle's-place was-looked-after (explan) 2 [Yuu's eyes grow large.] 3 [Panels 3-5 are grey.] narration: They're not brother and ...KYOUDAI ja nai!? sister?! 4 narration: ______ It was 18 years ago when EISAKU-san ga doitsu ni RYUUGAKU shita Eisaku-san studied abroad (S) in-Germany studied-abroad in Germany. no wa 18-NEN-MAE (nom) (T) 18-years-ago It's exactly when father ------choudo TOU-san to KAA-san ga and mother were married. exactly father and mother (S) KEKKON shita koro da married time is 5 narration: Perhaps... moshi------ ...Mother and Eisaku-san KAA-san to EISAKU-san ga AIshi atte-ite were in love... and (S) were-in-love narration: ...and Eisaku-san's studying EISAKU-san no RYUUGAKU ga abroad is what caused the 's studying-abroad (S) two of them to split up. GEN'IN de 2-RI ga the-cause-of is-(and) 2-people (S) WAKAreta n da to shitara separated (explan) maybe --------------------------------------------------- p 69 1 [Yuu's pov of Eisaku, who drinks from his cup.] 2 [A black panel with explosive thought bubbles.] Yuu: [off] (CAN'T BE!) (masaka) Yuu: [off] (THIS PERSON IS MY (kono HITO ga ore no CHICHI-OYA------!?) FATHER-R-R?!) this-person (S) my-father --------------------------------------------------- -------------------End of Chapter------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Scorecard: Miki <---> Yuu Meiko <---> Natchan ^ | | Kei Ginta <---> Arimi Rumi <---> Youji ^ ^ | | v v Jin <---> Chiyako ---------------------------------------------------