Mintna Bokura Chapter 1 (We are Mint) - Version: Dec'97 Translation by Dimitri Ashling All rights held by the authoress, Wataru Yoshizumi. Special thanks to Taisei, Kaori and Masatomo (for checking my translations), and Karen Duffy (for showing me this story in the first place) Main Characters so far: Minamino Noeru Minamino Maria (Noeru's twin sister, she's older) Mom Dad Asou Kanako (Maria's roommate) Makimura Miyu (Noeru's roommate) Sasa Ryouji (basketball player) Hirobe Kazuaki (girls' basketball coach) Prelude: Noeru: If it'll bring Maria back.. I'll do anything. Whatever it takes. Page 1 May A new transfer student has come to Morinomiya Junior High Boarding School. I'm Minamino Noeru. Pleased to meet you! (Shocked/confused look with the students..) Sensei: Quiet down! You can tell by just looking. Minamino Maria transferred here in April. This is her twin sister. She couldn't come in April due to the situation at home.. (Maria gets up, with loud sound effects) Page 2 Maria: No.. Noeru!? Noeru: It's been a while, Maria. Maria: WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS? (Maria grabs Noeru, to very stunned students, and takes him to a park). Page 3 Maria (thinking): This is a good place. Nobody comes here. Maria: So! Explain!! Noeru: The explanation.. is what you see. You didn't come, so I pursued. Because you did something selfish, like transferring by yourself.. Maria: Whatever it was, in any case.. What's with those clothes? What little sister? You're my Page 4 LITTLE BROTHER.. Noeru: Lower your voice!..(Covering Maria's mouth) Someone might hear you. Maria: Shush. Take off that stupid wig!! (Takes it off..) It's disgusting. Noeru: Ouch..what're you doing? I had that pinned down.. Page 5 This tale starts 2 months ago, at home. Dad: Maria, Noeru. This time, I'm going to Hawaii on business. What do you two think about going with me for spring vacation? Mom can't come.. Page 6 Noeru: Eh? We can join you!? (Are you serious?) Dad: During the day, I can't take care of you. But since Japanese is OK and there's lots of places to see in Hawaii, you'll be fine, right? Noeru: Yeah. Great, lucky!! That's great, Maria! Maria: I can't go.. Noeru: Why not? Maria: School's having a sports tourney during spring vacation. Noeru: Basketball club? Why don't you skip it? Maria: No, that's irresponsible.. (I didn't think he'd understand..) Noeru: Come on, let's go! It would be boring without you. Maria: Yeah. I do want to go, but.. Page 7 Noeru, go on ahead. It's a tournament, so if we keep winning , I'll be busy, but if our team loses, it's spring vacation for me. Then, I'll join you as soon as possible. Noeru: ...Sure. (Hmmph). Try to lose as soon as possible. (Maria with a sweatbead on the back of her head..) (Picture of palm trees) Page 8 (Sound of a big fish going underwater) Crowd: OHHHHHH!!!!!... Noeru: That was fun. Whale watching! I would have loved to see it a little closer.. Dad: Noeru, your dad's a little seasick... Noeru (thinking): (Oh yeah. We haven't heard anything from Maria yet. I wonder if her club is still playing. I wonder if her club's that good.) Still, we received no word from Maria. It was disappointing, but we had no choice. When we came back with a bunch of gifts --- Page 9 there was no sign of Maria. Mom: That girl, she entered a boarding school. Maria said that she was wanting to enter Morinomiya Junior High... Noeru: Wha..what do you mean, mom? (Why so suddenly..) Mom: This is a letter from Maria. Maria... Noeru, I'm sorry I left without saying anything. I was sure you'd disagree with me, so I didn't tell you. I'll be back for summer vacation. At that time, I'm sure I'll explain the situation. Please wait until then. I need to be alone. Maria What could have happened? Dad: First love!? Mom: That's true. She met a guy from Morinomiya during the basketball tournament, and fell for him. By the way, Noeru, it's a secret. Page 10 Dad: But, what's this, saying nothing 'til we've lost her transferring schools.. "For some reason, I want to be with him. It's first love, please!" Ah, my cute daughter crying through the request. Some selfishness is OK, but I can't ignore her. It's still early for love! She's just 13. Their cousin Akane got in love and married at 16. She was passionate about the family budget. But, Akane divorced after 3 months... Mom: Ah, what's this? Are you saying covering for my daughter's first love is wrong? Do you have complaints about my reasons? (Dad married a heiress) Dad: Eh.. not really. (Dad & Akane's dad are twin brothers) Noeru: Because of first love? Maria loves a guy? It's a lie, isn't it? Page 11 Maria... Since we were born, we've always been together. She's been my other half. We've been the best of friends. When we were young,schooltime was lots of fun. We always planned ahead. We played lots of tricks. "The demonic twins with the angelic faces" we were called. The neighbors and relatives feared us. Though, after entering elementary school, Maria started changing for some reason. She entered clubs by herself. (Maria: Noeru, what club are you entering? I'm going for basketball.) She started spending more time with her female friends... (Maria: In class, we girls are going to go see a movie.) (That game's childish. I'll pass.) Page 12 We're rapidly separating, past the point of no return. (There's a real and mutual agreement.) (That no one will come between the 2 of us.) That's what I thought to be ----- I won't forgive this. She's selfishly loving someone else. That's right. She's betraying me!! I'm still here!! I'll never allow the other guy to come between us!! Page 13 (Dad slams the bathroom door) Dad: ? Noeru? (Did I make you wait? Sorry.) Noeru: Dad, I'm transferring to Morinomiya Junior High!! Dad: Eh!? Noeru: Dad, doesn't Maria loving a guy feel wrong to you? I'm going to Morinomiya to stop her!! Dad:Didn't you hear? The new term's started, so you might be not be able to transfer. (I wonder if he can..) Noeru: Do something for me! Use your connections, use grandpa's connections, use anything we've got. Dad: Hmm.. If you're so worried about Maria, then all right. I'll go with your idea. Page 14 Later Dad: An acquaintance introduced me to the chairman of Morinomiya Junior High. She's a funny person.. She thought our story was interesting, so she gave the OK for you to enter school. But She said "Only if he can live as a girl". There's only one vacancy, and it's in the girls' dorm. So, to go you need to be prepared for that. Putting up with the trouble of living in the same rooms with girls without breaking is a necessity. Noeru (thinking): I'll be? Living as a girl..!? Noeru: Don't say that kind of garbage. Dad: Well, I think you and Maria can easily pass as twin sisters. For a long time, you've really hated being mistaken for a girl. You were pretty violent sometimes to those who made the mistake. It seems impossible.. (Noeru gets up with a start) Page 15 Noeru: Wa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Whatever it takes, I'll do it. I'll disguise myself as a girl, I'll do anything! (Arrow pointing to face: Desperate) And then, I'll definitely bring Maria back!! (End of Tale) Noeru: That's the reason. (Note:Half-wig extension.The hairband is for hiding the line between the hair and the wig.) Noeru: Oh, Maria. (What's wrong?) Maria: That's so foolish... Page 16 What do you, dad, and the chairman think you're doing !! Ah, geez Mom, why didn't you stop him!! Mom: I gave up to Noeru's drive.. Noeru: By the way, isn't this half-wig cool? I used hair just like yours to gain a resemblance to you. It lends me some grace. I'm wearing supatsu* under my skirt, so if sometimes they see under it, nothing looks wrong.. (supatsu are like our biker shorts) Maria: You're doing fine. (sweatbead) Noeru: It wouldn't be complete without small breasts... (sweatbead) I'm wearing a training bra, too. It feels gloomy, but that's OK... Maria: You bought all that stuff? No way. Noeru: I got it from your room. A-26... (Maria gives Noeru a good bonk on the head with a slipper) Maria: Fool! Pervert! I don't believe this. Go back to the school you came from! Page 17 Noeru: No way! I'm not going back without you. You're precious to me!! (Maria's surprised, and then lets out a breath) Page 18 Maria: Noeru... I'm realy sorry I kept quiet about my transfer. Because you're my precious little brother. I love you. I really want you next to me, I want that badly. But.. We're not going to be kids forever. We need to stop being confined to the 2 of us. We need to be more independent! Noeru, you can also find a girl to love if you want to. So please try to understand what I'm saying.. Noeru (in tanuki mode): Zzzz... Maria: What sort of attitude is that!! (thinking): I was being serious. Page 19 Maria: Oh, just as well. You can't pretend to be a girl for too long. Either way, you'll be discovered or you won't be able to endure it for long. I feel sorry for you, so I'll keep quiet! (Sticks out her tounge at Noeru) Noeru: W..whew. I'm resigned to this. I'm going to take Maria back from this place. Until I get Maria back, I'll never give up!! Page 20 Girl's dorm (Noeru closing a closet) Noeru: Whew. There, I'm all moved in! I guess that's it. (Knock knock) Page 21 (Maria steps in, with another girl) Maria: Noeru, are you all unpacked? (Noeru's a little stunned) Noeru: Maria... Maria: As you'd guess, I was worried, so I came to see how you were doing. Noeru: Great! Thank you. Noeru (thinking): So nice and kind, sure enough, that's my Maria. Maria: Oh, this girl is my roommate, Asou Kanako-chan. Kanako: Pleased to meet you. Noeru: Yeah, nice to meet you. Maria: Noeru, you have a double room, too. Where's your roommate? Noeru: She's out right now. I know her name's Makimura Miyu, but.. Page 22 Maria: Kanako, you and Makimura-san are in the same class. What kind of kid is she? Kanako: She's a really pretty girl. But she really doesn't chat with anyone. She's like a lone wolf.. She's got a little of an adult atmosphere about her. It makes it harder to meet her. There's a rumor she's hanging out with middle aged guys. Maria & Noeru: EH!? Kanako: Ah, it's just a rumour, rumour. I really think so. Noeru: Dating middle aged guys.. She doesn't seem normal. Kanako: Just a rumour, a rumour. Noeru: I wonder if I can get along with her. Page 23 Makimura Miyu hasn't returned yet. Noeru (thinking): It's past lockout time, I wonder if she's OK. Maybe she has permission to live off campus for a bit. (Loud noise) A pretty girl enters by the window, taking her shoes off. Girl: Ah.. Page 24 Noeru (heart beating rapidly): Do.. don't tell me, Makimura-san? Oh, you shocked me. Miyu: Yes. I'm sorry I surprised you. I forgot that a roommate was coming. (Miyu just walks past Noeru) Noeru (thinking): I wonder if she's out past lockout time sometimes.. A little delinquent.. Um.. I'm Minamino Noeru. I just transferred into Class A. Pleased to meet you. Miyu: Pleased. Noeru (thinking): She's not too courteous.. Was that a smile just now? Page 25 But this might be easier than I thought. If I keep my involvements as low as possible, and keep the chances of being discovered low.. (Noeru sees Miyu with her shirt off. Suffice it to say she's really pretty, notices Noeru..) Page 26 (and Noeru turns away with a start). Miyu:? Noeru (thinking): I.. i saw. Other than Maria... this is my first... Oh, what'll I do? What to do about this? Nothing I can do, but..but..but what'll I do? I thought about this so lightly, but sharing a room with a girl.. Might be a real trial.. Page 27 Miyu: No-san. Minamino-san! If you don't wake up soon, you're going to be late. (Noeru gets up with a start..) Noeru (checking the wig & thinking): Good..the wig didn't slip. Noeru: M..morning. Miyu: Do you know they serve breakfast at school? Noeru: Ah..yeah. Page 28 Miyu: You sleep with your hairband on? You're a little weird. Noeru: E..he.. (I can't think of a good excuse) Miyu: See ya. I'm going ahead. Noeru: Whew.. At school breakfast.. Maria: Noeru! Over here. (Everyone from our class is here.) Page 29 So, how was your first day in the girls' dorm? Noeru: I'll manage somehow.. Maria (whispering): How did things go with Makimura-san? Noeru (whispering): No good. That's why we should go home, Maria. Maria: No chance. Girls (in crowd): Oh, look! Those twins. Exactly the same. Guy (in crowd): Cute.. Noeru: Is everybody watching us? Classmate: Why not. Page 30 When Maria moved to this school, she was really cute and made a lot of noise. About a month later, her twin sister comes out of the blue. For some reason, these pretty sisters are really becoming the talk of the school. Noeru: For some reason.. (ha ha) Classmate: What club are you entering, Noeru? Basketball, same as your sister? Noeru: Yeah, that's right, ore*.. (Ore is I/me used mostly by guys/men) (thinking): Ah, I goofed. Even though I practiced proper girls' speech. This is bad! Noeru: Ah, ore is a favorite word of mine. I think I should change it, but it's not that easy.. (thinking): Did they find me out? Girl 1: Yah, how boyish! Girl 2: It doesn't suit you. Guy: You have no grace, Noeru. (Noeru's a bit surprised) Page 31 Noeru (thinking): I give up. I'll talk the way I want to talk.. Noeru: I'm using guys' speech, but nobody doubts me! Maria: Aren't you glad that was easy? Noeru: Yeah, it was.. but somehow I'm not happy. I think they were a bit suspicious of me, though.. Maria: See ya, I'm off to my club.. Noeru: Ah, Maria! This is important. I forgot to ask you something. This guy you love, do you already love each other? Page 32 Maria:If that's the case, especially since I'm talking of him as my boyfriend, Noeru will be there to take me back.. Noeru: Then, that's one-sided love. Who is he? Maria: I won't say. Noeru: I'll find out soon anyway. Because I know he's on the basketball team! Maria: Noeru, I'm serious. I really love him. Page 33 So please don't interfere. Please...! Page 34 Noeru(thinking): Well, time to interfere. That's the reason I came here. There's a lot of good guys in the basketball club. Which one of these guys does Maria love? Grrr.. There's got to be a better way than this. If I enter the girls' basketball club, I can keep an eye on Maria. But that's hard physical exercise and the wig could slip out of place. Guy: Hey.. Page 35 It's dangerous to stand around here. If you want to watch, go to the 2nd floor. Noeru(thinking): I've seen this face before. Noeru: Aren't you in my class? Guy: Yeah. Noeru: Umm.. your name was... Guy: Sasa Ryouji. Noeru(thinking): Sasa.. this guy isn't too courteous, either. Page 36 But I'm not worried. Noeru: Say, Sasa, tell me. Who's really cool on your team? Sasa: Huh? Noeru: Is there a guy so special girls would fall for him at first sight? Sasa: I wouldn't know that... ask your sister. The girls' team is back from their workout. (Maria is looking very happily at a guy, and Noeru notices) Page 37 Noeru: Sasa! Who's that? The guy talking to Maria.. Sasa: Hirobe-san? He's the coach of the girls' team. He's an alumni from here.. If I remember right, he's 2nd year in K college right now. Noeru (thinking): So that's... what happened. Now I see. Maria, you fool. I can see your face right from here. Page 38 (Noeru gets a very determined look) Noeru: Sasa! I've got a favor to ask. Please listen to it! Sasa: ... (What's with this girl?) (Maria takes a shot, and makes it, with the ball hitting the rim) Hirobe: Minamino, use more snap with your shot. Maria: Sure! (thinking): Hirobe-san... Page 39 I love you.. Since that day, all the time.. Maria (just fallen down on her knees): Ah, geez! What did they have to put a step there for? (thinking): We lost the game... Super unlucky.... Young man: Are you OK? Did you sprain your ankle? (Maria blushes and her heart goes "thump") Page 40 Maria: Oh, I'm Ok. Thanks... (crack) Young man: You can't stand up? At the nurse's office, you can get proper medical treatment. (Hirobe picks Maria up) Young man: Um, the nurse's office.. Maria (thinking & blushing heavily): Ya! No way! He picked me up just like a princess!! Maria: S.. sorry... I must be heavy .. Young man: I'm fine, you're not heavy at all. (smiles) Page 41 Maria (thinking, with hearts in her eyes): I'm so lucky... Maria: What's your name? Young man: Hirobe Kazuaki. I'm the coach at Morinomiya Junior High. See ya, take care of yourself. Maria (thinking): To follow him, I came to this school a month ago. Hirobe: Oh, that time! What a coincidence! Maria (thinking):Whenever we met during the week, I was happy. I hadn't thought about confessing to him, though. Then the circumstances changed. (Graphic of a small devil Noeru) Page 42 I've got to move quickly, take some action. Maria: Hirobe-san! (Hirobe-san turns and looks) Hirobe-san: What? Maria: Umm.. umm.. (Thump.. thump.. thump) Do you have any plans this Sunday? Hirobe-san: I've got no plans, so? Maria: Then... umm... Page 43 How about going out somwehere!? (I said it!!) Hirobe-san: Ah.. that's fine. Maria (thinking): He said that so easily. No way!? That was so simple. Maybe Hirobe-san really cares about me.... Hirobe-san: Where shall we go? Maria: A.. anywhere's fine. If there's anyplace you want to go. Hirobe-san: OK, then I'll think of somewhere. Page 44 So, who'll be joining us? Maria (thinking): What the? (Background mentions that Hirobe-san's feeling like a guardian) Hirobe-san: Yes, you girls always practice so hard. Going out and having some fun ocassionally is a good idea! Oh, basketball guys can come too. (Maria is stunned and bothered. You'd have to see it to understand) Page 45 (At the school, next day) Maria (thinking): Either, he'll avoid me, or he's being really blunt. Maybe the latter. I guess he doesn't care for me, cause I'm just a jr. high kid. (Takes a breath) Well, at least I get to see him outside of basketball. This is the first step towards mutual love! Maria: Hey. Basketball club members, let's have a little meeting! Page 46 Members: What is it? Maria: Hirobe-san wants to go out somewhere with me on Sunday. Would you like to join us? Noeru: Hirobe-san!? I'm going. Maria (thinking): Oh no. This is bad! Why does he know about Hirobe-san. Maria: No.. no way! Noeru, you're not in the basketball club! Outsiders are.. Noeru: I'm not an outsider. (Maria's really stunned) Noeru: I'm now the guys' team manager. Sasa asked a favor from their captain. Sasa: I didn't do anything... I just introduced you. Page 47 (Maria with a sweatbead, thunder & lightning in the background) Noeru: I'm looking forward to Sunday!! Maria(with a real BAD look): You're a real help. Sasa (observing Maria): ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coments, corrections and suggestions are welcome, contact Dimitri Ashling at: Find more Mintna Bokura translations at: Thank-you! ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------