Mintna Bokura (We are Mint) Chapter 5 [Version: Mar'98] Translation by Dimitri Ashling All rights held by the authoress, Wataru Yoshizumi. Special thanks again to Masatomo (for checking my translations), and Karen Duffy (for showing me this story in the 1st place) Page 1 Sensei: Sasa Ryuji. Sasa. Is he absent? I haven't heard anything.. Boy: That's unusual. Girl: Maybe he caught a cold or something. (Small stone hits Noeru right on the hairband) Page 2 Maria: So that's why. He took a day off 'cause the shock was too much for him.. Noeru: Maria.. you're smiling about something. Maria: No, nothing like that! I'm just nervous because I'm worried about you two. When you took Sasa-kun up to your room, how did he respond? Noeru: ...then his eyes turned white. He passed out. He regained conciousness soon afterwards, but I hadn't meant to make him frantic. I was just trying to give him an explanation, but he was so stunned it seemed like he didn't hear a thing. Page 3 (Sasa in picture) Sasa: My head hurts. Give me a little time to think about it. Noeru: Then love-love went home... Maria: Then, maybe he's not coming back to school after all. Maybe he's not going to school anymore. Noeru: WHAT...!? Boy: Oh, Sasa, you came after all. Noeru:!! (Gets up w/loud sound effects) Page 4 Boy: I thought you were sick or something. Sasa: No, I just overslept. I just couldn't get to sleep.. (Noeru & Sasa look at each other, Noeru with pastels and blushing) Page 5 Sasa: Noeru Today, I'm going to the Joshuu store to buy some stuff, but do you want to go too? Noeru: Joshuu.. Sasa: It's a fishing goods speciality store. You said you wanted to get your own tackle. If you've got things to do, whatever day works for you.. Noeru (blushing): I'm going!! Let's go. Page 6 Thank you, Sasa. (and tackles him) Sasa: Whoa.. Don't grab me like that! Noeru: Oh, but.. Girl: Noeru's so daring.. Girl: It looks like they made up. Classmates(with Maria looking on): So, the famous couple is back together again!! What a relief. What a relief... Page 7 Sasa: I thought you seemed like a guy before, but never that you're really a guy.. Likely because we enjoyed each other's company.. Noeru: Probably?.. Ha ha.. Sasa: Probably not, bastard!! Give me back my first kiss!! Noeru: You forced me.. Sasa: Noeru, don't tell a soul about that! It's a secret between the 2 of us. Got it!? Noeru: I won't say a word! I want to hide it. Sasa: Kissing a guy... Oh, the low point of my life.. Noeru(thinking): Oh, but I already told Maria. That's OK, because she's Maria.. Page 8 Maria: Hi, Official Couple-san. Noeru: Maria, what brings you here.. Maria: I was going shopping with Kanako when I saw you guys from outside. Just exchanging greetings. Sasa: Official couple.. Maria: That's what everybody around school thinks. If people see you not knowing the truth, they think you're a ordinary couple. People were talking before you broke up, but now you made up. Sasa: It's OK. It's annoying, but I'm fine with it. Noeru: Oh, but.. Sasa: You're a guy, so you can't be found out. But more than that, you're a good friend. No one knows you better than I do. Noeru: But then can't you get a real girlfriend, Sasa? Page 9 Sasa: That's fine, I don't want one. Since meeting you, girls are hard for me to deal with. I thought I had recovered, but I was wrong. Noeru: Is that so. It's my fault. Sasa: I already jumped on this bandwagon. I'm scared of the time you get revealed, though. If we do anything together after that, we'll be called perverts. Maria: So, for that reason, take good care of my little brother, Sasa-kun. Sasa: What do you want me to say.. Maria (to Kanako): Thanks for waiting. Noeru: My sister feels more like a very normal girl. With twins, the brother gets influenced. Sasa: The type I'm weak with. Noeru: Long ago, we were more in sync. The things we liked, our way of thinking. The differences came from loneliness. I came here in pursuit of Maria. Somehow, it seems like the old days.. Page 10 Sasa: You're still dressed as a girl.. You've got spirit. What do you do when you take a bath or something? Noeru: I can get by with the shower in my room, 'cause I can't go to the public baths. Of course, I use the women's toilet. To get changed for P.E., I either use a toilet that Maria's guarding for me or I use the basketball club's office. Sasa: I see.. Noeru: But, what a relief. I waited for the day we could talk like this. I'm really glad that I was daring and came out to you! This time, it'll be a typical friendship of best buddies. We'll be there for each other! Sasa: But... definitely not typical.. Page 11 Miyu: Noeru, are you dating Sasa-kun of A-class? All the kids are talking about it. (Noeru reading a tankoubon from a Ribon series) (Sasa: This is what you're going to say) Noeru:, it looks that way. Miyu: Looks that way? Noeru: No... yeah... Page 12 Miyu: What kind of guy is Sasa-kun? Noeru: Great.. He's a good guy! He isn't too courteous, though. Why do you ask? Miyu: Because I'm a little interested. Noeru: Huh? That's strange. Something just now. This could be shocking... (talking): So do you him? Page 13 Miyu: Oh, sorry. That's not what I meant. Don't worry. Noeru: Huh..? (Then what did she mean.. Oh well, someday) (Oh yeah. There's something more important.) Say, I think I heard about this before. On the day I invited you to Katchan-land. You said you had a matter to attend to. On that day, I saw you walking with a middle-aged guy. Who was that? Your father..? Page 14 Miyu: Yeah. (Easily.) Noeru (thinking): Oh...? Really...!? So that's who he is. That's what I thought. Somehow, I was worrying for no reason. Miyu: Worrying? Noeru: Oh, nah.. Arrow pointing to hairband: I can't tell her everything yet. Page 15 Maria: Ah, Hirobe-san! Hirobe-san: Hi. Maria: What brings you here? There's no club today. Hirobe-san: I forgot a book I need to write a report in the office. I came to pick it up. Maria: I'm going to the office, too! (Let's go together.) (thinking): There's no club today and I bumped into Hirobe-san. Lucky (Hearts all around) Page 16 Hirobe-san: Has your little cat wind bell had any effect? On your love life. Maria: No, not yet. Have you had any benefit from yours? Hirobe-san: I gave that souvenir away. To Right: No way!! Don't we have the same thing!? To Left: Gave it away. Gave it away. Maria: U.. um.. You couldn't have given that souvenir to your girlfriend? Page 17 Hirobe-san: Yeah. BONK (A large stone hits Maria) Page 18 Maria: YOU HAVE A G..GIRLFRIEND!? Hirobe-san: Was that unexpected? You look a little hurt. Maria: But, but it must be really hard writing the reports for all your college classes. There's 3 meetings a week for the club, and you always come. You said you can't hang out most Saturdays or Sundays. You don't have any time to date in this situation!! Hirobe-san: My girlfriend lives in Kanazawa. Cause it's far away, we rarely see each other. Maria: Long-distance love. A blind point... Page 19 Hirobe-san: But, it may all be in vain. Like I thought, being far away is hard on girls. I might get dumped soon. Maria: That bad. Hirobe-san getting dumped. (Talking): How did you meet? Hirobe-san: In elementary & middle school, we were classmates.. I've always loved her since then. But I didn't say anything, and she transferred to Kanazawa.. Page 20 But I still loved her, as always. Two years ago, at a class reunion, we began again. I boldly confessed to her. When she gave me her OK, I was so happy I could die. Maria: For a long time. He's always thought of her.. (Talking): It seems all in vain. Hirobe-san: Yeah, probably. Page 21 That's true, I associate this with basketball.. If you press the attack, the defense gets desperate but.. We get fouled and give free throws away.. Then we can only pray for them to miss... is that the feeling.. Maria: Then, is it almost over!! Hirobe-san: Oh, well... Whew.. There's nothing I can do. She said, "Not seeing each other is hard. I can't bear it." I don't want to say goodbye, but... Page 22 Maria: Please cheer up, cause I'm here!! Hirobe-san: Huh? Maria: I love you!! The prayer I made to the cat wind bell was for you to be my companion. I.. was that in vain!? Page 23 Hirobe-san: Minamino... So, that's it. Sorry, I made you worry. Maria: I'm not saying don't date her again! But, maybe... If it really is all in vain with your girlfriend, then could you give me a chance to be your girlfriend? I'll wait. I'll wait always...! Page 24 Hirobe-san: Thank you. Page 25 Noeru: What!? Hirobe-san has a girlfriend!? So that's it. You got disappointed in love. Cheer up! I'm here for you. So, let's get ready to go back to our old school.. Maria: I'm not going back. He said he'll break up with his girlfriend soon. I'd like a chance at being his next girlfriend. When I told Hirobe-san that, he smiled and said "Thank you". Page 26 Noeru: Come on... Maria: I'm not giving up easily. I love him. So, I won't give him up easily!! Page 27 Noeru: That bozo Maria. Persistent and strong-minded. So, how long will this take? I can't go back to my old school. But that's okay, Sasa's here.. and then.. Huh? Why did Miyu's face occur to me? Page 28 (Clock shows 11:05) Miyu's out tonight, too. I wonder if it's with that middle-aged guy again. I wonder if he's really her father. (Noeru sees on the shelf: 8/94, Family Trip) Book: Look! Look! Look! Noeru: The book's talking, it's got me anxious. Page 29 Maybe taking a peek's OK. Maybe it's wrong without asking permission... Oh, take a peek!! Page 30 (Sees her family in the photo) No! That's not the person from that time. Yep, he's not her father. Page 31 Why did you lie to me, Miyu...!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coments, corrections and suggestions are welcome, contact Dimitri Ashling at: Find more Mintna Bokura translations at: Thank-you! ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------