Mintna Bokura (We are Mint) Chapter 6 [Version: Jun'98] Translation by Dimitri Ashling All rights held by the authoress, Wataru Yoshizumi. Special thanks again to Masatomo (for checking my translations), and Karen Duffy (for showing me this story in the 1st place) Prelude Noeru: Miyu said that guy was her father, but the guy in her family photo was different. Why did you lie to me, Miyu. Who the hell is that guy...!? Page 1 Maria: Why don't you ask Makimura to make it clear. What did she mean? Noel: But I took a peek at her album without asking permission.. Maria: You shouldn't have done a thing like that. Noel: Yeah.. But this is pretty hard on me. If she really is dating middle-aged guys, I don't know what to do. I might be wrong, but I'm really worried. If I'm misunderstanding her, she might get angry. Page 2 Whew Maria: You're really worried about Makimura. Maybe, you've fallen in love...? Noel: No!! I'm just worried because she's a friend! You're thinking that because you've fallen in love. Page 3 I see. I won't care about her. I'll leave her alone. Maria: Noel.. wait.. It's good to find someone you love.. It's natural.. Page 4 Noel: Because of that, I didn't check out Miyu's story that day. I didn't think that something big was about to happen. I'm feeling nervous about something. Sasa: About what? (There's nothing to be worried about) Noel: But this is my first real game. I'm feeling nervous about whether I can keep the score well. Maria: Noel! Sasa! We came to cheer you on. Page 5 Is Hiro a good team? Sasa: Since we haven't played them before, I really don't know. But they're probably just as good as we are. Maria: Sasa, you're a starter, right? Good luck! Guy: Which one of you is Maria? Page 6 Maria: Huh... (Sees his face, and the pastels start up) Page 7 (Thump..) I'm.. Maria.. Guy: So I see. You're really cute. I heard that, so I came to see for myself. Maria: What.. Noel: Who.. Who are you! What does a guy from Hino know about Maria___ Guy: My older brother probably can't say goodbye to her. They're forgiving, because they love each other so much. Waiting may be a waste of time. Page 8 Maria: !! Noel: Hirobe's little brother!? Guy: So, why don't you date me instead? (Maria blushing) Noel: What the.. Guy: See ya. Page 9 Noel: Who does that guy think he is!? Kanako: This is great, Maria! He's a cool guy. So, are you going to date him? Maria: No way. He must be joking. Noel: Of course. Damn it! Maria, don't care for that guy! Maria: Y.. yeah. Kanako: Hmm.. maybe so.. Maria: See ya, we're going to the 2nd floor to watch. Let's go. Noel: I hate that guy!! Sasa! Give that guy a good clobbering!! Sasa: We're not doing karate here... Page 10 But___ (Bounce) (Swoosh) Crowd: He hit another three. Wow, that's his fourth!! Page 11 Noel: Hirobe Yoshiaki: Senior: No. 4.. Damn___ He's the captain! (Sasa's defending Yoshiaki) Good, that's it. There, guard it. Go for it__ Coach: Miss Minamino, the score.. OK, I got it. Page 12 Kanako: Hirobe's little brother is too cool! Isn't he, Maria. Maria: Uh, yeah. Crowd: He got another one down! Page 13 (Yoshiaki looking at Maria) Noel: Damn, he's good.. Do something, Sasa. (Notices Miyu) Noel: Miyu came to watch Sasa..? Hmmm.. (Swoosh) Not again! Coach: Miss Minamino, the score.. Page 15 Sasa: Let's switch to another subject. After all, they won the game. Noel(fuming): But he was the top scorer! Grrr__ Sasa: Hey, take a look. Page 16 Yoshiaki: So, are you going to date me? Maria: ...! You were serious.. Yoshiaki: I am serious. Do you want to date me? Yes or No? Noel: Bastard__ what do you think you're doing. Page 17 Maria: YES Yoshiaki: I'm happy to hear that! I'll give you a call tonight. I can get your room number from my brother. Maria: Sure! See ya! Maria: Hee.. hee. I got a boyfriend... Page 18 Noel: No Hee.. hee!! Why did you all of a sudden fall for a guy who just showed up!! The point is what about "Until you and your girlfriend have figured it out, I'll wait forever." or "I'll never give up". Maria: B.. but! There was nothing I could do. My heart really beated for him. I fell in love with him! Page 19 And I really love the way his face looks!! Kanako: It wasn't that she likes older guys.. Sasa: It's that she liked the face of Hirobe's family. Geez. This all happened because girls... They judge a book by its cover without knowing what's inside. (Maria getting angry) Maria: Oh, shut up. A guy who had a guy for his first love and first kiss can't say things like that!! (A knife hits Sasa in the head) Page 20 Let's go, Kanako. Kanako: What was that just now? What did you mean? Noel: Wait up, Maria! Sasa: You talked about it, Noel. Damn. For sure, that was the first time for me. (Arrow: Actually true.) Maria: You know, I don't know why I've been thinking the way I have. Page 21 Until yesterday, I was only thinking of Hirobe. Then it changed. Now, I'm thinking a lot about Yoshiaki... Am I being too light with this? Or irresponsible? I don't think I'm judging a book by its cover... Kanako: It's nothing like that. If a cool guy asks you out on a date, I don't think it's impossible. It's not because you want to marry him. It's good to start having cheerful dates. It's OK to judge a person by his looks. Good looks can be a person's advantage. Page 22 Kanako: So, your feelings before were gone. I believe that encounter inspired you. Maria: Kanako... Ding Dong Minamino Maria, you got a phone call. Kanako: Oh, look. That must be him. You've got to answer it. Go for it! Maria: Thank you! I will. Page 23 Maria: Yoshiaki? Yes, yes. This Sunday, Shinagawa Aquarium? Yes, of course!! (Noel peeking over the desk and getting an idea) Page 24 Sign: Shinagawa Aquarium Maria: Wh.. what are you doing here!? Noel: Shush, it's just coincidence. Wherever you go to hang out, you're being selfish. (Sign by Sasa says: Talked into this, but along for the ride.) Maria: What should we do, Yoshiaki. Since Noel's here.. Yoshiaki: Oh, it's OK. We met up with them, so let's take advantage of that. Page 25 Yoshiaki: So today we'll do a double date. Sasa & Noel: (BONK!) A DOUBLE DATE!? Noel: (I can't say anything in a famous place like this.) That's great. Then, it's settled. Page 26 (Several stares at the couple by Noel) Yoshiaki: This isn't like a double date. It's more like we're being watched... Maria: So sorry, so sorry. She's still a kid. Not wanting me to leave.. and she can't stand the thought of me having you for a boyfriend. Page 27 Yoshiaki: Are you getting hungry? Let's go get something to eat. Noel: Sure. Huh, where'd Sasa... Wait here a sec. Yoshiaki: Let's leave now! Maria: What? B... but I feel sorry for her. Yoshiaki: It'll be fine. Noel has Sasa around. Page 28 Right? Maria: Noel. I'm sorry. I love Yoshiaki. I love him deeply... Page 29 Sasa (day-dreaming): Finally, I caught the big one. (Sasa laughing with hearts) Noel(thinking): I can imagine what he's thinking... Hurry up, Sasa! We're going for something to eat. Sasa: Sure. They're not here. Page 30 Noel: They.. ran off... Damn you, Hirobe Yoshiaki. I won't forgive this!! (Sasa's daydreaming about fishing again.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coments, corrections and suggestions are welcome, contact Dimitri Ashling at: Find more Mintna Bokura translations at: Thank-you! ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------