Mintna Bokura (We are Mint) Volume 2 Translation by Dimitri Ashling All rights held by the authoress, Wataru Yoshizumi. Special thanks again to Masatomo (for checking my translations), and Karen Duffy (for showing me this story in the 1st place) Page 3 Noeru: Miyu said that guy was her father, but the guy in her family photo was different. Why did you lie to me, Miyu. Who the hell is that guy...!? Page 7 Maria: Why don't you ask Makimura to make it clear. What did she mean? Noel: But I took a peek at her album without asking permission.. Maria: You shouldn't have done a thing like that. Noel: Yeah.. But this is pretty hard on me. If she really is dating middle-aged guys, I don't know what to do. I might be wrong, but I'm really worried. If I'm misunderstanding her, she might get angry. Page 8 Whew Maria: You're really worried about Makimura. Maybe, you've fallen in love...? Noel: No!! I'm just worried because she's a friend! You're thinking that because you've fallen in love. Page 9 I see. I won't care about her. I'll leave her alone. Maria: Noel.. wait.. It's good to find someone you love.. It's natural.. Page 10 Noel: Because of that, I didn't check out Miyu's story that day. I didn't think that something big was about to happen. I'm feeling nervous about something. Sasa: About what? (There's nothing to be worried about) Noel: But this is my first real game. I'm feeling nervous about whether I can keep the score well. Maria: Noel! Sasa! We came to cheer you on. Page 11 Is Hiro a good team? Sasa: Since we haven't played them before, I really don't know. But they're probably just as good as we are. Maria: Sasa, you're a starter, right? Good luck! Guy: Which one of you is Maria? Page 12 Maria: Huh... (Sees his face, and the pastels start up) Page 13 (Thump..) I'm.. Maria.. Guy: So I see. You're really cute. I heard that, so I came to see for myself. Maria: What.. Noel: Who.. Who are you! What does a guy from Hino know about Maria___ Guy: My older brother probably can't say goodbye to her. They're forgiving, because they love each other so much. Waiting may be a waste of time. Page 14 Maria: !! Noel: Hirobe's little brother!? Guy: So, why don't you date me instead? (Maria blushing) Noel: What the.. Guy: See ya. Page 15 Noel: Who does that guy think he is!? Kanako: This is great, Maria! He's a cool guy. So, are you going to date him? Maria: No way. He must be joking. Noel: Of course. Damn it! Maria, don't care for that guy! Maria: Y.. yeah. Kanako: Hmm.. maybe so.. Maria: See ya, we're going to the 2nd floor to watch. Let's go. Noel: I hate that guy!! Sasa! Give that guy a good clobbering!! Sasa: We're not doing karate here... Page 16 But___ (Bounce) (Swoosh) Crowd: He hit another three. Wow, that's his fourth!! Page 17 Noel: Hirobe Yoshiaki: Senior: No. 4.. Damn___ He's the captain! (Sasa's defending Yoshiaki) Good, that's it. There, guard it. Go for it__ Coach: Miss Minamino, the score.. OK, I got it. Page 18 Kanako: Hirobe's little brother is too cool! Isn't he, Maria. Maria: Uh, yeah. Crowd: He got another one down! Page 19 (Yoshiaki looking at Maria) Noel: Damn, he's good.. Do something, Sasa. (Notices Miyu) Page 20 Noel: Miyu came to watch Sasa..? Hmmm.. (Swoosh) Not again! Coach: Miss Minamino, the score.. Page 21 Sasa: Let's switch to another subject. After all, they won the game. Noel(fuming): But he was the top scorer! Grrr__ Sasa: Hey, take a look. Page 22 Yoshiaki: So, are you going to date me? Maria: ...! You were serious.. Yoshiaki: I am serious. Do you want to date me? Yes or No? Noel: Bastard__ what do you think you're doing. Page 23 Maria: YES Yoshiaki: I'm happy to hear that! I'll give you a call tonight. I can get your room number from my brother. Maria: Sure! See ya! Maria: Hee.. hee. I got a boyfriend... Page 24 Noel: No Hee.. hee!! Why did you all of a sudden fall for a guy who just showed up!! The point is what about "Until you and your girlfriend have figured it out, I'll wait forever." or "I'll never give up". Maria: B.. but! There was nothing I could do. My heart really beated for him. I fell in love with him! Page 25 And I really love the way his face looks!! Kanako: It wasn't that she likes older guys.. Sasa: It's that she liked the face of Hirobe's family. Geez. This all happened because girls... They judge a book by its cover without knowing what's inside. (Maria getting angry) Maria: Oh, shut up. A guy who had a guy for his first love and first kiss can't say things like that!! (A knife hits Sasa in the head) Page 26 Let's go, Kanako. Kanako: What was that just now? What did you mean? Noel: Wait up, Maria! Sasa: You talked about it, Noel. Damn. For sure, that was the first time for me. (Arrow: Actually true.) Maria: You know, I don't know why I've been thinking the way I have. Page 27 Until yesterday, I was only thinking of Hirobe. Then it changed. Now, I'm thinking a lot about Yoshiaki... Am I being too light with this? Or irresponsible? I don't think I'm judging a book by its cover... Kanako: It's nothing like that. If a cool guy asks you out on a date, I don't think it's impossible. It's not because you want to marry him. It's good to start having cheerful dates. It's OK to judge a person by his looks. Good looks can be a person's advantage. Page 28 Kanako: So, your feelings before were gone. I believe that encounter inspired you. Maria: Kanako... Ding Dong Minamino Maria, you got a phone call. Kanako: Oh, look. That must be him. You've got to answer it. Go for it! Maria: Thank you! I will. Page 29 Maria: Yoshiaki? Yes, yes. This Sunday, Shinagawa Aquarium? Yes, of course!! (Noel peeking over the desk and getting an idea) Page 30 Sign: Shinagawa Aquarium Maria: Wh.. what are you doing here!? Noel: Shush, it's just coincidence. Wherever you go to hang out, you're being selfish. (Sign by Sasa says: Talked into this, but along for the ride.) Maria: What should we do, Yoshiaki. Since Noel's here.. Yoshiaki: Oh, it's OK. We met up with them, so let's take advantage of that. Page 31 Yoshiaki: So today we'll do a double date. Sasa & Noel: (BONK!) A DOUBLE DATE!? Noel: (I can't say anything in a famous place like this.) That's great. Then, it's settled. Page 32 (Several stares at the couple by Noel) Yoshiaki: This isn't like a double date. It's more like we're being watched... Maria: So sorry, so sorry. She's still a kid. Not wanting me to leave.. and she can't stand the thought of me having you for a boyfriend. Page 33 Yoshiaki: Are you getting hungry? Let's go get something to eat. Noel: Sure. Huh, where'd Sasa... Wait here a sec. Yoshiaki: Let's leave now! Maria: What? B... but I feel sorry for her. Yoshiaki: It'll be fine. Noel has Sasa around. Page 34 Right? Maria: Noel. I'm sorry. I love Yoshiaki. I love him deeply... Page 35 Sasa (day-dreaming): Finally, I caught the big one. (Sasa laughing with hearts) Noel(thinking): I can imagine what he's thinking... Hurry up, Sasa! We're going for something to eat. Sasa: Sure. They're not here. Page 36 Noel: They.. ran off... Damn you, Hirobe Yoshiaki. I won't forgive this!! (Sasa's daydreaming about fishing again.) Page 37 Noel: They're late!! Where did they walk off to? Damn it. Page 38 Sasa: If they already had dinner, they probably went back to the dorm. Waiting for them in the dorm's lounge would be better.. because I can sit down. Noel: No, we're waiting here!! He's not getting all the way to the dorm. Godamn Yoshiaki - they left us alone, that's so insulting. I've got a bone to pick with that guy. Sasa: Can I go home? There's a program I want to see that starts at 6.. (Arrow: Fishing program). Noel: Don't be so cold, help me out here! Didn't we get separated from them because you were always looking at the fishies-!? Sasa: But what they're doing's none of my business. Oh.. Page 39 Maria: Thank you very much for today. I really enjoyed it. Yoshiaki: Yeah, me too. Maria: Next Sunday can we see each other again..? Yoshiaki: Yes, of course. Page 40 (Thump..) (Maria and Yoshiaki look at each other) Page 41 ( They start to kiss) Noel: STOP_____!! Page 42 Maria: Noel!! Oh no, you saw us.. Sorry, Yoshiaki. That's it for today! Yoshiaki: Huh, but.. I guess we better apologize for leaving them alone. Because she's so mad. Maria: No, that's OK! I'll talk to her later. When Noel has blood in her eyes, she's going to say something rude. I don't want you to feel bad. Please..! Yoshiaki: Gotcha. So, I'll go home. Maria: Sure! I'll see you again.. Page 43 Before that, lend me your hat for a moment. My hat? ? (Kiss) Page 44 (Noel's devastated) Yoshiaki: See you later! Page 45 Did you kiss just now!? Did you!? Where!? Maria!! Maria!! DID YOU REALLY KISS HIM ___________ !! Sasa: I want to go home quick and watch my program.. But to leave them alone... As a friend.. Maybe I should watch for a little while. Geez.. Page 46 (Maria's still in happy mode) Sasa: Has she been that way since yesterday? (Noel nods yes) Noel: She didn't listen to a word I said. Damn it___ Picture: Break up with that guy! Break break break Kanako: A girl in love mode is in top gear. Maria's cute.. Noel: Kanako. This isn't your class. Why are you here.. Kanako: I just came to hang out. Page 47 Noel, you went along on Maria's date yesterday? Do you still not want her to have a boyfriend? Noel: You got it! I'm gonna make them break up for sure. Kanako: You have Sasa as a boyfriend yourself, so why are you so against Maria having one? That's being a little selfish. Noel: You're wrong. This is.. Sasa is.. Page 48 Kanako: Both Sasa and Maria are yours, that's being too selfish! You should stop interfering in Maria's romance. Noel: U.. um.. Damn, that bozo Kanako. She doesn't know the situation. Sasa: But say, someday Maria's going to get married or something. Are you always going to interfere? Noel: Th.. that's someday.. But, it's still too early. From now on, she won't be dating anymore! Sasa: It's Ok. They're old enough. Page 49 Noel: That's why Yoshiaki's no good for her! He doesn't know Maria well and is already asking her to date. Then he kissed her right away!! Sasa: There's nothing wrong with kissing. We've kissed. Noel: DON'T TURN RED ON ME!! IT'S TOO EMBARASSING!! Anyway, he's no good. Even Coach Hirobe was better than him. He was funnier and sure seemed to be nicer!! Sasa: You're not praising him. Page 50 Well, we didn't know his brother, but Hirobe's a good person. But you switched your opinion on him. Who selfishly said he's no good? Noel: Um.. That's because it was still too early.. Sasa: But this is different from the time with Hirobe. This time, they think the same way, so there's nothing we can do. Why don't you accept him? Page 51 Maria: Hirobe. U.. um.. Before practice starts, I'd like to talk to you.. (Hirobe smiles) Page 52 Hirobe: I heard about this from Yoshiaki. So, you've started dating? Maria: S.. sorry. Talking about this is strange, um.. Hirobe: It's fine, don't worry. Because I'm having fun. Maria: Huh.. Hirobe: Yoshiaki has loved you for some time. Page 53 I really talked a lot to Yoshiaki about being the girls' basketball coach. He's active in his basketball club, so he told me how the girls' club at Hino practices. I used it as a reference. And then.. Yoshiaki: The girl who sprained her ankle at the tournament? Oh, that's the girl you said you carried to the nurse's office... Hirobe: Yes, that's the girl. She just transferred to my school. Yoshiaki: Really, that's a wonderful coincedence. What kind of girl is she? Hirobe: Her name's Minamino Maria. Yoshiaki: Maria... that's a cute name. Hirobe: Her face is cute, too. Page 54 Yoshiaki: Hmm. Hirobe: After that, he kept your name in mind. It seems like we spoke of you a lot. Yoshiaki (right to left): Did you win the practice game? How did Maria do? Oh really, Maria's a twin. Can you take her picture for me sometime? I want to see Maria's face. Maria: So, that's what happened... I never knew about that. Page 55 Hirobe: So, that time when you confessed to me, I bragged to Yoshiaki about it. The Maria you love just said, she loves me. Yoshiaki: Oh, really!? You did it, brother.. Hirobe: So, have you taken another look? Yoshiaki: But, that's right. You already have a girlfriend. Will Maria wait forever... Page 56 Hirobe: That kind of girl is good. She'll love you seriously, without looking at others. Yoshiaki: I'd like a girl like her, too.. Maria: That's right, he asked me eventually.. But this is embarassing. Am I really serious? My feelings changed from you to Yoshiaki so quickly... Page 57 Hirobe: That's what I suspected. You really didn't "love" me. You came to love Yoshiaki seriously. Being his brother, I don't tell him. But he's a great guy. Maria: Yes, he is..! (Noel listening around the corner) Page 58 (Ding, Dong) This little brother may not be as bad a guy as I thought. But.. Maria: Noel. Right now, Yoshiaki's waiting at the gate. Surely, he wants to exchange greetings with you. Page 59 Will you come..? Yoshiaki: I'm sorry about last time. I got us deliberately separated from the double date. Noel: .... Page 60 Yoshiaki: If you're coming along on all our dates, I think you're being irresponsible. I love Maria seriously. Therefore, I take our dates seriously. Don't worry. Let me look after my girlfriend. Page 61 Noeru: I gotcha. Page 62 Please take care of Maria.. Maria: Noel. (Sound of getting angry) Noel: YOU BETTER TAKE REAL GOOD CARE OF HER!! Page 63 (Noel runs off) Maria: Noel.. Yoshiaki: I'm relieved she understood. Maria: Me too! Page 64 Sasa: Noel, what are you doing? Hurry up and get changed. Practice is starting. ...Noel? Noel: I love Maria the best. The one she loves the best isn't me anymore. Page 65 Noel: I don't want to be twins. If we were just siblings, I wouldn't be so sad. Since we were twins, it seemed like we were the same body and soul. When she had different feelings, it seemed like she was betraying our soul. Page 66 I don't want to be twins anymore! Sasa: Noel.. Page 67 (Noel crying with Sasa next to him, and basketballs and other players in the background) Page 69 Tah dah! Noel: ..what's this? Page 70 Maria (happy): My homemade cookies. It was a present for Yoshiaki, but I made a lot so I'm giving you some too! So, how do they taste? I borrowed the Home Ec. room to make them yesterday. Pop (into mouth). Munch. Munch. Noel:..? They taste a little strange... (Maria's shocked) I'm sorry! But, they're weird. What are these little bits!? What did you put in these!? Page 71 Maria: Earl grey tea leaves! Don't they smell wonderful? Kanako said they were delicious! Noel: Huh... Maria: That's it! If you're going to say bad things about my cookies, you won't get to have any more. Sasa, you want to try some? Don't they look scrumptious? Sasa: Oh, cakes and cookies make my mouth dry. I don't like them... Maria: What__!? Geez, I can't count on YOU. Sasa: (That's a selfish thing to say) Maria: But, that's OK. Yoshiaki is so kind. He spoke to my heart. "I'm very happy to eat your handmade cookies!" Oh, I wanna be carried over the threshhold pronto... (Maria all happy & in love) Sasa: Hey, do something about this runaway girl! Page 72 Noel: Maria's fever for Yoshiaki, since I accepted their relationship,is just getting higher and higher. Sine Maria was getting far away from me, I was so sad. But she looks so happy... Nah, there's nothing I can do. So I'll just give up. But it still pisses me off! Maria: Oh, that's right. Noel, I need to have a serious talk with you. Would talking at lunch break be OK? Noel: Sure... Page 73 Noel: What's up? Talk to me. Maria: ...sure. Say, do you want to return to our old school? Together. (Noel's amazed) Noel: So, that's it. I wanted to talk about that... I completely forgot about it. But why so suddenly? Maria: But look, didn't you come to this school because I met Hirobe? But now that I love Yoshiaki, the meaning of your being here has disappeared. Page 74 Noel: I guess that's true.. Maria: So, if you want to return to our old school, I think we should return together. After all, living as a girl in a girls' dorm is hard on you for sure. I like this school and enjoy living in the dorm. I want to stay here 'til I graduate but for your sake it might be better to return to our old school. Noel: Maybe so... I came here to bring Maria back, to stop her romance. Then, Maria started going around with Yoshiaki. For now, either school would be fine. But living as a girl in a girls' dorm is definitely inconvienent. I want to go back to a normal life... Page 75 We don't need to decide right now. Think about it. Maria: Sure... Oh, one other thing. Can I tell Yoshiaki you're really my little brother? I don't want to hide it from him. Noel: NO WAY IN HELL!!! Arrow pointing to Noel's hair: Still hasn't given up yet. Maria: ... gotcha. Page 76 Noel: What should I do. For now, I'll stay here 'til summer vacation. Then, I'll have been here for 2 school terms. Should I go back? I couldn't see Sasa anymore but, if we hang out on weekends, that's fine. I want to see my old school friends. Miyu: Noel. Can you get from here to Ebisu in about an hour? Noel: Miyu... I couldn't see Miyu anymore either... Page 77 (Noel gives a blank stare) Miyu:...Noel? Noel: Ah, yeah. You can handle that, right? What's up, are you going to Ebisu? Miyu: Yes. Page 78 Noel: Oh, so that's why... (She couldn't be seeing that middle-aged guy again!?) Miyu: And you promised Sasa, right? Noel: Uh, yeah. (She couldn't be.) Miyu: You've got to get ready soon. You'll be late. Noel: (not with that middle-aged guy.) Miyu: I'll see you later. (Door slams) Noel: (with that middle-aged guy______!?) Page 79 Ebisu Prize Garden (Noel looking around) what now? Noel: Huh? Sasa: Don't "huh" me. We changed our plans to see Gamesoft in Shinjuku, and came to this prize garden instead. What's your purpose in coming here? Noel: Purpose.... U ummm... Page 80 Sasa: Do you want to buy something at the department store? (Noel nods no) To see a movie at the Garden Cinema? (Noel nods no) Did you want to see the Beer Museum? (Noel nods no) Then what___!? Noel: Sorry, Sasa... Let's go to Shinjuku after all. Sasa:??? (Noel starts walking off) Noel: What the hell am I doing... I came here because I had no restrictions. Now that I'm here, I don't know how to meet her. Usually I have a reason to meet people, but... (Noel's eyes go wide) Page 81 (Miyu and the middle-aged guy at a table) Noel: She came to see that middle-aged guy after all_____!! Sasa: ...what are you up to? Noel: Shhh, quiet down! Page 82 Sasa: Goodness. Just... Makimura? Your roommate. (Noels nods yes) Really. It looks like that rumour about her hanging out with middle-aged guys is really true... Sasa: Noel: Huh? Page 83 What the heck? That's my dad... Noel: (WHA!?) Page 84 (Sasa takes off towards them) Noel: Ah, Sasa... Sasa: Dad, what the hell are you doing!! (Sasa's dad stands up) Sasa's dad: Ryuji!? Page 85 Sasa: Dating a girl in middle school in a place like this!? Smiling like that to her is so shameful. I didn't think you were like that. I'm so dissapointed!! Sasa's dad: Hey, just a minute. You're misunderstood, Ryuji. It's not what you think. This girl is my daughter. Page 86 Sasa: Huh... Noel: What!? What!? Wait a minute. Sasa's dad is Miyu's dad!? That means_____they're brother and sister!? Sasa: No. Page 87 Noel: Why!? Sasa: My real father died shortly after I was born in an accident. After that, my mother married this father. Because of that, he's not a blood relative of mine. (Noel can't figure this out). I had heard... Before this father married my mother, he had married another woman and they had a child. So that's you, Makimura...? Miyu:...yes. Page 88 (Miyu & Sasa looking at each other w/pastels in the background. Noel's looking at both of them and still doesn't have a clue.) (Stare. Stare.) Sasa's dad: Let's go somewhere else at once. Ryuji, you come along as well. It's better to explain this properly. Ummm... who's this? Sasa: That's my classmate. Miyu: That's my roommate. Noel: I'm Minamino Noel... Page 89 Sasa's dad: Miss Minamino, I'm sorry if I've embarassed you for no reason. It's a family matter... Noel: Uh, yeah. Sasa: Sorry, Noel. Go home without me. Miyu: So sorry.. Noel: Um, sure.. (Noel left at Ebisu) Page 90 (Back at the dorm, Noel pacing back and forth) (Door opens) Miyu: I'm home. Noel: Miyu___! I was waiting for you! I'm glad you came home early tonight. Miyu: I'm sorry about the day, Noel. Noel: Say, could you explain the situation to me? I don't get it at all... Miyu: Sure, I'll start the explanation from the beginning. parents graduated from Morinomiya. They met at this school and got married. Page 91 Then I was born. The 3 of us lived with my grandparents on my mother's side in their house. (Chart 1) Then my mother became a popular writer. (Chart 2) I was left in my grandparents' care. She shut herself off in a hotel and had lots of work. Then my father's heart rapidly became distant... About then, the husband of my mother's little sister died in his parents' house. She moved in with us, bringing her baby along. (Chart 3) She was Sasa's mother. Then my father fell in love with her. Noel: So, your father divorced your mother then married Sasa's mother? Miyu: Yes. After that, my mother met my stepfather and they married... Now, everyone's happy in their own lives. But since my mom's best friend stole her little sister away... They still feel uncomfortable about it. The sisters never exchange correspondence anymore. That's why it appears that Sasa barely knew me at all. Page 92 (Chart 4) Noel: This illustration shows it all. All you Ribon readers got it? Miyu, when did you first meet your father? Miyu: Last year. I wanted to meet my real father, so I brought up the subject. It's been 11 years, so even though we're really father and daughter, we're really akward with each other. So if you were to see us without knowing us, it might look like I'm going out with a middle-aged guy... Noel: Yeah, it looked that way... Ummm.. so, what relation are you and Sasa to each other? Miyu: Cousins, because our mothers are sisters. Noel: Cousins... I think you're alike. You've got the same slant to your eyes. Page 93 Miyu: I've been watching Sasa for a long time. My father told me long ago, "I've got a son at Morinomiya as well." There was a boy living in my father's family.. I wondered what kind of guy he was a lot... But I didn't have the courage to start a conversation... Today was the first time we talked. Just like I thought, he's a pleasant guy! Page 94 Noel: (Throb). What the heck? What was that? Just now, a strange feeling came from the bottom of my heart... Miyu: But it looks like Sasa didn't know his father's life before he married. I wonder if he got shocked by all this. Say, Noel, what do you think? Noel? Noel:(not talking) Miyu:? Noel: What's going on? What are these strange feelings? Page 95 Guy 1: Morning. Guy 2: Morning. (Noel looks and sees Sasa & Miyu smiling at each other) Page 96 (Miyu w/pastels) Noel: (THROB.) Miyu: Ah, Noel... (Noel turns and runs away) Miyu and Sasa:? Noel: What is this? If I see Miyu smiling at Sasa, the bottom of my heart starts throbbing. It aches... Page 97 This is the first time I've felt this way. What's happening to me...!? Page 99 Maria: So, Sasa and Makimura are cousins. And you don't like them cozying up to each other so quickly? Noel: ..yeah.... . Page 100 It's a little different than the time you fell in love. That time it was just a simple and strong "NO!". It came from my head.... But how to describe it this time... The feeling wrung my heart.... Maria: It's not because you're a little jealous that your best friend Sasa has someone. You don't want another guy to be too close to Makimura, right? Noel(blushing):... yeah. Page 101 Maria: That's love. Noel: Lo love... Maria: Yep, love. Noel: Lo.. love.. why are you repeating it? Maria: Just as I thought, you've fallen in love with Makimura. Isn't that right? Noel:... Page 102 I love Miyu...? At the start, I thought she was a girl with no courtesy. It didn't look like she had any friends. But she was just being shy. She's really a normal girl. Sometimes she shows her smile. It's so cute___________ Page 103 ______yep. I love Miyu! (Maria smiles) Page 104 Maria: So you're gonna be here for a long time. You want to be close to Makimura. Noel: Yeah. Maria: Come on, you need to confess to her pronto! Let's make this our goal___!! (Go!) Noel: Yes, that's it!! OK, pronto... (Doh!) She thinks I'm a girl. And that I'm Sasa's girlfriend... Page 105 Maria: What if you tell her the truth? Noel: Bu..but, she'll surely get angry. She might even hate me... Maria: You told Sasa right away. Noel: But before that, he was staying away from me. I didn't know what else to do... But now, I'm really good friends with Miyu. I won't tell her, it would end that.. Maria: The future looks dark... Page 106 But, something's sure to happen. Go for it! I'll help you out, too! Noel: Maria... Maria: All of a sudden, Makimura and Sasa are certainly feeling much better. Noel: Huh. Maria: They're in a good mood, aren't they? Maybe they're thinking about each other. (Noel schocked w/lightning in the background) Maria: That was a big reaction. Page 107 Miyu: What? Sasa? Noel: Yeah. You've been seeing him and talking to him a lot. I thought you were falling for him... Miyu: No! We're cousins. We have close feelings because he's my father's son, that's all! Don't worry, I'd never throw your boyfriend around! (Ha) Noel(thinking): That's not what I was worried about... Page 108 Sasa: Huh. What about Makimura? Noel: Since then, have you liked being close? Girls are your weak point, after all. Have you fallen in love with her? Sasa: But, she's a cousin and they're an exception. It's not like I love her. Noel: Whew. Sasa: But, she's no ordinary girl. She's a beauty. She's a great girl. Just what you'd expect from my cousin. Noel: DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH HER. CAUSE THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'LL LET YOU DO THAT!! Page 109 Sasa: ? He doesn't want me to take Makimura. He's got strong desires to monopolize people... (To left: Misunderstanding) (Noel back at the dorm reading his basketball magazine and looking at Miyu) Noel: I realized I love her anyway... She thinks I'm a girl. I can't do anything about that. Page 110 Summer vacation's coming very soon. All the dorm students go home. We won't see each other for over a month... Miyu: Noel. Wanna go somewhere and have some fun in summer vacation? When you're dating Sasa-kun or when you're free. Noel: Su..sure! Miyu: OK, I'll call you. Noel: Sure! I'll call you too! So, that's it. If we're girl friends, we can invite each other easily. Page 111 It's not a bad situation. It's a good one. For now, we're "girl friends" but... Noel: I wanna go and have some fun at your place. Miyu: That's fine. Noel: Then, summer vacation came... Page 112 Twins: We're home. Mom: Welcome home. Oh, that wig suits you, Noel. Sorry for not coming to your school. I want to see you in your school uniform! Noel: What... Ta dah! Dad: (Wow) They look just like twin girls. Page 113 Noel: Sheesh.. I'm not gonna show you this again! Mom: It's OK, you look fine in that. Dad: So, Noel. Were you able to stop Maria's first romance? Noel: Nope, she got a guy. It wasn't her first love, though. Dad: What. (Bonk) Noel: Not a thing I could do, so I gave up. Mom: My, you gave up so easily. Maria: Noel found a girl he loves, too. Dad: What. (Bonk) Noel: Maria! Don't talk about that so much! Mom: Even Noel... Those two are growing up so rapidly.. Dad: I feel a little sad... Page 114 Maria: Noel, I want to do some shopping at Shibuya. Would you like to come along? Noel: Yeah, let's go! Page 115 Ah, luxury! It feels great without the wig. Maria: Don't talk about that so loudly, Noel... Noel: But, it's been so long since I've gone out with no wig. And I'm so happy to be wearing a tank top again! Guys' clothes are easy. Maria: It was a trial... (The bookstore) Noel: I'm going for the magazine section. Maria: Sure. Page 116 Noel: Um, magazines... (Bump) Oh. Sorry... (Noel and Miyu look and see each other) Page 117 MIYU ....!! I'm in hot water if she finds me out. I gotta run... Miyu: Hey, wait!!! (Noel's stopped in his tracks) Page 118 OK, I'll feign ignorance. Pretend to be somebody else!! Yes, what is it? Calm Calm (Inside: EEEEK!!!) Miyu:.... I'm sorry, I mistook you... (A guy.) Because you look just like a friend of mine. Page 119 Noel: Is that so. Bye! Miyu: Hey, wait! Noel: ...yeah? (Let me go, Miyu...) Miyu: But, that's not all.... Your face looks just like hers, and you sound just like her too. ...Come on, aren't you Noel? Page 120 Noel: Oh, you're Noel's friend. I'm her cousin!! Miyu: Cousin!? Noel: Yes, my name is Kurihara.... Kurihara Toru!! (Box on left: Uncle Kurihara Toru) My father and Noel & Maria's father are twins. That's why we look so much alike. We've been told we look like triplets. Miyu: So that's the reason... Noel: Yes, she bought it!! Page 121 Noel: See ya!! (Vroom) Miyu:.... Noel: Hurry, Maria. We gotta go. Maria: Huh. But I'm still shopping. Noel: Come on, let's go!! (Noel dragging Maria along) Page 122 Maria: You saw Makimura!? Did she find out!? Noel: No, I told her a white lie. I told her, "I'm Noel's cousin Kurihara Toru..." Maria: Your cousin? Did Makimura believe your story!? Noel: Yeah, probably. That was an easy rescue. Oh, that tired me out. That took 10 years off my life for sure. Maria: This might be a chance for you, Noel! Page 123 Noel: Huh? Maria: She thinks you're a girl. But couldn't you approach her openly if you went as Kurihara Toru? Noel: That's true.. It just might work! If things go well, Miyu and I can be in love without my telling her "I'm a guy"... Maria: Right? Noel: Yes! I can see it all now. Maria: Go for it! Page 124 Miyu: Yeah, I met him. Your cousin Toru. He's really a dead ringer for you. That was surprising.. Noel: Ha ha ha. But it looks like Toru really fell for you. Miyu: What? You gotta be kidding. He ran away just after we met. Noel: No, he really did! He really fell for you, so... Would you like to date him? Page 125 Miyu: No way. Noel: W...why!? Miyu: But I'm a little shy. It's hard for me to be all alone with a guy I really don't know... Noel: Don't say things like that. Anyway, it's just one time... Miyu: Yeah. Then a double date with Noel and Sasa is fine by me. Noel: Tha that's a really bad idea!! Miyu: Why? Noel: For several reasons... Miyu: Then, I'm still turning him down. Noel: Ah, wait a minute. OK, I gotcha!! Page 126 Maria: What happened? A double date with Noel and Sasa!? That's impossible! There's nothing we can do about it. Just give "Toru" up and make an excuse... (Noel stares at Maria) Wha what's with that look on your face. You couldn't be.... Page 127 Noel: I BEG YOU, MARIA. JUST FOR ONE DAY. BE "NOEL" FOR ME!! Page 129 Noel: I beg you, Maria. Maria: I said no way! Me pretending to be you is impossible. I'll be found out right away for sure!! Noel: Don't say things like that. Come on, it's just for one day. Won't you do anything for our sake!? Maria: I don't think it's for our sake this time. Noel: You said you'd help me out! Maria: I do want to help, but... Noel: Maria__________ Maria: ..... Nothing else we can do... Page 131 Sasa: Huh!? What the heck? Page 132 Maria's going to be you, and you're going to be "cousin Toru"!? And the 4 of us are going to have a double date!? That's absurd!! Noel: I know it's absurd. That's why I'm begging you! Just give me one day. Sasa: But I've got no confidence doing this... I might get your name wrong or something like that. Noel: I'll make up something!! That way if I fail it won't be your fault!! For this, I beg you!! Sasa: If something happens, I don't know. Page 133 Noel: So, you'll come!? Sasa: I'm going, that's all. Noel: Sure!! Thank you Sasa!! I'm so happy, this way I can date Miyu! As Toru in this double date, anyway. Sasa: But when did you start liking Makimura? Even though it's better than always interfering in Maria's love life. Noel: Hee hee... When did I start liking her... Sasa: I see. That's right, you're Makimura's roommate too. You couldn't be using this opportunity to do something strange to my cousin! Like taking off your clothes. Noel: I'm not! That would be mean! She hasn't seen the real me, so I'm worried. Sasa: Oh, really. I doubt it. Noel: Really! Sometimes I have accidentally seen her, though. Page 134 Before that, let's plan ahead. How about a supervised fishing place? You said you wanted to go to one next time. I think everyone cooking and eating the fish we catch will be fun. Sasa: That might be fine. Noel: Don't you think so? Let's do it! Sasa: But isn't dating as Toru gonna be hard for you? What do you do about phone calls? You can't give her the same number for the 2 of you, can you? Noel: Nothing to worry about! Ta dah! Sasa: Ah, a cel phone! Noel: I bought this with my allowance. I'll give Miyu this number for getting in touch with Toru. Page 135 There are various other problems that may come up. But the girl "Noel" is only friends with Miyu, so right now I can't tell her the real story. For the time being, I'll do my best as "Toru"! Sasa: Will this work out? By the way, why are you in girl version today? We're not in school, and I already know about you. Noel: I learned my lesson.. Because someone could see me in guy version with you, and "Toru" isn't supposed to know you yet. Page 136 "Noel": Sasa, Miyu! Morning... Vertical sign: Okutama Trout Fishing Spot Entrance Small square sign: Customers only. (Sasa's amazed) I guess I better do the introductions. Sasa Ryuji and Makimura Miyu, this is my cousin Toru! You two are cousins too. Sasa(thinking): That's Maria. But she's wearing Noel's clothes...Double Noel.. Page 137 "Toru"(smiling): Pleased to meet you! Miyu: Pleased to meet you. Sasa: Pleased...(thinking) And this one's gotta be Noel. Oh, this is confusing... They're fishing, so naturally Sasa's in charge. Sasa: Now, we've rented our fishing poles and paid for the fishing rights. So, shall we go? "Toru" & "Noel": Yeah! Sasa: They're in harmony. Page 138 How about some roe for bait? Though worms are really better for fishing. Miyu & "Noel": Worms!? Yuck!! Miyu: Huh. You're not bothered by bugs. (Translator's note: The word for bugs in Japanese, mushi, also refers to worms.) "Noel": Uh, yeah. They don't bother me, but I don't like them. And I especially don't like touching them. Miyu: So that's it. That's true. "Toru": So, let's fish!! Sasa: The differences between fishing with lures and fishing with bait are simple. Put about 2 roes on your hook. And cast wherever the fish are. Then wait. When the bait goes down into the water, that means you got a bite. Since we're going to be eating these fish, pull them in slowly. Got it? Page 139 (Miyu casts) Plunk. Miyu: Is this OK? Sasa: Yeah. "Noel": OK, we'll be fishing over there. Let's go, Sasa. Miyu: Huh? Page 140 Miyu: No way. Wait up, Noel... "Toru"(thinking): Thank you, Maria. Miyu, pull it in! You got a bite! Miyu: What!? Eek__I caught a fish! What do I do? "Toru": You're doing fine, pull it in slowly! Page 141 Miyu: Oh, I can't handle it. Toru______ "Toru": Calm down____ (Takes the hook out) (Puts the fish in a bag) (Sets a rock down to hold the bag in place) All done! Miyu: You're nimble. "Toru": You can't handle fish, either. Ha ha ha. It's not just bugs. Page 142 Miyu: Miyu... (Uh oh.) "Toru"(thinking): Oops, I carelessly called her Miyu like I always do. So... sorry!! Was I getting too friendly...!? Miyu: That's fine. Page 143 I can handle fish! But I haven't handled one thrashing before. "Toru": The fish is just trying to stay alive. You can grab the rainbow trout with one hand right now cause they're small. But the big ones are much harder to handle! Miyu: Is that so? It might be impossible... "Noel": Hmmm... It looks like they're getting along just fine. It's going well. Sasa(thinking): Yep, definitely Maria. Page 144 But you're doing super. You're just like the real thing! After all, you were born with the same face. Maria: I'm doing it cause I'm doing it right. Cause these past few days I've been cramming on Noel's voice! I borrowed the clothes from Noel, too. I feel a little like doing an impression of him. Sasa, you did a good follow-through too! I got Makimura and me apart as soon as possible. So I wouldn't be found out. Sasa: You're all fired up... Maria: Cause this is for my cute little brother. Sasa: Huh. As far as my own romantic love goes, I thought I wasn't interested at all. But I've healed a bit. Page 145 Maria: Excuse me, what are you talking about!! But you were leaving your brother dressed like a girl, while he was chasing you. And you were always after another guy. Maria: No, I wasn't. Sasa: After he accepted you and Yoshiaki, he cried. He didn't want to be twins anymore. Page 146 Is that so... Noel's a fool. Being twins doesn't mean we'll always be with each other. It means that no matter how separate we get from each other, we'll never really be cut off. There's a strong bond connecting us. It's obvious that we have a special mutual existence. It's nothing to worry about... Page 147 But Noel came to understand that too. Because he's in love. From now on, we can consult each other on our romances. That makes me happy. Sasa: Why did you fall in love with someone before Noel did? Maria: Hmmm... because I was feeling sad too. Like Noel, I felt he was betraying me. I might have gotten angry. Page 148 Sasa: You're a selfish girl. Maria(sticks her tongue out): beee.. Sasa: So, let's go fishing too. Maria: Sure! Sasa: By the way, are you and Yoshiaki getting along well? Maria(w/lots of hearts): THAT'S PRIVATE. Sasa: I guess so... Page 149 Miyu: Yes. The rainbow trout tastes wonderful! Sasa: This salmon is good too. I caught it. It's a wild fish. There's a mountain stream, so there are fish from the river too. It's a different taste than the fish from the hatchery! "Toru": Really delicious______ Miyu, the yakisoba you made is great. You're great at cooking! Miyu: Thank you. I don't consider making yakisoba cooking... Page 150 Sasa(whispering): Looks like they really hit it off. Maria(whispering): All due to our efforts. Page 151 Miyu: It's just a bit further, so thanks for escorting me. Noel: Sure. Miyu: See ya... Noel: Um... do you want to meet again? This time just the two of us. Page 152 Are you still wanting to go on double dates? But always going with Noel and Sasa is bad___ Miyu: That's OK. Call me. Noel: Yes... Page 153 I DID IT!! Maria: A little further in! That's it, right there. Page 154 Oh____ that feels great. Noel, massage my legs too after that. And then my arms! The fishing pole is always so heavy... Noel: Yes, my lady!! Maria: But what a relief. It turned out great. Noel: Yes, it did thanks to your efforts! Maria: You think so? You can thank me by keeping up the massage. Noel: ....I gotcha. (The phone rings) Page 155 The phone! It might be Miyu. Maria:..... Noel: Hi, hello!! Voice: Noel? That's gotta be Noel. I'm glad. Cause it's summer vacation, I thought you would return home. It's me, Sakurai Daisuke! Page 156 Noel: Daisuke!? Oh, it's been a long time!! Maria(thinking): Daisuke from our old school? I miss him___ Noel: Yeah. Sure. Wait, I'll go ask her. Daisuke is doing a get together for 5 or 6 people tommorrow. Karin and Yo are coming too. You're going too, right? Maria: Sure, that's fine. Noel: That's fine. OK, tommorrow at 1 o'clock. Bye bye. Maria: I miss them. It's been several months since we've seen everyone. Noel: Yeah, it's gonna be lots of fun! Maria: Did you keep in touch with Daisuke at all? Noel: Not since I transferred. Maria: Really? You were such good buddies before. Page 157 Noel(thinking): That's true. It was about the same feeling Sasa and I have now. I was always hanging out with Daisuke... After I transferred, for various reasons I didn't see them. When I see him tommorrow, I'll apologize.. Page 158 Karin: It's really been a while. You could have called, you know. Maria: Sorry about that. The two of you are looking fine. Noel: Daisuke, have you gotten taller? Daisuke: Yes, a little. Noel, have you gotten shorter? Noel: I'm short anyway... Daisuke: Oh, sorry. I was just joking. So, when are you coming back to our school? (Blank stare from the twins) Page 159 Maria: No.. we aren't planning to come back. Daisuke: What!? But Noel said so. "I'll get Maria back for sure. Then I'll return right away." Maria: You told them that. Noel: Uh..yes, that was my intention. But now I can't return... Maria: Noel got a girlfriend that he's being lovey-dovey with. He doesn't want to leave her. Noel: Hey... You're the one getting real lovey-dovey with your boyfriend. Maria: No, you're the one... Noel: No, I haven't yet... Page 160 Yo: Sorry for running late... Noel: Oh, Yo and Hachi! How are you doing? (The twins and new arrivals go off chatting in the distance) Karin: You're in love with Maria, aren't you, Daisuke? Daisuke: And Karin you're in love with Noel... Daisuke: Damn. Getting lovey-dovey with her boyfriend. Ugh... so depressing... Karin: This isn't a time to be depressed. I'm not gonna give up for sure. Page 161 Noel was really tense. He's not in love yet. The love life is far away from him. But he's quite cute and I like him. So I was going to wait until he woke up to liking me. I won't let another girl take him. I'm not gonna step aside. For sure! Jump to Nagano! (A Mint special story) Page 164 Maria: This time's a special ocassion! Noel: This is an observation report from the Olympics! I love the Olympics! I'm so happy they're being held in Japan. Maria: What can we see today? Sasa: The pairs short program in figure skating. The lifts and spins are set in advance. They'll combine it with their skate technique. In the short program, they'll get scored for their expression. Then in the freestyle, they'll get scored for their artistic talent. Then they'll get all those scores together, and decide on the rankings. Maria, Miyu & Noel: That's wonderful, Sasa. You know lots of stuff. Arrows to the 3 of them: Clueless. Sasa:...........(You should look it up.) Page 165 This pair from Russia placed 1st in the short program. Oksana Kazakova and Artur Dimitriev. Miyu: Usually the woman can't take her eyes off the man, but I think this pair is separate. With another partner, Dimitriev won the gold medal at Albertville and the silver medal at Lillehamer. Just like I thought, they were lovely! In freestyle, this pair won the gold medal too. This pair is also from Russia. They made 3rd place. Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze. Maria: The shorter one of this pair, Elena, is a really pretty girl. They're partners in love at 21 and 20, too! In freestyle, they won the silver medal! They landed the triple jump perfectly!! Anton can't drive, though. Page 166 After that, it was men's ice hockey. Japan vs. France! At 7:36 Japan scored its first goal! Sasa & Noel: Yay! For the next 14:42, the score was tied. Sasa & Noel: Yawn.. But right then, Japan scored its second goal!! Sasa & Noel: Yay! Right after the scond period started, France tied the score again. After that, the balance held for a long time. Noel: But France looks like they're much better than Japan... They're always hitting their passes and stuff. Miyu: Their goalkeeper is big. He's a man and a half all by himself. Sasa: But after all this time, the score's still tied. Japan's really doing great. I wonder when this standoff will end... Page 167 The standoff ended three minutes later, when France scored its third goal! Japan was in BIG TROUBLE!! Right after that, France commited a foul, and one of their players entered the penalty box. A 5 on 4 power play is an adavatage. In this situation, Japan took a timeout. There wasn't much time left. With this chance to live, Japan came up with a daring plan!! Maria: What the? Japan has no goalkeeper... and 6 forwards!? Who's gonna protect the goal when there's a full-scale attack!? Sasa: The fight's begun! But France protected their goal really well! Then they took the puck, and scored their 4th goal on Japan's empty net! And another goal after that! In the end Japan lost 5-2, but it was a great game. Noel: That was lots of fun! Maria: Oh, it's a printclub! The snowlets version! Maria & Noel (in the printclub): Yippee! Miyu: Want a photo, Sasa? Sasa: I don't want one. (In a printclub, I was weak with a guy...) Page 168 Sasa: So shall we go? Noel: Huh, that's it? Let's go see more!! Like the jumping or speed skating. Maria: We can't, we've got school. But worse than that, we don't have any more tickets. Noel: Tickets... We can buy from the ticket scalpers______ Maria & Sasa: Stop that. Sign: I buy tickets to upcoming events. Guy: Tickets, tickets. There's lots of foreigners. I wonder why there aren't any Japanese. Noel: No way, I want to see more. Sasa: Just bear watching it on TV! Miyu: Miyu here! Did you have fun? See you again in Mintna Bokura volume 3.